Into Unscientific

Chapter 389

Chapter 388 – The End Is Just The Beginning (Why Does This Title Feel Big

The end of Chapter 388 is just the beginning (Why does this title feel like the finale)


Following Zhang Rui said the word ‘a chick’ in a serious manner.

The scene of the press conference, where there were still some low voices of conversation, suddenly fell silent.

After a while.

There was a sudden sound in the venue.

Huge roar of laughter.

These experienced media people who are used to seeing big scenes, almost no one can keep calm at this time.

They either had a belly laugh.

Or hammer the table madly.

Someone even blew a whistle in an extremely detached manner.

The entire conference room seemed to have arrived at Kun Kun’s rap concert from the serious press conference in an instant, and the stage was short of throwing lipstick to the audience.

Compared with these media people, the reaction from the outside world is much more fanatical.

If viewed from the perspective of God.

You will find that within a few seconds after Zhang Rui finished speaking.

In the living quarters of all colleges and universities in China, there are almost one, two or even more dormitory buildings that exclaim at the same time:

“Damn it!!”

As for the live broadcast rooms of major platforms.

Naturally, it is also filled with various joyful bullet screens:


【I laughed so hard, hahahahahahahahaha】

【Is this the death of the society? 】

【What evidence does this represent? Why can’t the relationship with T happen? 】

【Upstairs, can you still get pregnant while wearing a T】

【Is it okay to pour it after shooting? 】

【I wonder if there is a possibility that after the death of the society, Dr. Xu devoted himself to scientific research and developed the technology of interstellar immigration within ten years and left the earth quickly】

at the same time.

The large screen at the scene has also changed:

I saw that the inspection report that originally occupied the entire screen shrank to the left, and the other half of the screen that was vacated suddenly locked.

Xu Yun on the seat.

Then the director zoomed in on the screen a little more, expressing his desire to put the camera into Xu Yun’s mouth in the language of the lens.

Even Tian Liangwei, Lu Chaoyang and Gu Qunqing beside Xu Yun lowered their heads, covered their mouths with their hands, and kept shaking their shoulders.

Looking at the joyful people on the side and in the audience, a sentence suddenly appeared in Xu Yun’s mind:

【The joys and sorrows of people are not connected, I just think they are noisy】.

Not long ago.

With the cooperation of various departments.

UST already has a large amount of evidence to prove Xu Yun’s innocence, and can hold a press conference at any time.

However, although these evidences are sufficient, there is still a lot of distance from “completely hammered to death”.

After all, these videos, surveillance, and ID card verifications all have some room for refutation, and the Internet explosion party itself will not tell you any real logic.

So the University of Science and Technology still needs a piece of evidence that does not have subjective emotions and can make a final decision.

The biological test report is obviously a very qualified choice.

Students who were prokaryotes in their previous life should know it.

Prokaryotes have three rRNAs, 16S, 23S and 5S, all of which exist in the 30S rRNA precursor.

After transcription is complete.

Under the catalysis of RNaseⅢ, the rRNA precursor is cut to produce the intermediate precursors of 16S, 25S and 5S rRNA.

Further under the action of nuclease,

Cut off part of the spacer sequence to produce mature 16S, 23S and 5S rRNA, as well as mature tRNA.

Here S is the sedimentation coefficient. When the sedimentation velocity of a particle is measured by ultracentrifugation, the velocity is proportional to the size and diameter of the particle.

5S contains 120 nucleotides, 16S contains 1540 nucleotides, and 23S contains 2900 nucleotides.

The full name of 16SrRNA is 16S ribosomal RNA, which is a component of the 30S subunit in the ribosome of prokaryotic organisms, with a length of about 1542nt.

The 16S rRNA sequences among species have both hypervariable regions and conserved regions, which are arranged alternately. The prokaryotic 16S rRNA sequences contain 9 hypervariable regions.

Among them, the V4-V5 region has good specificity and complete database information, which is the best choice for bacterial diversity analysis and annotation.

The conserved sequence region reflects the relationship between biological species, while the variable sequence region can reflect the differences between species.

Therefore, 16SrDNA is also known as the most useful and commonly used molecular clock in the study of bacterial taxonomy.

In fact, at the beginning, HKUST did not consider detecting Xu Yun’s sexual area.

Because although the accuracy of this kind of community detection is very high, its detection direction is very narrow:

It can only detect whether a male is a chick.

Sometimes after kissing with a girlfriend, the man will carry some female-specific bacteria in his body, which will appear in the prostate area through the human body circulation.

Even some boys were kissed by their mother, sister or other relatives when they were young, and then wiped the kissed area, and put their fingers in their mouths after a while, so it is possible to carry those bacteria, but the probability is relatively high Just low.

So at that time, Tian Liangwei just started from the perspective of brainstorming, and asked Xu Yun casually.

The result was unexpected.

Xu Yun really meets this standard.

In the previous life, Xu Yun found a girlfriend during the exchange student period, and also did some embarrassing things.

However, in this life, because he was admitted to the juvenile class ahead of time, coupled with the mystery of the halo space, Xu Yun has never considered solving personal emotional problems.

So Science and Technology naturally pushed the boat along the way and came up with such an official certification for Xu Yun.

In front of this inspection report.

Even the Weibo platform, which was originally one-sided, now has a bunch of comments such as “can’t hold back”.

No matter how vexatious the demonic party is, they are now speechless.

all in all.

With such a big killer, the rest of the things couldn’t be simpler.

Zhang Rui falsified the spliced chat records released by “Who Can Save Me From The Claws” by means of frame division, and then returned the podium to Shen Jianze, and ran aside to laugh.


After coming to the podium.

Shen Jianze glanced at the media people under the stage, his expression was serious, he coughed lightly, and asked:

“Okay, everyone, please be quiet first.”

“At present, the public opinion conference held by our school has released all the evidence. Is there any reporter friend who has other questions?”

“If you have any doubts, please ask questions on the spot.”

His answer was silence.

See this scenario.

Sitting next to Xu Yun, Gu Qunqing, who had just put away her smile, couldn’t help showing a trace of emotion in her eyes.

This is the real death and survival

Looking at all of Huaxia’s press conferences, there may not be any that are as exciting and convincing as today.

This is a press conference that is enough to be recorded in the annals of relevant fields, and it has truly achieved a perfect rumor refutation.

Well, there is also the perfect social death.

After the major media expressed no doubts.

Shen Jianze officially announced the end of the press conference, and the major platforms also closed the live broadcast room one after another.

Although the press conference is over, its impact has just begun.

“Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong—”

Hearing the news from Xu Yun’s mobile phone, Lu Chaoyang, who returned to the backstage, glanced at him with a smile, and asked jokingly:

“Xiao Xu, how many WeChat messages have you sent?”

Xu Yun turned on the phone screen helplessly at him, curled his lips:

“Professor Lu, you might not believe it. When that essay was first published, there were not as many people looking for me on WeChat as there are today.”

Lu Chaoyang was silent for a moment, then patted his shoulder with puffed cheeks.

As Xu Yun said.

After returning to the background.

As soon as he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he saw a prompt on the screen that made his heart twitch:

There are 377 unread messages on WeChat.

To know.

Xu Yun set the do-not-disturb mode for the group chat, that is, the group chat content will only see the red dot of unread messages, but the number of unread messages will not be displayed.

In other words.

These 377 messages are all from WeChat friends.

Obviously there is no possibility of escaping, Xu Yun can only bite the bullet and open WeChat, and read one by one.

It’s easier to talk about WeChat with mediocre relationships or those of the opposite sex. Basically, they are just congratulations for clearing up grievances.

No matter what they feel in their hearts, at least they won’t say it out loud.

But Xu Yun’s old acquaintances were not so easy to pass.

The better the relationship, the more ruthless the ridicule will be at this time.

[Qiu Sheng]: [Hello, Brother Xiaoniao, goodbye, Brother Xiaoniao. 】

[Zhang Heguang]: [Son zei, I have a friend who lives in seclusion, the owner of the little bar, do you want to introduce it to you]

【Mom】:【(Big Goose Hilarious Picture with Head Up)】

[Lao Su]: [Xiao Xu, is there no brothel in this era? 】

【High school deskmate-Zheng Lei】:【(Baby photo) Lao Xu, my daughter is about to turn two years old, there is no other meaning, just to tell you, hahahahahaha】

Xu Yun: “.”

Then he shook his head and opened Weibo again.

as predicted.

The topic of #徐云#, which was pushed out of the top ten because of the high popularity of #科大会议#, has reached the top of the hot search list again at this time.

The main topic of the square comes from Tuantuan, and the title and content are relatively objective:

【A press conference that is enough to be recorded in history, the truth is announced, and public opinion is reversed! 】

Weibo is attached with a seven-minute summary of content.

But the ‘real-time’ column outside the main topic—that is, the comment area that mainly displays the dynamics of passers-by, is very happy at this time.

A lot of mixed meat and vegetables filled it, like a carnival.

Xu Yun glanced over, almost all of them were 140. That is, “hahaha” which is the upper limit of the number of words in a single Weibo.

Those old scumbags on the Internet are not like Xu Yun’s WeChat friends, they are all laughing and unscrupulous.

Of course.

These remarks are not very malicious. After all, there are many young birds at the age of 24. If they are 42 years old, it may be more complicated.

However, in the eyes of Xu Yun, these comments are still a bit subtle.

Then he looked at his Weibo and found that the number of fans had unexpectedly increased by about 20,000.

Although the number of fans on Weibo is a bit fake, but without buying fans, an increase of 20,000 fans is actually quite impressive.

Think here.

Xu Yun suddenly realized something. He blinked, turned his head and said to Gu Qunqing who was beside him:

“Aaron, how are sales of our product doing?”

Gu Qunqing shook the phone at him when he heard the words, and he could see an interface that just hung up the phone:

“The good news is that the sales of the products have gradually started to pick up after Director Yang, who is responsible for the harmless animals in Shanghai, made a speech.”

“Then after the release of the HKUST library video and Hina. Keke, physical examination documents, the increase in sales has increased again.”

“In addition, many negative reviews of returned products have also been deleted, and about 30% of customers placed new orders.”

“It is expected that by tonight, the sales volume will reach 25% of the first day of the price war.”

“But overall, it may take some time for sales to return to the peak of the price war.”

Xu Yun nodded clearly.

Although his mentality was a little subtle at this time, his thinking remained in a relatively sober state.

As the saying goes.

It hurts the muscles and bones for a hundred days.

The sales of products that have fallen due to the Internet explosion before can never be completely brought back by a press conference.

After all, public opinion and commodities are completely different things.

The former only needs to talk, but the latter costs money.

Many of the current online shopping behaviors are impulsive consumption. At the beginning, they chose to return the goods because of Xu Yun’s black material. Now that the events are reversed, they may not necessarily ignite the desire to buy again.

From the perspective of most passers-by.

Although the reversal of the press conference was wonderful, the height involved in the whole thing was relatively limited, and it was not enough to mobilize their buying emotions.

Or to be precise, there are only two types of market sentiment that can be divided into current business competition:

Ordinary commercial disputes.

Or business competition involving patriotic feelings.

Although the University of Science and Technology knows who the mastermind behind this incident is, there is no way to say such words without clear evidence.

So the current definition of Xu Yun’s case is more than the former, but not the latter.

In the eyes of the public, this incident is just a slightly special commercial dispute.

If emotions cannot be mobilized, purchasing power will naturally be the same.

The best example is the round of hacker attack and defense on the day of the launch of “One Mantis”:

When the news does not involve foreign hackers, the product sales trend is relatively ordinary, neither fast nor slow.

But after social media broke out that there was a shadow of a foreign company behind Neon, the patriotic sentiment of consumers was immediately mobilized, which directly led to a surge in product sales.

There are many similar cases in reality, such as a certain type of kitchen knife.

The rhythm of the kitchen knife was not very big at the beginning. It was just that a certain consumer wanted a refund for the kitchen knife that was damaged. The customer service replied that our kitchen knife cannot be used in this way.

Although this remark aroused the displeasure of many people, the “crusade” still only stays on the text side.

The core reason for the outbreak of the incident was the words of its brand manager:

【Michelin chefs always cut like this, the Chinese people’s cutting method is wrong】

This video instantly ignited the national complex of a large number of netizens, so this emotion was directly fed back to the product side:

The monthly sales of this brand of kitchen knives have been cut in half, and the sales of domestically produced Wangmazi kitchen knives have increased significantly.

Xu Yun is currently experiencing the same thing—the public opinion is very lively, but when it comes to money, it is not enough to convert the public opinion into sales.


The product can recover to 80% of the original daily sales within a week, Xu Yun can be thankful.

To put it bluntly, it is.

The purpose of the press conference on the commodity side is only to revive “a mantis destroyer”, not to blow it up again.

after all

The real purpose of the entire press conference is not to make the product explode, but to.

Bring out some nasty tumors, then wipe them out!

(end of this chapter)

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