Into Unscientific

Chapter 390

Chapter 389 – The Great Reckoning Begins!

Chapter 389 The Great Reckoning Begins!

Two hours after the press conference.

Guangdong Province thousands of kilometers away.


In a commercial house in a medium-sized community. .


Looking at the pile of comments spraying back on her at the bottom of her Weibo, Ding Xiaxia frantically rubbed her messy hair:

“Fucking shit, can this tm be flipped?”

Ding Xiaxia.

Female, 29 years old this year.

Graduated from an ordinary domestic undergraduate majoring in personnel, and worked as a hr in an insurance company for a year after graduation.

Finally, I chose to resign because of income and personality reasons.

Ding Xiaxia was just in the early stage of the development of the domestic VLOG industry before and after her resignation, so she did not hesitate to join the wave of Internet bloggers.

Yet well known.

Even in the early stages of the development of the VLOG and small video industries, it is not so easy to get ahead.

Although it is true that many people have become pigs on the wind, more people have been swallowed by the waves without leaving their bones.

Ding Xiaxia, who has no special features and average appearance, is one of those bones.

She has tried many types of funny bloggers, micro-businesses, movie commentaries, etc., and even spent thousands of dollars to go out and play, trying to gather fans as a travel blogger.

However, after several years of busy work, I hardly made much money, and even owed more than 80,000 yuan in online loans.

Seeing that her girlfriend was getting more and more decadent, the boyfriend Ding Xiaxia was dating at the time persuaded her out of concern, hoping that she could find a safe job and support herself first.

But at that time, Ding Xiaxia didn’t listen to such advice at all, and even thought that her boyfriend looked down on her.

In addition, she happened to be doing a marketing account explaining domestic high-end hotels at the time, and she could see a lot of videos about top hotels such as Peninsula, Waldorf Astoria, W, and Ritz-Carlton every day.

Seeing the high-quality life of those video bloggers, Ding Xiaxia’s thoughts became more and more extreme.

So she and her boyfriend broke out in a violent quarrel, and the two eventually broke up.

The night we broke up.

Ding Xiaxia couldn’t help complaining about this incident on Weibo, and magnified a lot about her boyfriend’s inconsiderate boyfriend, ordinary family background, and ordinary income from her perspective.

be honest.

Ding Xiaxia’s complaints at the time were not so much to discredit her boyfriend, but rather to magnify some of her shortcomings after falling into a dead corner of thinking-people on Weibo don’t know who her boyfriend is, and they really want a black circle of friends Obviously a more suitable place.

So Ding Xiaxia’s psychology at the time was more biased towards ‘wronged’ brain compensation, rather than deliberately being black.

The result was unexpected.

Because of a certain keyword, this microblog entered the main topic of the plaza by coincidence, and got a huge wave of traffic exposure.

At that time, there were only more than 200 fans under the account, and there were more than 5,000 comments overnight.

This Weibo has become a temporary base for emotional exchanges. The first comments and the sub-floors are almost all complaints from girls who have been emotionally hurt, plus comfort to Ding Xiaxia.

At the same time, Ding Xiaxia was even more surprised.

Because the concept of the tipping function has not been closed or has never been closed before.

Ding Xiaxia’s account received more than 900 yuan in support in less than 24 hours.

That’s almost as much money as she makes as a vlogger.

Ding Xiaxia realized the potential value of the same sex—that is, the female group, and immediately made a decision that she thought was the most correct so far:

Transformed from a short video platform to text social media, and started to be an emotional blogger.


At the beginning, Ding Xiaxia was relatively restrained.

Her articles and Weibo are mainly about emotional counseling, relatively neutral, and have no obvious gender orientation.

However, as she was writing, she suddenly discovered.

Mild content nobody reads.

Because the Internet has developed to the present, ordinary emotional guidance content has long been rotten on the street, and hundreds of thousands of pages of related articles can be found by typing a few words.

Ding Xiaxia is not Neptune and the second generation is not rich, who will read the written emotional guidance?


Ding Xiaxia’s content gradually shifted and became more aggressive.

This kind of sharp writing quickly attracted some female accounts with the same sharp personality, and the microblog [Flowers of the Yangtze River] gradually began to gain fans.

Although Ding Xiaxia’s 1.2 million fans have no reputation on Weibo compared to artists who have tens of millions of fans.

But in terms of fan activity, Ding Xiaxia can even compete with 8 million traffic.

At the same time, as her fan base increased, she gradually became eligible to touch something below the surface of the water.

Ding Xiaxia remembered it very clearly.

It was on a certain day in 2019 that a case of a male beheading two female students occurred somewhere in China, resulting in one death and one injury.

The popularity of the case exploded very quickly, and Ding Xiaxia naturally posted a Weibo to express his thoughts.

be honest.

This kind of case is indeed infuriating. It is understandable for women to insult the murderer out of the principle of empathy. There is nothing to say about the whole matter.

But not long after sending Weibo.

Ding Xiaxia’s business WeChat suddenly received a friend request.

Ding Xiaxia didn’t pay much attention at first, after all, single female bloggers like her with many fans are still very popular on the business side.

At an average interval of a few days, manufacturers of lipstick, makeup remover, facial mask, vibrator, etc. will approach her to advertise.

So after agreeing to the friend application.

Ding Xiaxia didn’t even say hello, and skillfully sent a price list of her own cooperation, waiting for the other party’s reply.

However, to her surprise, .

The other party stated that they did not plan to advertise cosmetics or women’s personal products, but wanted her to.

Post an article.

The account that claimed to be an agent of a certain foreign ngo soon sent a part of the content of the article, which was impressively related to the hacking case.

However, the tone of the entire article is quite extreme. The target of the attack has directly changed from the murderer to the male group, and even vaguely pointed to the official.

Actually, from an inner point of view, Ding Xiaxia doesn’t really want to be involved in this kind of thing.

However, the other party offered a price she could not refuse:

Twenty thousand yuan.

To know.

Even if she took over Estee Lauder’s Double Eleven event, the advertising fee for a Weibo is only about 2,000. (The source of the data is, Weibo’s 5 million single entry is about 1.2, and Douyin’s 5 million is 40,000 to 60,000. I don’t know if you are interested in this kind of unpopular website. I’ve had a lot of them, I’ll post more if I’m interested.)

So in the face of the money offensive, Ding Xiaxia quickly succumbed.

In the end, the number of comments on the Weibo post she sent exceeded 20,000, and the closing stage even attracted official traffic restrictions—after all, not every place is the same as HKUST, and power reduction is the norm for most.

Since then.

Ding Xiaxia was out of control, and frantically started rambling on various topics, enjoying the gender bonus.

Her account may not be known to everyone, but you must be familiar with her original content:

【Leave aside the facts, is there nothing wrong with xxx? 】

after that.

Over time and business expansion.

Ding Xiaxia began to set up a small navy studio, and began to train his deputy.

At the same time, she also relied on the income to buy a house and a car, and even got a marriage certificate with a studio member last year.

Now she and her husband lead a team to “patrol” the Internet every day, and adjust their emotions when encountering gender-related content.

In real life, the couple is extremely loving, and they have even prepared for pregnancy. (For fear of being sprayed with dog blood, explain, there are real cases in reality, a well-known official account blogger has a husband and two sons in reality)

There is a good saying.

Internet explosion is work, life outside the computer is.

As one of the largest related groups at present, Ding Xiaxia’s team is naturally indispensable in this Internet explosion carnival to smear Xu Yun.

At the same time, what the donor’s father gave this time is not just a single Weibo quote, but a well-planned Internet explosion template that includes when and what content to post.

Some of these words, even Ding Xiaxia, an experienced ‘warrior’, have to say admiration.

So during the Internet explosion a few days ago.

Ding Xiaxia once thought that the doctor of the University of Science and Technology named Xu Yun had been hammered to death, and there was no possibility of turning over.

Even during the press conference, when Gu Qunqing and others invited Yang Wenjuan, Shen Jianzhong, and the deputy director from Optoelectronics but a certain idiot author had forgotten his name and was too lazy to look it up to prove to Xu Yun, Ding Xiaxia There are still some ideas to refute.

She is very clear:

For some dazed groups today, as long as there is a slight gap, they will attack the gap one after another.

They are like piranhas.

After gnawing all the meat, he will rush to another prey without looking back, regardless of whether you were pushed into the water or not.

The result was unexpected.

Zhang Rui finally produced evidence that Xu Yun was a fledgling?

Facing this evidence, everything Ding Xiaxia and the others did was useless.


The backlash began.

How ruthless the Internet explosion was at the beginning, how serious the backlash is now.

【Hey, how much did you charge to black Dr. Xu? 】

Deleting this comment skillfully and blocking it, Ding Xiaxia let out another breath of boredom.

at the same time.

Her husband’s voice sounded in her ears:

“Honey, our main account is starting to lose followers.”

“Did you lose your followers?”

Ding Xiaxia frowned when she heard this, her expression gradually became serious:

“How much did you drop?”

“Two hours dropped. About ten thousand.”

Ding Xiaxia’s heart tightened suddenly.

To know.

Although the number of followers on Weibo is fake, its number of followers is very real.

That is to say

The accounts that have been deactivated at this time are all living fans of [Flowers of the Yangtze River].

These people may not want to be affected by the backlash AOE, or they may have noticed that there is a problem with the account. Although most of Ding Xiaxia’s fans are stunned, there are also a small number of normal people who have been misled.

After all, these days, many netizens lack certain judgment on the truth, and Ding Xiaxia’s words are very deceptive every time, some people will fall into her way inadvertently.

Like some celebrity entertainers, many of them have actually revealed some black material before the banned news.

For example, playing big names, pushing and shoving staff, and using ballpoint pens as cigarettes to smoke during interviews.

But under the beautification of the public, this kind of black material often presents another seemingly more peaceful ‘fact’.

So some normal fans were confused.

However, once there is a scandal that cannot be covered, these fans will show correct values, quickly dislike or even dislike.

That is the so-called ‘not so deep’.

In the current Internet, there may not be many such people, but they will not be few either.

So it’s still the same sentence.

Many remarks on the Internet are emotional. We must be vigilant to put an end to certain demonic parties, but don’t label others easily—otherwise, there will be no difference between yourself and the demonic party.

Of course.

For Ding Xiaxia, a ‘fan head’, although these users who have lost fans make her feel distressed, they will not affect her basic board.

At most, the price will be lowered a little next time.

Think here.

Ding Xiaxia breathed a sigh of relief, and prepared to comfort her husband.

However, before she opened her mouth, her husband’s suspicious voice sounded again, and Ding Xiaxia even heard a hint of it.


“Honey, our account has been blocked! The password is locked and we cannot log in!”


Hear this.

Ding Xiaxia turned her head suddenly, not even noticing that the cosmetics on the table were knocked over by her elbow:

“What did you say?!”

Ding Xiaxia’s husband moved away bitterly, revealing a frozen login interface.

Ding Xiaxia’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately, she thought of something again, quickly turned back to her screen, and pressed the refresh button.

After a while.

The Weibo page is refreshed again.

And this time, a prompt box appeared in front of Ding Xiaxia:

【Dear Weibo users, your account has been permanently frozen due to violation of Weibo community laws, please log off immediately. 】

There is also a countdown timer below the prompt box, and the number will decrease by one digit every second:


Ding Xiaxia stared blankly at the screen in front of him, with a trace of bewilderment in astonishment:

“What’s going on here?”

She was answered by silence.

Just when Ding Xiaxia and his wife didn’t know what happened.

Boom boom boom—

Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the house.

Ding Xiaxia subconsciously turned to look at her husband, thought for a moment, and said:

“Husband, please contact the studio and ask about their situation. I’ll go and see who is knocking on the door.”

Ding Xiaxia’s husband nodded:

“it is good.”

Seeing this, Ding Xiaxia stood up, stepped on her slippers and walked towards the door.

Mentioned earlier.

The community Ding Xiaxia lives in is a middle-end residential area, and the house price is close to 30,000 per square meter.

Although takeaway or courier is allowed to enter, the delivery staff must first contact the head of the household through a videophone at the security booth before being allowed to enter.

So this kind of knocking on the door without prior contact is relatively rare on weekdays.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the neighbors?

Then Ding Xiaxia looked outside the door through the cat’s eyes, and found a middle-aged man who was a bit bald standing outside the door.

This person Ding Xiaxia knew. He was the director of the business committee of their community. He managed the parking space for Ding Xiaxia’s family.

With an acquaintance outside the door, Ding Xiaxia’s vigilance is not so heavy.

So she opened the doorknob and said at the same time:

“Director Ye, what do you have?”

The words are not finished.

In the blind spot beside the middle-aged man Xieding, several men in police uniforms sprang out.

Headed by a big man with a Chinese character face, sword eyebrows are straight, a righteous face, and some fine pinholes on his arms.

He took out a piece of A4-sized white paper from his body, with Ding Xiaxia’s ID photo imprinted on the upper right corner, and a red seal on the lower right corner.

“Ms. Ding Xiaxia, my name is Lin Ziming. Your husband and wife are suspected of colluding with foreign forces to spread illegal speeches and endanger the safety of public opinion. This is the detention notice. Please come with me.”

(end of this chapter)

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