Into Unscientific

Chapter 392

Chapter 391 – It’S All Business

Chapter 391 is all business


What happened to Meng Liang and his son is not an isolated case.

At the same time, in various parts of China, some people received similar notices.

after all

It wasn’t just the University of Science and Technology, let alone the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who organized this counterattack, but some big figures at a higher level.

Even Hou Xingyuan is just a messenger.

Half a day later.


Information Security Technology Department.

As a sub-department of the GA agency that has repeatedly participated in key tasks such as the security review of the Cyberspace Administration of China, personal information security protection, and data security protection, the Information Security Technology Department is not actually a mystery.

Like most of the government agencies in the capital, it is located in the area of East Chang’an Avenue, and has an external reception window on the first floor.

At the same time, due to the height limit around the Forbidden City in Yanjing, the building of the Information Security Technology Department looks like it has only four floors.

It’s just such a square building, but it bears the important mission of China’s network security center.

Students who have sneaked into the information security technology department should know it.

Currently, the 11th Bureau of Network Security, the 12th Bureau of Network Supervision, the 13th Bureau of Mobile Technology, the 24th Bureau of Information and Communication, and some secret service agencies all work in this building.

Information Security Technology Department is said to be a ‘department’, but the actual configuration is a department.

However, the specifications of the director are much higher than that of the director-level leaders of the same level.

Right now.

The fourth floor of Information Security Technology Department.

At that time, Wang Xiong, director of the Information Security Technology Department, was sitting behind his desk, listening to a middle-aged man’s report:

“Director Wang, as of now, our company has locked more than 36 million illegal accounts across the entire network based on user behavior in the ‘Chicken Spreading Wings’ operation.”

“According to portrait analysis, about 20 million accounts belong to foreign robot accounts, mainly distributed in 4V, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia.”

“Of the remaining 16 million accounts, about 10 million are domestic robot accounts, distributed in southern Sichuan, where hydropower is cheap.”

Wang Xiong nodded calmly.

As one of the top leaders of the domestic network security center, the magnitude of some data is no longer worth surprising him.

At present, in addition to WeChat, the mainstream social comment media in Huaxia probably include the following:

Wei-media platforms of Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Tieba, Station B, Douban, Douyin, Kuaishou, Zhihu, Hupu, Penguin, and Baidu browser.

Regardless of the environment, these platforms have more than 100 million real daily activities.

Belongs to a well-deserved first-line platform.

Other watermelon videos and souls belong to the second-tier community.

Until March 2021.

There are 23,000 large and small social platforms in China that can post comments and have more than 1,000 daily active users at the same time.

at the same time.

Currently, there are more than 30 billion registered accounts that can speak on the entire domestic network, although most of them are silent accounts—that is, dead accounts that have never had a speech record.

So a round of screening down.

It is not surprising that nearly 40 million accounts can be screened out.

These 40 million accounts have nothing to do with 40 million people. For example, there may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of robots under a certain studio.

As for the 30 million overseas accounts.

is also an old acquaintance.

From the early days of the development of Huaxia Internet, these acquaintances can be seen everywhere.

On March 3rd and August 15th, 2022, the 4V island-wide power outage without warning. At the same time, the topic of gender debate on Weibo decreased by 74% and 69% respectively compared with the next day, and this matter was also trending on Weibo.

Although there have been no live ammunition wars in China these years, the war of public opinion has never stopped.

So compared to those robot accounts, Wang Xiong cares more about another data:

“Old Chen, that is to say, after deducting the robot accounts, there are still 6 million live accounts?”

Old Chen Wenyan nodded solemnly, and also sighed:

“That’s right, even after merging the accounts under the same ID card, the number is still as high as more than 1.1 million.”

Wang Xiong’s heart sank suddenly.

To know.

The account that Lao Chen can use to report is obviously not the kind of passer-by who was misled and scolded a few times.

As the country’s most important network security center, they have a very complete, mature and accurate identification system.

If it is just the kind of user who usually posts romantic cats and dogs, was misled in the Xu Yun incident and then sprayed a few words, even if it does not post a post to admit its mistakes after the reversal, it will not be classified as an abnormal account.

Although this kind of account may have caused harm to Xu Yun in fact, it was actually deceived—this reason cannot completely clear up the fault, but it is true.

Therefore, this kind of account can be reminded and educated through the station letter, or even banned for a day or two as a small punishment.

But it is also inappropriate to characterize others as violators all at once.

Liquidation must be heavy, but the “heavy” here does not refer to AOE, but to those culprits who must be severely sentenced.

In other words.

The more than 6 million accounts of living people mentioned by Lao Chen, or the more than 1.1 million people behind them, are undoubtedly standard demons.

If you have not participated in more than three types of cyber violence, it is impossible for them to be characterized in this way.

“More than 2.4 million people.”

Wang Xiong’s tone was a bit ethereal, how many people are there in China? How many cities?

There are currently more than 21,000 township-level units in China. On average, there are fifty such people in each town.

Of course.

This is just an analogy. In fact, it cannot be generalized in this way. For example, the population base of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou is equivalent to an unknown number of towns.

But even so, this number is still quite scary.

Compared with those overseas accounts, these talents are a big problem.

Just like I said before when talking about traffic.

The so-called retweets of over 100 million and comments of over one million by those traffic niches are nothing, no matter how many posts, it is fake.

The scariest thing about traffic niches is that they have a lot of real fans.

You think they are swiping data, but in fact quite a few of them are living people.

This is the scariest, creepiest place.

Traffic stars are like this, so is the situation that Wang Xiong and the others are facing at this time.

Robot account let alone 30 million, even if it is 300 million, at worst it will be closed.

But with more than one million real people, the harm is not comparable to that of robots.

Think here.

Wang Xiong felt lucky again.

If it weren’t for this fishing, I don’t know how many people would still be hiding under the water.

Then he raised his head and asked Old Chen:

“Old Chen, are these accounts handled now?”

Old Chen Wenyan nodded:

“All have been banned. In addition, we also interviewed several major platforms and asked them to strengthen account registration review.”

Wang Xiong pondered for a moment, and added:

“Old Chen, please work hard, this matter will be followed up by you personally, and it must be implemented.”

Old Chen has a solemn expression:


The registration review mentioned by Wang Xiong and Lao Chen is just four words, but it is actually very complicated to implement.

for example.

Currently, the registration process of many overseas navy accounts is as follows:

Go to a remote mountain village to collect ID cards, then register a mobile phone number or a virtual number, and then register a platform account.

So in many cases, when individuals are rumored, they will encounter such a thing:

伱 With the assistance of a lawyer, first sued the platform, obtained relevant information about the rumor maker, and prepared to file a lawsuit against him personally.

Take a look at the results.

Good guy, the other party is an 80-year-old lady in a remote mountainous area.

So the whole thing could only come to an abrupt end, and there was no sign of the person who spread the rumor about you.

This is not fiction, but the truth.

The victim is a novelist, the author of “Infinite Horror”.

can be the same.

There are also reasons for social platforms:

People can provide mobile phone numbers to register, how can I stop them?

This should be held accountable. Why can the mobile phone number be successfully registered?

After a fight, the ball was pushed back and forth a few times, but the incident could not be resolved.

So in many cases, it is really not that the supervision department is not strong enough, but that when other parallel departments are involved, there will be almost no satisfactory results unless there is a higher-level coordination and scheduling.

But this time Wang Xiong and the others have Shang Fang’s sword in their hands, so everything is another matter.

Then Wang Xiong thought of something again, and continued to ask:

“By the way, Lao Chen, apart from personal accounts, how are the so-called big Vs doing?”

Old Chen Wenyan turned the document to another page and explained:

“I’m about to report this matter. As of three hours ago, we have banned more than 2,000 authentication accounts across the entire network, and locked more than 600 people.”

“With the assistance of the supervisory department, we have obtained a lot of evidence of their dealings with overseas ngos.”

“It’s just that due to the efficiency of various places and the distance, these more than 600 people have not been fully captured.”

“However, in terms of the current control capabilities in the country, it is only a matter of time before they are brought to justice—now the local police are already monitoring the whereabouts of those people.”

Wang Xiong showed a hint of approval on his face:

“very good.”

Speaking of some extreme accounts, many people may have such a perception:

These accounts are all overseas.

Unfortunately, this cognition is not correct.

Currently, the vast majority of overseas accounts are the robot troll army above, which is the digital component of the topic degree on the right side of the Weibo hot search list.

It is mainly used to increase the number of comments and push the topic to the top.

For example, someone at station b has made some robot fishing videos, if you are interested, you can check it out.

As for Ding Xiaxia’s ‘fanheads’ and ‘big v’s, 95% of them are actually in China.

Otherwise, there is no need for overseas NGOs to spend money to find someone.

Of course.

See here.

Some students may have a question:

Since they are all in the country, why didn’t the relevant departments catch them before?

The answer is still the same sentence, some things need to be regulated.

At present, the definition of public opinion in China is still very vague, and it is very complicated to characterize.

Most of the time, you can only start with the ‘right of reputation’ or ‘right of portrait’, which is the crime of defamation.

If not.

Wang Li and the others will not go to Meng Liang and his son to ask them to appear in court.

And the enforcement agencies have to act according to the law. Without clear laws and regulations, they can’t arrest people based on their personal feelings, right?

So this brings me back to the above topic—the GA agency and the law department are not superior-subordinate. Between parallel departments, it is difficult for you to give orders to others.

The Faculty of Law is also known as the inner ghost cough cough, and the topic is a bit sensitive if you go deeper, so I won’t repeat it here.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

After talking about the progress of the capture.

Old Chen paused again, with an inexplicable expression on his face:

“However, Director, in the process of locking those accounts, we discovered some very interesting things.”

Wang Xiong is interested:

“what’s up?”

Old Chen put a report on the table, gently pushed it towards Wang Xiong, and explained at the same time:

“Of the more than 400 people who have been brought to the case so far, more than 55% are men, but they just pretend to be women on the Internet to lead the rhythm.”

“Of the remaining 45% of women, more than 80% are married and have children, and some even have more than one child.”

Wang Xiong was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, such a picture appeared in his mind:

A couple were sitting in front of the computer, the man was typing on the keyboard, and the words he typed were all content like [Sister, you are right] and [This is what we women want].

While feeding the baby, the woman typed comments such as【Marriage is a grave】【Children are a burden】

Half a minute later.

Wang Xiong sighed heavily.

“It’s all business”


Yesterday, I was actually discharged from the hospital, but after observing for a day more, I was revived with full blood, and I will start adding updates tomorrow, but it should not be directly daily, so let’s try 8000 words in two days first.

(end of this chapter)

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