Into Unscientific

Chapter 393

Chapter 392 – Chinese Traditional Arts

Chapter 392 Chinese Traditional Performing Arts

While Lao Chen was reporting the situation to Wang Xiong.

Luzhou thousands of kilometers away.

The meeting room of Huadun Biotechnology headquarters.

Also ushered in a very special meeting.

However, compared to the report of Lao Chen and Wang Xiong, the number of participants in this meeting of Huadun Biotechnology is undoubtedly much larger, and the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

Before the people are fully present.

The entire meeting site was full of cheerful conversations, and some people in a pleasant atmosphere even made appointments for weekend meals and health care.

After all, compared to a few days ago, Huadun Biotechnology has resolved the deadliest crisis now.

The company executives, who had been tense for almost a week, naturally seemed a little relaxed.

Another few minutes passed.

The door of the meeting room opened.

Xu Yun, Gu Qunqing, Tian Liangwei, Zheng Zu and many other top personnel of the company walked in from outside the door one after another.

Among the group, Xu Yun walked at the front, and Gu Qunqing and others followed behind him.

In fact, from the perspective of teacher-student relationship.

As Tian Liangwei’s student, Xu Yun should follow behind his teacher.

But the current occasion is within the company, not a school.

And considering that Xu Yun has just passed the turmoil at this time, he needs to establish a more dignified image.

Tian Liangwei offered to let Xu Yun take the lead.

Anyway, Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei have known each other for not a year or two, so this is not a big deal.

After coming to the front of the conference room, everyone sat down one by one.

After a while.


Without anyone organizing, a round of applause suddenly broke out in the meeting room.

Wait for the applause to rest.

Xu Yun stood up from his seat and bowed to everyone:

“Dear colleagues and elders, thank you for your trust in me during this period, and thank you for your perseverance under pressure.”

“On behalf of myself, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone, thank you!”

The audience once again clapped their hands with dignity.

As Xu Yun said.

In the past few days, the company has been under pressure from the outside world.

Especially the mid-level and high-level women in the company like Zuo Ziyi have been harassed a lot on the Internet.

Sometimes when women scold women, the words are much more intense than ordinary scolding.

In addition, under the organization of some caring people.

Various throwing objects were not uncommon at the entrance of the company, and some people even went to the downstairs of the company to pull banners and turn on loudspeakers to “protest”.

Internal and external difficulties, that’s all.

Several ordinary employees could not bear the pressure and chose to resign a few days ago.

At the same time, in addition to the pressure of public opinion, the company’s prospects are also worrying.

To know.

The means of HKUST press conference are actually highly confidential and have not been disclosed to the company.

Apart from Xu Yun, Gu Qunqing and Tian Liangwei, the only ones who knew the whole thing from the beginning to the end were Zheng Zu, the chairman of HKUST Innovation Fund, and Xiao Rong.

Others like Zuo Ziyi, assistant Tang Li, and lawyer Huang from the legal department all didn’t understand a single word.

in this case.

People still did not choose to leave the company, whether they were out of wait-and-see, trust, or the mentality that they would not be able to find another home for a while.

In short, in the established facts, they did not make a move to jump ship.

So based on this alone, they deserve Xu Yun’s thanks.

After Xu Yun took his seat again.

Gu Qunqing then stood up, looked around, and said to everyone:

“Everyone, everyone must have known the results of the University of Science and Technology press conference, so I won’t talk about the specific process.”

”In a word, the dirty water that was splashed on us has been completely washed away, leaving no stains.”

“But apart from public opinion, we still have a lot of things to rediscuss. The road ahead is so difficult.”

“So I invite everyone to hold this meeting today. The celebration is secondary. The main thing is to discuss how to go next.”

Speaking of which.

Gu Qunqing’s eyes showed a murderous look:

“For example. Settle accounts after autumn.”

“Chairman Zheng, I will trouble you to introduce this part of the situation.”

Zheng Zu on the side nodded when he heard the words, took out a document from the briefcase, and said:

“Everyone, everyone should be aware that the image of our company has been slandered to a great extent in the past few days, and many groups have been deceived.”

“Leaving aside the situation of customers returning and refunding for the time being, this is a normal shopping behavior, and everyone has the right to return.”

“However… some of our upstream suppliers also took the opportunity to make trouble, so we should talk about it.”

As soon as Zheng Zu said this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly sank.

As a high-efficiency insecticidal product, ‘One Mantis Killer’ is naturally the cyclization patent of the fifth-generation imidacloprid.

However, from a production point of view, there are not many upstream material suppliers involved in the entire product.

Such as thickeners that allow products to form lumps.

Another example is bittering agents that prevent pets from eating a large amount by mistake, etc.


There are generally more than 30 kinds of raw materials for the first class of adhesive products, and there are as many as more than 40 kinds of materials such as Baimishi.

Due to the more complicated process of ‘one beetle extermination’, more raw materials are naturally required.

At present, there are more than 70 kinds of raw materials required for “one moth kill”, including but not limited to 2-phenylpyridine, p-toluene boronic acid, p-vinyl phenyl boronic acid, 4-hydroxymethyl phenyl boronic acid, 4-vinyl benzene boric acid etc.

At the same time, due to the different quotations of various manufacturers, these raw materials are distributed to multiple upstream suppliers, rather than an exclusive complete supply.

“As of now, there are a total of 14 upstream suppliers that have signed long-term supply agreements with us.”

Then Zheng Zu handed the document in his hand to a senior manager next to him, and let everyone circulate it in turn:

“During the previous cyberbullying, these suppliers were also ‘coincidentally’ exposed, and specific contact information was attached.”

“So in the face of the pressure of public opinion, 11 companies including Changshu Chemical and Anyang Pesticide sent a unilateral notice of material supply cutoff on the 11th.”

“Now that the turmoil has passed, these suppliers have indicated that they can continue to resume the supply of materials.”

“So one of the purposes of today’s meeting is to ask everyone to express their opinions on how to deal with these suppliers.”

Well known.

It is very easy to register a company these days, and it is also easy to look up company information.

For example, with software such as Qichacha and Tianyancha, you can inquire about the contact information of the person in charge of the enterprise, the company address, and even whether labor arbitration has been performed for a small fee.

So during the previous cyber storm, several upstream suppliers of Huadun Biotech were taken for granted.

A few of them sent inquiry letters, wanting to know the specific situation, but did not express a clear intention to terminate the contract.

But more suppliers chose to cut the mess quickly in order not to be implicated by public opinion.

Things broke out on the 10th, and they sent a contract termination email on the 11th.

After all, although there are relevant contracts signed for this kind of supply chain, due to size issues, the liquidated damages agreed by both parties are generally not very high.

Generally, it is around five thousand to ten thousand, or even one or two thousand.

Turns out what those suppliers didn’t expect was

HKUST fought a brilliant turnaround, and the limelight of public opinion suddenly turned.

Those suppliers’ previous decisive move to cut their seats has become a villain’s backstab in the eyes of public opinion.

Meanwhile predictably.

After passing the current hurdle, although Huadun Biotech still lost some vitality, its potential has not declined much.

In other words.

Huadun Biotech’s future demand for raw materials will increase by a large margin compared to the current one.

This tmd is all about money.

So these companies pretended that nothing happened, and ran back, saying that everything was a misunderstanding, and wanted to get the company’s order again.

“Are there 11 companies?”

Tian Liangwei touched his chin and thought for a while, then said:

“Chairman Zheng, if we all refuse to reconcile, will it have any impact on the company’s development?”

Zheng Zu hesitated for a moment, then said after deliberation:

“The impact, to be honest, there must be some – we want to discuss the specific impact of a matter, which can basically be analyzed from two perspectives: public opinion and business.”

“Public opinion is definitely on our side now. Even if the reconciliation is refused, public opinion will only think that those suppliers deserve it.”

“As for business. These materials are not uncommon, and you can find them in alternative merchants, but the cost will definitely increase.”

“After all, it is not an exclusive supply that has signed a cooperation agreement, and it is impossible for an alternative merchant to offer an agreed price.”

Tian Liangwei nodded thoughtfully.

In the production process of Xianxia products, the comprehensive cost has always been a relatively complicated area.

It not only takes into account the wholesale price of the item, but also takes into account logistics, time costs and so on.

Some merchants may quote very low wholesale prices, but they are far away from Luzhou, and the time and logistics costs are relatively high.

There are also some that are closer, but the wholesale price is higher, etc.

Therefore, if you want to choose a suitable partner, there are indeed many links that need to be considered.

The suppliers selected by Huadun Biotechnology are the companies with the most suitable overall cost.

Therefore, if you choose to terminate the contract with them, the cost of the product may increase more or less.

Think here.

Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing looked at each other and asked:

“Chairman Zheng, if we re-select suppliers, how long will it take?”

“Also. How much money do you have to lose?”

Zheng Zu has obviously made relevant preparations, and he helped the glasses frame:

“Dr. Xu, the process of signing the agreement is very complicated, and it will take about a month at the fastest. Before that, we can only use the normal wholesale channels for emergency response.”

“Another point to consider is that even if we choose a new partner, the other party may have a premium over the original.”

“After all, from the perspective of business behavior, we are the prey that is delivered to the door, and we will definitely be slaughtered.”

“According to our simple estimate, if we change suppliers, and if the contract is signed every two years, we will spend an additional 800,000 in production costs within two years.”

As Zheng Zu said.

Although Huadun Biotech is the first party, considering the location of Luzhou, the number of qualified enterprises is actually relatively limited.

In addition, everyone knows that Huadun Biotech is eager to sign a long-term supply contract, so the advantages of Party A may not be reflected.

Zheng Zu’s meaning between the lines is obvious, that is, he is inclined to continue to cooperate with those suppliers.

After all, there is no absolute enemy in the market, but there are eternal interests.

From the perspective of Zheng Zu’s businessman thinking.

The best way right now is for everyone to pretend that the previous thing never happened, and then re-sign the supply agreement.

From the perspective of interests, this is indeed the most suitable choice.


For Xu Yun, this approach is not so cool.

It’s okay to be aggrieved, after all, this matter is not serious enough to involve dignity.

But there must be more or less diaphragmatic response.


Xu Yun suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, he raised his head and asked Zheng Zu:

“Then Chairman Zheng, I have an idea”

“What if we build our own factory and get the raw materials in our hands? What do you think of this plan?”

Zheng Zu was originally thinking about how to persuade Xu Yun to put interests first, but he was taken aback when he heard this:


Seeing that Zheng Zu was a little confused, Xu Yun held his fingers and said:

“Chairman Zheng, didn’t you just say that if we sign a two-year contract, the additional premium for materials will be around 800,000?”

“In addition, although the prices of the contracts we signed with those suppliers are lower, there is also some room for profit—otherwise the suppliers will be working for nothing.”

“In this case, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again in the future, why don’t we just build a factory by ourselves and cover all the up and down processes?”

Although Xu Yun’s idea was a temporary idea, the more he talked about it, the more he felt it was feasible.

After all, the high-tech zone in Luzhou has just started bidding. With the relationship with the University of Science and Technology here, the price of the land is destined not to be very expensive.

After all, those raw materials and imidacloprid production requirements are two different things. There is no need to consider a series of complex and precise conditions such as the ccie of the imidacloprid plant is less than 4%, HVAC vertical laminar flow, and the response time of sterilization SIP.

The requirements for these materials are quite low, which is a bit more difficult than flour.

To put it bluntly.

P-vinylphenylboronic acid and 4-hydroxymethylphenylboronic acid can be produced in village-level factories.

Think here.

Zheng Zu couldn’t help looking at another person, that is, Qian Guanglin, the director of the factory sitting in the middle:

“Director Qian, what do you think?”

Qian Guanglin’s expression at this time is still a little restrained. After all, compared with the decision-makers on the scene, he is more inclined to be a doer.

I saw him thinking for a moment, then slowly said:

“.Chairman Zheng, the current industrial preparation method of p-vinylphenylboronic acid is mainly through the preparation of 4-vinylphenyl magnesium chloride solution and trimethyl borate solution, and the finished product can be produced by decanting twice.”

“The open quotation for the required equipment is only more than 20,000 sets. If you go wholesale, you can get it for about 15,000.”

“And p-vinylphenylboronic acid is basically the material with the highest equipment cost in the whole process”

Qian Guanglin did not express whether he supported Xu Yun’s idea, but what he said was clearly in line.

At present, the product cost of Huadun Biotech is about 6.5 per tube, and the daily production capacity can reach 40,000 tubes under overtime conditions.

Not including cyclization and packaging, the cost of a single piece of pure material is about two yuan.

The profit margin of those suppliers is calculated according to 20%, one piece costs about 40 cents, and 40,000 pieces is 16,000—but in fact, the profit margin of the supplier is even higher.

For example, bittering agents, the profit is generally more than 60%.

A supply contract with an agreed price is usually signed every two years, and here is an expenditure of several million.

And if you build your own factory.

At least in terms of input, it is obviously lower than the supplier’s profit.

It’s just that under normal circumstances, very few manufacturers have completed the upstream supply chain—this part is generally the private land of the procurement department, and various tricky behaviors often occur.

But Xu Yun was inexplicably afraid of this wave of experience not long ago, which made him subconsciously worried:

It’s easy to change suppliers, and it’s okay to give this part of the profits to others. After all, we now pay attention to an integrated model in which upstream and downstream drive each other.

But the question is what if this happens again in the future?

Who can guarantee that the new supplier will not reproduce this outage?

Since there are risks, it is natural to eliminate the risks.

This is also the old traditional art of rabbits.

Having a tail in someone else’s hands is always a bit uncomfortable.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun turned his head and whispered to Tian Liangwei and Gu Qunqing, and said to everyone:

“Since this is the case, everyone might as well vote to decide. After all, it involves future strategy issues.”

Although according to the original AB share agreement, Xu Yun currently has a well-deserved decision-making power in the board of directors.

But as the saying goes, listening and listening means that in situations where life and death are not at stake, he is naturally willing to refer to the opinions of the collective.

Decision rights are like nuclear weapons, having and using them are two different things.

Xu Yun doesn’t think he is a talented businessman, and talking all the time is not good for the company.

After Xu Yun spoke.

Tian Liangwei on the side quickly raised his hand:

“I agree.”

Gu Qunqing did not hesitate too much:

“I agree.”


Everyone in the conference room expressed their opinions one after another.

“I have no opinion.”


“I agree.”

At the end.

Zheng Zu thought for a moment, then raised his hand:

“I agree.”

See this scenario.

Xu Yun nodded in satisfaction, turned around and said to Qian Guanglin:

“Since that’s the case, Factory Director Qian, I’ll trouble you to take charge of this matter yourself. For equipment, please contact Hanhua Heavy Industries.”

Qian Guanglin nodded:


Lin Zhenhua’s Hanhua Heavy Industry is currently the only strategic partner of Huadun Biotechnology, and it is also the link where Xu Yun is least worried about problems.

Purchasing equipment from Lin Zhenhua and the others can basically get the lowest price.

After completing this step, Xu Yun couldn’t help but let out a soft breath.

Finally has the ability to self-produce and sell

Then he looked at Gu Qunqing again, and cast a look at him.

Gu Qunqing understood immediately, and said:

“OK, let’s come to an end about the supplier. The next question we want to discuss is.”

“Product follow-up sales plan.”


I haven’t used the keyboard for four days, and my hand speed is really slow. I’m short of hundreds of words today, and I’ll make up for it tomorrow.

The new dungeon is about to open. The old rules are to guess the characters and add updates. This time it should be quite simple. If you guess correctly, add two chapters.

Recommend a book by a big guy, Guan Gongzi’s “Wait for a Woman”. It is also a veteran author. If you are interested, you can read it

(end of this chapter)

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