Into Unscientific

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Murder And Arson…

Chapter 6 Murder and Arson.

In 2022—or simply say the first decade or so of the 21st century, the UK at the end of October is definitely not hot, but it can’t be considered particularly cold either.

After all, the temperate oceanic climate does not change much.

For example, in Woolsthorpe, Newton’s hometown, at the end of October, it is about 9 degrees during the day and 4 degrees Celsius at night on average, and that’s it, no need to wear particularly thick clothes.

But 1665 was different.

This involves a geographical knowledge:

Little Ice Age.

The Little Ice Age, as the name suggests, refers to a relatively cold period, but warmer than the main Great Ice Age that wiped out a lot of animal and plant life.

Every little ice age in history has led to a sharp drop in the earth’s temperature, which has greatly reduced global food production.

This caused violent social turmoil and a sharp drop in population.

The last Little Ice Age was from 1350 to about 1850, in which it was the coldest in the late Ming Dynasty, and the lowest peak was about 4.5 degrees away from the present.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Ming Dynasty will perish, and it is also why many sophisticated time-traveling writers will explain that the end is the most difficult setting to turn around—it is too difficult to fight against the Little Ice Age on your own. Difficult.

The local time point for benchmarking in 1665 was the fourth year of Kangxi, only a little over 20 years before the end of the Ming Dynasty, which coincided with the coldest period of the Little Ice Age.

At the same time, due to the geographical location of the British islands, the temperature changes during the Little Ice Age were actually a little more severe than those in the mainland.

Therefore, the temperature in Woolsthorpe at this time is about 7.5 degrees lower than that of later generations at the same time, and it may be below zero during the day. (Literature reference doi: 10.27307/d.cnki.gsjtu.2018.000319)

Xu Yun’s shoes are the latest Anta low-cut thermal boots, and the thermal effect is many times better than Newton’s own shoes.

Therefore, it is theoretically reasonable for Newton to have this kind of coquettish operation. After all, the character of this patriarch is indeed a bit so.

Of course.


Before he got into a fight with Hooker, Newton was at best a bad boy, not an old man.

Just like Ah Wei was at most a rebellious young man secretly playing games before he met Jie Ge. After meeting Jie Ge, he started another stage of his life.

At this time, Newton’s selfishness is an inevitable character caused by his growth environment, which is somewhat similar to the food protection of wild cat cubs, which can be rescued.

Besides, it can be seen from Newton’s behavior that he only took away his own shoes and didn’t have any hands on his own clothes and pants. This guy is really not the kind of zero-dollar purchase with no bottom line, but he has a closed value:

Things that seem wrong to outsiders are natural to him, so he chose to reach out, and further other actions exceeded the boundaries of his mind, so he chose to stop.

in short.

This is a delinquent with incorrect values, but still has a bottom line.

to teach delinquent boys

Xu Yun is quite experienced.

In his previous life, when he was writing novels, he taught more than 30,000 rare classmates. During his doctoral study in this life, he also served as a class teaching assistant, and he has seen a lot of all kinds of gods and men.

Combined with the knowledge reserve of the counterpart, theoretically there is still a chance to correct Mr. Niu.

Of course.

All these ideas have a premise – to be able to stay with Newton.

While Xu Yun was thinking.

Newton, who had finished explaining the ownership of the ‘fine’, was also looking at the stranger brought back by him, and his brows were furrowed to show that he was in a state of hesitation.

Not so long ago.

After letting Xu Yun feel the weight of knowledge with the books in his hands, Newton gradually calmed down.

Then he carefully observed this stranger, and found that apart from his special appearance, he was very different from ordinary refugees in terms of clothing, skin, and skin plumpness.

Especially the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, the average family probably cannot afford such gold-rimmed auxiliary tools.

In addition, Newton was still a student who had just obtained a bachelor’s degree at this time, and his state of mind was not as complicated as that of an adult. Most of the time, the innocence of a student would be reflected in borrowing money. ‘The cognition of these four words comes from the first sum of money lent to a roommate.

Based on the above reasons, Newton chose to bring Xu Yun back to his home, and after some consideration, he took the pair of shoes on Xu Yun’s feet as his own.

no way.

The Thangka shoes on Newton’s own feet only have a little buckskin added on the side, the other parts are made of rough cotton and linen, and there are even a few pieces of old cloth embedded in them, which is so sour when the wind leaks.

After all, it is one thing to save someone, but it is another thing for the other party to infringe on one’s own rights and pay a fine.

Even if the trouble comes to the county court in Lincolnshire, this matter must be his own.

Then looking at Xu Yun’s bare soles, Newton bent down and took out a pair of slippers with a bunch of patches from the bottom of the storage cabinet.

Then with a snap, he threw it in front of Xu Yun:

“Put on the shoes that were just washed last week, and I have a few questions for you.”

At the end of the seventeenth century, Britain was in the era of the death of Cromwell and the restoration of Charles II, that is, the period of the Stuart dynasty, so the thinking of the whole society was extremely chaotic. become more apparent in the process.

The idea of ”fine” in the “Boolean Regulations” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the following scenes can often be seen:

A respectable man who strayed into someone else’s manor was arrested, and sometimes he might even be beaten up. Then the owner took some valuable items from him and asked him where he came from. Finally, the two hit it off, and at night Just ate at the table—then the item was still not returned.

This stuff is just like the concept of caesarean section on the local side of bound feet and neon in ancient times. It is outrageous, but it is very characteristic of the times.

It is precisely because of this that Newton was able to take Xu Yun’s shoes and communicate with him as if nothing had happened.

The line of sight returns to the house.

Although it was difficult for Xu Yun to understand Newton’s specific thinking, he himself didn’t think the pair of shoes were so important. The height was only 328—especially in front of the patriarch of all physics people, is this a problem?

Therefore, his expression is also very calm, and his mouth is a set of fluent early modern farts:

“Thank you, please feel free to speak.”

Listening to Xu Yun’s standard English, a hint of curiosity finally flashed in Newton’s eyes:

“Introduce yourself, my name is Isaac Newton, how about you?”

Xu Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to say his name.

But at the moment when the name was about to be blurted out, he suddenly thought of the reminder of the mission—although this is a parallel world, there may be some traces that will affect future generations.

If the so-called trace is the name and it happens to bring some other appearance details, there will be some troubles if it is not complete.

At least from the perspective of stability, it is obviously inappropriate to use your real name.

However, the words were about to come out, and there was not much time left for Xu Yun to think, so he could only reflexively replace the name with the deepest impression in his mind:


“Li Feiyu.”

In addition, some students asked what follow-up reading is. Follow-up reading refers to the 24-hour reading volume of the latest chapter, so everyone can read this book when they get up every day or want to enlighten themselves before going to bed.

(end of this chapter)

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