Into Unscientific

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Not An Ideal Start (Part 1)

Chapter 7 is not an ideal start (Part 1)

Because Xu Yun finally spoke standard Chinese, the three words ‘Li Feiyu’ seemed extremely awkward and strange to Newton.

“Donkey fat fish?”

In the room, Newton muttered and repeated the name, then frowned, and asked:

“From your appearance, are you from the East?”

Xu Yun nodded slightly, not surprised by this:

“That’s right, the ancestors came from the East.”

In the long history of civilization in China, the exchanges between the mainland and other countries have almost never been cut off.

For example, the famous Silk Road.

In 119 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian on a mission to the Western Regions, starting from the capital Chang’an, passing through Central Asia and West Asia, and finally arriving in Rome, opening up the Silk Road.

After arriving in Rome, silk was unanimously sought after by Julius Caesar and princes and nobles, and became a symbol of power and status.

Since then, official or non-governmental Asian and European caravans have gradually formed an industrial transportation chain.

The scale of these caravans may not be particularly large, but the frequency is not low at all. There have even been cases where the caravans returned from missions in two dynasties.

Over time, some local businessmen simply settled in Europe.

For example, in the 13th century AD, there was a gathering place of local merchants in Naples, Italy.

At that time, about a hundred Chinese people settled there, and began to reproduce, and finally nearly wiped out in a plague in the 15th century, and there are no more records since then.

Based on the above reasons, although many Europeans have never seen Orientals, the concept of black hair, black eyes, yellow skin=Orientals has spread.

After all, Europe is a small place, unlike the vast territory of the mainland. In the early 1990s, people in some remote areas would regard foreigners as evil spirits.

So Newton knew that Xu Yun was from the East, and it really wasn’t a very strange thing—of course, that’s all he knew about the East.

Newton has absolutely no idea how many countries there are in the remaining East and what dynasty they are now.

It is also because of this.

Newton involuntarily became curious about Xu Yun’s origin:

In this era, if you want to meet a real oriental person, the difficulty is a little lower than meeting a personal grandmother-in this period, if you go to the Nordic side for a stroll, you might even meet a poor bat girl.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Looking at the slightly curious Newton, Xu Yun adjusted his breathing, and said the brief introduction he had planned in advance:

“That’s right, as you can see, I am a descendant of an Easterner, and my ancestors come from a sect called Fenglingyueyingzong.”

Newton interrupted him suddenly, repeating with some doubts:

“sect?” (I checked the information, there is the word sect in early modern English, but the semantics are somewhat similar to gangs)

“Yes, sect.”

Xu Yun nodded, indicating that the word is correct, and then explained:

“The concept of Zongmen is somewhat similar to Cambridge University. My ancestors were employees of it and were dispatched to Europe decades ago.”

Seeing Newton’s pensive expression, Xu Yun continued:

“At the beginning, my grandfather settled in Amsterdam, and he also had some trade relations with London on weekdays—such as cotton, and my shoes are a kind of cotton product.

But this time, due to the plague, my family and I were accidentally separated when we were leaving the city. When we saw apples in the orchard in a panic, we took the liberty to rush in.”

Newton’s face remained unchanged when he heard the words, but his eyes shone with a light of enlightenment.

He was not too suspicious of Xu Yun’s words, and even had some rationalizations in his mind.

Firstly, Amsterdam is the most important port and trading city in Europe today, gathering businessmen or gang organizations from all over the world.

According to the current development trend, Amsterdam may get further development in the future—in fact, it is true. By the 17th century, Amsterdam even became the financial and cultural center of the world.

However, in the 21st century, the aura of Amsterdam gradually faded, and even developed an indescribable industrial chain.

Actually, it’s nothing to develop this industry, but it’s outrageous to be able to invoice you and go back for reimbursement.

Ah, why do you ask me to know?

It was an old driver named Yanhuo Cancan in the seven groups who told me!

cough cough

Closer to home.

In short, based on this point, Xu Yun’s origin is still tenable.

After all, although the clothes on his body are a bit weird, it can be seen from the fabric that his family background is by no means ordinary.

The second reason Newton believes is the spread trajectory of the epidemic. At present, the cause of the disease is highly suspected to be from the Netherlands:

1663-1664, the plague broke out in Amsterdam, killing more than 50,000 people.

Those merchant ships carrying cotton from Amsterdam to England may have brought the plague virus into London, so the dock area outside London and St. Giles parish were the first to suffer.

Therefore, from the perspective of the itinerary, Xu Yun is also in line with the current situation:

The eldest or second son of a wealthy oriental family who fled to London a year or two ago lost contact with his family when he evacuated from London for the second time not long ago because of unfamiliar routes.

Thinking of this, Newton’s eyes narrowed involuntarily:

“Feiyu. Fat fish, right? I personally sympathize with what happened to you, but what are you going to do next?”

When he said this, Newton’s mind turned quickly.

Xu Yun admitted in the previous remarks that he had “presumptuously intruded” into his manor, so the wrangling that Newton was most worried about immediately disappeared.

In addition to the fact that Xu Yun has recovered his mobility at this time, it can be said that Newton has grasped the absolute initiative right now.

Of course.

The young Mr. Niu didn’t know that Xu Yun said the second half of his sentence to him on purpose—after all, Mr. Niu’s character is well known in the physical world of later generations, whether he wants to follow his temper or want to It is very simple to step on mines against the sky.

Facing Newton’s question, Xu Yun’s face showed a trace of conscientiousness just right:

”Mr. Newton, I am separated from my family and have nowhere to go. I wonder if I can temporarily stay at your place?

Don’t worry, my parents’ family is quite rich, and they will definitely not treat you badly—if it doesn’t work, we can sign an agreement, and you can call me if you need help at home. “

Opposite Xu Yun.

Hearing the words ‘rich family’, a gleam of light flashed in Newton’s eyes immediately.

(end of this chapter)

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