Into Unscientific

Chapter 94

Chapter 93 – Kill!

Chapter 93 Kill!

Two days later.

After nine o’clock in the morning.

The entire University of Science and Technology has entered a completely different atmosphere from usual.

USTC South Campus, Guo Moruo Square.

The southeast area of the square.

A group of staff is gathering in front of a tripod at this time, doing the final equipment adjustment.

This group of personnel consisted of men and women, all of whom had interview badges hanging on their chests, and the word “Red Star” was printed on their work uniforms.

After a few minutes.

One of the tall men who looked like a photographer stood up from the ground, and while turning the screws, he asked everyone around him:

“Hey, boss, you said that HKUST has made such a big show this time, will it overturn later?”

The boss he was talking about was a fair and clean little fat man. His surname was Zheng. He was a director of the Red Star News Department and the leader of their trip.

I saw him ponder for a moment when he heard the words, and said:

“It’s hard to say, although according to what we and Bayer have heard, there is a high probability that this matter is false.

But looking at the appearance of Director Lin yesterday, it seems that HKUST is quite confident. Maybe there is some black technology that we don’t know about. “

The group of Red Star News arrived in Luzhou the afternoon before yesterday. The University of Science and Technology organized a meeting last night, and one of the directors surnamed Lin came forward to entertain everyone.

However, although Director Lin’s attitude was very enthusiastic, he didn’t make too many hints during the dinner, and the dishes were very ordinary.

It looks like everyone is eating and drinking well, and there is no such thing as a password.

While Director Zheng and the others were puzzled by this confidence, they gradually had some expectations for today’s live broadcast.

Then Manager Zheng thought of something, sighed softly, and said:

“I just hope that the University of Science and Technology doesn’t just slap the face and pretend to be fat. The current domestic research and public opinion environment is bad enough. If even the University of Science and Technology is overturned!”

The tall man on the side also nodded with sympathy when he heard the words.

It started about seven or eight years ago. With the development of the Internet level, domestic discussions on various scientific research news have gradually increased.

All kinds of black materials, true or false, also emerge in endlessly.

For example, Academicians of Baijiu, Goddess Yan, etc., which the melon-eating party is more familiar with, and the matter of Dr. Zhai.

But actually.

The relationship between the characters involved in many things is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

For example, the 16-year-old Han, or Shi’s grievances with China—especially the latter, which is actually a mess.

Someone Shi has been hacked by Fang X all the time. Logically speaking, those who were hacked by this person should be outstanding scholars in China, right?

But in China, Mr. Shi, Mrs. Tu and Mr. Yao have not dealt with it very much.

And their confrontation is not only a dispute over academic achievements, but more of a conflict in other aspects.

So behind a lot of news, there is actually a complex relationship under the iceberg, not necessarily black and white.

But the problem is that public opinion doesn’t care about the secrets behind you at all, and what public opinion sees is all kinds of true and false black materials.

At the same time, under the blessing of some real stories that occasionally broke out, the entire public opinion trend has completely turned into bad-mouthing domestic scientific research and universities.

How outrageous is the trend now? There was news in 20 years that Ludong University established a company in 2007. It has been a full 13 years since then, and the stock price has risen by 20%.

At the beginning, Lu Da was sprayed with cash and ran away. Lu Dalian hurriedly issued a statement, saying that I have never cashed out in the past ten years.

So the wind changed the next day, and he became a person who has been living in Luda University for more than ten years, but has made no achievements in the company.

Lu Da came out again to explain that we are a small-scale company, and it is not bad to not lose money every year. It has been several years since we have not needed to come to subsidize Yunyun.

The trolls immediately changed their tune when they saw this, saying that Lu University had been canceled the state subsidy because of no grades

Who are you going to talk to about this matter?

Therefore, as a media person with a conscience, Director Zheng does have a hidden worry in his heart:

What if HKUST really overturns?

I am afraid that not only HKUST will be ridiculed at that time, but it will inevitably lead to another round of verbal criticism of the scientific research level of universities in the local area!

While Director Zheng was worried, several staff members from the University of Science and Technology suddenly came not far away, each holding some tools in their hands.

The leader among them was Director Lin whom he met yesterday.

After arriving at the station of Red Star News, Director Lin glanced at the fixed tripod, and asked Director Zheng:

“Director Zheng, have you adjusted all your equipment? According to the requirements, you will be evacuated from the scene within 20 minutes.”

Director Zheng nodded when he heard the words, pointed to the connected cables on the ground and said:

“The transmission cables have been connected, and the anti-bite coating given by the University of Science and Technology has also been applied.

Now it’s just a matter of the final lens focusing, let’s take ten minutes, it’s guaranteed to be done within ten minutes. “

“What about the drone?”

“The drones are fine. This time we brought six drones, which can be rotated to continue the live broadcast.”

Director Lin finished listening quietly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Then he suddenly thought of something, pointed to a few banners not far away, and said in a low voice:

“By the way, Director Zheng, please work **** the technical guy, and try to include those few banners as well.

That is our own industry of USTC, more or less get some traffic. “

Director Zheng’s eyes were on a few lines that read ‘HKUST Xunfei/Guodun Quantum/Luzhou High-tech Zone Congratulations to HKUST on the success of disinfecting cockroaches! ’ stayed on the banner for a few seconds, and clapped his chest knowingly:

“Director Lin, don’t worry, it will be implemented!”

Director Lin nodded slightly, then shook the syringe in his hand:

“Since this is the case, Director Lao Zheng has to worry about it. Time is running out. I have to take someone to wipe out the insecticide first. Let’s have a good drink after we are done!”

Director Zheng also replied politely. After waiting for Director Lin and the others to leave, he let out a sigh of relief and turned around to start his own task.

Another ten minutes passed.

Director Zheng and several people have finished debugging the equipment and have evacuated the site one after another.

And not far from them.

Director Lin also led several security personnel to set up the cordon, and began to wipe the glue bait in his hand on several 1X1 meter whiteboards.

Similar situations also occurred in the sports field, basketball court, and Spectacle Lake in the southern district. Except for the staff of the University of Science and Technology, there were no students in the relevant area.

If you expand your sight a little further, you can see that there are few people inside the campus at this time, and some buildings have even temporarily blocked their entrances and exits.

There are many fire trucks parked in the campus to prevent some uncontrollable situations.

Above the sky, there are more than a dozen drones conducting flight tests at this time, and the atmosphere can even be said to be somewhat


At the same time, for this live broadcast of cockroach disinfecting, HKUST also specially set up a temporary headquarters.

The location of the headquarters is set up in the first teaching building in the East District, which is between Guo Moruo Square and Glass Lake.

The original body of the temporary headquarters was a multimedia office. At this moment, including Tian Liangwei, there are more than ten people gathered here.

Xu Yun sat beside Tian Liangwei, with a slightly dignified expression.

After all, this disinfecting involves cockroaches lurking in dark corners. There are too many uncertainties. Even Xu Yun cannot guarantee that there will be any mistakes.

Today, the dispatcher in charge of the disinfecting area is Director Guan of the Security Department of the University of Science and Technology, that is, the retired special soldier who brought Xu Yun into Building 14 to collect the corpses of the cockroaches.

Since more than an hour ago, he has been handing over information to various departments.

A few minutes passed.

Director Guan seems to have received some news.

I saw him put down the communication equipment, and walked straight to Tian Liangwei:

“Dean Tian, all media units have adjusted their equipment. Except for some reporters wearing protective clothing, the rest of the personnel have been evacuated to a safe location. Do you want to proceed to the next step?”

Tian Liangwei heard the words, turned his head and looked at Xu Yun, and nodded heavily:


(end of this chapter)

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