Into Unscientific

Chapter 95

Chapter 94 – Lucky Guy In The Tide

Chapter 94 The Lucky One in the Wave

At the same time as Tian Liangwei gave the order.

In stark contrast to the awe-inspiring—or even silent—in HKUST, there is no doubt that it is the hustle and bustle on the Internet.

This time, the University of Science and Technology did not restrict the live broadcast rights. As long as it is a media organization or individual who enters the University of Science and Technology, it can broadcast the entire disinfecting process live.

Station B, Weibo, a certain sound, a certain hand, Baoya.

It can be said that as long as it is a live broadcast platform, you can see the broadcast entrance of various media.

Among them, station B is an old-fashioned two-stinging ape website. Although it has been complained about and the barrage environment has deteriorated in recent years, if compared with other domestic platforms, the quality of members is still relatively high—especially at the opening level. After shielding.

So naturally, the number of users of station B has been increasing, and many media have chosen to open live broadcast rooms at station B.


CTO Gong Zenghui pushed open the door of the technology department and walked straight to a bald programmer:

“Lao Ye, how is the load on the server?”

“Oh, it’s Mr. Gong.”

The old Ye that Gong Zenghui spoke of is named Ye Xu, the technical director of the live broadcast department. Hearing this, he quickly took off his earphones, stroked his non-existent hair and said:

“At present, the real traffic of the website has reached the order of 30 million, and the number of visitors per second is about 400,000.

Fortunately, this time we applied to the Penguin headquarters for server expansion, otherwise I don’t know if the University of Science and Technology will make a joke, we probably will become a joke. “

“Good guy, on the order of 30 million?”

Hearing the number reported by Ye Xu, Gong Zenghui’s face suddenly lit up with a gleam of joy.

Then he hurried to the technical table and looked at the data in person.

Jiguang Big Data once released a daily activity of station B, which is currently recognized as the most authoritative related statistics, and its credibility is even generally believed to exceed the financial report.

According to this data, the maximum daily activity of station B is 3700, and the highest monthly activity is 130 million.

The real DAU may be around 22 million after deducting the accounts that dropped ads, oatmeal, and clicked.

The peak value of the New Year’s Festival is about 40 million, and the final of the S game may exceed 50 million for a short time.

And now just such a live broadcast of the University of Science and Technology has pulled the real traffic to the order of 30 million. How can Gong Zenghui not like it?

Then he opened Weibo and found that the topic of ‘#中科大消杀#’ had already reached the first place, and there was a blood-red word’explosion’ behind it.

Yao thinks that the last time this happened on Weibo, it was the last time.

Turning off the phone, Gong Zenghui continued to ask Ye Xu:

“Lao Ye, which live broadcast rooms are the most popular right now?”

Ye Xu quickly clicked on the keyboard a few times, and replied:

“South Anhui Tuantuan is the most popular, followed by Sichuan Province Observation, the third is Pengpai, and the fourth is huh?”

“What happened to the fourth?”

“The fourth is an individual user of station B, called ‘Our Arsenal is invincible’.”

“personal user?”

Gong Zenghui frowned, a little surprised and said:

“Why is he so hot?”

Ye Xu crackled a few more times, and quickly extracted the live keyword portrait, saying:

“This up seems to be a student of the University of Science and Technology. The location of the dormitory happens to be near one of the disinfecting points. In addition, he originally accumulated more than 20,000 fans by editing videos of cat sucking. By chance, the live broadcast was It exploded.”

Gong Zenghui was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded clearly.

Throughout every time in the history of the Internet, there are almost always one or two lucky people who stand out from the big events.

Gain tens of millions or even higher traffic exposure for a short time.

A relatively recent example is the fish head man who appeared in the nucleic acid test in Manzhouli not long ago. It was photographed by CCTV by coincidence and became popular after being photographed by CCTV. The number of views in three days exceeded 310 million.

There are more ones that are a little further away, such as the agreement to make a book, Brother Ramen, Xin Xiaodai, sister Douyu Lan, who is even more distant, and so on.

Station B also has an UP named LC Sura, who has attracted millions of fans with a game video.

Some of them seem like a flash in the pan, while others take off to achieve financial freedom.

Wang Muyi didn’t know what kind of person he would become. At this moment, this boy from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology only knew one thing:

My hands are shaking a little, and my heart is a little confused.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is 27.345 million, and the speed of the barrage is like Gatling’s rattling.

Almost every few seconds, the number of his fans will increase by seven or eight.

And what he did was to spread the pictures he could see in his dormitory to the Internet.

Wang Muyi, a sophomore in the Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, was born in an ordinary family in Sichuan Province.

Ordinary-looking, in his early 170s, in this life, except for good grades in the college entrance examination, there is almost nothing dazzling—and after being admitted to HKUST, this only specialty seems to have become less prominent.

However, it is such a standard ordinary person, but because of his close perspective to the scene and a very small fan base, he rushed to the fourth place in the popularity of the whole site in a short period of time, overwhelming the heads of many media.

People’s fate is sometimes so impermanent.

Andy Warhol once said:

Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame.

This sentence is widely debated on the Internet. Some people think it is the truth, while others regard it as poisonous chicken soup.

Wang Muyi is not qualified to judge whether this sentence is true or not, but he is very clear that the current encounter is probably the most rare opportunity in his life.

So he gritted his back molars hard, trying not to lose his voice, and while thanking him, he also responded to some barrage questions:

“That’s right, that’s right, I’m in HKUST”

“That’s right, the playground is opposite, and we are on the seventh floor. What? Clean up? I started cleaning the dormitory two days ago, and there must be no cockroaches in the dormitory now.”

“Thank you for the meow girl given by ‘Muge is a Lolita’, thank you.”

“Open the door? I don’t dare to open the door. I went to see what happened in Building 14 that day. A bunch of cockroaches crawled out of the water pipe. I definitely believe that HKUST will succeed this time.”

at the same time.

On the East Campus of HKUST, there are not a few students like Wang Muyi who start the live broadcast.

Some people have a high degree of attention, some people have a low degree of attention, and everyone’s situation is different.

USTC’s network security department soon found out the identities of these students, but the school leaders did not shut down their live broadcasts, but told them through the class monitor not to say anything that discredited USTC, and try not to discuss sensitive topics.

at the same time.

Reporters from several major media also put on protective clothing actively or passively, and began to take advantage of the gap to warm up.

Almost the entire network is waiting for a signal.

Another ten minutes or so passed.

It was still the dormitory, and Wang Muyi gradually adapted to the surge in traffic, and began to chat about some trivial matters:

“The difficulty of the HKUST final exam is not bad, the grade point is actually.”

While talking, the roommate beside him suddenly yelled:

“Look below, the people in the security department are making moves!”

Wang Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he came back to his senses, he quickly stood up, took the tripod that fixed the mobile phone, and ran to the window.

I saw this moment.

In the disinfecting point of the sports field not far from their dormitory, several security personnel wearing protective clothing suddenly walked in.

Hey, grandma may be dying. She goes to bed at 9 o’clock every night and wakes up at 5 o’clock the next day. She only wakes up for four hours a day. I don’t know how long she can last.

(end of this chapter)

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