Invite Players to a Cultivation World

23: Lizard Flick Fatality

CoDestiny and TaunTan are out hunting for new prey.

TaunTan may be underleveled at only stage three, but CoDestiny is willing to cover him. The two have played various games together with TaunTan acting as the tank to allow CoDestiny to deal the damage.

They're not sure if their previous dynamic will work in this game, but they're at least willing to try.

"Careful." CoDestiny warns his friend. "We're being watched."

"How can you tell." TaunTan takes out both his shields.

"I don't know." CoDestiny admits. "I think it's my cultivation giving be good instincts for these things."

"You expect whatever's watching us is dangerous?" TaunTan asks.

"Possibly." CoDestiny replies. "Something about this is making me uneasy."

Cautiously stepping forwards, they find a lizard staring them down. It looks similar to a komodo dragon, but has blue spots and a very thin tail.

Acting in sync, CoDestiny throws a spear at the lizard and TaunTan then moves in front, ready to block any retaliation.

The lizard doesn't get to retaliate though, as the spear hits it straight in the head, killing it instantly.

But as soon as it dies, a dozen more lizards make their presence know, flicking their tails to send a strange liquid at the players.

"Look out!" TaunTan barely has time to raise his shields to protect them, and almost gets knocked over by the force of the impact.

The lizards don't stop though, and continue to flick what is now known to be acid at them, as it TaunTan's Barkeater Beetle Shields get worn down.

"Any idea?" CoDestiny takes the spears his friend is carrying on his back and throws them at the lizards, though it doesn't do much to reduce the incoming projectiles.

"I don't think we can win this." TaunTan admits, continuing to block the attacks. "There's too many. When the time is right I'll draw their attention. You then grab the closest one's corpse and make a run for it."

"You expect me to abandon you!?" CoDestiny yells.

"I expect you to pay for my next spare vessel." TaunTan replies. "Now get ready, my shields are reaching their limit."

Once both his shields are worn down into being useless, TaunTan charges forwards as if to attack one of the lizards.

In response the lizards all aim their acid at him, and he is quickly overwhelmed.

As CoDestiny manages to grab a lizard corpse, he sees TaunTan shatter upon death, leaving behind all his equipment.

CoDestiny doesn't have time to feel sad though, and runs away as fast as he can.

The lizards are quick to notice him doing so, and one manages to hit him right in the back.

Fortunately he's wearing a cloak FancyShorts made from boar hide, as it blocks most of the damage allowing him to escape mostly unscathed.

It's actually during this escape that he breaks through to the eighth stage. He wonders if he had waited a bit longer before coming here could he have protected TaunTan.

Thinking about it a bit, he realises that's not the case. These lizards are too dangerous for a lower level player, and even people like him will need suitable equipment if they want to avoid losses.

When CoDestiny arrives back at the sect, he finds a massive transparent barrier surrounding the main sect building and an area next to it.

Plus the Sect Master and other disciples are waiting for him, except for FancyShorts and GrowGirl who were forced to log off.

"What's this about?" CoDestiny asks PCliver.

"We're not sure." PCliver admits. "Master Stone said he'd explain once you got back."

"Glad to see you managed to bring back one of those lizards." TaunTan says. "Hope it's enough to cover the cost of my spare vessel."

"I'll cover it if not." CoDestiny says.

"Attention disciples!" Master Stone addresses everyone. "After a discussion with Lily Calla, we have decided to set up a transport between our sects. However, since the people of her Petal Sect can't handle the dense impurities of this forest, I've decided to cleanse all impurities in this area and set up a barrier to slow the rate they spread back in."

"Does that mean we won't be able to cultivate while within this barrier?" DaRule asks.

"The Impurity Cleansing Technique will not work without any impurities." Master Stone says. "But this is not an area you are expected to spend much time in, so it should not effect you much."

"What kind of visitors can we expect?" PCliver asks. "And does this mean we can go to their sect?"

"I do not know who will be visiting. Remember that I have very few admin privileges in this game." Master Stone admits. "As for going to the Petal Sect, that will depend on you getting an invitation from them. Remember that the inhabitants of this world act as real people, meaning they won't want you in their sect if they believe you could be a danger to it."

"Then what would you suggest to make them trust us?" PCliver asks.

"Simply be a trustworthy person, and act in their interest." Master Stone says. "I would also recommend doing your part to ensure order within our sect, as they are very worried about random players going around causing destruction."

PCliver nods. In other words, he can expect they'll be willing to invite him some time soon.

"Now onto this latest technique." Master Stone takes out a book. "This is the Personal Storage Technique, and it allows you to store inanimate objects within your soul. The amount of space it provides depends on your cultivation, but it's honestly not that much compared to a storage ring. Additionally, items with stronger Qi will take up a proportionally larger amount of space. There are some advantages though, in that you will not lose the stored items upon your death, and when you cleanse impurities you can choose to enhance the stored items instead of increase your cultivation."

"Why would we do that?" TaunTan asks. "Increasing our cultivation seems so useful. Will enhancing equipment be as much of an improvement?"

"Not in the slightest." Master Stone admits. "Enhancing items isn't a perfectly efficient process, and the further the material is enhanced beyond its base, the less efficient it will be. However, once you reach the tenth stage you will find that cleansing impurities won't help you break through to the next realm. I'll explain what you need once you reach that point, but it will probably take a while to achieve, so you might as well enhance some items while working towards it."

So, after handing over the technique, Master Stone disappears again.

This leaves CoDestiny to test how it works, and what he learns is mildly disappointing.

The amount of space definitely isn't enough that he can just keep everything on him. At best he can keep some emergency supplies and leave the rest for bringing back loot.

"It may not be the best, but I've got a solution." PCliver says. "My trading hall has just become functional, though a bit bare bones, and the one thing the Sect Master has given us plenty of to sell is these crystals you can use as bank space."

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