Invite Players to a Cultivation World

24: Volunteer for untested technique

In the Petal Sect, Lily has just informed the Sect Master of everything she experienced at the Player Sect.

"It seems the real problem is very different from what we previously feared." Master Kauri says. "You're certain that Rean Stone has a contract with Fae?"

"Flora seemed convinced." Lily says. "She later told me that she could sense him using the power of the Void Fae, and she's confident it wasn't some sort of trick."

"Ah yes... the last Nature Fae, hiding in the tainted forest." Master Kauri smiles. "It does my old heart some good to know at least one Nature Fae hasn't been captured, and if she vouches for Rean, then we no longer have to fear any maliciousness."

"He did mention that his contract was made because he was the only choice." Lily reminds her Sect Master.

"Still, I don't think there is any need to worry about his current intentions." Master Kauri says. "Perhaps there is a danger of him going down the wrong path, but such worries are for the Stem Sect to deal with. For us it is fine to trust him."

"Then I assume the real problem you refer to is the Players?" Lily asks.

"I'm sure you have realised it as well, and even Rean Stone has worries." Master Kauri says. "They have no reason to fear death, their cultivation rate is incredible, but worst of all is their increasing numbers. Didn't you say one of the disciples believes that the expected end count will be somewhere in the millions?"

"He did seem uncertain though, but I suspect he was thinking that it might get even higher." Lily says.

"It's a staggering number either way, but we should be able to manage so long as they have rules and are willing to enforce them on each other." Master Kauri says.

"Then we should cooperate with PCliver's group in creating those rules?" Lily suggests. "I don't believe he desires power for his own sake, and if we help him then it'll give his authority much more credibility."

"We can certainly support their ideas, but I am uncertain as to if their group will be well suited to the role." Master Kauri says. "They intend to give players an absurd amount of freedom, and we don't know if they'll be strong enough to enforce what rules they have."

"He explained that using force to ensure Players obey would only inspire some of them to go against the rules." Lily says. "And they are likely to rebel against any rules they find too restrictive."

"I understand conceptually, but it is a very different mindset to what I am experienced with." Master Kauri admits. "I believe it would be best if you took someone from the Stem Sect with you next time you visit. They are all trained in judging a person's character, and should be able to tell if PCliver's claims are true."

"Then what about bringing another person to test the Cleanse Other Technique? Should I ask for a volunteer from the smaller sects?" Lily asks.

"Are you saying that your niece has already refused?" Master Kauri asks back.

"Well... no. I haven't had a chance to ask her yet." Lily admits. "But I don't want to risk an untested technique being used on her."

"She is an adult, and has the right to make such decisions for herself." Master Kauri says. "We cannot request members of other sects take a risk we are unwilling to take for ourselves. Such hypocrisy will not be tolerated."

"I... understand." Lily hesitantly accepts. "What about the suggestion of inviting Players to our sect? While I know there are risks involved, avoiding it for too long will be very dangerous."

"I will make the necessary preparations." Master Kauri says. "Whatever Stem Sect member you bring with you will be the one to judge who you can invite, but we should certainly keep the number low to begin with. Give us some time to familiarise ourselves with these Players and how best to interact with them."

"The Incentive Stones I was provided should be useful for that." Lily nods.

A while later Lily's talk with Master Kauri ends, and so she goes to her family estate to speak with her niece, Tia.

Tia, full name Titania Calla, was named after the Nature Fae that made a contract with her immediately after her birth. It was thought that this contract would protect the Nature Fae from Knot, and for a time it seemed to work.

But in the end it only made Tia a target, and now by most metrics she would be considered a waste. Only reaching the eighth stage of Qi-Refining despite the numerous resourses she has been given.

That is what happens when someone's soul has become tainted by a large amount of impurities. Even someone with a great amount of talent finds in incredibly difficult to progress further.

It doesn't take Lily long to find her niece sleeping in the garden, one of her favourite places, with a friend watching over her.

"Hello Rose. How nice of you to visit." Lily says, careful not to awaken her niece yet.

"Hello Lily. I only just arrived actually." Rose Stem says. "My mother told me about what you and her saw in the tainted forest, so I decided to come over and make sure Tia doesn't get involved in anything she shouldn't."

"There have been some developments regarding that." Lily says. "Could you please wake Tia for me, as this relates to a choice she has to make."

Rose raises an eyebrow at this, but wakes her friend anyway. "Tia. Your aunt is here to see you."

"Mmm..." Tia opens her eyes slowly, until she notices Lily. "Aunty Lily! You're back!"

"Sorry I haven't visited in so long. I've been busy with a few things." Lily says. "Are you aware of what's been going on recently?"

"Yeah! You met a super powerful man from another world, and managed to trade with him to get that amazing technique everyone's been going on about." Tia says enthusiastically. "Rose has been helping me integrate the soul defences into my own cultivation technique."

"That's very nice of her." Lily smiles to the person in question. "I actually met with the man again. His name is Rean Stone, and he's now started his own sect at the centre of the tainted forest. He's already brought over a few disciples."

"Why there though?" Rose asks. "Any how did he bring more people to this world?"

"It may be hard to believe, but Rean is completely immune to impurities, and he discovered a world full of people who share this trait." Lily explains. "That world doesn't have enough Qi for cultivating though, so he summoned part of the those people's soul to inhabit vessels he prepared."

Rose yells. "How could he-!"

"Remember that they are immune to impurities, which apparently means separating their souls is very safe." Lily explains. "It's hard to fully explain everything without seeing for yourself, but nothing untoward seems to be happening."

"Do you think I can go see it one day?" Tia asks.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about." Lily says. "The disciples of this sect are also capable of cleansing impurities. Currently they can't do so for the ones inside a person's soul, but they've developed a technique that might be able to work on the soul as well."

"Really!?" Tia's eyes sparkle with excitement. "Does that mean... I can-"

"Now hold on a moment." Lily interrupts her niece. "This is an untested technique, and we don't know what will happen if it doesn't work."

"Why even mention it to Tia then?" Rose asks, a hint of accusation in her voice. "Surely someone else in the Petal Sect would be willing to test it."

"The technique only works on someone weaker than the user." Lily explains. "Rean is unwilling to test it himself, meaning it will have to be one of his disciples who tests the technique. Considering the current strength of these disciples, that means the person it's tested on can't have cultivated further than the eighth stage of Qi-Refining."

"Then that's perfect!" Tia yells. "I can test out the technique, and finally stop being a burden!"

"We've never considered you a burden. It's our fault you're like this." Lily says. "You can wait until we've had someone from another sect test it, I'm sure we'll have plenty of volunteers."

"Please let me!" Tia begs. "I know how you feel, but I want to do this. So many people placed their hopes on me, and I could never deliver. Please let me contribute something. I don't care if it fails, at least I'll have helped."

Lily sighs. How can she say no at this point. "Fine. We'll be leaving in a few hours, so make sure to prepare everything you might need."

"May I come too?" Rose asks. "I may not be weak enough for testing the technique, but I'd like to stay with Tia as she goes through this."

"That is perfectly acceptable." Lily agrees. "I'll have fill you in on a few other things before we go."

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