Invite Players to a Cultivation World

25: Unwilling to wait

There have been a few developments in the sect over the past few hours.

Having found a new source of Beast Cores for unassigned vessels, CoDestiny and TaunTan decided to properly hunt the boars, to great success.

Having the Personal Storage Technique meant they could hunt much further without having to bring the spoils back manually, so they were able to find that there were actually a lot of boars than they originally thought.

TaunTan had some issues at first, but thanks to increasing his cultivation to the fifth stage, and lots of practice, he quickly reached the point where he contributed his fair share.

Now they've collected many Beast Cores, meaning JadeBea is able to do her part to invite new Players to the game.

The increased player base is already starting to have some problems though, but not for social reasons.

PCliver and DaRule enter the trading hall.

So far the building only has a floor and some partially built walls, but the main pillar at the centre is perfectly functional.

They even added the feature of letting Players leave items in the pillar for sale, and transferring the SP to them once the item was eventualy sold. Minus a 1% tax fee.

None of the features are in heavy use yet though, as there aren't enough players, and the current ones can just trade between each other. Manual SP trades and even gifts are possible so long as both players are within the trading hall.

Currently the main thing it's used for is selling Folded Space Crystals, or Bank Crystals as they're now being called.

This isn't an issue though. PCliver and DaRule's preparations are for when there are so many people that face to face trading becomes inefficient, as it'd take ages to find someone who has what you're looking for.

"CarpArc!" DaRule yells to the woman currently building the walls. "We've got some stuff we wanted to discuss with you!"

"Sure!" CarpArc yells back, then jumps down several meters without any worry, landing in front of her employers. "Something you need changing for the design?"

"It's actually about some other projects." PCliver asks. "Turns out we need to make a spawning building for new players, and some actual housing."

"Isn't that what the main sect hall is for?" CarpArc asks.

"Apparently that was only temporary." PCliver reveals. "The amount of rooms there is limited, so we need Players to move into their own housing to free ups space. Then once we have enough people coming in at once we'll have to create a larger place for them to actually appear in."

"Doesn't sound like either need to be especially fancy." CarpArc says. "It's not like we use our current rooms for anything other than a place to put our Bank Crystals, and I suppose a place to respawn. That's about as much room as a wardrobe."

"So an apartment complex where all the rooms are wardrobe size. We should probably have these first apartments be temporary as the area near the main sect building should be reserved for more important buildings." DaRule says. "Would you mind building this for us?"

"I'm a bit busy here." CarpArc says. "And these apartments seem fairly simple, so you can just hire some other people to work on it. Building in this game is surprisingly simple. I could draw up some designs IRL and send them to you, if that helps."

"That would be perfect." PCliver nods. "And how about the spawning building?"

"Try reading some of the blueprints stored in the library." CarpArc suggests. "There are plenty of useful designs, though now are specialised for our purposes. I thing there are some that will fit what you need though, and they have instructions on how to go about construction."

Eventualy CoDestiny broke through to the ninth stage, and all the Players gathered to learn about the new technique. 

"Well this is quite the gathering we have." Master Stone appears. "So who will be paying for the technique this time?"

"I will." JadeBea volunteers. "I have accumulated plenty of Sect Points from my time making unassigned vessels."

"Understood." Master Stone takes out the technique. "Now first I should explain what the Cleanse Other Technique actually does. Any guesses?"

"Let us cultivate on someone else's behalf?" DaRule guesses.

"Unfortunately that is not possible." Master Stone says. "Instead, it lets you cleanse the impurities within someone else's soul."

"I can't sense any impurities in my soul though." SaphBea says.

"Remember, we are all immune to impurities, but the rest of the cultivation worlds aren't." Master Stone explains. "Impurities seep into their souls, slowing the rate they cultivate. The only thing they can do is create defences to slow this, but it's impossible to completely prevent it, and and there is no way to recover."

"Except for this technique?" PCliver guesses.

"Exactly, but there are some problems." Master Stone admits. "This technique is completely experimental, and I am not certain it will actually work. It should, but I can't guarantee it, and there might be side effects."

"Are you saying that as a sect master or developer?" CoDestiny asks.

"Both." Master Stone replies. "There is also the problem that this technique only works on someone with a lower cultivation than the user."

"What's the point?" One of the newest Players asks. "What do we get out of it?"

"It is the right thing to do." Master Stone glares at the Player. "But fine, I know you all seek rewards. The Void Fae are especially happy when you cleanse the impurities from people's souls, more so than when you cleanse them like you are now. That is why they will reward you with a much greater boost to your cultivation."

"Thank you Sect Master." CoDestiny accepts the book and reads it, learning the technique.

But once he decides to test it out, he realises he has no way to do so.

"Who am I meant to use this technique on?" CoDestiny asks. "We're the only ones here."

"I admit that is a problem." Master Stone replies. "I have requested Lily Calla to send someone here so we may test how well the technique works. But beyond that you will be the ones who have to negotiate whether more such people get brought to us, or if they will be willing to accept you visiting their sect."

Master Stone disappears again.

Some time later, JadeBea and PCliver have both broken through to the ninth stage and CoDestiny is out hunting.

It is at this point that a newer Player points up at the sky and yells. "LOOK!"

As everyone's eyes turn upwards, they see a flying vehicle headed towards their sect.

JadeBea and PCliver are able to identify it as a flying chariot thanks to the knowledge that came with the Polyglot Technique, but to the other it is a very strangely shape plane.

The flying chariot lands within the barrier around the main sect building, and Lily exits from the door.

It's not just Lily though, behind her are two young women. One with identical white hair just like Lily, and the other with Scarlet hair that on earth would be considered dyed.

"Good to see you again Lily." Master Stone appears so as to greet the group. "Would you be willing to introduce your companions."

"Certainly." Lily smiles. "This is my niece Tia, she has volunteered to test your new technique, and this-"

"I'm Rose!" The scarlet haired girl enthusiastically introduces herself. "This is amazing... you really did manage to remove the impurities from here!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Master Stone says, then looks at Tia. "Thank you for volunteering for this. If you want you can spend some time getting to know my most experienced disciples, so you can choose who you'd prefer attempt cleanse your soul."

"Can't we do it now?" Tia asks.

"We could, but I thought you would prefer knowing who will be testing it first, in case you're having any second thoughts." Master Stone says.

"I'm doing this no matter what." Tia declares. "I've waited most of my life for an opportunity like this, and I don't want to wait any more."

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