Iris and Me

Chapter 11 : The longest day of my life (Homecoming)


I really thought that I would've wrapped up the situation in one chapter, but I found myself scratching my head when I reached 10 pages and resolved to release this scene in two chapters. Too much to talk about, simply.

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.

PS : A friendly reminder that clicking the heart shaped button warm my own a lot.


Chapter 11 : The longest day of my life (Homecoming)


The Thompson’s home backyard, Forest Hills, New York, 25th of January, 05:37


It didn’t take us that long to come back, considering I just flew Flash and I through the night sky at a rather scarily high altitude to hide the light bulbs that we both were, and we are now teleporting ourselves from very high up under the clouds to the backyard of the Thompson’s family.


As I let go of Flash’s hand, my sister ripples around me and our minds separate once more.


At the same time she clothes me once again in the cute outfit she selected for me today to wear.


From the side, Flash, now clothed in ‘borrowed’ mercenary fatigues, is giving me a rather hairy eyeball.


Once the show of my sister oozing, melting and hiding in the adequate places finally ends, he asks.


“That was certainly something, was that her doing ?”


I nod.


“Her name is Iris, and yes it is. Would you like to meet her ?” I ask back politely.


He slowly nods, arms crossed and back straightening.


“From what I understood, she is as much responsible for this second life you gave as you are, so I would like to properly thank her.” He answers confidently.


My, he certainly matured.


“Do you want to ?” I ask Iris over the mind-link.


“[Happiness, agreement] : Of course.” My sister easily answers.


“No feathers for now.” I add thoughtfully.


As my sister oozes and flows from the top of my back, blooming like the beautiful flower she is, Flash starts to take an hesitant step backwards before stopping himself, brows slightly furrowed, and steeling himself.


Until now, I had totally forgotten that other people might find her strange and intimidating, but Flash’s involuntary display hammers it home.


When she finishes to materialize in her now characteristic back hug, head nuzzling my cheek and my snow white locks for a second, she locks eyes with him.


“It is nice to finally meet you, Flash,” she says in her crystalline voice, rich with the vastness of the cosmos and the emptiness of space, “My name is Iris.”


His mouth is agape and a bit of awe flashes through his eyes.


He jerkingly nods.


“Nice to meet you Iris,” He starts, focusing himself back, “Thank you for helping me. I’ll never forget what you did, I swear. And,” his eyes turns back to me, “Thank you for also helping Aria, she deserves it.”


I am actually quite touched, my stomach making a little happy jump.


“It was my pleasure,” Iris starts, smiling softly, “And she always will.”


As she nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck once again, Flash's awe reached unprecedented heights.


“She is absolutely nothing like him,” he mutters under his breath.


Both my sister and I hear it, and I feel her grip getting tense around my neck.


As she starts turning back to him, her big purple eyes narrowed, I chid her gently over the mind-link.


“He doesn’t know.” I tell her as I start playing with her makeshift hair.


As she quiets and resumes her impersonation of a cuddly cat, I answer Flash’s segue.


“I am Iris' first host,” I explain, “As such, she imprinted on me. Because I knew what Klyntars are, I only showed her love, care and quiet focus when we bonded. That’s why I love her, and she loves me back, and that also explains why we consider each other as one.”


I look at her and she looks at me, heads level.


“She’s my blood, my flesh and a part of my soul, and I will love her until the both of us die.” Iris and I both solemnly and lovingly declare, eyes locked into each other.


My hand reaches her cheek and she does the same with mine, our thumbs doing little rubbing motions.


“There’s no words in our language to properly convey how it is to feel as connected as we are when we merge. It tramples everything I’ve ever experienced in both of my lifes, this moment when the human and the alien, careful planning and predatory instincts, come together.”


My eyes turn back to Flash, who is scratching the back of his head with an awkward expression.


“I’m sorry if I offended,” he starts, locking eyes with Iris, “The other Rach… Aria only mentioned what my life would have been without her soul getting in the way. My understanding was that your kind could become rather… aggressive.”


My sister’s shoulder sags a little as she mock-exhale and both of our hands fall.


“My kind is easily corrupted. We can only bond with hosts with the suitable internal environment, which sadly isn't synonymous with an acceptable mentality.” She darkly agrees.


My little scratches on her ‘scalp’ start anew and her mood visibly perks up.


Flash remains silent, considering for a bit, before nodding.


“I’m glad the both of you found each other, then,” He gently says, “You make a great pair ? Couple ?”


He clearly hesitates at the end, so I decide to cut him some slack even if both Iris and I are grinning.


“It’s not like that.” I answer softly, looking back at her and her looking back at me.


“We share everything. What I touch, she touches, what I taste, she tastes, what I feel, she feels. We know everything about each other, like two twin-sisters with a weird, strange and very deep sense of intimacy.” I carry on.


I look back at Flash, whose cheeks have slightly reddened.


I giggle.


“That's what we call ourselves, sisters.” I conclude.


“Blood-sisters.” Iris chid me gently, head back in a more optimal scritching position on my shoulder.


“Blood-sisters.” I amend easily.


Flash blinks a few times before shaking his head.


“No matter, I’m not the future lover whom you’ll have to sell that to.” He answers jokingly, a smile back on his face.


I tense for a second, my sister catching it as the scritches halt, a pang of sadness flying through my mind.




I smile back at him.


“No, you’re definitely not, Flashy,” I wink at him, “So, ready to go home ?”


He turns back toward the house, showing a difficult expression on his face.


“Could you give me a moment, Aria ?” He softly asks, “Despite all of that, I still have some troubles believing that I’m back.”


One of his fist clenches.


“I…” He starts, mulling over his thoughts “I thought I would never see this house again, and deep down, I’m scared that if I close my eyes, I’m going to wake up back into that cube.”


He exhales, fist relaxing.


“Just… Give me a moment.” He ends up lamely.


I slowly walk up to him and gently pat him on the shoulder.


“Take all the time you need, Flashy.” I tell him softly.


As Flash contemplates his own mortality and comes to terms with his harrowing experience, Iris asks me over the mind-link.


“[Care, love, confusion, worry] : Are you alright, sister ?”


I mentally exhale.


“I’m fine,” I start, sadness gripping my heart for a beat, “I just miss her terribly.”




The Thompson’s home kitchen, Forest Hills, New York, the same day, 05:56


Flash and I are busying ourselves preparing breakfast in a companionable silence, only interrupted by my random and impromptu quiet rendition of my favorite songs, while waiting for the rest of the household to wake up.


He is still shaken, and it’ll probably take him a while to put that whole story behind him, so I suggested him to keep himself busy for now, and that I’ll be available to talk with him if he needs to vent about, quote, ‘how fucked up that whole situation was’, unquote.


I can only agree with that, I’m still having trouble believing it despite the previous months.


I’m back looking like a boring, albeit beautiful, normal human for now, but at least my style is dope.


My quiet humming of ‘Single in september’ ends when the sound of someone walking down the stairs interrupts us.


Flash and I turn around to better face the newcomer.


Rosie, still blinking the sleep out of her eyes, takes a second to compute that there is one more person than it should.


“Eugene, who is this ?” She hesitantly asks, eyes locked on me, but is left floored by Flash’s next words.


“Mom, I’m back.” He simply says, his smile a little tense, arms open and inviting.


She blinks once again, then, understanding dawning on her, rushes to hug him like he might vanish the next second.


That’s right, I’ve never called her mom.


A moment passes as she quietly sobs in his shoulder, Flash patting her in the back a little jerkingly.


I’m struggling not to laugh at his awkward display, not wanting to ruin the moment.


The moment passed but still holding him on the shoulders, Rosie shakily dabs her tears with her PJ’s cuffs before locking eyes with Flash once again.


“Your memories are back ?” She asks, with an undertone of hope in her voice that only a mother worrying for her child can have.


Flash stays silent for a second, mulling over his next words.


“They never left,” He finally exhales, “But this is a long story. Can you wake up Jessie and dad ? I think you all need to hear this.”


Rosie hesitantly nods, eyes shifting towards me a few times.


I silently raise an eyebrow at Flash, wondering what he might do next.


He silently mouths ‘trust me’ while gently ushering his mother back towards the stairs.




“[Confusion] : What is happening ?” Iris asks.


“I genuinely have no idea, sister,” I answer, “But it seems interesting.”




The Thompson’s home kitchen, Forest Hills, New York, the same day, 06:02


It doesn’t take long for the whole Thompson’s household, still not totally awake, plus I to be gathered at the dining table. 


Harrison is looking positively ashen, having been made to face his mistakes over and over again for an untold amount of time probably topping all of his most harrowing experiences, Rosie is an equal mix of confusion, giddiness and disbelief and Jessie is looking at me with envy and awe.


I have trouble hiding my amusement when it appears that I have a better knowledge of where everything in the kitchen is, viciously hidden, than Flash, who throws me the stink eye when my superiority at the art of laying the table is made clear before three very confused Thompsons.


As I busy myself carrying over the serving of pancakes we prepared, Rosie finally speaks to a slightly annoyed Flash.


“Eugene, could you tell us who this young person is ?” She testily asks.


“A better child than I am, apparently,” He drawls.


I can’t help but giggle at his reply.


“Don’t be mad at me, Flashy,” I quipp as I finally take a seat alongside him, “You should have helped more in the kitchen.”


“[Amusement, schadenfreude]."


The both of us are facing the three other members of the household, whose confusions have now reached an unprecedented height.


“Eugene,” Rosie hesitantly starts, “If this is your way to introduce us to your new girlfriend…”


Flash groans, hands rubbing his face, while I have to hide a laugh behind a raised hand.


“No, it’s not,” He deadpans, “I wouldn’t date her for all the riches in the world.”


“I resent that.” I mock-scowl at him as he sniggers.


“But it was time you were properly introduced, since you’ve been living with her for the three past months.” Flash mercilessly rips the band-aid.


His sentence is gratified by three hanging open mouths.


He exhales while they take stock.


“It all started when McBurrow shoulder-checked me during the match…” He begins his tale.


I busy myself serving the pancakes while the rest of the Thompsons’ Household listen to Flash with rapt attention.




The Thompson’s home kitchen, Forest Hills, New York, the same day, 06:17


All things considered, Flash’s tale has been relatively succinct and watered down.


He is not an experienced story-teller by any means, but he managed to properly convey his time spent trapped in the Astral plane, slowly losing his grip on reality and sanity, occasionally catching glimpses of what I was doing, then our meeting and me helping him get back on his feet.


‘I’ had shared with him a few of my memories, notably my death due to an incurable illness and subsequent dismay at finding myself years back from my time in an unknown parallel universe and my mind grafted to a body that I could only despise. But he only mentioned those in passing, telling them that I was grown up enough to answer their questions if they had any.


Rosie, still reeling a bit from the record, finally asks the one thousand dollar question.


“But how can the both of you be present if there was only one body ?”


Flash’s eyes shift to me and I take my cue.


“Me realizing that he was still alive was totally accidental,” I sigh, “I was in the process of remaking his body into mine proper when one of my powers made me cognizant of him being trapped into the Astral plane for an unknown reason.”


Rosie and Harrison jerks while Jessie stays quiet, fascinated by my tale.


Flash’s mom starts to open her mouth, but I raise a hand.


“Let me finish Rosie, please.” I gently interrupt her, “Once I knew of his situation, I split my consciousness in two, leaving a part of me in the Astral plane to help him, while the other tried to find the fastest way to make a vessel for his mind.”


I point a thumb at Flash, eyes shifting from one Thompson to the others.


“The thing is, I couldn’t just clone him,” a few eyebrows climb up even higher at that, “It would have taken too much time, a currency I had already stolen enough from him. So I had to get creative, and I ended up making a composite genome of his and others I gathered previously.”


I pause.


“What Flash didn’t tell you is that he is now like me, a genetically engineered mutant, because that was the only way I could think of to build him a vessel before his mind degraded once again.”


Harrison slowly nods, making a visible effort to take all of that in, while Rosie’s mouth flaps open.


Jessie looks at me all starry-eyed, and I can’t help myself but to wink at her.


“The munchkin is still the cutest !” I send to Iris.


“[Agreement, amusement].”


“And I can’t tell her how grateful I am for that with words alone.” Flash hammers down, eyes locked with his parents.


Rosie trades hesitant and awkward looks with Harrison who is slowly nodding to himself with a thinking frown.


His eyes locks on me.


“Why pretend to be Eugene in the first place ?”


His tone is only curious despite the harshness of his face.


“Think about it from my point of view,” I answer, “You wake up in an unknown situation, in an unknown time period, with an unknown body who isn’t considered adult by the standards of the place, what would you do ?”


“Adapt, overcome, survive.” He clips, the answer coming instantaneously.


“Exactly,” I agree, “I’m sorry for deceiving the three of you, but I couldn’t think of a better way than leaving the can of worms solidly closed.”


I sigh.


“And I hated every second of it.”


He nods at my heartfelt admission, expression softening.


“Thank you for giving me back my son.” He simply says, head bowing a fraction over his crossed arms.


Well, it looks like the soul-journey worked somehow.


“Admitting that all of this is true,” Slowly starts Rosie, “There’s one thing that I don’t understand.”


Our eyes lock.


“What was wrong with Eugene’s body ?”


My expression hardens, eyes getting cold.


“[Anger, annoyance].”


I open my mouth to answer, but Flash cuts me, a panicked look on his face.


“Mom, don’t !” He interjects.


My mouth clamps shut as I raise an eyebrow at him.


His eyes shift to me and he slowly sighs before looking back at his mother.


“I don’t know how much time we spent together in the Astral plane,” he starts, “But at first, I was… Adversarial, I guess ?”


An asshole of a teenager going raving mad is what he means.


“I inevitably riled her up on the subject.” He slowly admits, “Telling her that she should have gotten over it and so on.”


Acting like a bigoted moron is what he means.


To his defense, he just found himself face-to-face with his alleged body-thief, being a tad mad at me was understandable.


The rest, not so much.


“So, she showed me.” He carries on, “She shared with me one day’s worth of her memories from before she got here.”


Flash shivers.


“I found a lot of parallels between that experience and my time in that cube : the helplessness to change the situation, the sadness at watching others happily live their lives, thinking that whatever you try, you’re doomed to end where you started, feeling so very, very alone and empty.” He drawls for extra-emphasis, “So, unless you want to share my experience and hers, don’t go there. I understand now, and I respect her for it.” He ends with steel in his eyes.


Well played ‘me’, well played.


Rosie looks at her son, a bit dumbfounded, before jerkingly nodding.


“I fought for it the hard way before, and I would’ve done so once again if I hadn’t found a shortcut.” I explain with a shrug, anger alleviated due to Flash’s intervention.


“But how did you do it ?” Jessie finally bursts out, probably getting fed up about us skirting around the important part.


I chuckle.


“Well, sometimes, when you wish upon a star really hard for things to get better, it falls down and gives you a helping, alien, hand.” I answer, mischief dancing into my eyes.


That’s the moment Iris inevitably chooses to make her entrance.

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