Iris and Me

Chapter 12 : The longest day of my life (Family unit)

Happy reading !

With love, Sh'.


Chapter 12 : The longest day of my life (Family unit)


The Thompson’s home kitchen, Forest Hills, New York, 25th of January, 06:22


Iris barely starts to blossom from my back that Flash’s eyes are already raised toward the ceiling, probably asking himself why he has to suffer.


The reception to my blood-sister oozing from my body is inevitably mixed.


Harrison jerks away from the table, his chair noisily sliding along the wooden floor and right hand grabbing at his missing service weapon at his belt.


Rosie’s face goes whiter than white, her mouth flapping open and eyes shifting around, looking toward the closest exit.


Meanwhile, Jessie first recoils, then stares, eyes getting gradually filled with wonder in face of the unknown.


The munchkin is always the first to mark brownie points with me, it starts to look like her number one goal in life.


I giggle as Iris alights herself on my shoulder in her favorite back-hug position.


“You scared them, sister,” I chid her gently as she rubs her cheek a few times against mine, “You did not wait for me to warn them.”


She set her head in the crook of my neck, her expression a bit contrite.


“But I wanted to meet young Jessie,” she whines in her crystalline voice, astonishing all of the Thompsons household equally, “She was so sweet with you when you helped her with her homework.”


I chuckle lightly, shaking my head, my hand losing itself in her tentacly hair.


As I start my scratches and the grip of my sister’s arms lovingly tighten a tad around my upper torso, I turn my attention back towards our spectators.


Flash is giving me, us, an extremely flat look, Harrison’s hand has finally settled on his lap after not finding his gun, Rosie’s mouth has decided to settle on hanging open and Jessie seems ready to explode from curiosity and awe.


Flash raises his hands in the air.


“Now you’ve done it.” He grumbles, raising himself, “I’ll let you handle this mess, I need to go to the loo.”


As he starts to make his way towards the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of his thoughts, and I start to laugh out loud.


Something about ‘a bunch of rebar in his penis itching like hell’.


I just can’t.




The Thompson’s home kitchen, Forest Hills, New York, the same day, 06:25


After calming myself from the hilarity of Flash’s situation, I turn an apologetic look towards the three slightly weirded out remaining family members.


“Sorry for that,” I start, still wheezing, “Flashy’s new body comes with some complications and I just caught out what he was thinking out loud.”


“Looked like he didn’t say anything, though.” Says Harrison, whose chair is now back in its proper place at the table since the threat he previously acknowledged didn’t move.


I slowly shake my head, still smiling.


Pointing a finger toward my head with my free hand, the other still on Iris’ scalp, I answer.


“I’m a telepath, that’s how I came to learn about your son’s situation.”


He nods shakily at that and his thoughts still.




“Well thought,” I acknowledge his attempt and he smiles wrily, “But that’s not really important for now. Harrison, Rosie, Jessie, meet Iris.”


My blood-sister interrupts her slow nuzzling to raise her head and looks towards them.


“It is nice to meet you all, my name is Iris.” She speaks and we all hear the sound of the void amid the stars.


“It speaks.” Rosie finally mumbles under her breath, wide-eyed.


She speaks,” I chid her a little gruffly as my sister frowns, “Iris is a Klyntar, an alien symbiotic species from really, really far away. Since she bonded to me, who is a girl, she is one too, even if she is technically an asexual being.”


“Since when ?” Jessie breathlessly asks.


“Since Sunday evening.” I answer easily.


I watch with a certain satisfaction the realization that I felt, indeed, really like a girl trapped in their son’s body from the very beginning dawn on the adults, since even five days before my change Iris already had boobies.


“The fact that she is as quiet and loving as she is now,” I add for emphasis as her nuzzling restarts, “Is also the undeniable proof that he is not selling you snake oil when Flash told you I was from a weird distant parallel future.”


“It’s true,” Mumbles Iris under my beautiful locks, “Aria is the comfiest and best sister ever. I love her.”


I giggle, my stomach doing a little jump of happiness.


Love and care radiates from both sides of our bond.


“Klyntars cannot live by themselves, they are an existence that needs to be shared to be complete. They were originally made to wage war by the primordial deity Knull against other deities. If the host is a warmonger, their symbiot will become one too.”


My hand slowly rub her arms while everyone’s heads are testily nodding at my statement.


Shocker, gods exist.


“Because I already knew about it, I knew that I needed to show her only love, care and my true self to her for Iris to become the beautiful flower she is now.” I end up smiling.


Iris raises her head at the compliment to peck my cheek.


“Iris is the one that made all of this, me getting a proper body back and building one for your son, possible.” I add finally.


“How did she do it ?” Immediately rebounds Jessie.


“The Klyntar are naturally gifted in the art of altering what they call the life-code of their host, that’s DNA to us, as they originally used those capabilities to make their host addicted to them.”


I shrug at the three difficult and googly-eyed expressions facing me.


“Since I knew about it and didn't want to just use Iris but instead intended to offer her a ‘home’ and my total cooperation, I asked her to help me with my issue. Iris agreed because she saw in me that I was truthful.”


While Rosie’s face is slowly getting pinker as time goes by, Harrison raises an eyebrow.


“After we were done with me and since Flash and I are closely, genetically speaking, related, she was able to design your son's first cell, and here we are.” I conclude.


“What do you mean by closely related ?” Asks a healthier looking Rosie.


“I didn’t rewrite things from scratch,” answers Iris, head perking up a bit, “I just altered a few things here and there on Aria’s life-code like how tall she will be, her bone structure and changed that Y thingy into a X.”


Understanding flashes through Harrison’s face as Rosie starts babbling, Jessie looking a bit lost.


“So that means…” Starts Rosie.


“That technically speaking, yes, I could be your biological daughter.” I answer, making a so-so gesture.


Jessie eyes shots open wide at that.


“That’s why you have my eyes.” Softly says Harrison under his breath.


I sigh.


“Indeed,” I answer, “And I would’ve been a tad miffed if the series of complications we encountered in the process of making my body removed those, they are quite pretty.”


“Complications ?” He asks, awkwardly attempting not to show his appreciation at the indirect compliment.


“Yes, I’m currently manipulating the lightwaves around me to pass off as a human being.” I answer as my touch-TK disguise falls, exposing my white and golden gorgeousness.


A new wave of astonishment hits the Thompsons household.


“Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love how I look now,” I carry on, unperturbed, “But, and it is something that you must remember now that your son is also concerned, humanity as a whole isn't really an accepting place and already has, is still and will continue to shun mutants, one way or the other. It means people who look like an estranged alien princess…”


I gesture with a proud smile to my mane of white silkiness and pristine matte golden skin.


“... And people like your son, whose body can regenerate from deadly injury by itself, melds himself with technology and talks with the toaster right behind me as easily as if he was talking to you.”


“And he just won't shut up !” Answers a scowling Flash as he climbs down the stairs.


“I know,” I answer, rolling my eyes, “Why he keeps asking to be introduced to the microwave is beyond me.”


“Is it not because he wants to have little spawns ?” Curiously asks Iris, head tilted.


I giggle as Flash retakes his seat next to mine, Jessie visibly struggling to keep a straight face.


“Do you have any more questions ?” Asks archingly Flash, hands clasped before him and eyes on his parents.


“A few.” Answers Harrison, not letting his wife and daughter take the initiative.


“Melding with technology ?” He asks, pointedly looking at his son.


Flash’s eyebrow raises at the same time as his right arm disassembles itself and a few very dangerous gun muzzles peek through the gaps of metallic flesh covered by pink skin, silvery veins and dark gray muscles showing.


Harrison does a double-take, Rosie pales again and Jessie’s mouth locks itself in a little o of surprise.


“Where did you find those ?” Asks a panicking Harrison.


“There’s a thing called plausible deniability, Officer. I would like to suggest that we make use of it right now.” I gently chid him.


As he nods while silently mouthing ‘vigilantism’ under his breath, I carry on.


“Granting Flash his newfound capabilities is what allowed us to make him a vessel for his mind in record time, his powers allowing himself to rebuild an acceptable body for him as long as there is technology lying around.”


I pointedly look at the police officer at the table.


“Let’s leave that line of questioning at that.” I remind him.


He silently nods again.


“What about grand-children ?” Blurts out Rosie, the despair of a mother showing on her face.


Flash groans as his eyes come shut while my smile becomes wider at his visible discomfort.


Next to my head, Iris shares my mirth if her quiet little chuckles are anything to go by.


“Not a problem, people like us can freely cross breed with homo sapiens, homo superior, that’s the mutants, or inhomo supremis, another offshoot of the human race known as Inhumans. Same number of chromosomes in all of us.” I answer with my best attempt at keeping a straight face while Flash is hiding his deepening blush the best he can.


“That is also part of the reason why the current bigotry against us, against them, is plainly stupid and wrong. Remember Gengis Khan ?” I elaborate more seriously.


“More than eight percent of the world population share his genes today.” Answers Jessie, remembering one of our lessons about biology.


“Exactly,” I compliment while giving her a thumbs up that she answers with a shy smile, “Which means that when enough time will have elapsed, the homo sapiens will have gradually left their place on earth to the homo superior.”


I spread my arms.


“Your son and I now belong to the future of humanity, and his future grandchildren will too, if he chooses to have some, not to some hypothetically insidiously hidden plague aiming to weaken it.” I end.


Flash is giving me the stink-eye while Rosie’s breath has visibly settled, a thoughtful expression on her face.


“I suppose I shouldn’t ask you where you found the genetic material to make that possible ?” Harrison deadpans.


“I’m going to plead the Fifth, Sir.” I answer with a straight face.


He snorts and shakes his head, then considers things further.


“So, you were the one who punched me, correct ?” He asks.


“I was, yeah.” I answer unapologetically.


He slowly nods to himself while the two others finally connect the dots, Rosie’s mouth getting pinched.


Harrison raises up, walks toward his officer’s vest hanging from the coat-hanger, rummage through his pocket for a bit, then sits himself back at the table.


He wordlessly puts on the dining table an AA badge. There’s a nice little seventy-two written on it.




His eyes locks onto mine.


“Girl, Aria,” He starts, mulling over his thoughts for a second, “As strange as it may sound, thank you for that. I needed it badly.”


I wordlessly nod to him, his eyes already shifting toward his son, his expression growing complicated.


Flash’s gaze is pure steel, waiting for what comes next.


“Eugene, I failed you.” Harrison starts, “I failed you both as your father and as a human being. I’ve let my stress and my circumstances turn me into an addict, and you paid the price for my weakness.”


He pauses, brows furrowing.


Flash is staying mute, still staring at his father.


“I failed you, and I’m sorry for this. I should’ve done better and I see it now.” He slowly shakes his head, sadness plainly written on his face, “I’ll understand if you never forgive me and I’ll accept it because it is your right, but I wanted to make amends properly, especially now that you’re back.”


As his father finally ends, Rosie looking at her husband with her eyes wide-open, Flash slowly nods.


“Only time will tell if I find it in me to forgive you, I won’t make any promises that I can’t keep, I learned that from her.” He lightly jerks his head toward me.


“Although, there’s one thing that you could do to start mending that bridge.” He mercilessly adds.


Uh ?


Understanding flashes through Harrison’s eyes as he perks up, choosing nonetheless to ask for the benefit of the room.


“What is it son ?” His eyes already darting to me.


“Will you let Aria stay with us ?” Flash decisively asks the man of the house.


“Of course.” Harrison easily answers as if it was already settled.


I wasn’t really expecting that.


“Harrison !” Rosie’s outcry at her husband’s unilateral decision makes him turn his attention back to her.


“Rosie,” he slowly starts, a frown on his face, “The fact she has nowhere to really go nor belong aside, would you let the fact that she has saved our son’s life instead of just running away at the first occasion go unrewarded ? Look at her, take a really, really good look at her, and tell me she needs to go if you dare.”


She clamps, eyes downcast.


“Plus, Jessie loves her.” He easily ends, “She can consider the guest room as her own for as long as she wants and that’s final.”


“But what about the money ?” Rosie lamely asks, which is an acceptable concern.


“Don’t worry, Rosie, I’ll pull my own weight.” I interrupt.


At my mental prompt, Iris’ arm swipes over the table, leaving behind a few hundred bucks previously belonging to a certain crime lord.


Harrison arches an eyebrow at the display while Rosie’s expression is suddenly far less complicated.


She was worried for her family, not necessarily ungrateful, uh.


“The Fifth ?” Harrison deadpans.


“Indeed,” I nod sagely, Iris snickering in my shoulder, “But rest assured that no law abiding citizens will miss that cash.”


At this rate, I’m starting to worry about Jessie's cardiac rhythm. Her fidgeting on her chair like that while refraining herself to pester me with questions cannot be healthy.


“What will Aria do about school and IDs, though ?” Harrison asks himself aloud, considering.


Flash’s eyes turn to me, an eyebrow raised.


I groan and start rubbing my eyes.


“If I handle that today, I’ll be able to do something about it.” I answer, turning myself sideways to point an accusatory finger at Flash, “But I get to keep my grades, I worked hard for those !”


“But they’re under my name.” He whines.


“Get over it, Flashy, I didn’t stay at school after class to get short-handed just because I reincarnated you.” I mock-scowl at him good-naturedly.


“Fine,” he sighs, defeated, “But you better remember your promise.”


“Don’t worry about it, I will.” I answer, a smile ghosting over my face.


I exhale and raise from my chair.


“Now, to make sure that Flash and I capabilities, and Iris existence, stay privy to this household only, I’m going to put you three under a compulsion, if it is acceptable ?” I ask, eyes locked onto Harrison’s.


Rosie’s eyes dart to his, but he nods, hesitantly at first, then more surely.


“If it is to protect him and us, do it.” He answers decisively.


I close my eyes, my mind-eye focusing on Harrison, Rosie and Jessie’s mind for a second.


The world flashes white beyond my closed eyelids, and when I open them once again, it is done.


I nod to myself in satisfaction.


“You won’t be able to speak about all of this outside of this home, unless someone gives you the unique cue that they’re also in the know.” I cross my fingers into each other, “The cue is this particular hand gesture given while saying the word ‘tenet’.”


Yes, I’m totally plagiarizing Nolan with that one.


My eyes shift toward Jessie, whose expression is a bit sour.


“Sorry Munchkin, but it’s better this way. You won’t be able to slip unintentionaly with that.” I coax her gently.


Her expression softens, but I know I’ll have to give her a lot of answers to placate her in the near future.


“Do you want to come ?” I ask archingly at Flash, who remains seated.


He slowly shakes his head.


“I’m going to stay here today, let you work your magic freely,” he answers, smirking, “And enjoying being finally back home.”


“Alright,” I nod, “I’m going to leave you then, I still have a lot to do today, going to school nonetheless.”


“But I still have so many questions !” Jessie whines under her brother's amused look.


Iris and I chuckle.


“Later, Munchkin.” I answer, winking at her as she starts to pout.


Pouting at me, the gal!


“You’re still golden.” Flash interrupts as I climb the stairs to pick up my school stuff.


“This is going to take some time getting used to.” I grumble under my breath as my steps halt and my touch-TK disguise flickers back once again.


I’m slowly shaking my head at my own mistake when Iris interrupts my musings.


“So, do we belong to the family unit now ?” She softly asks, voice muffled by my locks.


“I think we do.” I answer, my lips curling up.


Her grip tighten.


“I think I’m happy we found somewhere to come back too, sister.” She shyly admits.


My steps halt once again in the hallway.


“You know what, sister ? I think I am too.” I hesitantly answer, my smile becoming more genuine.

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