Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 73: Out of the portal and into the...

Irwin snuck down the sand-covered stone staircase while an unpleasant, rank scent drifted up from below. Traces of footsteps were visible in the dust and sand in front of him, and if he had to guess, he would say they belonged to Galubs.

There are always buildings in these places, he thought absently, listening for any sound that might indicate movement ahead. I wonder why…

His new hammer rested snugly in his right hand while he had a single grappling gauntlet on the other. A soft thud from behind told him that Gwallina and Yerich were still following him. Lous and Desrin were waiting at the top, ready to defend it from anything if they had to sprint back with something on their heels. Everyone looked far more lively now, and when he had told them that Daubutim had told him that many portals like these were known to have two portals, they didn't even bother asking difficult questions. Instead, they started planning to find it and get out.

The Frozir said there were Grablon's in here… perhaps this part was open before?

As he turned around the corner, he saw that the staircase stopped a few feet down. There still wasn't any sound or light, and Ambraz hadn't vibrated again. The reason he was in the lead, again, was because he could see. For the others, it was pitch dark in here, but he had his flame ready to summon in case they needed light.

Reaching the bottom, he held his breath and poked his head through the door opening. Dozens, if not hundreds, of decapitated Galub bodies, lay sprawled across a massive hall. Massive stains of dried-up blood spread out below them, while splashes of more were across every surface he saw. Long lacerations covered the Galubs, many on the back and chest, almost as if they had been sliced apart.

Irwin bit back a cursed gasp as he looked around. The room was a hallway with broken statues to the side, two angular passageways with elaborate arches above it to each side, and a throne at the back. Black and dull, for a moment, he thought it was empty. Then he realized a thin figure sat on it, eyes closed and head angled down. Long black hair draped across the front of its equally black robe, causing it to blend in perfectly with the stone throne.

Very slowly, Irwin drew his head back. The others stood behind him, eyes wide as he looked around as if searching for a tiny sliver of light in the darkness.

Did that black thing do that to the Galubs? Or is it dead too? Irwin thought as he exhaled as quietly as he could. Whatever it was, he was pretty sure he didn't want to go here if he could help it. Sadly, they didn't have much of a choice. He needed to find the other portal.

Steeling himself, he peaked around the corner again, only for his heart to skip a beat. The throne was empty… and there was no sight of the being on it. He almost turned and ran, but a tiny sliver of insight kept him motionless as his eyes scanned the room. Seconds turned to minutes, and he feared the others would become restless and say something. Then he saw a minute movement near the far end of the hallway, and as he watched, he saw a black figure almost glide across the floor, its head turned away from him, turned towards one of the dropped statues. It stopped before it, and a pale hand stretched out, touching the statue's torn-off head.

After a short while, it continued on, floating to the next.

What is that thing? Irwin thought as he tried to recall the many different demons that could be inside the portals. He knew of a few, and none matched the description of what he saw before him. The closest he could come up with would be a very big Nyzir… but that couldn't be. The Nyzir were supposed to be through the other portal. Whatever it was, he had no interest in fighting it if he could prevent that.

He silently observed the shadowy figure as it floated from statue to statue. After a few moments, a soft, weary sigh echoed through the hall. It lasted for seconds. Then a deep, rumbling voice muttered something Irwin couldn't understand. He almost had a heart attack when Ambraz jolted in his pocket. The shadow luckily didn't seem to notice as it moved towards the left hallway and vanished inside.

Irwin waited, eyes focused on the hallway, and counted in his head. Only when he reached three hundred, and nothing had appeared, did he let out a soft exhale of relief. He pulled back and slowly backed up to the staircase. Whatever that was, it might be best to-

The dull rumbling voice came from beyond the doorway, and before he could act, the shadowy figure appeared in the doorframe. Two pitch-black eyes that shone from the inside with a silvery light stared at him. There was such a murderous hatred in them that Irwin didn't hesitate.

"Incoming," he snapped as he raised his hand at the same time as the flame burst into existence. His own eyes didn't care for the sudden light, but a deafening shriek came from the shadow as it shot back through the door and away. The shriek faded into the distance so fast it almost was as if it hadn't happened.

"By Yilda, what was that?" Yerich said behind him, his voice cracking midway.

"We need to get out of here," Gwallina hissed, and Irwin backed up from the door until he stood beside them. A quick glance showed they both had their hands in front of their eyes, shielding them from the light but looking towards the door.

"You know what that was?" Irwin asked.

"No, but it can't be anything good," Gwallina replied.

"Gwallina, are you guys alright?" Desrin shouted from above, his voice dulled and muted.

The ranger stepped back.

"There's a demon in here that I've never seen before. Shadowy, long dark hair, pale face, pupil-less black eyes with some kind of silver glow!"

There was only a second of silence, then they heard a thud from above.

"Don't move. We are coming! Orwin, don't turn off the flame!"

As if I was thinking about it, Irwin thought, keeping his flame forward while his fingers clenched around the handle of his hammer.

The dull rumbling voice came again, echoing from far away as the thing, whatever it was, shouted something.

"Okay, I didn't understand that, but does anyone else think he sounds really angry?" Yerich whispered.

The others didn't respond, as Desrin and Lous ran down towards them. It took them only a few moments before Desir burst around the corner.

"Alright, you are fine," he grunted.

"Do you know what that demon is?" Irwin asked as the guard stepped up next to him, his sword in hand.

"Not officially, but I've heard about demons that match that description. They call them Slaughter Demons. They appear in portals sometimes, though they should only appear in rare and beyond. They slaughter the other demons and any carded... I don't know how, but I do know we are in over our heads! We need to find that portal and get out of here."

Not again, Irwin thought and felt like cursing. Before he could, Gewlin stepped forward.

"Lovely name," the ranger whispered, and Irwin saw his face had gone completely pale.

"Whatever it was, it ran away when Orwin summoned his flame," Gwallina said.

"We heard," Lous grunted as he joined the others.

"I've not heard that they are weak to fire," Desrin said.

"Great. Now what?" Irwin said, feeling his anger grow slowly.

"No other choice. From what I hear, those things are able to decimate even rare-parties. I have no idea if they are all the same strength, but let's not wait to find out," Desrin said as he began pulling off his backpack. "Get your torches out. Orwin, light them up, but keep that flame of yours out and make it as bright as you can. We are going to find another portal and get out of here!"

"What if that thing overcomes its fear of light?" Yerich asked softly as he took out his own torch and held it out to Irwin.

As he put his flame next to it and saw the dark cloth burst aflame, Irwin blinked as he realized this was probably one of the first times he'd actually done what he had once thought all his cards capable of. Light candles and torches.

"Then we hope we can kill it," Desrin said. "Orwin in front, Lous at the back. Stay close together, and as soon as you see it, shout. With that thing here, there shouldn't be anything else."

"What about the linchpin?" Irwin said softly.

"What about it?" Desrin snapped, a bit of his previous anger showing again. "Unless you held back a way to catch it just to be funny…?"

"No," Irwin said, walking towards the entrance. If they couldn't close this portal, what would that mean?

At least there won't be any demons bursting out of it, he thought as he looked around the corner at the slaughtered Galubs. There was no sign of the Slaughter Demon, but Irwin barely hesitated as he triggered Coperion Body. As he grew, he barely noticed the vertigo this time, instead more surprised that his hammer became heavier. A quick look showed that it had become bulkier than before.

Deciding to leave the questions for later, Irwin stepped into the hallway.

"There are two exits," he whispered as Desrin stepped up next to him. "Left and right. The previous time that thing went left."

"Then let's hope it did again, and let's go right," Desrin said as he motioned for Irwin to keep going.

Yeah, Irwin thought as he began walking forward, flame raised and as bright as he could make it. The others followed after him, torches up high to cover as wide an area as possible.

As they passed the nearest statue, he stopped and gazed at it in surprise.

"They look like that Slaughter Demon did," he said. "Long hair and the same overly sharp, triangular features."

"Perhaps this was his home… before…" Yerich whispered.

Nobody answered, and they continued further, the sounds of their footsteps echoing hollowly around them. The corridor that led away was wide, doorless, and with decorated arches.

Walking through and forward, Irwin kept his eyes out for any sign of the shadowy demon, but as they continued down the hallway, he found nothing. After a while, they came to an intersection. The right side collapsed, but the left continued forward for a long while.

"Straight," Desrin said dully.

Irwin didn't respond but continued on until they reached another intersection. The right side was blocked again, sandy rubble almost reaching where they stood.

"Straight," Desrin said again, and Irwin was about to move when Ambraz began pushing his leg. He stopped, cocked his head, and looked to the left. It seemed a similar path, but there had to be something.

"Orwin?" Desrin said, stepping up next to him and staring into the hallway. "What is it? Did you see something?"

Irwin tried to come up with a good way to go left. For a fraction of a moment, the idea to tell the others about Ambraz came to his mind, then he shoved it back violently. He'd shared his secrets before in a portal, and it hadn't exactly worked out. He still had no idea what had happened to Twintin, but he suddenly realized he almost hoped he'd never see her again.


Irwin started as he realized his mind had drifted off, and he shook his head. Gotta stop doing that, he thought as he turned to Desrin.

"I saw a tiny shimmer of heat down there. We should check it out," he said, hoping their stressed leader would agree.

Desrin scrunched his brow as he looked into the dark corridor, but Irwin knew he couldn't see as far as he could, even with the light of his flame and the torches.

"Normally, it's better to stick with a single direction when going into unknown territory," the guard muttered. Then he turned to Irwin. "Alright, but if you don't see something again quickly, we are heading back and continuing straight."

Irwin nodded and began walking through the corridor, only to reach another intersection. Each direction seemed similar, but Ambraz pushed what he knew was forward, and without waiting, he continued on. There was a soft grunt from behind but nothing else.

They kept walking in the same direction, heading deeper into the building until they reached a split with no way forward.

"Great, now what," Yerich whispered.

Irwin felt Ambraz push him to the right, so he looked in that direction. Beyond the range of the light, he saw something that made him curse in annoyance.

"No, no, no," he grunted as he stomped forward.

"What's wrong?" Desrin asked, but Irwin ignored him as he walked forward.

The others ran after him, and the light of the torches and his flame finally reached the end of the corridor.

"Bloody… is that another one of those doors?" Yerich said, his voice rising in pitch.

Irwin reached the door, noticing far more scratches, some as deep as a finger, and crack marks covering the identical door as above.

This can't be happening, he thought as he snarled.

Before he could hold back, he struck the door with his hammer, causing a loud, dull crack as a split ran from the impact to the side of the door.

There was a moment of silence, then Desirin moved forward.

"Let me," he said as he raised his sword.

Irwin jumped back just as the point stabbed forward faster than he could follow. A loud, dull crack came as Desrin's blade pierced straight through the stone. A clattering of rock and debris came from behind it, as a tiny bit of a familiar glow came through the hole!

"Yes! Finally! Get that thing out of the-"

A deep howling followed by the voice they had heard again, silencing Lous.

For a moment, nothing happened.

"I don't think he is happy…?" Yerich whispered.

Irwin was about to say they should hurry when the howling came again, closer this time.

"It's coming!" Desrin snapped as he turned. "Help me break this bloody door down!"

Irwin turned and struck his hammer below the spot Desrin had hit just as another blade attack slammed a fist-sized hole in the door. As Desrin pulled it back, Irwin got a momentary view of a portal hovering in the center of the room. Then he slammed his hammer down again and again.

What if that thing follows us through? he thought as the hole became almost the size of his torso.

"It's almost here," Lous roared.

“Orwin!” Desrin ordered.

Irwin turned and jumped towards the others, letting his flame blaze. He could feel the temperature rising, and he knew he had to be careful with the others, so he lowered the intensity slightly.

Then a shadow appeared at the end of the corridor, screamed, and pulled back.

There was a sigh of relief that stopped when they realized the howling scream of pain didn't move away. It remained next to the door, then slowly faded. A dull roar of words Irwin couldn't understand came, followed by the sound of something striking something. There was a dull thud, nothing else.

"Almost through," Desrin hissed.

Irwin felt his heart skip a beat as a shadowy arm appeared then the demon stepped into view, hand shielding his face and eyes.

"Oh, shit," Gelwin said.

It's getting used to the light, Irwin thought, grasping his hammer tighter.

"Shoot it!" he snapped.

There was a soft rustle, then an arrow jutted from the shadowy figure's chest. A woosh and another two hit it at the same spot.

For a moment, nobody moved, then the arrows slowly angled down before sliding out and tinkling on the ground.

"Lak ras diiiii!"

The words were soft and like a curse.

"I think we pissed it off," Yerich whispered.

A loud crack came from behind, followed by things crumbling.

"It's open. Get through!" Desrin shouted.

Irwin backed up just as the guard stepped up beside him, his blade forward.

"Why do I get the feeling this thing used us to get through this door?" Irwin whispered.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get the same idea," Desrin muttered as they backed up. The shadowy figure slowly stepped after them, his hand still covering his face. "Crawl through. I'll keep it away until you're all out."

"How are you going to keep him from killing you without my fire," Irwin whispered.

Desrin raised the torch in his other hand.

Irwin licked his lips, wondering if that would work. The thing was, he didn't have any other idea either.

Wait, Eyes of Blaze!

He almost hit himself for his stupidity at forgetting one of his abilities.

"Listen, I'm going to do something. With some luck, it will flee or even hurt him," Irwin said softly. "Get ready to close your eyes.

Desrin's breath caught, then he sniffed.

"Okay. Ready."

Irwin focused on his skill, then, without holding back, poured all the energy he felt into the card into the skill as fast as he could.

"Now," he snapped.

The world seemed to turn red, and he heard a startled gasp from beside him. Then there was a loud scream as two tapering jets of flame burst from his eyes, widening to fill the corridor. The force caused his head to want to move back, and he had to lean forward slightly as he saw the shadowy figure blasted to the back of the wall.

The scream cut off as the figure seemed to shatter into a cloud. Flames roared around it, and something about it reminded Irwin of smoke and soot.

He blinked, cutting off his skill.

"No, keep it up!" Desrin shouted.

The cloud reacted instantly, shooting to the side and away.

"By Gelwin's beard, if you'd just hit it again," Desrin muttered, and Irwin felt the guard's hand as he pulled him back.

I don't think that would have actually worked, Irwin thought.

"Go through and then get ready to fire again if needed," Desrin grunted.

Irwin spun and saw a hole large enough to crawl through. The others stood on the other side, looking worried. Irwin quickly unsummoned his flame and hammer and began crawling through. The others began helping him, pulling him through and forward, only for his shoulders to get slightly stuck.

"This would be easier if you weren't made of metal," Yerich grunted in strain.

Irwin cursed and turned off his final skill. He shot forward as Yerich let out a startled shout. Then he landed atop the smaller ranger, who grunted in pain.

"It's back! Orwin, fire!" Desrin shouted, a slight panic in his voice.

Scrambling up, Irwin spun to the hole to see the shadowy figure rush forward. Dark stains and red blood covered his face, while one of his eyes was an empty, bloody hole. Desrin stood at the ready, sword out.

"Step to the side," Irwin shouted as he focused on Eyes of Blaze. As Desrin stepped aside, the shadowy figure reached him, and Irwin burst a beam of fire forward. The figure blurred sideways, dodging the fire. A shout from Desrin made Irwin turn it off, instead summoning his flame and jabbing his hand through the hole.

There was a roar of pain as the shadowy figure ran out of the hallway and jumped around. Then it was quiet again.


There was no response, then a bloodied hand gripped the edge of the hole, and Desrin pulled his head up. His eyes were unfocused, and Irwin quickly grabbed his wrists, dragging him forward.

"He hit me," Desrin mumbled. "Used.. skill… he uses smo-" his voice was cut off, and his eyes widened. He coughed, and a spray of blood struck Irwin's face.

"Desrin!" he shouted, pulling harder. There was a slight resistance, then he stumbled back, pulling the guard along while the rangers had arrows knocked at the hole. Irwin fell on his ass, Desrin dropping before him. The back of his armor was cut apart and blood bubbled up.

"Yilda help us," Gwallina whispered. "Hurry, get him through the portal! We need to heal him! Perhaps there's someone on the other side with a card!"

Irwin struggled up and looked through the hole. There was no sight of the shadowy figure, and Irwin suddenly had the tiny hope it couldn't move into the room.


Irwin shuddered, then bent over and carefully lifted Desrin from the ground. The guard's face was pale, blood slowly dripping from his lips. Turning around, Irwin saw that the room was spacious, with a large slab at one side that almost made him think of a bed and broken-down cupboards and a desk in another place. The portal had appeared atop a salon table of some sort, cutting it in half, and he stepped forward.

"Let's go," Lous snapped, moving next to him, bow ready as he stared back at the door. "You go first. We will come right after. As soon as you are on the other side, put Desrin down and get ready to fight. I'll follow and try and patch him up!"

Irwin nodded and stepped through the portal, praying Ambraz was right and they were going to arrive close to the other one. There was the now-familiar moment of bone-chilling cold and darkness, though, for a moment, he thought he sensed something else—a sense of movement.

Then there was a flash of bright light, and a blast of cold air almost made him stumble back through.

Instinctively he triggered Coperion Body, glad he still could, and looked around. He stood on a rocky outcrop below a ridge, staring at a jagged, snow-covered hill or mountainside. It didn't look anything like the flowing hills of Grinning man's hilltop.

Where are we? he thought.

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