Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 74: Return

Stones rattled down the slope as they carefully climbed down.

"You're absolutely sure we are east of Degonda?" Lous grunted from the back.

"For the sixth time. Yes!" Yerich said. "I've been here before, though that wasn't here then!"

Irwin inadvertently watched as Yerich pointed at the ripped-apart hillside to their left and shuddered. Rubble lay strewn across the hill, partially covered in snow, while massive slabs of jagged rock jutted up and outside as if something had burst out of it.

"Could you two shut up so I can hear if anything follows us?" Gwallina hissed. She was standing a few feet ahead, on a large rock, bow out and ready to shoot anything that could follow them.

"Even if it comes through, it won't follow us," Yerich said, sounding exasperated.

Irwin knew the ranger had become annoyed by the constant worrying, but he fully understood the others. More so, because if they had to run, he had to carry Desrin. Taking a look at the pale-faced guard in his arms, he saw the tiny stream of blood from the corner of his mouth had begun again. Initially, they had taken turns carrying the guard, but it soon became apparent that the others couldn't carry him far before slowing and even tripping. Eventually, Irwin had just continued carrying the guard, only taking off his armor and weapons, handing those to Lous, while Gwallina carried the guard's pack. Although the weight kept increasing to the point of being a horrible burden, he had a big advantage. Coperion Body. He used it when he could, as it made the weight negligible and allowed him to rest while it was on cooldown.

Half a day down is going to be close, he thought as he looked at the valley floor far below. According to Yerich, they could move from there along the foothills and reach Degonda before dark. So far, they hadn't come across any demons or portals, which somehow surprised him, but he wasn't going to complain.

As they continued on, he didn't join the other's banter or do much else but think. Think about what Ambraz had said. He really wanted to head back to Malorin and somehow save his family. But how? He'd thought about going there and taking them with him to the hubworld. That might work. But where in the hubworld? If it was anything like his own world, he would need some form of currency to get a house and all kinds of other things.

Another thing he could do was try and bring them to Daubutim's father… whom I haven't met and have no idea what he is like, he thought. From what he'd seen of Daubutim, his father seemed like a very capable, harsh, and generally horrible man.

Steps, I need steps, he thought after a while. He'd been coming up with a list for a while, just like before, but only the first step kept staying the same. Get back and teach Trimdir the basics of card reforging with Ambraz's help. Not just because it would help people stop the portal but also because it would remove some of the attention from him. I need to warn Daubutim, he thought. His friend had to be worried.

A look at the sky made him grit his teeth. They had no idea how long they had been out, though the others probably still thought it was only moments. As soon as the moon was out, he'd be sure.

A shiver ran through him as his Coperion Body dissipated. Instantly the cold bothered him more.

I wish that thing would last longer, he thought as he increased his pace in the hopes of it warming him.

They continued for hours, barely reaching the foot of the hill when the sun began sinking below the horizon.

"Alright," Yerich said, sounding winded. He'd been slowing down, showing the difference between his endurance and that of the others. Even Irwin, who'd constantly carried Desrin, felt like he was doing better.

Looking down, he saw Desrin's blood had congealed, and he was breathing in short, ragged bursts.

Come on Desrin. Stay with us, he thought as he gritted his teeth. Without him here, they most likely wouldn't have had to deal with a Slaughter Demon.

"How long until we reach Degonda?" he asked, staring at Yerich. He only realized how weary the ranger really was when there was no snappy retort.

"We should probably camp here," Yerich said, wiping a film of sweat from his head.

"Dream on," Lous snapped. "If that thing follows us out, I want to be as far gone as we can be."

"That is if it even waits for the sun to set," Irwin said as he looked up. "It looked less afraid of my fire at the end."

The others didn't respond, but he saw Yerich shiver and his shoulders sag.

"Fine, let's continue."

Another hour later, they finally crossed a small hill, and they saw a beacon of light in the distance. Perched on the hill, Irwin thought Degonda looked far more beautiful than the first time he'd seen it. What confused him more was that it felt like… home? His Coperion Body was active again, insulating him from the cold.

"It's almost dark, and it's over an hour there," Yerich said as he stumbled forward.

Irwin looked at the others and saw that only Gwallina seemed able to keep going. Compared to them, he was doing much better. Still, you are starting to feel heavier than a carry bag of metal, he thought as he looked at Desrin. The guard's face was incredibly pale, and his breath was barely noticeable.

"Desrin needs a healer," he said, looking up.

"Let's keep going," Lous said, stepping forward.

Irwin kept walking, but they hadn't even gotten halfway when there was a dull moan and a thud. Looking to the side, he saw Yerich lying on the ground, hands holding his head up as he stared down.

"I… can't," the ranger stuttered, then his eyes rolled up, and his head slammed into the muddy ground, luckily only just missing a stone.


Gwallina moved forward, kneeling next to the downed ranger and rolling him over.

"He's unconscious," she said, looking at Lous, then Irwin.

Irwin hesitated, looking in the direction of the lights, then at the other two who could still barely walk.

"You three rest here. I'll bring Desrin back," he said.

"Are you sure? You've been carrying him nearly the entire trip," Lous asked, looking at Irwin worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine," Irwin said. "My skill helps me, and I've been carrying stuff at Trimdir's, remember?"

The others just struggled as they slumped down. "Fine, just be careful and take good care of him," Gwallina said as she moved closer and inspected Desrin. "I… he doesn't look good," she muttered, and Irwin was surprised to see tears appear in her eyes before she spun around.

"I'll get him back safely," he said before looking at the others. "I think you should get off the path… we have no idea if that thing is still after us."

Lous and Gwallina shared a worried look before moving to Yerich. "I'll carry him. You take the stuff," Lous muttered as he dropped Desrin's weapons. "Orwin, better get going. We will be fine!"

Irwin took one look at them, then turned and continued forward.

The voices of the others slowly disappeared from behind as he continued on, struggling up and down inclines. When he estimated he was halfway there, Coperion Body deactivated, causing the weight to increase and his pace to decrease.

Still, he continued on tirelessly. By now, the only sound but his own breathing and footsteps was the wheezing from Desrin as he struggled for each breath. As the darkness continued to increase, he felt the temperature drop and shivered as he thought about what would have happened had he been out here without his full-hand upgrade. It was still cold, and he wasn't sure he could have fought effectively, but at least he wasn't dying.

"Hey, who goes there!"

Irwin looked up with a start to see six guards move down the road towards him, carrying torches and weapons.

"Orwin, smith with Trimdir," he said, his voice ragged and weary. "I have Desrin here… he is wounded. We need a healer!"

There was a startled shout, and the guards ran toward him, quickly surrounding him. Dozens of worried gazes turned to the guard in his arms.

"Desrin? You are with the lost party that went into that portal!" one of the guards said as he raised a hand to feel for Desrin's pulse.

"Lost?" Irwin said.

"Yah… you've been gone for over three weeks! How did you get out of there without anyone seeing you?"

So it's already happened, Irwin thought. The time-dilation was slowing down or perhaps even gone. He sensed a tiny tremor in his pocket.

"We can take him from you, kid," one of the guards, a tall, muscled man, said. "Get a stretcher!'

Two of the guards sprinted away.

Irwin blinked and almost wanted to reject the offer. He'd carried Desrin since they left, and he wanted to bring him to safety. He'd promised the others. Then he felt how weak he was, and though he knew he would be able to reach the entrance, what if he stumbled?

"Yeah, that is a good idea," he muttered.

"So… it's just you two?" the tall guard asked a look of weary sadness on his face.

Irwin started as he recalled the others. "No! The rest are an hour back. They were too tired to continue and are camping out there."

The guard's eyes lit up, and he turned to another guard. "Get a group ready to pick them up! If those Galubs find them… hurry!"

Galubs? Irwin thought as he looked around.

A group of guards came running back before he could ask what had happened, and he quietly helped them put Desrin on the stretcher.

A few moments later, Desrin was being carried on a flat board, and Irwin was following the others back to the city. As he reached the gate, he saw there were more rangers and guards than ever patrolling them while another group of guards guarded the entrance.

"What happened while we were gone?"

"Ah… so much, where do I even begin," the guard snorted. "We've been working together with those Frozir... If anyone had told me a month ago we'd been working together with demons, I'd have reported him to the captain. Still, as creepy as they are, without them, we wouldn't have been able to close as many portals as we have."

"The Frozir are closing portals?" Irwin muttered in disbelief.

"Aye, kid. And it's a good thing. Galubs have been roaming the lands, and-"

"Orwin!" a deafening shout cut off the guard as a tall figure ran forward.

Irwin barely had time to prepare when a long-haired figure slammed into him, wrapping him in strong arms.

"You are back… I thought you were-" Lamia stopped, and Irwin stared down stupidly as the female smith cried on his armor.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, "he said. "How did you know I was back?"

"I asked uncle Burt to keep an eye on the gate," Lamia said.

The heavy thud of running boots made Irwin look up, and he saw Daubutim run towards him. His friends' eyes scanned him as he approached, and Irwin saw the relief on his face. The tall noble stopped before them while Lamia stepped back, wiping her face and grinning at him. Irwin smiled back before focusing on Daubutim.

"Hey, I'm back," Irwin said, grinning awkwardly at his friend.

"Good," the lordling said, nodding. "Good, good. I was worried."

Irwin felt his heart warm at both of their responses.

"So, what happened? Did you manage to close the rare portal?" he asked, slightly uncomfortable.

Daubutim's face fell, and he sighed.

“Let's head to Trimdir,” Daubutim said. "He's been breaking anvils ever since you left…"

"Breaking anvils?" Irwin asked as he made to follow Trimdir and Lamia.

"One moment!'

They stopped as the tall guard joined them, staring at Irwin. "I fear you are going to have to go to Lord Bron first and explain what has happened. "

Irwin hesitated as he shared a look with Daubutim.

"It's fine! I'll tell Trimdir you are okay," Lamia said as she grinned at him. "Just come to the smithy when you are done?"

Irwin nodded, and a moment later, he was trudging along Daubutim toward the familiar tower.

"I thought you were not going to make it back," Daubutim said.

Irwin looked up. The young lord was frowning at the ground.

"I was afraid we might not a few times," Irwin said honestly.

Daubutim didn't respond, and they continued on in silence. Irwin noticed Daubutim seemed to want to tell him something multiple times but kept holding back. He wondered what that was about, but his tired mind and weary body made him decide to ask later.

When they reached the tower, Irwin noticed that the temporary shelters and tents were gone.

"Where did the refugees go?" he asked in surprise.

"The Frozir built a set of temporary housing for us on the other side of the city," Daubutim said. "Not everyone wants to live there, though. Many people still think we should wipe them out for what they did."

Irwin sighed, remembering how he had saved people left and right when the Frozir attacked Degonda. The pain and anger in Lamia's eyes were something he would probably never forget. As soon as he thought about her, he wondered how she was handling Degonda working with the Frozir.

The tower was quiet, and even the canteen seemed empty, from what Irwin heard. They only met a few guards on their trip further in, but when they approached Lord Bron's room, shouting and loud voices came from inside.

The guard that brought them here hesitated as he stood before the door, but Daubutim just stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"We will be fine from now," Irwin said as he nodded at the guard.

"Alright- good luck," the guard muttered as she turned and almost ran away.

"I am sorry, Orwin," Daubutim suddenly whispered.

Irwin frowned as he looked at his friend.

"I told Bron what you told me about what you overheard in the portal, about the shattering of the world and the portals," Daubutim said.

He did what?

Irwin felt his blood freeze as he swallowed. Then the words registered fully. How he had overheard it? Daubutim knew that wasn't what had happened...

Daubutim's gaze landed on his pocket, and the noble quickly shook his head.

So he didn't tell them about Ambraz, Irwin thought, instantly feeling slightly better.

Lord Bron's voice boomed from the next room, jolting him.


Daubutim gave him a sad smile, then shoved the door open and stepped inside.

Great, so someone spoke about this, and I overheard, Irwin thought as his mind began spinning up a way to explain this.

The massively cluttered central map table was surrounded by a few familiar people that looked up as they walked in.

"Orwin!" Basil's voice boomed over the rest.

Irwin jolted again as he looked at the towering guard-captain as he approached them with long steps. He only just saw Lord Bron look at him with sharp, twinkling eyes.

"You live! Did you finally exit the portal? How long did it feel to you? Have you spoken to Hutch? How is Ice Castle handling the new waves of Galubs? Did you close the portal?"

Irwin stared at the taller guard, taken aback by the deluge of questions. He noticed that the others, Lord Bron and the ranger leader Myda were calmly looking at him, seeming interested in his response.

"I- we didn't exit the same portal," he finally managed.

There was a sharp hiss, and he saw Basil was about to ask something when Bron spoke up.

"Basil. Sit and let the boy breathe! How do you think he will answer if you hover over him like that?"

Basil muttered something but instantly backed off, moving back to the table and dropping into a chair. Then he turned to Irwin and jabbed a thumb at two more chairs.

"Orwin, Daubutim, please sit," Lord Bron said as he did the same.

"Alright, tell us everything that happened from the moment you entered," Lord Bron said.

Irwin took a deep breath and began, only leaving out everything dealing with Ambraz. He even showed them his new card. As he spoke, a part of him kept trying to come up with a reason to explain how he knew what he knew.

"An uncommon card as your fourth?" Basil snapped. "You had better remove that when you find something better!"

Irwin just nodded as he continued his story. When he reached the part where they met the Slaughter Demons, Basil jumped to his feet.

"That is impossible! It was just an uncommon portal!" he shouted as he began pacing.

Lord Bron indicated for Irwin to continue, and he did. When he told them they had managed to get out and back in one piece, Lord Bron leaned back, relief flooding his face.

"Myda, make sure they heal Desrin and stay with him."

"Basil, head out and retrieve the others! We need them ready to close another portal in a few days, so give them anything they need."

The ranger leader nodded as she got up, though Basil seemed annoyed.

"Can't someone else do that?" he grunted. "They are only an hour out and-"

"Basil…" Lord Bron said, staring cooly at the guard-captain.

"Fine!" Basil said. Irwin saw him scan him and Daubutim before leaving.

As soon as the door was closed, Bron turned to Irwin, who swallowed. Bron's mouth opened, then he looked up and to the door as if he heard something. Irwin didn't hear anything, but Bron let out a weary sigh.

"Well, I guess this will work," he muttered.

The sound of running feet came to the door, which was slammed open and banged into the wall. Trimdir stood in the opening, gaze roaming the room before landing on Irwin.

"Orwin!" the smith bellowed before stomping into the room, straight for Irwin.

Seeing the worry and joy on the big smith's face, Irwin rose and couldn't hold back a wide grin.

"I've got a hammer," he said, raising his left hand and summoning his hammer.

Trimdir's grin widened as he stopped before him. "That's good, boy, that's good," the massive man said as he took the hammer and inspected it. Irwin thought he saw a tear slide down Trimdir's face as the smith raised it to inspect it.

"Nice and heavy!"

"Trimdir, I presume you are not here to inspect your ward's tools?" Bron asked softly.

Ward? Irwin thought as he saw Trimdir's face turn rigid in a single move as he handed the hammer back.

"No. I have an inkling what you are going to ask, so I came to support Orwin," the smith said.

"I thought as much," Bron said.

One of his cards glowed, and Irwin's eyes widened as he saw the brilliant green color. Then a barrier appeared around them, milky white, while any sound that had come from the city vanished.

"Right, now I think it's about time you tell me what is going on," Bron said as he waved them to their seats. "And that includes telling me where those new uncommon cards with a type reforged have originated from!"

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