Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 05 Warning smut!

If you didn't look at the tags or read the title of this chapter this is the last warning you'll get.



Most people with an alias had their covers blown the first few days. Superman’s glasses and single curly hair disguise that managed to hold up until that point was seen through which was actually a good thing for him. Most of the guilt Superman has from hiding his identity is unfounded and besides a few terrorist attacks he easily stopped against the daily planet his life became that much easier.


People like Bruce Wayne on the other hand were put in an extremely bad spot. One of the 100 tried to kill the Joker and in retaliation after he was killed the Joker tortured Alfred the same way he did to Jason Todd putting him in a coma. Not only was Batman unable to be in multiple places at once so villains started targeting multiple businesses of his. He was being sanctioned by Gotham itself to stop being a vigilante.


I was told that in the next few days I would be given the all clear to leave. During that time I thought I would try convincing one of the nurses to try dual cultivation with me. They had already seen my not only rapid but miraculous improvement and after setting my sights on one after being turned down by the rest I got a reluctant agreement.


“So you’re for sure that having sex with you will help me lose weight?” The nurse asked with a southern lilt to her voice. I wouldn’t consider her overweight in the slightest but even movie stars had body issues.


“I’m not 100% sure but you’ve seen how I lost all that weight myself. I think I’ll be able to give you some of the benefits, after all I am one of the 100.” I said with all the confidence I could muster. Convincing her had taken more time than I’d like to admit. Realistically I still think the mental image of the facial scar still stuck to every nurse who had seen it.


After a few seconds of deliberation she walked over to the door and locked it bringing down a towel over the glass pane so no one could see inside. Thankfully I had been moved to my own room after the first week or this wouldn’t have ever happened. She slowly undid her front zipper of her uniform and by the time it hit the ground I was already rock hard and out of my gown.


She eyed me suspiciously before asking. “So you can adjust any of your body parts then? Any chance you can shrink that thing down to a more manageable size? Maybe make it a bit wider if you can change it fully.”


I was taken aback for a second before I did as she commanded. She must have noticed the confusion in my face as she said. “If we were only going to do this once something that big wouldn’t be a problem but for.” She cleared her throat. “Multiple times it’s better to have something more manageable. My last boyfriend had a big one and we could only have sex every few days because I needed to recover afterwards.”


What I changed to was something of a similar size to what I started with. I made it a bit wider but it was shockingly like my dick back in my previous body when I still worked out. I was in my forties when this happened. The person looking back at me in the mirror was most definitely me but just at a much younger age and more attractive than I had ever been.


She let out a sigh as if to say let’s get this over with and impaled herself on me. The thought that this might be the first time she ever had sex with a patient left my mind. She was wet as fuck and getting off on this situation. All of that was just an act. This was all roleplay for her now that I think about it. She tried to remain silent but within the minute of starting soft moans leaked from her mouth. Not even five minutes later while breathing heavily she shuttered on my cock. It was… Well, it wasn’t all that great if I was being honest.


In my previous life every time I had sex I was just happy to be there. As I was right now, we weren’t very compatible. She slowly catches her breath and is about to speak but I grab her by her waist and put her underneath me. I had half expected her to complain but after drawing out another five orgasms from her I finally experienced my own.


I could feel energy being stored from the orgasm. To anyone who wasn’t a peak human it would essentially be enough energy to count as an eight hour work out. For those at the peak it would become something else. I knew it wouldn’t take more than a few dozen orgasms for me to get there at this point.


The nurse's body was absolutely covered in sweat. Visible steam wafted off her and just as I was about to continue she got up. “I- *huff* I need a quick. Bath- *huff* bathroom break.”


I heard the shower turn on and for a brief moment I thought about just bailing. We just weren’t compatible and for a moment I worried that getting stronger would push me further apart from every other female. As I got stuck in my own head the nurse finished her shower and opened the door.


She was still completely naked. It was hard to see any changes so far but with how many times she came she had to have lost at least a few pounds already. The smirk as she opened her towel quickly faded as she saw the look on my face. There was no lust shown in my eyes. She let out an honest sigh this time before sitting next to me.


“So what are you thinking? Most guys would have a smile going from ear to ear sweetheart.” She placed her hand on my leg and looked me in the eye.


“I-.” God am I really going to tell this random stranger my problems? “I… I think I may have made a mistake. I’m in such great shape that sex doesn’t feel as good as it used to…” 


She sucked her teeth before speaking. “I’m going to be completely honest with you sugar. I don’t really care. So it takes you longer to cum when you have sex, so what. Most of the time when I have sex I just sit and take it then go finish myself off afterwards. Think of it as payment for all the women you’ve left unsatisfied in the past. Now sack up, take your medicine and fuck me pretty.”


She dove at me after finishing kissing me hard enough to push me back onto the bed before impaling herself again.

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