Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 06 Rigged from the start

We had sex for the rest of the day. I half expected there to have been a huge crowd outside by the time we finished but the nurse must have made a deal with the other on duty nurses. The test actually bared fruit I didn’t know it would. 


Every few orgasms she would have would milk the next one from myself that much quicker. By the end we were both cumming at almost the same pace and sex went from barely any feeling to having more intense orgasms than I ever had in my previous life. My whole body trembled at each orgasm and my mind went blank for a few seconds each time I climaxed. The squealing woman underneath me must have also been feeling the changes.


We took a shower together and I felt my body almost aching with built up power from dual cultivation. With just a bit more effort I knew I could form a chi core in my body but doing so now would cripple my magical growth in the future so I held off. I began to sit in a lotus position and spin the stored energy around my body.


I spun the energy into a very thin line before interweaving it over and over again. I would spin the rope and braid it together, then start over and braid a new set of threads before braiding those together. Finally doing this ten times I felt a shift in my body as I formed my first magic circle. The dry well in my body began to fill with chi or mana depending on where you were to learn this.


With this I had broken through the body cultivation level of chi and had gone into the gas stage of cultivation. Some people were born with magic circles or I doubted this method would have ever been found because forming a core was so much simpler. Doing so would permanently lock you out of forming magic circles though as all chi would be stored in the core.


Once again making a core would lock me out of improving my body further as well. Perhaps with energy storage I could work around it but I didn’t think the risk was worth it. Improving my mana veins and chakra points or making another circle was the next step in strengthening myself. As I let out a breath from finishing the circle the nurse finally came out of the bathroom.


She had a gun in her hand and my eyes went wide as people I knew entered the room. About a dozen people entered. Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton then finally Nick Fury came in, closing the door and throwing me a pair of pants. I couldn’t help but blurt out as I put the pants on.


“Where the hell did that gun come from? Did you Godfather me?” I couldn’t help but see a few of the S.H.I.E.L.D. (only putting the periods in this one time) agents' faces shift from indifference to ones with smirks on them as I did so. 


Nick Fury sat down in the chair across from me. The first few days I had noticed the oddly high chair in the room but that quickly left my mind since no one used it. Now that he sat above me looking down I knew the entire time I woke up I was already under surveillance.


My mind quickly started thinking through what exactly that meant. Not only were they watching me jerk it the past month they probably set me up to have sex to prove that was one of my powers. They must have noticed me using my telekinesis and obviously noticed the changes to my body. That would leave plant control as the only power I had that they couldn’t deduce from watching me.


That would also mean that all the blood tests they have done were for testing purposes and if none of the other 100 told them. I asked.


“There haven’t been many comics involving SHIELD since it became somewhat redundant because of the Justice league. You should double check to make sure my blood made it to where it’s supposed to be. In most universes SHIELD is almost always full of double agents. Specifically secret HYDRA agents.”


Nick Fury has yet to say anything, most likely waiting for me to speak first as a form of power play. That power play was broken almost immediately by his shocked expression. I asked.


“Hey I always had an idea on how to tell if there are any HYDRA agents around if you’d let me test it. It’s never been done in any comics but it makes sense in my head at least.”


“Alright then, go ahead.” Nick crossed his leg and placed his giant custom made desert eagle pointed towards me. I knew from the comics that Nick Fury had a weakened version of the super soldier serum since they did away with the infinity serum. That puts him somewhere between peak human and superhuman. He looked like a younger version of Samuel Jackson, maybe more like Mace Windu with a goatee.


“I am one of the heads of HYDRA. Any lower ranking members must respond to me. HAIL HYDRA!”

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