Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 105 Speed running the rest of the circles

I tried killing the seventh circle. The biggest problem now that I was so high up was that they were all separate and running away. Information I’d get from a higher-up would be useless in just an hour as everyone continuously fled from me. It was all singular murders or conquests. Started with three no-name cronies of the leaders. They surprisingly didn’t know much, just there to support their leader.


Killing them didn’t fill out any information on where the other seventh circle hand members would be. I had to use my network and several tracking spells to find more members. The next was probably the best. I caught Bakuto who left his sanctum from fear of being caught. Turns out he ran directly into someone I was trying to find and got himself killed.


He died unceremoniously as he barely got out half a sentence before my hand pierced his heart. I lopped off his head just to be safe. Cleaning up the remainder became far more easy as I gained a portion of his knowledge on the hand. Not only did I gain knowledge on potential hand members, but I also gained knowledge on how the businesses were run and where several money caches were hidden.


Bakuto was building up to try and take over the hand and in the process needed lots of money. That meant I got a free billion from his plots going wrong. He had calculated the money the hand brought in every year and if I owned everything it would be a fortune five hundred company. I playfully kicked his head as I saw the three women he had taken as lovers and decided I wanted all three of them.


I had to go back and clean up potential future problems. It led to a montage of murder and conquering. To start off, I killed like fifty more high-ranked members of the hand I missed. Just too many to even list and ones even I didn’t really know. Does anyone remember the Iron Monk? How about Akatora? There were six different Azuma I had to kill because the leader hired people with his name which made it harder to know you killed the right one.


I also found that they had ties to every single other evil organization. The Light, League of Assassins, League of Shadows, Maggia, Injustice League, League of Super-Villains, HYDRA, A.I.M., just… So fucking many bad guys. It was like pulling a threat and more kept coming. The first semi-important member of A.I.M. I killed and all of them scattered like roaches. They were the smartest.


The League of Assassins were one of the closest connections but they had deemed the matter the Hands problem and left the hand to fight its own battles. That didn’t mean Sensei deemed it necessary to fight me for some reason. A normal ass human was arrogant enough to think he could beat me. Killing him gave me plenty of information to act on once everything had settled down.


It was about that time that the assassins and bounty hunters started showing up. I could kill or conquer a member and then another would show up to try and kill me. Rapid fire what happened. I fought Sportsmaster but left him alive because of his daughters(didn’t want to piss them off). Madame .44 and Two-Gun Lil showed up for my bounty. As cowboys and not ninjas I had to convince them to sleep with me after beating them. After a minute of convincing, we got to having sex, and just as I finished. Dragonfly showed up and I quickly killed him. These mooks had almost no pushback with plot armor as I didn’t even touch him and I telekinetically snapped his neck. 


Gypsy Moth showed up next. She was just a normal human with a levitation power and wing costume. Fucked her before Taskmaster showed up. Female taskmaster so beat her rights of conquest. Then Kaluu appeared to fight me, he was a mage so no idea why he was there. I killed him and found out that I pissed off the evil sect of the mystic order as well.


Teleported to the next spot in my head to fight… Tallulah Black and Count Vertigo!? What the hell, they’re fighting each other which makes sense… No, it doesn’t, how the fuck was Tallulah Black alive she’s over a hundred years old now. She was alive during the civil war and Count Vertigo had no reason to be in New York. I blew his head up and stored his belt, been storing all the gadgets from people with no powers.


Talked to her about her story. She and Jonah were alive because of a meteor or something. They weren’t together because Jonah Hex is a womanizer so I fucked her after she agreed(I get that I'm a hypocrite). Fixed her inability to have children and put a baby in her. Man-Killer was next fighting Iron Fist and Colleen Wing. Help them beat her before stealthily checking Danny Rand and yep, same chi plasma in his veins. That would explain how he was so strong but didn’t have superhuman durability. He had no core and just channeled powers through his chakra points to punch harder or heal.


Left the two of them to deal with Man-Killer(She was ugly). Silver Fox fighting Tarantula turned into a threesome. Fixed chi and gave Tarantula the U.S.S. then Black Spider and Wizard ambushed me. Both died quickly. It really does make a huge difference that you’re immune to almost all forms of damage and can kill people with a thought. Teleported to Bialya and left Queen Bee with a future heir in her stomach(also thwarted one of her plans). 


It just all became a blur. I kept killing and fucking, fucking and killing. It was easier to just remember who I killed and fucked. I killed Wotan, Abra Kadabra, Karl Mordo, Atomic Skull, Psimon, Shade, and Kobra. Women I slept with were Sunset Bain, Typhoid Mary, Tuppence Terror(Spared her brother for her), Elektra(Hated Daredevil and was kind of evil still), Warrior Woman (Grandaughter of OG WW, still a member of HYRDA have to fuck some brains into her). I also spared and fixed Clayface for a favor for later. You never know when you might need someone who can look like anyone else to play a role.


This all happened in a day! From Tarantula running away, it wasn’t even six hours before she was underneath me. The fights would only last for a minute and the largest chunk of the day was eaten up by just straight fucking. I was really getting sick of this but every potential supervillain slain or lain meant fewer threats in the future. 


I could feel the bubbling of my chi flooded as I went to the seventh circle mage and fourth circle dark mage. Upgrading to the solid chi core increased my powers even more and I could feel one of my main stats hit a breakthrough. Several of my other powers also entered the next rank. I could feel with the constant sex I was close to breaking through the final rank of dual cultivation. I looked at my new powers.


High superhuman endurance -> Low cosmic endurance


Biomatter Control -> Biomatter Manipulation

Mind Control -> Mind Control(Rank 3)

Flight -> Flight(Rank 2)

Dark Control

Dark Sense

Dark teleportation

Blacklight beams

Group teleportation


What a pathetic list of new powers for how much work I put in. To be fair it was mostly chi and most went to waste when I killed them. I should have sucked the chi out of them first, but lessons learned. Most of the new powers came from one guy! Dark control and dark force control are totally different things I guess and there was no overlapping with that energy and force. 


I’m fairly surprised it didn’t combine or get absorbed but that’s a good thing. With group teleportation, I could get rid of teleportation and touch teleportation. I also had dark teleportation which worked similarly to it but I figured I’d keep both, hopefully, group teleportation could level, and then I could bestow the power back down to its first level.


It did answer a question I was wondering. Teleportation and group teleportation were not considered the same things. I wonder what the improved flight did compared to the group flight? Was it just faster? I guess I have to try it out before I give it away and get bumped back down to rank 1.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 140+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 44

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

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Harry Potter’s Slytherin Uncle Chapter 05

Re-Start Chapter 05

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