Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 106 Playing with toys

I dodged a kunai thrown at me with a note attached to it. Surprisingly the grunt who tossed it had a somewhat functional chi core even though he was only a messenger. I think we're just now getting into the real big leagues. Actual cores and higher up from here on out. I read the message and can feel the anthrax on it. I chuckle as I cleanse the spores from my system.


It was about time to be done with all this I thought. Probably the last big fight… No, they’ll drag it out to two or three. This is going to be one of the higher-ups trying to prove their strength, then it’ll probably be an ambush by all the bounty hunters then all the leaders after I’d assume. That’s just a guess though, who knows if this isn’t going to end today?


I headed towards the same park where this all started expecting to see a large group of ninjas but there was nothing. If they were there, they were doing a damn good job concealing themselves. Even my extrasensory skills like light and dark sense didn’t pick anything up. No hidden heartbeats or smells giving them away. They must have not been here and were waiting for me to enter first.


I would rather not walk directly into an ambush but at this point, unless one of them had an adamantium-tipped arrow or sniper bullet I was probably walking out of this fine. Even that would only slow me down as long as it would take for my regeneration to push it out of my body. I think even if my brain was crushed at this point it still might heal itself.


If my brains were destroyed then any other part of me could be healed before I died as long as someone wasn’t actively attacking me while I recovered. My mid-superhuman regeneration was close to reaching the next rank. That would let me rapidly recover, not at the speed or wounds as Wolverine but it would be much, much more difficult to kill me after that.


I walked into the park and began feeding the pigeons. No lake for them to land in but just sitting on a bench was enough to get surrounded by dozens in minutes. A single woman approached me and sat down on the bench. She tossed out bread to them but I warned her. “That’s the wrong thing to feed pigeons.”


She looked at me confused as the birds began to fight over the large piece of bread she had thrown on the ground. “Oh? They seem to enjoy it.” I could only sigh as of course, they would. “Of course they would, that’s equivalent to fast food for them. It’s not good for them if they eat it for every meal but every movie has people feeding birds bread. So most people feed them bread instead of actually good food for them.”


I tossed out another handful of birdseed and sat in silence. “I used to do this in my previous life. Come here and feed the birds… It’s nice to just sit back and think… Probably the only reason I didn’t kill myself… With all my powers this bag of birdseed was something I bought with money instead of stealing… It brings me back to a simpler time.”


I tossed out another scoop of seed further out. It was best to spread it so they didn’t all go towards the single spot it was thrown. Just like that, we sat there for a few minutes before I spoke. “Is your team ready yet? Since you haven’t come with threats, demands, or pleas of surrender I take it they’re preparing the park for us to fight?”


She sat in quiet for another minute buying as much time as she could for her team. “I’m sorry it’s come to this for you but there’s no chance for you to defeat us now that we’ve prepared.” That was a gross underestimation of my powers and a gross overestimation of theirs. The rest of the hand could come at me and I’d be fine. Fuck, most of those organizations I crippled could jump in to. No, I was officially big league now, they would avoid fighting the bigger guys. No, Superman or even the Hulk was out of their scale. They knew nothing about my true strength. They did no one thing about me at least. I could only smell women approaching.


They weren’t dripping wet from being horney or anything. I could just smell the difference between men and women now. They were prepared to kill me, the first actual group to be under complete control of themselves. Stone-cold killers ready to murder anyone their leader told them to. I could only chuckle at their slow and methodical approach. They thought they were weaving a web, I knew my magic was known, I wondered how they planned on dealing with that.


I scared away the birds before the fight started and just sighed as I wanted to get this over with. I was hoping for an actual fight, not these normal ass humans thinking their gods because they can punch slightly harder than most people. They didn’t think of doing any research on me? None? Really? They really didn’t see how I dealt with my enemies. It’s fucking ridiculous that they managed to survive to the current day and age.


A ball and chain circled around me and I couldn’t help but chuckle. How cute they thought normal metal… This isn’t normal metal. Why the fuck do these girls have adamantium chains? No, it’s not adamantium but secondary adamantium, still extremely hard and valuable. I grab it and yank the girl forward. Her enhanced strength held up fine over her lifetime but not nearly enough to compete against an actual superhuman. 


To be fair I hadn’t really expected an interesting fight out of this group except for maybe the demon at the very end. Maybe ten people on the planet could put up a good fight against me and that’s if I wasn’t using my trump cards specifically designed to fuck up those people. I remember being worried about Ironman when I first came, that wasn’t really a thing anymore. Maybe his plot armor but definitely not his actual strength. The suit of armor sitting in my base being dissected by my science company showed how far I’ve come.


As I pulled I didn’t recognize the woman. That was fair they were all wearing actual ninja shinobi shozoku. As if their teammate's life didn’t matter I was peppered with bombs, shurikens, and black eggs. They were all very well-trained and armed. Most were using chained weapons several ninjas wrapped the trees with their chain sickles or mankiri(weighted) chains. 


Each began using their weight and momentum to fling themselves at me. I was completely done with this fight though, who would appreciate a good throwdown? Fuck it Iron Fist come on down! I make a portal near Iron Fist and drag him and his girlfriend through to fight. It’s still unfair so I grab a few more, Tarantula, Wu Ao-Shi, Cassandra, and Spiderman… Except it wasn’t Spiderman, I accidentally miscalibrated my summoning and got a Spider girl instead.


It wasn’t even a Spider girl, it was Ana Corazon and she was still wearing her pre-spider outfit. She could manifest the exoskeleton- or she just didn’t upgrade her outfit yet as she shot out clearly organic webbing to fling herself at one of the ninjas. Six vs six and I was actually getting excited. I was too strong, way, way too strong for this group but why should I even be the one fighting? I should be making other, more heroic people fight while I take in all the rewards. I sat back down on the bench and began to watch the fight in earnest like I would while reading a comic book.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 140+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 44

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

Dragon Ball Z Young Roshi Chapter 05

Harry Potter’s Slytherin Uncle Chapter 05

Re-Start Chapter 05

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