Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 107 Shiva and her Ninjas

I sat back and prepared to watch the kung-fu showdown of a lifetime. Even now I could see how well-trained the ninjas are. Each looked to be close to liquid chi cultivators but not quite there yet except for two. I could tell their leader because Cassandra went after her right away. Lady Shiva was a well-known assassin in this world and also Cassandra’s mother.


Thank god she finished her mission or else this might be way more boring. I think I might have underbalanced it though. Cassandra was shit stomping her mother, absolutely dismantling her even after using up a good portion of her mana teleporting dipshits around earlier that day. She would beat her and they would talk instead of fight, hopefully, she wouldn’t let her go in the end.


Everyone else looked to be inferior to Lady Shiva, she most likely trained them. Tarantula was doing well with her brand new superpowers adapting relatively quickly and Arana or Spidergirl was almost perfectly matched against hers. The ones that were struggling were the ones with basic human movement.


Danny Rand was getting teased as his opponent was playing with him now. The same went for his girlfriend. Wu Ao-Shi might have been far too strong for the situation especially with her upgraded body and chi core to channel that chi plasma through. She was strong, no not just strong she was FUCKING strong. Rocking the battlefield with dozens of chi arrows ripping trees in half her opponent was the most overwhelmed.


The Iron Fist and Colleen grouped up and took their two enemies on together and I slowly started noticing more and more who each of the ninjas were. That one was Scorpia, she had the same belt technique as before, flinging herself around having an aerial battle with Spidergirl. The green-haired one playing with Danny Rand was Viper or Madam HYDRA. Her partner was a lady who could change her snakes into arms.


No idea who that was and the other two were still a mystery. I’d soon find out as the fight finished but right now I had zero guesses that wouldn’t be complete shots in the dark. Wu Ao-Shi won already and noticed me. Dragging her victim over she sat on top of me and began kissing my face. I kissed back but I was still trying to watch. “Babe, I’m trying to watch the fight here.”


I unmasked the girl and still couldn’t recognize her even afterward. She had green hair, maybe they made a Daughter of Viper comic that I don’t remember. Cass wrapped her fight up dragging her unconscious mom over and giving me a glare as she sat beside me just holding my hand as we watched the fight.


Wu Ao-Shi getting a bit jealous as I grabbed Cass’s hand and she tried to break us up. While she was strong Cass was close to a solid core, she had been given the most time with me and was an eighth-circle mage. Cass could have beaten every single one of these ninjas by herself without using magic and knew that. She also had to hold her punches back more and more as her strength grew.


Wu Ao-Shi still jealous and sitting on my lap began playfully licking my face and biting at my lip. Tarantula and Spidergirl finished up about that time as I unmasked the other unknown… Tarantula managed to get a crossbow bolt with an iron wire around the ninja's weapon and destabilized her connection so she fell into a punch. Spidergirl just outlasting and webbing up her opponent/victim. She was, I didn’t try to hide my face to be fair but stunned by my handsomeness is the best term to use for what she was feeling. I could tell she was very interested but there were too many girls here to worry about it right now.


Lady Shiva, Scorpia, Unknown, Unknown, and Danny Rand was getting his ass kicked by Viper and one of her snake sidekicks. Just as the fight was getting boring he pulled something out of his ass and managed to punch the weighted chain back towards Viper knocking her down. If that wasn’t a clear sign of plot armor I don’t know what is. 


Even working together the two were still struggling with the snake hands lady. Finally, she started to run out of steam as Wu Ao-Shi became even more brazen and was trying to pull my cock out and fuck me right there. As fun as sex with watching a fight would be it didn’t suit the mood. I think a blowjob would have been better for the situation but she was starting to piss off all the other girls too by trying to claim me.


The fight was like one you’d see in a TV show involving him, except there were no cutaways. He was just a clearly unskilled fighter that the dragon probably felt bad about, especially after Danny told him his sob story. That’s clearly the only way he would be chosen over anyone else. His girlfriend with a fixed core could run circles around him now.


My curiosity got the better of me and I read through the memories of the two I couldn’t guess. Ladykiller and Scorpion(Carmilla Black). So two characters from the comics whose total backstory is pretty ninja lady were put onto Lady Shiva’s team. I think Scorpion was supposed to be the daughter of Viper but the story never came out. I think they were just added to pad the numbers.


Lady Shiva woke up right as the fight was reaching its climax. I just gave her a side eye before asking. “What was your plan? You guys know I have teleporting powers, why didn’t you try and stop me from using them? I only stuck around to deal with you and give your daughter who I strengthened closure about her shitty mom. Why did you guys think you could take me after I practically dismantled your organization in a day?”


I was genuinely curious as to what the thought process was behind their decisions. At no point did I not have the opportunity to run away, they didn’t lock down any of my core powers, and besides all that I could still just outspeed them to run away or beat them… Actually, for Lady Shiva, this fight does make sense. She wants to be killed in battle after all. This version seemed less insane but still a dumbo cultivator. When punching your enemies works for a century you tend to fall into those patterns. 


Her story was always a weird one. She might have had the most hype for the biggest letdown in all of DC comics. Thought of to be the most dangerous assassin in the world, we rarely ever see her actually fight, and then when we do it’s against a teenager who she loses to. Originally the female counterpart to Richard Dragon, the biggest badass in all of martial arts, one of the first people to teach chi mastery to other heroes. Her main antagonist role was to the black canary, and even then she gets beaten all the time by people weaker than her.


At least that was before in the comics. She is an actual superhuman now who has many strong and trained women underneath her. Any hero would have had a very difficult fight with her but I had just grown too powerful too quickly for most groups to be a threat anymore. I was getting more fun out of putting them against each other to watch the fights than actually fighting them because it would have been over in three seconds. 


I could lift them off the ground telekinetically, then use any of my dozens of ranged attacks while they can’t defend themselves. That’s one example of what I could do out of the hundreds. I could just punch in their direction and the wind force would be enough to blow them away. I could teleport them into space or near the sun or in the middle of the ocean. 


I just decided not to fight them anymore, maybe the demon at the end but I was just too strong for martial artists to ever be a threat. I was like Saitama from One Punch Man. So strong normal fights were boring… Still… “Rights of conquest for later ladies. I got to go finish the rest of your group though so raincheck on it.” I teleport all of the heroes back to where they’re supposed to be while putting the losers into holding cells strong enough to keep the Hulk from escaping. With that, I sighed at the unexpectedly good fights I just watched.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 145+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 46

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

Dragon Ball Z Young Roshi Chapter 05

Harry Potter’s Slytherin Uncle Chapter 05

Re-Start Chapter 05

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