Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 108 Cutting off the hand

Knowledge of their meeting spot and knowing when they would meet next left me with a few hours of free time. I could head to one of my women but I didn’t feel like it right now. I just wanted to take a break. I head over to a famous soba noodle place in Japan and eat a few bowls before I make my way back to SHIELD. I check to see if they need any help with anything but it’s mostly out of my hands now.


I take a quick hour-long nap since I hadn’t slept at all since I went to SHIELD the first time. Yawning as my alarm went off I still had time to spare before the next meeting. The plan to build a house on the moon was still a go as I teleported the materials up over the hour or so I had to spare and began to build an enclosed space for any ladies who still needed oxygen.


I prepared special plants that would rapidly convert the lack of oxygen into an ultra-rich oxygen space. I could have just brought Raven up to make an atmosphere but doing it by hand still felt nice. Maybe in a few months after the girls I bring up here get bored of it I’ll start converting the moon and Mars into livable spaces.


Preparing a space on the moon isn’t as easy as it’s made out to be. If I were to bring a human up here from Earth their lungs might collapse. It was a balancing act of getting as similar an environment as I could get on Earth except on the Moon. Also if I teleported a girl up here when it was the dark side of the moon she’d likely be frozen to death so I had to be aware of temperature shifts as well.


The entire process of building a secure eco dome on the moon that wouldn’t kill someone from the sudden shift from Earth was costly and all for a change of scenery when I was fucking someone. It was worth it but it made the underwater eco-dome idea look far less appealing… I might have to revisit that at a later date when I get sick of the moon.


That would be the ultimate boner killer. “Hey baby let me take you up to the moon. Oh no! You’re eyeballs popped out! I’ll show you a sight so good it’ll take your breath away… Literally, because your lungs will collapse. Want to Netflix and chill? And by chill I mean die of frostbite in seconds. We’ll have some hot and heavy sex while your skin burns off from the unprotected solar rays.” Yea, that’s why this tiny building was so goddamn expensive.


I was just a penny pincher. I hated spending money when I could save it and that shows in my business attitude as well. Instead of buying into businesses, I made most from scratch. The only one that was liquid right now was the science department and that’s in money gained through litigation against Lex Luthor.


Lex just settled outside of court and paid her twenty million to not have his reputation tarnished. It was the start of the litigation as many of the things he built to start his business were made from his father's patents. He thought he was getting rid of his sister with that but in reality he was paying for her future lawyer fees. Also, I have no doubt Baldy would be sending assassins their way so U.S.S. on Lena and Lori Luthor.


If any good woman I slept with got the serum if they wanted it. The more evil ones would have to work for it and eventually, if I was sure they wouldn’t betray me. Except if they had a child of mine in them, then all the rules went out the window and they got the U.S.S. so no unforeseen circumstances came up. Harley, Queen Bee, Wu Ao-Shi, and Tarantula were some of the known exceptions to the only give the super drugs to good guys rule. Harley was already acting way more normal than before. She was more pretending to be chaotic than actually being chaotic.


I read through my texts and… For having plenty of girlfriends and dozens of fuck buddies it was surprisingly barren. Only two hundred messages to go through and like twenty of them are from SHIELD. I kept answering messages before my alarm I set rang and I needed to go to the meeting. Shit… Can I just ignore them and let the hand go? No… It’s best to kill them before they can cause me more problems in the future.


I groan as I didn’t want to deal with this anymore. I slap my face to psych myself up. Come on, Danny! You can do this! Who knows what kind of powers you’ll get from killing the leaders of the most powerful group of ninjas on the planet!... Yeah just no excitement at all, my laziness making me regret needing to do this.


An idea came to me. I knew I was going to take over the hand and convert it to something else… I think I got the perfect thing I’m going to turn it into. Chuckling evilly as my plans shifted I couldn’t help but hope this ends soon so I could move on much stronger than before. You fuckers gave me the perfect loyal army of dipshit followers and don’t even realize it yet.


I don’t portal in but instead hide myself and walk in behind a hard-light construct version of Lady Shiva I made. Everyone shows up! Well, the League of Assassins doesn’t. That’s its own bag of problems I’ll have to beat to death with a stick later. Talia was worth it though. Another one I wanted to fix like Harley. Crazy but I think I know why, something in the Lazarus pits is causing it. 


Only Madam Gao, Alexandra Reid, and two members of the Snakeroot clan. There were eight but four fought me already in that half-assed attempt to deal with me. I still can’t believe they thought flying ninja girls would beat me after I decimated their group for days beforehand. They knew about my teleporting powers and did nothing about it.


Even now the room was full of people scared, each looked at the other trying to blame someone but they just couldn’t. All of them fucked up by thinking they could crush someone instead of dealing with them. An iota of research would have proven I wasn’t someone to be trifled with. I’m fairly certain there were videos of me flying all over YouTube for god sake.


Without any fanfare, the heads of the two men left in the room exploded as I made two barriers on either side and brought them together. The look of sheer terror on Madam Gao’s face was enough to make me chuckle as I watched Alexandria look around the room like a hawk. 


Madam Gao tried to flee the room but I blocked her from exiting with a force field and watched her sprint around the room like a caged rat trying to put holes in the walls to escape. After I got sick of watching her I unceremoniously picked her up telekinetically and sat her back down at the table. I yawned as I made myself visible and sat down in Lady Shiva’s seat unveiling that she wasn’t even here.


I gave both a big smile as I asked. “Wow, you guys fucked up bad. Who’s idea was it? You didn’t even ask me how expensive the pills would be if I did exclusive deals or anything… Just straight to murdering a guy who could make you all better… So I guess the only question I have left now is. What did we learn today?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 145+ 

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One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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Harry Potter’s Slytherin Uncle Chapter 05

Re-Start Chapter 05

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