Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 109 The hand is dealt with

Alexandrea lunges across the table for me. I was trying to remain calm but I must have been too effective for her to not see the boiling rage I had over this entire situation. I was completely done with them. I portaled behind her and punched her so hard it almost ripped her in half. The only reason she was alive was because she was the first and only solid chi core person in this group.


“Whoever guessed the leader learned fucking nothing come forwards and except your prize! What the fuck was your plan? Was it to punch me? Because I have news for you. Unless you can punch a planet apart with your bare hands that shit aint gonna work on me, sweetheart.” I sigh as I slide her legs back over to her and heal her from across the room with biomatter manipulation. I walk up to her and turn my cheek. “Go ahead. Hit me with everything you got. If I take a step back yo-.” She punched me mid-sentence.


I don’t move, it’s as if all the momentum behind her punch instantly ceased, which is exactly what happened. She didn’t even break her hand on my face which would have happened if I didn’t use kinetic absorption. I just stared her down before asking. “Did you dumb fuckers not do any research on me at all?”


I tossed an article over from one of the news channels. They already aired the segment but I wanted it to be written text that they can tangibly see as they realize how bad they fucked up. “New kid in town?” By Lois Lane. The article went on to link my crime-fighting persona of Doctor Plague to my real identity of Danny Storm. They went over some of my theoretical powers and came close on a few but the main takeaway was I was the one who stopped the demon invasion.


I tossed another paper on my villain persona involving taking down other crime families and murdering the bulk of their members. The article explained how most of the crimelords steered clear of my territory because bad things happened to people who tried to take from the Phantom. Another article on me as a person except it’s more of a juicy gossip puff piece on who I was dating. They made a few guesses but it was almost everyone on the list except the Justice League members and Mutants they guessed.


I put my hand on Alexandrea and sighed as I destroyed her core. Even as the strongest person in this pajama club, her core was still deformed. I leaned into her ear and spoke. “I could leave you a cripple, you would have to start over if I wanted to. I could fucking decimate your entire family line for what you did to me unprovoked, but one thing is true about those stories.”


I pointed at the picture of me in a pair of shorts sunbathing by my pool. “I’m a skirt chaser. I just want to sit back and have fun while protecting the people I care about. The only reason you’re still alive is you didn’t attack my house… Well, the goons who would have attacked the house would have definitely died but also I’d have tortured you to death for coming after my family.”


I fixed her back up to a seventh circle mage and a liquid core. She’d be weaker than she was but if she got back to solid core she’d be much stronger than her imperfect core ever made her. I really think if someone went full chi core and didn’t focus on magic circles it would unbalance them mentally. When you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail sort of situation.


Alexandra was pretty, that was why she was still alive. That’s why I didn’t cripple her. But that attitude needs adjusting. She is still, after being fucking ripped in half trying to figure out how to get ahead in this situation. I walked over to Madam Gao and went to break her core as well but stopped. She had a special one, most likely made by accident that was more effective but didn’t halt the aging as much as it should have.


She was a few hundred years old but she looked her age. She looked like a hundred and fifty-year-old woman while Alexandra looked like a young Sigourney Weaver. I have to de-age her a few decades or she’d have fallen over dead. Slowly years fell off her. What would have taken me multiple sessions to do before I rip decades off her appearance. Even inside her body that was being held together by chi could finally relax for the first time in half a century.


She lost control of her legs but I caught her. I crushed her core and fixed it bringing her up to a liquid sixth-circle core again without the negative effects. She took deep heaving breaths as her body changed and shifted. Even stopping at her fifties she was shockingly beautiful. I laughed as I explained. “The pounding headache I got from de-aging you is the only injury I suffered this entire time you’ve been trying to kill me.”


I took both of them on the table after that. Alexandra needed to be taught her place but Madam Gao was more than willing to become my number two in the hand. Alexandra fought for control the entire time while Madam Gao let me take her however I wished. Finally, Alexandra had some dirty, dirty kinks while Gao just wanted to ride my coattails so whatever she could do to make me happy.


That was a weird kink. I didn’t know someone could gain a kink that quickly. I was fairly certain she didn’t have a pleasing kink or anything like that, no, she knew a good thing when she saw it and latched onto me no matter what happened because it was her best chance at happiness. Both wanted to be pregnant but fuck that noise. I’ll worry about that in a few months when I wasn’t so sick of ninjas.


As much as it hurt Alexandra’s pride her subordinate was doing a better job at pleasing me. To be fair, she was just ripped in half a while ago, she probably can’t feel her legs again. Madam Gao was shaping out to be another Black Widow, her kink kept growing the more we had sex until her twentieth climax when she thought I was a precious resource to protect. Oh yeah, I was filling her full of chi so of course a chi-gathering nutjob would fall in love with me.


Boring meditation or getting your brains fucked out? I wonder which one most women would prefer to grow strong? I clenched and climaxed inside her as I removed another decade from her appearance. Alexandra rallied and lunged at me again. This time to try and get more chi stuffed into her. I allow it as I watch her suck me while fingering herself.


Truly the only real outcome of any group that went against me. Most of their men killed with their women added to my harem. They started fighting over my magic chi giving dick which made me laugh. I was half expecting a ‘you’re courting death’ or ‘I declare war on your lineage’ but I’m just greeted with two horny women fucking me for power.


I sigh in contented bliss as I hear a gun cock behind my head.


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