Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 123 Take a vacation and New York explodes

I finished my business with the newly acquired companies as I got a strange call from Aunt May. Apparently, she was attacked by Kingpin and beat the absolute shit out of him and now he was threatening to sue her. Ignore the fact that he showed up like a common thug with five other villains, he was planning on making her pay through the courts because he couldn’t strongarm her.


I would have to strongarm him by ripping his heart out of his chest. I had let him live because he served as a buffer from heroes. Well, I thought he was smart enough to not mess with any of my women, or when she started flinging around power she didn’t have to apologize and leave. To try and sue her only made me laugh at how short-sighted that was. 


Besides that, there was a huge crossover event involving the Batman family and Spiderman family that was all over the news. During the week I was gone several criminal empires made a play for the city or just showed up to cause carnage. I can’t believe I missed a huge event like this! Mother fucker, well I’ll have to talk with both sides and see what really went down later. I’d have liked to know what happened from a first-person perspective…




Cletus Kasady’s Point of View


I gritted my teeth until they popped in my mouth as they rehealed again. Failed again! With six damn people, we failed to kill Spiderman! I could feel my mind break as I just wanted to kill him! I can’t believe what happened. I slammed my fists down over and over again breaking the brick and having the stone shards pierce into my skin.


My body pushed them out as it healed itself. Throwing a tantrum I felt my sanity pushed to its limits before I snapped and began to chuckle then loudly cackle maniacally. If I can’t kill Peter then why bother? I’ll just cause Carnage!




Inside the old abandoned city hall, a group of people gathered. They thrived in conflict and slowly that conflict they manipulated over the years was shifting towards the light. The light was becoming dark to kill the dark but then there was less dark overall. The court gathered to make plans. They needed to cause chaos and kill some of the light or they might be exposed.


One of the biggest thorns in their plans had left New York. He could teleport but from what their spies had suggested he was taking a vacation away from everything. They couldn’t attack his women, but that still left plenty of people to kill. When he got back the entire landscape of New York would be reset and the man would have to restart his killing spree of villains to make up for the deaths of many heroes.


They all agreed they needed to activate all the talons or soon they’d be exposed and killed. A man who looked very similar to Bruce Wayne gave the order. “Activate the night of owls.”




Krakoa was an island off the coast of Australia. It was starving, so hungry. It could absorb ambient powers from mutants but it was so hungry it couldn’t think straight and just captured any mutants that landed on it. The island had sentience, it could move around and after realizing what it had done it teleported up to the moon. More mutants somehow managed to make it up but it was so hungry it also placed them into hibernation to feed off them. Once he regained his sentience he teleported back but the energy it took put him in another fugue state. 


An alert popped up on Emma Frost’s phone that made her eyebrows raise. She made a few calls and would begin to make her way over to Australia. No doubt Professor X would also but she had something he didn’t. A bunch of friends on her phone that can teleport many people all at once.




The man was gone. HYDRA had lost, they had lost so badly that ninety-nine percent of their spies inside SHIELD were captured or dead. A deal had been struck with the remaining Skrull spies in SHIELD. They patiently waited and waited and waited until the man was gone. All rumors suggested that he was on vacation for the next week.


Plans for retaliation were put into place months ago and had underwent thousands of iterations as the man they were plotting against just kept getting stronger. Soon, both sides realized it would have been impossible to defeat him, the best they could do was hit him where it hurt. They were going to attack his MANA department while he wasn’t there.




The Penguin had finally figured out who robbed him. It had taken months and more money than was stolen but finally the people he put on the case had figured it out. A group of gunmen arrived at the man's mansion. Penguin didn’t know why the man had stolen from him but also at the same time, it didn’t matter. He needed to attack and kill the man for the money he stole.


Two vans full of people piled out and a dozen men kicked the doors in and looked in shock. Two naked women sat on a couch facing the door playing with each other. One had green skin and the other looked slightly pregnant. Penguin entered and also looked around shocked at who he had seen. Poison Ivy spoke something and their clothes reappeared while Harley pointed a hand at the men and all of them as their guns exploded.


Penguin somehow survived unscathed as one of the men's body was flung backward into him knocking him away from the blasts. What the fuck happened? He recognized both of them but as they dove at the few uninjured men and dismantled them in a single punch he was just left more confused. How the fuck did they get so strong?




I picked my nose as I headed to see if Steph was busy so I could get to the bottom of what happened. I mean, New York was still around so nothing too important couldn’t have happened.

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