Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 124 A screamer and some owls

Stephanie's Point of View


I grappled to one of the nearby skyscrapers and flung myself to the next. I could fly but sometimes it felt good to use the old ways. After landing I grapple to the roof of the nearby skyscraper and am pulled along by the grapple gun. I heard something while swinging and needed to see the opposite road on the other side of the skyscrapers.


A crowd of screaming and insane people were attacking one another and running. As a woman walked into the crowd away from the violence anyone she touched became more violent and started fighting. The glint of her eye was the only thing giving her power usage away as she continued to walk through the more and more panicked crowd.


I jumped down cutting her off. The manic smile she had grew even wider as she finally had a new hero to play with. The rest were beaten too easily or ran away. We started trading blows but it only let me know that she was not a normal human. Strength quite similar to Spider-man I kept increasing the pressure until I was overwhelming her.


Thankfully I had been prepared for the use of anything new as she formed a visible ball of noise and tossed it in my direction. The sound grenade I avoided detonated close behind me almost making me black out. I had thought since I avoided it I would be safe but twenty feet away was still close enough to make my ears bleed. She fired a less concentrated beam at me and I knew I couldn’t go easy on her.


In that split second my body was coated in the special armor instead of the Batgirl set I was wearing. My hand came up, the armor was a far better conduit than my previous staff allowing me to cast even stronger magic. I cast a full power ‘peels’ spell on her and she passed out on her feet. As I got close ready to handcuff her, her head popped up, she was faking it!


Both hands clapped towards my head with the sound bomb and I was angry at myself for getting fooled by the villain. Both slammed into me and I was expecting even more pain or to be knocked unconscious but I don’t even hear a thing. I didn’t know that sound weakness was not only removed from the symbiotes but also improved to sound resistance.


My ears were instinctively coated in the resistant material. Filling my ears and sticking out a few inches making it impossible for me to even hear the sound let alone be affected by it, without understanding why I copied her bringing my hands together with her head in between slapping her unconscious in a moment.


I didn’t realize why I had won so easily. I only knew that I needed to calm the crowd down while taking the villain into custody. This was the second weirdo villain I caught that night. Today was going to be a busy night.




“What do you mean that is the only two villains you fought? A no-name talon and Shriek.” Stephanie ate a bag of chips as she spoke. “What can I say? I got really unlucky and spent most of my time calming the crowds of people who were riled up from Shriek. It was four hours of just knocking people out or tying them up so they would stop trying to fight each other.” Well, that still left Peter and Damian to talk to. 


I stood up to leave before she stopped me. “Woah there big guy. You just show up and ask about what happened on your break. Now that you’re back it’s been a week since we’ve had sex.” She licked her fingers clean of the grease from the potato chips. “Mama needs a refill.” She dives across the table knocking me to the floor as I laughed at how forward she was being.


I sigh and act like I’m making a bad deal. “Fine. I’ll have sex with the beautiful goddess that is Batgirl before going to find out what happened when I was gone.” She kissed me as I rolled her over onto the bear skin rug. She had me to herself for the next few hours until Cassandra showed up, and then they had me the rest of the night.




Damian’s Point of View


Strength, power, speed, endurance, and even intellect. I felt so much stronger than before, if this was how steroids made people feel I could understand why they got addicted. Dick and I dressed as Batman and Robin and swung from building to building with our grapples. I wonder how that fight between us would go now that I could bench press a horse.


I gave him a break and didn’t challenge him for his position. I wasn’t feeling the Robin moniker though, perhaps I’ll devise a new hero costume later. Something with a crown or maybe a golden suit. I’ll have to discuss this with my father first to get his opinion. The superboy they tried to pair me with would be very jealous if I became my own superhero and fought crime while he was stuck in school.


The patrol started out normal but soon we were greeted by assassins which we quickly dispatched. Taking off their masks Dick said in a grim voice. “These are talons… That means that the court of owls is active and Batman isn’t here to defeat them.” I sort of chuckled and he cut me off before I could finish. “No, you don’t understand. The talons are one of Batman’s most dangerous foes. Most of the close calls in his life came from fighting them.”


I still didn’t understand why he was so scared. The two assassins we took down were easy enough to deal with. As four more appeared and attacked us I started to understand. They were using suicide attacks and didn’t care how injured they became. Perfect robotic fighting styles worked perfectly together. One would take an attack and the other would use that time to attack in a blind spot.


Father took my sword from me but I still had two knives and was half tempted to use them. If it was five instead of four then I would have had to go fatal or at least for crippling blows instead of just attempting to knock them out. Once they were all knocked out or severely injured Dick caught his breath while I began tying them up. We would need to follow this to its end.


As if waiting for us to finish the fight we got a call from Barbara who was still working as overwatch. “We got a huge problem, Dick- err Batman! Talons have been spotted in Wayne Tower, Wayne Oil, Wayne Electric, Wayne Bank, and Wayne Technologies. This is an all-hands-on-deck situation… All the coms are down for everyone but you two…” Barbara sounded scared before asking. “I can call the Teen Titans.” Dick only shook his head as he flipped over a talon with a note in his pockets.” 


“Can’t. This one has a note that says if we get backup from anyone else the court will blow up the city hall and police departments.” The three of us sat in silence before Barbara sighed over the coms. “This is too much for you two to handle. I need to come out of retirement.”


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