Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 126 More Damian

Damian Wayne’s Point of View


We went to Wayne Bank next. About five minutes from it we get a heads up from Barbara that she finished the talons hiding in Wayne Oil. She said there were only five and they weren’t holding anyone hostage. They killed everyone and were in the process of stealing the oil and gas stored inside. Without any hostages, she just fucking destroyed them.


I hadn’t seen the effect of the drug on women yet, only seeing glimpses of strength the girls related to that man had shown. Apparently, Barbara was one of the few given the drug without having to have sex with the man. Dick made it clear he was upset by her suddenly being dropped on them… What happened afterwards wasn’t made clear but Barbara now also had a room inside Titans Tower.


The bank was being held up for the money inside as the police tried to keep them inside with gunfire. It was surprisingly effective just because of the sheer number of guns trained at the entrance. A talon was lying dead outside with a hostage dead in front of him. Whoever was the policeman who shot the hostage was looking at being put on leave with pay for doing that.


We landed near Commissioner Gordon. “What’s the situation inside?” Dick pretending to be Batman asked. “We’ve got hostages and about a dozen of those ninja guys left inside. Probably eleven now that Harvey gunned down the first one.” We looked around but there was only one exit and entrance to the bank. So if we do go in they’ll know immediately.


As we thought of what to do a car full of mobsters showed up. I didn’t recognize them but Dick whispered. “Falcone family.” He casually waves for the megaphone before speaking. “You inside. The money you’re trying to steal belongs to the Falcone family. You’re all dead already, so just come out with your hands raised and we’ll-.”


A dozen shots rang out as another dozen followed each in synchronization with the rest. As if they knew they failed by being surrounded it left no reason to have the hostages. I couldn’t help but sigh. “Probably shouldn’t have threatened them. It’s going to be a nightmare to get them out of that entrenched spot now and they might start burning the money since they can’t have it.” 


I spoke in a low tone but even still the gangster leader overheard me. “That- that can’t happen. The Falcone family is currently… Under new management, the boss isn’t someone you want to upset. I’d rather risk my life to bullets and ninjas than be swatted into a paste or teleported to the moon.” We both looked at him incredulously as one of the policewomen spoke up.


“I’ll go too.” She was an attractive Mexican woman. Gordon warned. “You sure Renee? We have Batman and Robin here, they should be able to handle it.” Another person dropped down beside us before the loud sound of someone flying using jet propulsion landed outside the crowd and walked up. The scarlette-haired woman was related to my father somehow and her name was Kathy Kane. She was an orbiter of our group and mostly did her own thing. 


The man was wearing a metal bat suit and walked up before waving at us. “Hi, um. My name is… I should have thought of a name first. Uhh… Bat… Bat something. Give me a second.” Kate Kane ignored him walking up and asking. “How many? I’ve killed a few already they’re tough.” Another reason I liked her was her loose rules on killing compared to father.


The man yelled. “BATWING! Yep, my name is Batwing and I’m here to help.” It was hard to not laugh at how new he was at this. His movements were awkward and stilted. Even control of the suit he was in was not natural and he kept rubbing metal parts against each other showing he wasn’t used to the suit's limited movements.


“Let me see how many. I can see… Oh no, they’ve killed all the hostages already.” For a few seconds, he doesn’t say anything else before he pukes. The sounds of choking come as he opens the front mask before spitting out the vomit and catching his breath. “No… Nowhere for the puke to go. I had to swallow most of it.” Why did he tell us that?


I was sick of waiting. “Please let's go get shot at so I can forget what he just said.” Everyone nodded in agreement as we rushed into the building. A slew of gunfire erupted as we entered, thankfully Batwing made a good bullet sponge as he was the first in. His bat icon on his chest lit up and blinded the talons as we all rushed in. One second after entering I heard a woman grunt in pain.


We began fighting, I mostly focused on using batarangs to disarm the talons before entering the fray. None were skilled, most likely the least skilled talons only here to draw attention away from other locations. I took down four as Batwing tripped and fell on his only opponent. He kept trying to get up as the man underneath him struggled to breathe as he was crushed.


We finish off our talons before he makes it back up to his feet. “Oh… Oh god, I think I killed him.” He managed to get his faceguard up this time before he started puking. Dick let him know. “These talons are practically robots. They’ve had all personalities stripped from them during their training. Only the stronger talons are still people, these are clearly fodder. Not meant for anything more than a distraction from their real goal.”


Kate Kane let us know she was hurt as she slumped against the wall. “I was hit before the fight started. I’d fight through the pain but it is filling my lungs up as I speak. I’m going to need to go to the hospital right now or I’ll drown in my own blood.” Batwing spoke up next. “I’ll fly you there. Should be faster than waiting for an ambulance or getting a ride in a vehicle with how much traffic is backed up from this robbery.”


Thankfully we got rid of the two loose ends of our group. Renee was pulled away as well and she helped the police cuff and take away the talons still alive. Kate killed two of them leaving eight alive. As we left and made our way to the next location we were stopped by another message from Barbara. Wayne Electric was cleared. That was on the edge of the city so she wouldn’t be able to help with whatever was happening at Wayne Tower.


Entering Wayne Tower we were greeted like normal. I was the next heir of the business and everyone knew could put two and two together. A son of Bruce Wayne appears and a new Robin is picked, a Robin the same height and hairstyle as Damian Wayne. Of course they didn’t even try to pretend like I wasn’t the next heir as many bowed greeting me as we walked to the elevator.


Dick stopped us before saying. “The elevator might be booby-trapped.” I just scoffed at him. “If you want to climb up 78 stories you can. I’m taking the elevator.”


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