Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 127 Last bit of Damian

“Wait. So no other heroes showed up to help you guys? Only members of the Bat Family appeared… This has to be a comic being produced. Fuck! Is that why I wanted to take a vacation?” Just short of having an existential crisis. Damian spoke casually. “You need to quit interrupting. It’s nearing my bedtime and if explaining what happened takes another day I’ll want more remunerations.”


I exaggeratedly sighed. “Fine. I’ll have to talk with Barbara about her side of things. Maybe one of them knows why there’s only a Batman villain fighting against the Bat Family. Wait, didn’t Stephanie fight Shriek? That’s a Spiderman… Fuck, Spiderman also got into a throwdown fight didn’t he…” I mumbled to myself as he continued.




Damian’s Point of View


We made it to the top floor and I recognized my father. He’s overlooking the city with a glass of whiskey in his hands. That isn’t my father. He only drinks when one of his Justice League members offers a toast at a celebration. Alcohol would only numb his senses. He could be holding it for effect to pretend but I don’t think that’s the case.


He turned and I noticed a few differences. He was very similar but a few years older than father. A single streak of white and an almost imperceptible scar on his lip let me know he was a different person. Dick, being a detective noticed some things I didn’t. “Bruce, I’d just like to say welcome back from space but it seems you forgot to give us the code to let us know you’re not a doppelganger.”


The man only smiled even harder. The pleased glint in his eye sharpens to a psychotic glare as Dick continued. “You are also left-handed, a quarter inch shorter, excluding the obvious streak and scar on your face. You are drinking and he doesn’t, the suit you’re wearing is one he never would and you give off a creepy vibe instead of a serious one like he does.” That pretty much sums it up as well.


The man started to chuckle manicly. “Of course, I’m not Bruce Wayne. I’m his step-brother Thomas Wayne Jr.” I quipped back. “I didn’t see you at the family reunion.” The evil smirk stayed on his face as he spoke. “Oh Damian, your quick wit will get you killed one of these days.” I responded in all seriousness. “No, I’ll probably die to assassins in my sleep most likely. That or old age.” 


I sat down and began eating some of the fruit Bruce kept prepared for me to snack on when he needed to pretend to be the CEO. Most of it was left to Stephanie now and the office went unused, someone still placed fresh fruit every day it looked like. Biting into an apple I asked. “So what’s your plan? Why do all this now? This… Seems really stupid.” 


“Well it would be but I needed to scare the shareholders. As a member of the Wayne Family, I am also guaranteed a spot in the company as per Thomas Wayne’s will. Did Bruce never find that odd to have such a contract? Why was it spoken like that? Because Thomas had a child and kept it hidden from his wife. I was a paraplegic and he left me to be raised by a different family!”


The false smile he placed was broken as he screamed, almost snarling in anger at what happened to him. “My mother honey trapped your grandfather to keep her business afloat. I didn’t find out about his death until I was abandoned in a hospital at eleven. While I was thinking of killing myself the court approached me and made me whole. They gave me the ability to walk and fight. I was to become the next heir of the Wayne businesses but I needed to assassinate my brother first.” 


I don’t understand why villains tell their entire backstory like this but let him continue to tell his story as I ate the apple. “My assassination was simple. Weaken the ground overhanging a cave system he played in. He would accidentally fall and die thus allowing me to step in as the new heir… But I failed, he fled the country shortly after and I was punished… Severely for failing.”


Some of the manic psychosis drained from him as he most likely remembered what they did to him. “So, with him ‘dying’ in space and his heir too young to take over. That leaves his dear old uncle to take over the business until he returns and by then it will not be Wayne anymore. It will be March Enterprises, named after my dear old mother who abandoned me and the first person I killed in my new life.”


I couldn’t help but start chuckling at his plan. “You haven’t done much research, have you? Bruce has already been mostly outed as the CEO and now the business is run by Stephanie. Besides suing us for a portion of your birthright I doubt they’d want to replace the woman who has such a close connection with Danny Storm. The guy who can make the miracle drugs to make people live longer. Something rich, old members would want to keep around so they would get a chance at the drug.”


As I kept speaking the self-assured sneer fell off his face. He really didn’t think this through, did he? It’s the sort of thing a psychotic moron might think of. Wait. “Are you the leader? Why are you making decisions for the talons?” The fearful look in his eye shifted back to cocky as he spoke. “Yes, I am. The other leaders who were above me… Met some unfortunate accidents.” 


Once again I was just confused. “So you have these assassins working for you and instead of assassinating Stephanie or forcing them to vote you in under threat of death you… Sabotaged the businesses you want to take ownership of in the future. Do you have brain damage or is it just because you’re psychotic?”




“Master Damian. It’s almost your bedtime. Please wrap it up with your new friend.” Damian stood up and began to walk to the bathroom. I asked. “What are you doing?” Without stopping he said. “I’m going to brush my teeth and head to sleep.” I stopped walking as I asked. “But you haven’t finished the story. What happens next?”


He smirks as he laughs. “Heh, what do you think happened? I ran circles around him mentally and he got mad. He fought us and revealed that a bunch of talons were outside waiting to break in. After we beat like fifty talons making our way up to the roof. We fought him as he explained that he took Dick’s place as the head talon. We smacked him around some more and he fell off the roof. Before we made it to the bottom to see his corpse he was already gone with most of the talons gone as well when we made it back up to the top.”


I only put my hand on my chin as I thought. “They obviously set it up for a sequel comic in the future. That sucks, I’d have liked to hear the ending in the future but they’ll probably need to do something to make up for the sudden power boost of Damian…” I talked to myself when I remembered. The talon serum! Maybe reverse engineering would increase the power of my U.S.S. and I could get the Bane venom for that purpose as well.


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