Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 128 Emma and Krakoa

Emma’s Point of View


We teleported to Australia and purchased a fishing troller to make our way to the island. Who knew how long the island would stick around this time but I knew I wanted it. It was an unexplored island and even if I just made it the home for mutants it would be worth it. My body thrummed with power. The man had fucked my mutation to new levels and even unlocked my latent telekinetic ability.


Going from lifting kitchen utensils to being able to fly was truly an intense improvement to go through in just a few weeks. Truly the way the man ravished my insides left me wanting more and more. If I could spend days with him ins-.




“Can you get back to how you managed to tame Krakoa? I know I’m a stud you don’t have to keep letting me know.” Emma just smiled at me before continuing.




Emma’s Point of View


Alright, so you fuck good yadda yadda yadda… Where the fuck was I? Oh, we landed on Krakoa but that only gave us an hour or two of time before the X-men and Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants. So we were on a time crunch. The few I took with me already prepared to embark but I flew over before bringing the rest one by one with my telekinesis.


I was getting a strange sensation from being on the island. My skin tingled as if I was undergoing a skin peel or a foaming massage. A sudden explosion rang out as dozens of tree people popped from the ground and began attacking us. They were trivially easy to deal with but they just kept coming. Like an infinite wave, they kept attacking us before Cipher said.


“I. I think it’s trying to eat us. No, that’s not right, it’s trying to absorb our mutant energy. I can almost hear it.” We kept fighting because although we knew it was trying to eat us it still wasn’t willing to talk. It led me to believe we had to force the island to show more of its power. I stop messing around and shut off all the treants down by taking their minds over. It was an uphill battle to compete over the hivemind that was the treant but I eventually won out.


The moment I did a gigantic manifestation grew from the ground and roared at us. My face scrunched up at his hot mud-smelling breath as I complained. “Ugh, stop being so melodramatic. We’re here to negotiate.” As if being slapped in the face he became incredibly confused before his body started to shrink. He became human size before speaking. “Well then, what are the terms? How should we begin this negotiation.”


I asked a question I was dreading. “The mutants you captured whe-.” He made a seat behind each of us as he cut me off. “I consumed most of them and plan on consuming the rest.” I sat down before asking. “Any chance we can get them back? Also, do the mutants you consume need to die on the island or can they die somewhere else and be brought here? How old can the corpses be?”


These were questions Charles would never allow. That’s why I wanted to be the first to get access to the island. My mutant group couldn’t hold the island if the X-men and Brotherhood show up but if we’re the ones who make the deal with Krakoa then we’ll have some say in how it’s run. He thought about it for a few moments. 


“The mutant body still has the mutant DNA I need to function, so as long as they are not skeletonized it should be fine.” I smiled. “We’ll trade you two corpses for every captive you still have.” With a hand held out the tree man spoke. “Alright then, we have a deal. What else would you like to agree on now that we have the hostages… I mean captives dealt with.”


“What would be the cost of you becoming the nation of mutants? Metahumans, or our slur name mutant are being repressed all over the world. Having a place where mutants can go to avoid persecution is necessary for us to survive.” We kept negotiating, I knew that Charles would never allow this island to eat mutants so needed to get the deal done before he arrived.


Finally, I smiled as everyone else arrived shortly after we finished our deal. I greeted them as they came. “Welcome to the island of mutants. The metahuman sanctuary Krakoa.” Both Charles and Erik gave me death glares as they were taken out of the negotiation process. You snooze you lose mother fuckers. We had already prepared for if Charles was the first to arrive but Erik was too much of a wild card to let dictate the rules mutants would have to abide by.


First, Charles, no killing humans rule didn’t exist. Absolutely fuck that rule, that rule was made with no forethought of how humans functioned. If humans were to fight us then they’d get away with murder because of that rule. The mutant amnesty was still a thing. We would soon be welcoming Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse to the island after everything else was settled down.


Second, humans who sided with metahumans were allowed access to the island. That was a rule that Magneto refused to go along with and caused tremendous problems later on. Both were two different extremes that caused many problems and lives in the future. One wanted peace no matter what, no matter how many mutants had to be sacrificed for it. The other had an us versus them mentality and would never be able to work alongside humans. And because of that, we’d never have peace.


I smiled as I knew something they didn’t though. That was my ace, my trump card. A man who could empower the mutants I agreed with. That man was Danny Storm.




“Wait, why are you telling me your plans to use me? Also, how are you saying this like it’s already happened before?” She just gave me a big shit-eating grin as she didn’t explain further. I could kind of guess that all were told about their past lives by Moira Mactaggert. She was a mutant that could live her life multiple times starting from her thirteenth birthday.


While she would retain the knowledge of her previous lives it was implied that the mutants would eventually be wiped out no matter what they did which… Doesn’t make sense for this world. If Nimrod shows up Superman would fuck him up in a second. Not just him but the power of most superheroes in DC being higher than Marvel would put many heroes in the path of full extinction of a group of people. Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, The King of Atlantis Aquaman. Maybe if… Fuck. FUCKING FUCK. “In any of Moira’s previous lives… Did she have to deal with the combo of Nimrod, Ultron, and Brainiac?”


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