Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 129 Moira

She looked shocked at me. “How do you know about Moira?” I just looked at her stone-faced. “Because I’m from the one hundred, did she fight in this universe or not? Are her memories from a combined universe or one just involving Marvel?”


She started to look scared. “I-I don’t know. How would I know that?” I interrupted her again. “Where is she right now?” She shakily answered. “She-she’s on the island!” I grab her hand and teleport us there. I ping around the island until I pop up in front of Moira. Her eyes widen enough for me to know we’ve never met before. FUCK! “Brainiac. Was he in your past lives?”


I had to know right now. Every second could be crucial and although I was outing her secret the few mutants around were all higher-ups. Professor X, Jeane Grey, Magneto, Selene, Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. All should know about her alternate realities. She looked confused and shocked as many drew their weapons and Apocalypse charged at me. I didn’t bother fighting him just opened a portal and let him rush right through before closing it.


I looked back at Moira as she looked at Emma. “Who is this?” FUCK! I asked again. “Brainiac! Was he in your memories!?” She acted scared but kept eyeing Mr. Sinister as if she didn’t want to tell the whole story. She still couldn’t trust him. I packed more power into this spell. “Peels.” I put his sleeping body on the moon base for now. As I got rid of the other enemy her face suddenly went hard.


She glared at me as she stated. “Why are you overreacting so much? It will be a year or so before Brainiac shows up again. By then you’ll be strong enough to deal with him and have enough reasons to want to help us.” I reeled back as if shot. I’ve been playing this entire time! I asked hoping she would tell the truth. “Which life are you on and when did your memories start involving Brainiac?”


She sat still for a few seconds looking at everyone still surrounding us. “Can we get some seats? This is going to be a long story.”




My previous lives were all simple. Grow up, fight for a cause then die. That was until my seventh life. All of a sudden the world exploded with new people. Everyone talked about Superman like he always existed and with the new heroes, there were also new villains. I spent most of my time taking in the changes to the world that when I died the first time I didn’t even know what happened. Possibly an explosion but it didn’t happen in any of the other timelines.


Years into my eighth life I worked out that two universes collided and no one knew except a few stronger forces. All the information was leaked by Tony Stark who I had previously met so knew that changing that point wasn’t worth the effort. People would find out that we were two separate universes that merged. The next hassle was getting to have the mutants agree to work together.


It was like pulling teeth to get any of the leaders besides Charles to listen to me. They got along like cats and water. Another two lives were spent getting all the little details of building the metahuman sanctuary of Krakoa. Life was peaceful after except… For the sudden new problem to work around. A hundred chaotic people from another alternate reality joined ours. They acted almost randomly as they began to attack and kill many people or join the hero teams. Very few made actual names for themselves and one was Danny Storm.


Like a tidal wave, he destroyed what he came in contact with, both Charles and Erik met him in the first few months, and neither liked him. Both turned their groups against him and while he didn’t retaliate, instead it left him not supporting our cause when the worst came about. Over the next years, he kept poaching mutant women and adding them to his harem. Both Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister attempted to fight him but were thoroughly defeated and killed, weakening metahumans overall power.


He stole many of the higher-powered mutants for his harem. Emma Frost, Selene, Mother Righteous, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Psylocke, Polaris, Magik, and Monet to name a few. All no longer supported our cause thus weakening us again. We lost many to attacks from powers stronger than our own that could have been stopped with more help.


Finally, when Brainiac came back after he absorbed Nimrod, it gave him vast hatred for us mutants. He would attack a country drawing the attention of most of the heavy hitters he would also attack Krakoa. Many superheroes lost their lives defending us but soon we were overwhelmed. We lost because Danny Storm didn’t want to help us. We had been a thorn in his side and because of his previous interactions with mutants, he wouldn’t help us.


Plans shifted to avoid him. No mutants were to make contact with him, only when he came to them they were allowed to stay in contact. That left most of my group wondering why I had done it but it was for our own survival. We needed the man with limitless potential on our side. Plans continued to shift until he made contact with Emma. While it could be him taking another piece from us it was worth the risk. The man could stop cosmic storms and sneeze away cities when he was fully strengthened.


I smirked as I held back the information on the island reaching Charles and Magneto allowing her to make the deals. Both had placed rules that restricted all metahumans and handcuffed our progress. Two opposite ends of the spectrum where being in the middle made more sense. We couldn’t have a soft hand when it came to killing and we couldn’t hate all humans or it would end badly for us.


Also… From what I could tell he and Emma have a child already and the barriers that were placed before weren’t there now. Only the confusion by the man who had suddenly appeared and taken out two of the strongest mutants on the island. I worked my way through the rest of my thoughts. This was my eleventh life. I might not get one after this so… I needed to keep this man on the side of mutants.


The easiest way to do this was to keep Charles and Erik from badmouthing him to their followers. If he was given free rein to chase any mutant he wanted that would most likely lead to him protecting us just because some of his children would also be on the island. As I explained my thought process leaving subtle clues and half-truths while hiding most of my real thoughts I could tell he knew I was hiding why I kept the mutants from meeting him before now.


He just smirked that devilishly handsome smirk which made even my old heart flutter before saying. “Alright then. As long as I have two years to prepare, I’ll handle him when he shows up. You guys can call for help until then but I’m busy right now. I might stop in at your school later Charles… I think I might be able to unlock my mutant gene and will need someone to guide me in the future.”


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