Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 130 Mutant enhancement plan

I had Moira’s legs up in the air as I mating-pressed her into the comfortable bed on the island. They just kind of gloss over that she’s in her late fifties when they make it to the island along with Charles. She definitely doesn’t look older than her mid-thirties, mutant DNA is such a fucking cheat code for good looks. I wonder what they were going to do with her son since there were no resurrections.


That meant the five wouldn’t exist. Well, the characters would but their ability to endlessly revive mutants wouldn’t. I wonder what Egg was up to. The idea that the balls were infertile eggs was an insane stretch and the entire plot could have been streamlined if they couldn’t infinitely revive everyone over and over again. It was a cool idea but I think it got out of hand as they thought of more convoluted ways to stop them from reviving.


As she came I remembered ‘Oh right I’m fucking someone right now’ and sped up as she bit into my shoulder. Moira was a dangerous person, getting her on my side was the smart thing to do. Getting her underneath me and strengthened would go a long way to not having the universe reset out from underneath me. Speaking of underneath me, I looked down at her cute face as she caught her breath. Now how did we get here?


After getting everyone back on Krakoa, after explaining everything to everyone we managed to slip away as they were still setting up systems to support many mutants living on the island. One such was these rooms for the metahumans to live in. She had a mind like a steel trap and was very close to perfectly neutral. Even going to the point of marrying a man and having his child because their DNA would give them a better metahuman child.


She and Charles like to gloss over that, they actively participated in eugenics to breed two powerful mutants for their own goals. Neither even really loved their partners, it was only a means to an end. As much as Professor Xavier pretended to be a humanitarian it only went one way and that was towards humanity. He would sacrifice mutants if it served his goals. 


The first set of mutants that were abandoned on Krakoa, the second set. Jean Grey’s sacrifice of holding back the water so they could fly away, plus the phoenix sacrificing herself in the comics. Letting 250,000 mutants walk through potential death portals. It was hard to like Charles because he was such a good heroic person but he existed long enough to put black stains on his record.


Unlike the stupid mistakes that would be written away or uncanonized, they did the opposite with him. So interesting as a child but then you grow up and realize his plans of having humans and mutants co-exist in perfect peace is about as realistic as Magneto’s dream of mutants ruling over humans. As I brought her to another orgasm I realized, I don’t really care. If Moira asks me to help mutants and humans get along I will but why was I thinking about how people could possibly act?


I respected Magneto more than Charles and could get behind his idea more. At the very least he did evil for the sake of his people while Charles did good at the cost of his people… Also, it sounded like Charles kept me away from fucking many of the X-men in the alternate timeline. That couldn’t happen this time around, even if it meant I had to kill him.


As more of my children became mutants it would mean I had more reason to defend the mutants from outside threats. I just needed to avoid Charles for as long as possible while stealing the sexy beauties out from underneath him. I still needed to figure out what happened with Spiderman. This did change things, hopefully for the better but if I didn’t need to worry about Brainiac for the next few months I’ll be strong enough to deal with him when he does show up.


Keeping me from fucking Kitty Pride and Storm was a big enough reason to change my plans around and get them as partners. If even one of my wives in the previous timeline asked me to help the metahumans I would have. Not sure if they were going to make Kamala Khan a mutant again, they originally planned her to be one but didn’t want to give the Fox company any more ideas to make movies out of.


They pushed the Inhumans hard because of that and made her a mutant retroactively after Fox and Marvel were both owned by Disney. She definitely wasn’t my favorite and I wouldn’t even think of her as a girlfriend. It was more out of curiosity for the comics than anything else. I remembered what I was doing again as I flipped Moira over and pushed her face into the bed as she came again.


That really only left gaining a mutant power. I needed to figure out how to activate it in non-mutants and people with other sources like magic, chi, or force. I hoped it wasn’t a disfiguring mutation like Spike or Toad. It would be easy to fix with my powers but in the long run, I’d want a power I didn’t have. Maybe localized reality-altering or mutant power use like Synch.


I placed a kiss on her neck as I swapped positions again. The more I think about it the less likely I’ll get something I don’t already have. It’ll probably be flight or teleportation or increased strength, not something super incredible. I was more likely to get a good power I already have than one I didn’t have or get a useless power than a good one.


She came squeezing down again as I made eye contact and felt the world shift around us. She looked confused at first before her nose started to bleed. Uh oh, did I fuck her too hard? She slurred before passing out. “Fucking can rewind time now.”... WHAT!? What the hell does that even mean? Didn’t they do away with time travel? How is this possible?


While I was worried one thing was made clear, while time had rewound for the two of us it hadn’t for other people. One moment Moira was in the middle of talking to the quiet council, the next she disappeared. It put the rest of the island on lockdown and they stopped moving metahumans onto the island through portals. The beautiful man who showed up and began asking questions only made them even more confused.


The ease at which I fucked up their strongest mutants made it clear I wasn’t someone to be trifled with and after dealing with them again I let Storm know that Moira was in that room… Naked and unconscious having gained a new use of her power. I could only sheepishly answer their questions. “I can kind of fuck mutants stronger and even new mutations into them… She gained… Well, it’s not my place to say but someone should check on her.”


I… Should have checked her condition now that I think about it. I went inside and quickly cured her, she had a severe concussion. I jacked up her adrenaline for a second and shocked her awake. She looked at Storm and me before saying. “You fucking asshole! Why didn’t you come after me in the first life? You know how much trouble you’d have saved me if I could rewind time back an hour?”


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