Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 131 Peter PoV

Her powers weren’t all-powerful. She was only able to rewind time an hour and only once a day. It also seemed like she had an upper limit on how many times she could reverse time like her other reset mutation. It was still a do-over to get better results. The Hellfire Gala would have been avoided if she could rewind time before it happened.


When Professor X did something borderline psychotic like sending a bunch of mutants through a portal she could rewind time again and prepare better. The big scene I made and the explanation that I could make mutants stronger through sexual activity would be quickly spread through all of mutant kind. I had no doubt I’d have a hundred knocking on my door if I had a home on the island.


I did my time and made myself known to the mutants. For now, I needed to get to the bottom of what went down during my vacation. I just felt pulled to it, like I was missing something very important, and the crossover events might give me a clue about what I was missing.




Peter Parker’s Point of View


I swung throughout the city with two of my best friends who had just returned from trips abroad to try and find out more information on what happened to them. All of them were inside Ozcorp when the breach happened. Each of them was bitten by the special spiders. I didn’t care much but some of the other Spider Family that was infected cared greatly about what exactly happened to them.


I was too busy being a hero to worry about that and for the first time in a long time I was happy. I finally quit as Aunt May forced me to. I would work for FEAST when I had spare time but it freed me up to do what I loved most, saving people. I was made to be a hero, just like Captain America and Superman. We were born to be heroes, even if we didn’t get our special circumstances we’d still be heroes.


It was me, Miles and Jessica Drew together as we flung ourselves around the city. We made our way to the meetup spot in central park where the Spider Family would have a meetup for the first time in a long time. As we land we’re one of the latest groups. Most were here already. Gwen, Cindy, Julia, Mattie, and Anya. That only left the new members. The Scarlet Spider, Iron Spider, and Venom.


All three were secretive, I only knew Venom was Flash Thomson because when we were enemies he made it abundantly clear he knew who I was. God, I still get embarrassed thinking back to disco dancing in that suit when I went on a date with Gwen. It was to make Mary Jane jealous and it worked like a charm but it quickly backfired as she left Harry and ended up trying to make me jealous by dating John Jameson.


I didn’t know it was to make me jealous and after I removed the symbiote from me, I felt defeated she was dating someone else. I didn’t know she wanted me to chase her… She talked to me a few days ago about the entire thing but… I was dating someone else now. I would try my best to make it work between me and Sophia and I don’t think Mary Jane is willing to wait for me if it doesn’t work out.


Within minutes of our arrival, everyone else arrives. “Parker. Nice to see you still alive and kicking after that fight with Carnage.” I just sigh as I say. “Please stick with hero names Venom. Some people still don’t know I’m Spiderman.” He just chuckled in that deep Venom voice. He got close to Silk and gave her a sniff. “Ahh you stink so good. It makes me want to do bad things to you.”




“He didn’t do anything right?” I asked as I was preparing a location spell to find him if things went that way. Peter only said shocked. “What, no! Of course, I wouldn’t let him do that. He was just trying to get under everyone's skin as the new guy in our group.” Plans to hunt down Venom were pushed slightly back… He was on thin ice though even making jokes of sleeping with a girl I was going after.




Peter Parker’s Point of View


We… Where was I in the story? Oh right, we met up and then spread after seeing each other in such a long time. Well, that’s not right either. We spread out because several explosions all happened at the same time visible from the park we were in. We all split up. Me and Scarlet Spider, Kid Arachnid and Ghost Spider, Madam Webb and Silk, Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl, the final team being Venom and the Iron Spider.


Five teams split up and all headed in different directions. From what I heard Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl were the unlucky ones who didn’t meet any villains… We met with Carnage but he wasn’t the same old Carnage. I could fight almost evenly with him but he was out for blood that day. Bigger, faster, meaner, and more psychotic he came at me with no regard for his own safety.


I was saved over and over again by the Scarlet Spider which, really was embarrassing. She was a new member so I should be teaching her but she was just better than me. It stung but it meant Carnage wasn’t overwhelming me. Carnage grabbed two civilians who had gotten too close and pulled them into his body. In the process, he spit out their remains leaving only bones, and grew even bigger.


As if a switch flipped it became a fight to stop him from consuming more people as he ran through the streets. We fought him kicking and punching but he kept ahead of us. Managed to eat another six people before we cornered him in an alleyway. He could have possibly escaped but with the increased size he looked at us like he could beat us now.


Once again, he very well could have if Scarlet wasn’t there. He’d attack me and she’d retaliate knocking the bioblades away before landing a powerful blow on him. Like a cat and mouse game she kept protecting me and in his rage Carnage kept fighting. Finally, he was knocked unconscious and we found out why he was acting differently… The symbiote killed the host and was puppeting Cletus’ body around. Even unconscious the symbiote instinctively fought against us.


That was until the Scarlet Spider got sick of it. She gripped it and began absorbing the carnage symbiote into herself. Slowly she took it onto herself and I could see it fight back against her, trying to control her the way it did with Kasady. After a short mental battle between the two she took in a deep breath before yelling. “WE ARE ANTI-CARNAGE!” That was when she undid the mask on the lower half of her face and approached me. She began kissing me and I was excited for where things were going.




“Wait, wait, wait. I thought you were dating Sophia, or her super hero name Chat.” He paused for a moment realizing he had given away more than he should have before scratching the back of his head. “Well… Who do you think the Scarlet Spider was?”


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