Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 22 Bat family

Alright so some backstory needs to be done. Dick Grayson is already Nightwing. He still lives in titans tower and they did a combined titans/young justice story with them. He’s like twenty five-ish right now and most of the original members of the teen titans are leading their own groups.


Jason Todd already came back as the Red hood and got that thing sorted out with Bruce already. He’s less evil and really only wants to kill the joker while maybe crippling the more evil villains but knows that most of the henchmen are just guys who’ve been dealt a bad hand.


Tim Drake quit being Robin right before I stopped reading, breaking up with Stephanie before joining super boy’s team in the teen titans. Stephanie was Robin for like two weeks before I got teleported into this world so, she should be close to eighteen. She was older than Tim by a year or two so if my math works out…


After talking her age did come up in conversation which put a smile on my face. I’ll have to double check her drivers license when I get the chance just to be safe. They didn’t show the weird pregnancy storyline thankfully but it might have happened outside of the comics. I doubt they’d have a girl under eighteen pregnant though so should be safe.


She ticked a lot of boxes for me. Strong, pretty and driven. Smart, kind and outgoing. Morally righteous and an underdog she was also single since Tim broke up with her. Now might be the only time I’d get the chance to get her before he kind of ruins her life. Just as I was trying to figure out a way to move this to my or her part of the house another person enters from her door.


My eyes blink and I have to not freak out when I see Cassandra Cain. I have to use my biocontrol to keep my heart from beating too quickly. I knew I acted differently around assassins and it became clear when she looked at my face and said. “Smile. Fake.” I couldn’t help but be amazed by her. She hummed at me before saying. “Smile. Real.”


Well this complicates things tremendously. I wondered why she was here but it was most likely because she was sent away by Batman with Spoiler. Stephanie talked to her animatedly over the bread I made saying how light and fluffy it was. She ate it and said “Hmm. Bland.” I chuckled a little before walking over and handing her the brownies I made.


She took one and started eating. “Soldier. Feet too quiet.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “*Hahaha!* Yea I’m a SHIELD member that’s crazy. How did you know?” Stephanie looked scared and like she was trying to think of an excuse before Cassandra said. “I’m a soldier. Big gun in butt.”


I smiled and said. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”  She pulls at her belt and a five foot whip comes out. Nice, I’m really glad the ladies finished cooking breakfast for their families. I pull out the gun from my back making sure not to point it in their direction. “Whip that’s not a very common weapon.”


She finished off the brownies… That was supposed to be snacks over the course of a week. I grabbed one of the extra brownies and handed it to Stephanie. “So you can try the brownies since the ones I made for you are gone.” I gave her my most beaming smile. Batgirl spoke up. “Trying too hard.”


With her here I think I need to shift gears and maybe move a few things around. I'd have to take Stephanie as a lover who would understand why I needed other lovers. I cleared my throat and said.


“Actually… I’m one of the 100.”




Batman’s point of view


I watched the street cam footage of the night that Penguin’s mansion was hit by someone. I knew Sandman was being held there and had planned to free him later that night. I stopped my plans as the area was too hot but the next day as I broke in and eavesdropped I heard that someone broke in, stole money and Flint Marco was killed that night. 


The facial recognition only showed a partial blurry face I couldn’t make out. Just who was this mystery man that broke in to kill a villain being held down. I could only sigh in frustration and give up for now. I closed that and opened another tab of a much more clear picture of the new tenant that moved into the building that Stephanie and Cassandra were living in.


Once again the facial recognition software I ran didn’t find any matches. It was like he appeared out of nowhere. This was the twentieth time it has happened since the 100 first shown up. This meant that I needed to create a new profile for this man who might be targeting the two. I felt dizzy, it was another side effect of what had happened to Alfred.


Since he was put into a coma I kept forgetting to eat. Thank god Julia moved in to take care of her father or I wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on Alfred and fight crime. Besides having a constant caretaker for him she also worked as a decent bodyguard. Unfortunately being cut off from my company limited my liquid cash. I could only afford a half dozen guards for the house.


I grabbed at the protein bar on my utility belt and kept reading other reports. Something big was about to happen and I needed to figure it out before it happened. I clicked through over and over again trying to see the big picture.


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