Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 23 Doing petty crime

Cassandra lunged at me. I made no movements to stop it as she wrapped her whip around my throat. Stephanie yelled. “Alright that’s enough Cass! You, explain.”


I felt the whip abrasions and started to heal them. “Like I said. I’m part of the 100 so I know who you two are. I have no plans to tell anyone but felt it best to be candid with you since Cass would probably figure it out soon anyways.”


Stephanie responded out of emotions. “Your group is the reason everything bad happened to Bru- to batman. Your group is the reason Alfred is in a coma!” She let her voice out at the end. Thank god these walls are so thick or we’d be telegraphing this conversation to six other families.


“They aren’t me. I know that there are people from the 100 on both sides of the hero and villain spectrum. I plan to be someone very important in the future and I plan to drag my friends and lovers with me to the top when I make it.”


She looks like she agrees before fully absorbing what I said. “Lovers? Like multiple?” I chuckled. “Yes. I plan to have relations with multiple women. One of the powers I have-.”


An old lady enters through one of the doors and heads towards a fridge. I wait for her to start looking through the fridge before I realize there’s no way a random lady is going to believe what I’m saying. “I can fuck people stronger.” The clattering in the fridge stopped for a moment before continuing.


“Yea, and I’m Batwoman.” She gave me a deadpan stare and I could only smirk. “Not yet but you will be in the future. Well if I don’t change it that is and make you better than what you will be. I’m just saying I’ve seen your future and I see tremendous potential but you need someone to give you a chance. Well, I’m that chance for you to become great, maybe even greater than batman.” 


“I’m in.” Cassandra’s voice came from behind me and I wasn’t expecting it. My brain shuts down for a few seconds before Stephanie cuts in. “Nuh uh no way I’m letting you have sex with this guy Cass. We don’t even know him, he could be lying.” She cut her off. “He. Isn’t.”


I smiled at that and Stephanie gave me a cold look as she started to drag her away. I grabbed the lasagna and cookies I made for them and handed them to Cass. I couldn’t help but saying to the flustered Steph. “I want you Stephanie but if I got to eat up Cassandra to get to you I will. I’ll fuck your friend so strong you’ll have to believe me.”


“Dude, shut up.” She pulled Cassandra to the door flustered and slammed it harder than necessary. The old lady had opened one of the containers of brownies and had started munching away. “So is that sex thing up for grabs. My husband passed last year and I wouldn’t mind taking a youngster like yourself for a spin.”


I smiled at her and said. “Maybe if I can’t catch the blonde there I’ll let you know in a week. By the way, all that food over there I made and it’s for you. My name is Danny. Nice to meet you.”




“What the hell Cass! I’ve never seen you interested in a boy before and the first one who’s an obvious playboy you fall for.”


“No. Transaction. Mutual benefit.” She stared Stephanie down who just didn’t understand what was happening. In what world a guy shows up and offers to have sex with them and other women and for her to be okay with it. Stephanie calmed down enough to understand where Cassandra was coming from at least.


Cassandra had never felt any connection with the opposite gender in that way and that was still the case. Cassandra could just get something out of sleeping with him so it was transactional to her. She gives him her body and she gets stronger out of it. If she’s stronger she can help more people.


“No Cass… It’s not right to boil relationships down to give and take. You should love any man you’re willing to sleep with.” Stephanie knew she couldn’t make Cassandra do anything but she hoped that as her friend she would listen to her. Cass only looked up to her. She gave her that piercing look, the look she gave when she was about to drop a bomb.


“Sad. He’s sad. For you.” With that revelation Stephanie felt her core shake at that knowledge. Why would he be sad for her? It didn’t make any sense.




As I shook the elderly woman's hand I could feel a connection. My biological control was growing to where it was between the first and second rank. I felt I could take some of her biomatter and make very minute changes to her. If I asked for her permission first I could do more or if she was in an altered state I wouldn’t be able to make any changes. I stop by just burning a pound of fat from her before I start to feel light headed. I gave her a big smile as she somehow didn’t notice the changes to her body.


I finished my talk and greeted the other neighbors. Some didn’t want the food so I was left with two containers of the cookies and brownies and four containers of the lasagna. I finished writing out a list of materials I would need for my magical research and headed out to the obvious spy van to hand it over.


“Listen. I don’t care how old the trees are but the older the better. The meteoric iron has to be pure. It can’t be mixed with other irons or it’ll hurt the end product. Same goes for the gems. The longer they’ve been submerged in their elements the better they’ll be for end products.”


I gave him instructions and headed off away from the house. While I expected the best resources from SHIELD I still needed to get my own resources to make my own magical equipment until they finished making my wing in the SHIELD base. The main question is where the fuck can I buy a forge?


After checking waymazon I’m surprised to see them on there. They’re super cheap as well. I stole the rest of the supplies I needed to work with wood and metal including a hundred pound anvil. Walking it back to five blocks with a giant conspicuous anvil was probably the hardest part.


The next question, where the hell can I buy really, really old wood. I googled (yea it’s still called that) the oldest tree near New York and “borrowed” a vehicle to make my way to the outskirts of Boston. I climbed up the poplar tree and saw off one of the branches before hurriedly fleeing the scene. Google how much you can be sued for when damaging trees to see why I didn’t want to be caught. I don’t have a million dollars for damaging an ancient tree so I dip out quickly.


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