Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 29 Big ol secrets

I was going to look for the obvious bugs in their house but decide against it and just use a spell. “Elffab! Alright now anyone listening in with listening devices shouldn’t be able to hear us. We’ll sound like any adults talking in Charlie Brown to them now. I’m showing you a tremendous level of trust by telling you my main powers. The two main powers I got that made this all possible, that is.” 


She sat down and leaned forwards while Cassandra shuffled through the cabinets and made herself a bowl of cereal. “My main power and the one I planned on using from the beginning is self biomatter control. It lets me make changes to my body so I put all my stats at as low as they could possibly go and then fixed them with that single power. The other big power I got was the growth power. It lets me select the lowest level of a power and it’ll eventually grow into the strongest version, perhaps even past that in the future.”


She thought about what I said before asking. “So what about the magic. What about the s-sex power?” I just smile at her since that is essentially what the power is. “That would be magical affinity and knowledge for the magic and dual cultivation for the sex power. I’m effectively the foremost expert on anything magical because it gave me magical knowledge from across the universe, not just earth. The sex power is just that, it strengthens myself and anyone I have sex with.”


She taps the table with her fingers before saying. “Cass… When me and Cass first met you she said you were sad for me. Can I… Would me knowing mess up the timeline?” I take in a deep breath as I’m about to go deep into her backstory. “If I’m being honest you are fairly new to the Bat family in my timeline. Most comic writers don’t know what to do with you.”


I will try to explain it better. “Alright so, everyone in the Bat family has something they’re as good if not better than batman at. For Dick it’s his acrobatic skills, Jason is a fighter at heart and Tim gets his detective side. Barbara is the best with computers, Cassandra is even more compassionate than him risking her life to save enemies. For all intents and purposes you’re boiled down to female Robin.”


I sigh, hating what I’m about to say. “You’re known for wanting to prove yourself so much to Batman you start a gangwar and fake your death after almost dying to Black mask. Your on and off relationship with Tim is going to be off for a really long time since he left. I mean it’s not really my place to out him but Tim is gay.”


She had a contemplative look on her face until I said the last line. She stuttered. “W-w-w-what!? No way! Nuh uh, you’re full of shit! There’s no way Tim is gay!” Cassandra chimed in with a mouthful of cereal. “Affirmative. He likes boys.” Stephanie turned towards Cass in an instant before yelling. “You knew! Who else does!?”


She paused and thought about it. “Everyone but you.” She stomped around the house pulling at her hair. “Dammit that explains so much! We’ve only… Why did he lead me on for so long?” She sat down with a sad look on her face and I put my hand on her leg. “Because he didn’t want to hurt you. When you started dating the first time you were both like thirteen, he probably didn’t know what he liked back then.”


She just sat there before leaning back in the chair. “God, I’ve never smoked before but I feel like I need a cigarette. Do you?” She looked at me. “Yea I keep them on me for other people but you don’t really need one.” She looked at me questioningly before I gave her an answer. 


“I keep beer in my fridge but don’t drink, cigarettes on me but I don’t smoke and a bottle of jack in my glove compartment when I own a car. Another thing I picked up in the army, when enough people die near you asking for a final cigarette or beer you keep them close by.”


She gave me a solemn look before looking square in the eye. “Fine. You’ve worn me down. I’ll go out with you. BUT! I’m not cheap. I want at least three dates before you get anything and at least one date a week after.” That’s a lot. I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep. “Alright, unless one of us is extremely busy. I’m fairly lazy but the Batfamily doesn’t really take breaks. You learn magic and everyone is going to be begging you for help.”


I gave her a big smile before asking. “So you want to do one of those dates tonight?”

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