Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 30 Date fight

I went and got a couple of suits and stole some clothes to wear around the house. Couple of big comfy sweaters and such for the girls. I changed my hair to a silky smooth black and shave. I could just force the hairs on my face out but it’s relaxing to prepare this way. I prepare the best I can before heading outside and walking around the building to their door.


I’m greeted by an amazing sight. She’s wearing a light blue dress I’d expect someone to wear to prom. The same color as her eyes, holy fuck I think my heart just skipped a beat. I probably have the biggest grin on my face looking at her. I loaded her into a “borrowed” car and headed towards one of the most fancy restaurants you can get into without a reservation.


I could have gone fancier but that would take threats and bribes. Maybe for the next date. We eat and I learn more about her past with Tim. I know she’s still not over him completely but elucidating how they only had sex three times and she pushed for it every single time. She talked to everyone and every single person knew he was gay including Julia who only met him a handful of times.


Stephanie grumpily told me that Julia wanted to sleep with me when she found out I could give her powers. I thought she was a lesbian because the only person she was attracted to was Kate Kane… Maybe she’s bisexual? Well, it’s best we don’t make it a permanent thing and I’d rather not flaunt it in Stephanie’s face. I smile and say.


“Let’s not talk about other people when we’re on this date. I only care about you right now.” The tables are too big to grab her hands without looking silly so I just keep smiling while making eye contact as she eats her spaghetti flustered.”


We finish the meal and I pay the bill… 427$ I try my best not to groan at the price. I walk with her towards the theater as two police officers are looking at the Mercedes I “borrowed” and Steph side-eyes me and doesn’t want to ask what that was about. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her in. We walk with her leaning into my chest. It was just about night time and we had twenty minutes before the movie started.


A loud thump appeared behind us. Years of being in the army has me flinching and turning towards the sound. As I turn to look I put myself between the noise and Stephanie. I recognize him with a glance. It’s the 100 who teamed up with Joker. The brute. He creepily smiles. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the little bat and her boyfriend Robin.” I laugh as he thinks I’m Tim Drake. He got so much wrong with his observation. She’s not batgirl right now either. 


“Brag su rof elttab!” A whirlwind of smoke surrounds us as my patchy wizard's robe is suddenly on me instead of the suit. In one hand I hold my staff while the other contains the gun. Stephanie was garbed in her spoiler outfit with her collapsible bo staff in her hands. She lets out a gasp. “Woah, neat trick. You’re going to have to teach me how to do that.”


“Of course my love. Let’s take down the clown lover first.” He grits his teeth before saying. “Oh so you’re one of us then. I’ll have to put you down like a dog so you can’t fuck the world up anymore than you have.” I laugh before saying. “You’re teaming up with Joker who isn’t even in the comics right now. He’s probably working with the light since they haven’t been introduced in the story yet.”


The sudden shock on his face as he decides to stop talking tells me everything I needed to know. That summoning magic took a huge portion of my stored mana. Pulling clothes is fairly easy but I didn’t know where Spoilers set was so it increased the cost. Also pulling magical items like my robes and staff was a bit more expensive. I tore at a patch on my chest before flinging the ruby in his direction.


At about the halfway point it turned into a fire arrow before piercing his body. He shrugs it off barely showing any damage. Fuck, mid superhuman endurance puts him at as tanky as the big guys like rhino. I backpedal as Stephanie flings a half dozen batarangs at him which bounce off. I yell out before hand “Firing!” before I pump a few rounds into him. He once again shrugs them off, I don’t even think they pierced his body.


Fucking tanky fucker. “Etativel!” It’s an expensive spell costing more for a minute of flight than teleporting someone would cost. Jumping backwards I pull out my knife. He clumsily rushes at me with his hands out trying to grapple just as I fly out of his range. As he looks up my vial of sand hits him in the face breaking and flowing into his eyes. 


He yells out in pain “Wwrrawhh!” as I stop my levitation spell and drop back down towards him. My knife pierces into his eye about an inch before he backhands me away. Doing so broke my hand and cracked my ribs. Stephanie pelted him with more batarangs as I slide the sand out of the pierced and blind eye forcing the rest into the eye he still has sight in. 


“We need to run! We can’t hurt him!” I yell at Steph before casting again. “Rekcart!” A bolt of light ineffectively slammed into his chest. “Ya nothing I’m doing is affecting him!”


We ran away while he was still blinded. I could hear him rage and strike nearby cars as we fled.

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