Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 69 Deflowering the flower

Harley grabbed her and pulled her from the side to be between us with Poison Ivy facing away. Harley grabbed Poison Ivy’s ass and spread it to give a better view to me before saying. “Come on hot shot. You’re not a one-and-done kind of guy, are you? Look at that sweet cave that wants to be explored. I bet you want to explore it, you want to bury your di-.” I cut her off with a kiss as I lined myself up and went in easily with a single slow thrust. A mostly muffled grunt was the only response I got from Poison Ivy.


The difference was fairly noticeable. Harley was about half a foot shorter than Ivy. One was loud and bubbly, the other quiet and stoic. Even their kinks synced up fairly well. I had no plans of getting her pregnant but I can certainly tease her. I stopped kissing Harley and whispered loud enough so both could hear.


“You got turned on from seeing me put a baby into Harley, didn’t you? Does it excite you to know that? In just a few months her belly will start growing. Woah the way you clamped down when I said that I think I’m right.” She gasped as she tried to deny it. “T-that’s not true.” The end of her sentence trailed off because she knew neither of us believed her.


The room was only filled with soft gasps, muffled grunts, and Harley loudly and sloppily kissing me. After she had mostly got back to her own thoughts I chimed in again. “I know Harley is pregnant for sure. It’s one of my powers I can tell. Just imagine her belly getting bigger and bigger. I’ll let you know another thing, it’s twins, a little boy and girl.”


She let out a whimpering moan as I could tell for the first time I definitely made her orgasm with those words. She probably did before that but that was the first obvious one between the two girls. Both weren’t very vocal when it came to sex but that could change if we kept it up for as long as I normally go. I knew that wouldn’t be possible since we were on a crowded jet heading to a suicide mission.


For the first time since we began, Harley shyly asked. “Are you telling the truth? You can tell and know I’m pregnant already?” For another brief few seconds only the sounds of our bodies slapping against each other could be heard before I answered her. “I have complete control over my body and when you permitted me to impregnate you it was enough to let me make sure you would end up pregnant."


Her hands left Poison Ivy’s ass and went to her belly. She spoke at an almost inaudible level. “I’m gonna be a mommy. Wow.” So that meant no Lucy Quinn in this universe. At least if there is then Harley is a much better actor than I gave her credit for. I speed up and Poison Ivy notices so she speaks up for the first time in a while. “N-not inside.”


Harley manages to fall to her knees and put her head between Ivy’s legs. She grabs my dick and puts her lips around the head before grabbing my ass and pushing me into her open mouth sucking my orgasm down her throat. The tentative gulps turned into enthusiastic slurps as she moaned in delight before popping off and bursting out laughing.


“It tasted like a banana cream pie. God you’re going to make the Joker so jealous.” It kind of took me out of the moment that even with my cock in her mouth she was thinking about her old boyfriend. I’m going to have to spend a few nights making sure she completely forgets about that loser. With how fanatic the Joker fanbase is you kind of forget that like ninety percent of his comics are boring duds. 


For every Jason Todd moment, we get fifty comics where he does nothing. He gets his face cut off and we get one good comic out of it. Even in movies, he’s hit or miss. The biggest problem I had with him was that as easy as he would be to kill, I knew for sure his plot armor was as strong as Batman's.


No, the best thing about the Joker is Harley Quinn. At least I think that as I have her by her pigtails sucking my dick clean. I speak up. “Alright then. Let's check your chi and see… What the fuck!?” Both of the areas where the chi should be are what I can only assume are whirlpools of otherworldly energy. What the actual fuck.


Are both mutants? I really should have checked what a mutant's chi area looks like before this point. No, that definitely would have come up before now in the comics… Is it green? It’s probably the green for Poison Ivy but what the fuck does that make Harley’s? I’ll have to readjust my thought process on how that works later but the main takeaway is did they get stronger. I tentatively ask.


“Umm. Do either of you feel different? I can kind of fuck people stronger but both of you are different and that would be what I made better.” Harley answered. “Yeah, I think I’m feeling something.” She grabbed at her stomach her hands hidden behind Poison Ivy who was still sandwiched between us. “Look!” She pulled her hands out and showed me two middle fingers before blowing a raspberry.


“Fuck off with that lame lie.” I almost laughed in her face. “Didn’t Batgirl suddenly become superhuman and start using magic? She suddenly becomes more powerful a month after the 100 show up. Where do you think she got those powers from genius?”


She gave me a blank stare for a few seconds before she burst out screaming mad. “It was you! You’re the reason I got caught!” She poked me in the chest as she talked. I can’t hold it back as I do begin to laugh in her face. “Hahahaha! Yep and now you have my kids in your belly! Life is strange like that sometimes.” 


We get dressed and I cast a cleanse spell before we head back to our seats. Besides a few sidelong glances from a few of the more aware members that we had all come back together, no one mentioned anything. We got a callout that we were fifteen minutes from the drop zone before I remembered. “Oh!”


I open a portal and grab out a bunch of cloaks and bullet stoppers. “The cloaks let you fly for about ten seconds if you say I’m Mary Poppins y’all, can keep you cool and have a camouflage function if you whisper red light. They don’t work very well while moving and to deactivate the camouflage you have to say green light. The wooden necklaces can stop a few bullets before they break so don’t let someone just unload on you thinking you’ll be safe but it will keep you from getting shot in the ass. Any questions?”


Rick Flag chimed in. “Yea. Why didn’t you just teleport us to the location?” I looked at him with a deadpan stare before saying. “Because this is your mission, not mine. Also, I couldn’t get closer to the girls I wanted to fuck if we finish the mission too quickly. Any more questions?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 100+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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