Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 70 Everyone almost dies

As we got about five minutes from the landing zone we were beeping to alert us we were being fired on. The small private jet most likely didn’t have anti-missile flares and that is confirmed by the sudden jolt as the rocket rips the back of the plane apart. The decompression rips some of us out as I shout the code phrase again. “Shout I’m Mary Poppins y'all before you splat!” 


I teleport around the plane ripping people's seatbelts off of them before flinging them towards the exit. Just as I get everyone out I remember that there is obviously a pilot and rush to the cockpit. After fumbling to get him out of the seat I just rip the entire seat from the ground and teleport out just before we hit the water.


I blink back and forth grabbing people as they float down towards the water or are in the water already and place them on the beach. We’re immediately shot at and people begin to soak up bullets like their lives depended on it. I managed to get a magical shield up but it was sucking too much mana.


A tank shell lands beside us and I have to use one of my contingencies or risk someone else dying on this mission. I open up a portal to one of the side rooms of my mansion and let one of my big guns walkthrough. He takes a look around to get his bearings before I let him loose. “Solomon. Can you go break those big green things over there? Try not to kill the people inside, they’re probably kids.”


He starts running and shouts before jumping in the air. “Solomon like playing with army men!” He lands right in front of a tank and takes a shot directly but it barely pushes him back. The amount of fire we receive dramatically falls as they aim at the giant gray zombie that just ripped the top part of the tank off before smashing it down onto another one.


I teleport over and start grabbing people. The ones that look like adults I snap their necks and the kids I strip their guns off them. After doing so with about a hundred of them I headed back and handed out the military clothing they were wearing and several walkie-talkies as they spoke mostly Luganda and some Swahili.


I started giving misinformation to the enemies telling them we were being attacked on some of the walkie-talkies while saying we were fine on the others. Saying the forces were hundreds strong while saying it was a handful of people on another. I could speak those languages because I snapped enough necks to absorb an almost college-level understanding of them.


After spreading the misinformation the one thing I made sure of was that the big gray monster was real and we needed help dealing with him. I doubted anyone on this side of the continent could hurt Solomon let alone kill him so I was just going to let him have his fun fighting the army while we snuck past. After going through his memories I knew he had a soft spot for kids so would try his best to not kill any out of the bunch.


I make sure we swap clothes to blend in better before looking at the shell-shocked members of the suicide squad again. Boomerang and Savant pissed themselves out of fear. Doctor Curt Conners begins to vomit at the carnage that just happened. I ask them. “You guys good? It looks like this might be your first warzone. Don’t worry the shell shock from the sudden almost deaths over and over again will wear off even-.”


I get a shield up just in time to stop the reinforcements who caught us changing clothes from riddling them with bullets. Me and King Shark would have been fine, maybe Doctor Connors as well but everyone else would have been dead by now except… How the hell has Harley not been hit yet?


As I look at all of them closer as I fire the stolen guns killing the reinforcements I notice all of them have cracks on their bullet stoppers except for Harley. I questioned. “How the hell haven’t you been hit yet Harley? Everyone else has been shot enough to die three times except for you.”


Finally, the group stops acting like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. They start to actually do something as Deadshot, Harley, and King Shark start firing on the enemies. “I’ve just always been this sort of lucky ever since Mr. J and I got together. You think that has something to do with it?” One of the men tried to throw a grenade but I telekinetically kept dropping it at his feet as he more and more frantically tried to throw it away until it blew up.


“Yeah, that probably has something to do with it. I think you somehow got access to a force but I don’t know what type of force it is. Poison Ivy is the Green which you could say is the nature force. You… You have access to the chaos force! Oh my god, it makes so much sense! You literally warp reality so you're less likely to get hurt, how the fuck did you not notice that?” 


I threw a fireball grenade I had the magic department make and burned another group as they ran towards us making them break and flee from us. Harley screams at me. “How the fuck was I supposed to know that!?” Instead of reloading she just threw the gun, managing to hit someone and causing him to flinch before picking up another and killing him.


Deadshot picks off the stragglers just before they clear the hill and we finish dressing in the army fatigues before heading deeper into the country. The disguises are flimsy at best, anyone who looked at our group for a second would know we weren’t actually part of the dictator's army. From a distance, it would be hard to tell and the one second of them not shooting would be enough for me to get shields up.


I whisper yell at her as we run. “Oh, I don’t know Harley! Maybe when you fell from a five-story building and hit a clothesline slowing your fall before landing in a garbage dumpster full of cardboard? This isn’t a Looney Tunes skit. Who the fuck hangs clothes out to dry in New York? How many other times would a normal person die but you somehow lived completely unscathed?”


She counts on her fingers comically as we run before saying. “Over a hundred I’d guess. Wow, that's crazy! How have I never noticed I have luck-based superpowers.” I humm in disagreement. “If you want to get technical it’s more like you have access to reality warping magic and use it unconsciously to protect yourself. I wonder if the chemicals you and the Joker were dunked in had anything to do with your access to the chaos force.”


She asks, starting to struggle to breathe as she runs and talks. “What’s the difference?” I think about it before I give her an answer. “There’s a hero with a luck-based power and she’ll never be able to fly or be more than a normal human. There’s a villain with access to magic and a similar power but she’s still fairly human and needs to learn new magic to use it. It’s a lot of effort to do anything outside of probability manipulation.”


I use telekinesis and gravity manipulation to take about forty pounds off everyone so they’ll be able to run for a longer period as I continue. “You have access to chaos magic through the chaos force. Right now you’re unconsciously using it to stop yourself from dying but you should be able to alter reality around you to some degree. Make yourself weigh less, maybe fly eventually. Make an attack go right through you as you make yourself or the object intangible.”


Two explosions sound out behind us as two human-shaped objects emerged from the debris cloud. Two identical looking-.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 100+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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