Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 532 Catastrophes

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"You know a pretty good name young one but, do you think you really know much about the being you talk about?"

She looked at him with a smile and half of the class was confused while a little minority was stunned to hear something they weren't expecting.

And most of them didn't even know what actually he was talking about.

The thing they all were shocked by was the name he had spoken of just now.

[Origin Dracoudines], some of the few famous origin beasts that were famous because of their enormous size.

They were origin creatures and some of the most unique ones thanks to their unbreakable defense and mountain like size and as a few people who were truly interested in the energy beast research in this class knew, they weren't creatures that even advanced books contained much knowledge of.

The creature was little known to the ones from the higher upper-class thanks to the rumors that a family in the eastern continent had one as their familiar. And some others knew it because of the old written legends that portrayed this creature as an offspring between a World Turtle and a Dragon. 

But still, the available books didn't contain the information that the teacher had asked for as the creature itself was more of a legend to normal folks, and information about it was regulated by the higher powers of this world.

But the boy that had first cursed at their teacher's snakes had again dared and spoke a name that even some of them took a while to remember.

And the smile on their teacher's face right was enough for them to know what would happen to that bastard if he couldn't answer her question.

And he was definitely going to get punished, most of them thought that, but…

"Current habitat: east end demonic plains, central area, near first gate entrance; basic habits include uncontrolled rage and aggressive hunt of any being in a hundred meters around it, strange narcolepsy that puts it into exactly six-hour long slumber, advancements of roughly ten kilometers every month, and purification of all the demonic energy around it.

The preferred food of his race is radiations from sunlight, moonlight, and starlight but as an origin beast without a master, it consumes any energy it can get from any source it can find.

Their natural racial enemies are original mythos, [Hydra] and [Kraken] but it is reported by Robert M. Rthurors that [Griffins] show a unique animosity toward them. However, catastrophe 3D6EMP has adapted to the demonic energy and even though it is strictly confined to a demonic territory, its aggressive nature towards all lifeforms makes it a threat to all of the world and so is targeted by all of the higher powers.

It's physical and biological characteristics…"

The boy recited all of it like some expert in simple terms and the smile on their teacher's face widened, while the frown on Rein's face depended.

The bastard knew more than he should and revealing all of it in a class meant it was technically fine.

But the rumors the student council will have to work to erase would be a tedious task.

This wasn't a problem on its own but they will have to deal with it so that something greater doesn't come out of it.

And… if the mess was already this deep, there was no way for Rein to hold back anymore.

She wasn't going to do anything too difficult that her darling would scold her for, but now that someone had given her a challenge, there was no way she would just back out now.

"Hahaha. To think I would have someone who has this kind of knowledge. You are fun, little one. What's your name?"

"Nova, ma'am."

"Cute boy's cute name. Alright then~. You can have Grex. It has a pretty cool name but it's mostly known as Grex among us."

She was happy and the class was dead shocked. They weren't expecting she would allow such a creature and they also weren't expecting someone to know all of those things that he had spoken just now.

All that information should mostly be confidential but he said it like it was no big deal and however pissing it may be for the students, this was their loss if they were going to face a being they had only ever heard about.

And as a result of his deadly first attack, many of the students already gave up on this little test and bitterly bit their lips in anger.

A nobody had just defeated them without knowing anything, and he would have to pay for that. They would make sure he pays the price for this…

"Awwww…? So we will only have six people now? Well, that's fine too."

She smiled and went to the next person that was still participating and there were only six including the two from the start.

The first one had chosen a being most of them didn't even understand the meaning of; the second one chose a [Flame drake] a historical being that had taken many combined powers to defeat; the one after that chose a [Divine swan], a being that had only ever been seen by a few fortunate ones, and then it was the turn of that unique person even Zoe found useful.

"So young one, what do think is the strongest energy beast that could win you a date with a pretty old me~?"

Their teacher mischievously winked at him and a strange expression of confusion clouded his expression instead of a flustered one. Which most of the others obviously found strangely offensive.


But he didn't mind them and was just about to speak up… when he suddenly stopped as if he was stunned.

"Hello? Boya? You alright?"

The teacher was confused when she looked at his stunned self and it was strange. It was so strange that thinking someone had cast a (Pause) spell on him would also sound plausible.

But he blinked a few times just after her voice and came back to his senses.

"Ummm… yes. Sorry, this happens sometimes."

He was covered in sweat by that time and it seemed as if his eyes were glowing with a unique colour but it didn't last more than a moment so everyone thought they were just seeing things.

Or some also thought that the boy might have used some kind of skill but they didn't know what kind of skill. And most of them also wouldn't ever know about it.

"You alright? Need something?"

The teacher asked but he declined again and after she observed him and found nothing wrong, she shook her head and asked him to continue.

"Ahem! Alright so, I would love to see a [Aquario Scythus Majin] with the pinnacle skill of [Purity] with my own eyes and would be honored for my life if I could fight a great being such as Drex."

He said that humbly but what he had said earned surprised expressions greater than the one from the boy named Nova.

"Are we allowed to give any creature skills of our choice? Isn't that cheating then?"

"Hey! You can't just give them skills as you please!"

"You are talking about pinnacle skills-"

"Do you even know what you are talking about?!"

Some girl was shouting but a louder voice from behind, a familiar one they wouldn't forget after this class, cut her off and everyone looked behind again.

"Do you even know-"

There was a shocked expression on his face and seeing that shock was shocking for others.

But there was a strange calmness on the face of the one that had spoken before and he cut him midway with that same calmness.

"Catastrophe 6D21ECG? The most probable devil of Meronics Island? Well, why not?"

He looked back at him as if telling him if he could have a confidential creature as its battle beast then why can't he?

He was the one to think someone wouldn't know about this particular being. Actually, he himself didn't know about it a moment before but he knew now, and it was all thanks to…

"You bastard!"

Rein shouted while looking at him with a poisonous look that wanted to just jump at him and slap that calm look on his bastard face.

"What do-"

"You bastard!!"

The students looking at her got chills and he was the same. And he could feel that held-back hint of bloodlust from her, and that was more than enough to partially stop his heartbeat.

He was shocked to see that look on her and he wanted to ask her why she had that look but when he tried speaking, she just cursed at him and he felt another pulse of that dangerous feeling.

"Miss I-"

"You think I don't know?! You bastard!!!"

She was angry and her anger was understandable to her little sister beside her.

That boy, that new person possessing someone else's body, had a skill that can look into the future, and he had glanced into the future just now. 

And whatever he was saying right now, the creature he was mentioning, was something she was going to say and use to torture that bastard at the back.

But he claimed it first, and if he had looked into the future far enough, it was natural from his confidence that he knew all the things she might have said about this creature.

He stole her key to crush that bastard and he had the audacity to act that calmly before her.

There was no way in hell she, the Reinelle, was going to let this one go just like that.

"Nothing personal miss…"

"You bastard…!"

And from that expression, he knew that she knew what he was doing.

And their teacher was smart enough to guess what might have happened but there was no way for Rein to calm that his passive [Future sight] had triggered at that exact time and he was saying the things she was supposed to say.

No one had seen the next moment so there was no way to say it… and he was the one to say the things she was supposed to, which means she never said it and will never say it.

The future that was supposed to happen according to what he saw had changed… or a unique scenario was created that changed everything. And there was nothing she could do now.


Their teacher just enjoyed this new development by enjoying the cute expression from that unique girl.

There was no reason for her to say anything to the person that knew more interesting thing than the boy at the back. 

There was no need for him to tell her how he knew it as this was just an energy beast research class and a simple test to give the young ones a date with a hot teacher.

He knew everything she wanted them to know so he could rightfully have the creature as his battle beast.

And all the other students were even more shocked by this strange development and were now looking at Rein, the person that had started everything with that boy at the back.

Her opponents were creatures of powers that even they couldn't fathom even after hearing about it.

They didn't know what the two catastrophic creatures the two boys were talking about but one thing was clear for them.

The boy from before had taken the beast she was gonna use to defeat the one that originally cursed at her and the now awake snakes. 

Her battle beast was taken by someone else and now… she was in a tough situation.

She didn't know what to do… actually, she knew pretty well what to do but now that there were two bastards that had ticked her off, the offensive she had to show had doubled.

She could defeat those illusions of catastrophic creatures even with normal beasts but she wanted to torture these two and crush them so hard they never dare to do something like this again against her.

She was angry… and as her fiancée says: one should never incur the wreath of a witch that knew how to use her powers.

"What beast do you think will be able to defeat all of them now, hmmm dear?"

Their teacher was some of the most excited she had ever been in her life right now, and she knew something even more exciting was going to happen when she looked at that calm look on this girl's face.

"A turtle and a mantis."

Rein looked the two boys straight in the eyes with anger, sending chills down their spines.

Then she looked at her teacher with a gorgeous smirk that made her heart skip a beat.

"[Cran Terror Exuvia]… that fellow's good enough, right Miss?"

And those made her weak heart skip another beat.

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