Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 533 First Battle Of Catastrophes

[OP: ]

"You crazy girl…"

Their teacher had a smile none had seen throughout their class while the students were once again confused.

This time, they had no idea what she was even talking about, and this included the boy at the back.

The one on their other side was also confused what she was saying but everyone could tell that at least the teacher knew what she was talking about and from that reaction of hers, it was also clear that whatever creature she had called up was so extraordinary that it was too absurd that someone like her actually knew about it.

Her smirk towards the two people was also proof enough that she was confident in whatever she was choosing as her battle beast… but they won't be seeing it in this class.

"Uriel, it's overkill for something little like this. Did you forget about…"

Zoe caressed the little heads of the snakes, whispered something in her sister's ear and as a lightbulb had lit up in her mind, her eyes widened and she nodded vigorously.

"Yes yes yes! Sorry, there was that one too. It slipped my mind for a second because of these two bastards. Thanks for reminding me Zoe."

She thanked her with a blissful expression and a sinister expression took over her previously smirking face.


She laughed while looking at the bastard at the back and the blasterd on the other side, and then looked at her teacher who now had a surprised look.

"You want someone else? Why though? The ones you mentioned just now can very well decompose them. What else can work against two Catastrophes?"

She was genuinely asking that, and the class was in silent chaos after her words. 

Thier teacher had just confirmed the being she spoke of, whatever it was, was more than strong enough to single handedly not only defeat two catastrophes but also turn them into something like a fertiliser.

It was naturally shocking, but not as much as her next words.

"To go against catastrophes, we naturally need someone of the same or higher power level or… someone with a very deeper understanding of that creature, thier natural predators, or someone with exceptional control, defence, and resistance against them.

And I believe in my control so, a slime with [Mimic] speciality, and unique skills of [Rapid growth], [Attribute absorption], [Skill creation], [Comprehensive Learning], and [Evolution] would be more than enough to defeat these bastards."

She laughed again after saying that, but their classroom, that was in the middle of a vast grassland right now, was thrown into turmoil.

"A slime?! What the hall?!"

"Heyyy! I said it before! You can't just give creatures skills as you please!"

"How can a slime defeat them?!"

"What… is [Mimic] speciality? Is it some kind of unique skill that make them a specialist?"

"…what did you just say?"


Everyone was speaking up as the thing their ears had correctly heard was too absurd to even comprehend. They couldn't think what she was trying to say and make sense of her simple sounding words. 

But just when they all were arguing and trying to understand her words, they heard thier teacher's low laughter and turned towerds her, only to see a new look of intrest that they were seeing for the first time.

And the subject of this intrest was a girl that was saying a slime was all it needed to defeat two catastrophes, a drake, a holy creature, and a leader Wyvern. 

It was just too foolish to even consider and some thought she was laughing at this foolishness, but that wasn't the case. 

Her eyes said something different, and they weren't stupid enough to not understand that.

"You know what you are talking about, don't you?" She asked her with a smile and her dear student nodded with respect.

"How~?" She smiled at her warmly this time, a warm smile that contained admiration.

"Definitely because my dear darling forcefully made me study many unnecessary things. I know a good little about many things but it's nowhere near knowledge of that bastard."

"Oh…? Darling you say?"

"Yup~. My awesome fiancé. He must be doing something shocking even in his high magic theory class."

"High magic theory? He's attending grandpa Jamie's class and you say he would do something shocking?

It's hard to believe but… I strangely do believe what you just said.

Alright~! This amazing 'darling' of yours sounds as fun as you so I'm cheering for you!

Win this so we can go on a double date~!"

She was happy right now and the class was still silent.

They didn't know what this strange girl was thinking and they also didn't know what that strange teacher of theirs was so excited about.

They had already lost them but more than that, they had lost the entire topic that had started with hot legs and was now somewhere over double dates…

"Alright then~! Let's start you six! Get ready to see something really cool everyone~!"

-Snap! Snap!

A loud noise reverberated through it the area where they were sitting and in the very next moment, at a distance away from them, in the vast grassland, some new giant shadows materialized themselves.


These shadows were ginormous, especially the mountain-like black creature's shadow that had a sinister feeling to it.

The other creatures, be it the giant swan that possessed a beauty so radiant it was almost blinding, or the fire drake that was no less intimidating than the fictional dragons, all of them were insignificant before that dark mountain.

It was humongous, and if one wanted to know how big it was, then saying it was taller than ten of the tallest statues stacked above one another wouldn't be wrong.

It was a giant mountain, and just its mere presence was intimidating to all the creatures beside it.

The ferocious drake was visibly tensed in its presence, the Wyvern was on the ground instead of flying, the swan had moved far away from the dark mountain, but, there was one black slime right beneath this mountainous creature's head, and a distance away from was the second greatest creature in size, a shiny white creature made of small blades who possessed three great blades so sharp and strong looking that it was just as intimidating as the other mountain.

All six of them were magnificent… no, the five of them were magnificent. The slime, on the other hand, was a creature everyone saw in their everyday life.

And aside from it's pitch black appearance, there was nothing special about this creature. Absolutely nothing.

It was a odd sight seeing a being like it among splendid creatures like the others but however much their minds were in an abnormal state, the slime was there, and all the other creatures were looking at it as if it was an insect unworthy to be in their presence.

But they were ignorant of reality and didn't know whose great presence they were actually in.

But they will know… after they die of course.

But all of these creatures were mere illusions, controlled by the original operational system of the academy and ultimately by the ancient tree, that were given to some children for playing around.

They weren't real but in this place, this artificial reality, they were nothing less than real.

The students watching from afar had a view that was far away from these creatures and they were still stunned at the sheer volume of all those creatures.

It was thrilling, enough to steal their hearts away. But that slime was still strangely unsightly…

"The creatures you see before you are all unique, possess powers great enough to rival even the kings and elder mages, and however intimidating they might look, one thing is true for at least the illusions you see before you… all of them can be defeated.

There are six creatures before you and six students that will give them commands according to their knowledge of the creatures. 

Observe them and their actions. Analyze them. See their tactics and how they use their knowledge and take advantage of the knowledge they have about their opponents.

Find mistakes in their play and after this is over, tell me what you learned and what you found to be ineffective or wrong in their battle.

Three students I find the best among you will also get a little something from me but if you decide to just enjoy this cool fight, it would be alright too.

This started with a dispute and there's no grand reason we are doing it.

I want to have fun and things until now have been much more fun than I had expected.

I'm looking forward to this little fight between not so little creatures so… please me cuties~."

She was excited, everyone else was excited now that they had something to do along with watching a fight between creatures far beyond the standard (Purple) rank, the boy at the back was excited because he knew he could win, the boy on the side was confident in what absurd things he had seen in that short time, Zoe was excited to see something fun, and Rein was… calm.

She was calm, so calm she didn't seem like the cheerful person from a while ago, and this rare seriousness of her, as the people close to her knew, was always lethal to her opponents.

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