Isekai Rohan

578 Mandate

"Grand duke, Asai de Trichia~ is that you?"

"Yes, it's me..."


"This is Emilita Regenon speaking, I just wanted to speak to you briefly before transferring you over. I-I hope that you are well, and that your sword stays sharp. Whilst I'm unable to personally be there to support you, please do know that I will do what I can. Thus, I am granting you full authority over my best mage, Ruby Armant and her necromancers. If there's anything you'd need from me, please don't hesitate to ask~

Also, greetings prince from Del Lagos. I'm glad to hear that you're well, may fortune favour our kingdoms~"


Victor, Istvan, Ian and Lucied were now also suffering from the second-hand embarrassment. Even if they weren't associated with the person at all, they couldn't believe how shameless she could be, to just pretend the prior exchange never occurred. Thankfully, with years of upbringing and training that smouldered his character to one who was highly capable of presenting himself within the eyes of high society, Victor easily spoke with respect and grace, expected for nobility.


"Please, the pleasure is all mine Your Majesty. I've no doubt the heavens will smile upon our people. Blessed art thou."


Having satisfied the bare minimum of pleasantries between their kingdoms, Emilita was quick to progress the conversation, as the pillows she was current embracing were ripping upon the streams. Unjustly sacrificed in order to ensure her voice showed no hint of the redness that coloured up to the points of her ears, and that of her tears.


"Grand duke, please keep the gift close at heart, keep it with you at all times in case we ever need to exchange reports and messages. Whilst your card is the first to be finalized, mine is the second. The third, has already been delivered to Victoria Del Lagos, who has already been notified and is ready to receive your audio communication invite. It was nice speaking to you, heavens with you~♡"


Having finished her piece, Emilita cut the line from her end, resulting in the card falling into complete silence.

Raising his attention away from the card and back to Ruby the saleswoman who was beginning to show cracks upon her professional visage, she easily understood the unspoken question and answered as she remembered one of her duties that was entirely shadowed over by her excitement of revealing her kingdom's brilliant invention. 


"If you focus intently, you will see names written just over the signatures and patterns. Focusing and speaking the name of the person will convey to the card your desire and intention." Passing out cups to all, and swiftly filling them with watered down wine to wet their tongues and sate their thirsts, she resumed her prior position with great confidence, even though she hadn't had the chance to use the card herself as they were currently limited in number.


Whilst the average person would have to cycle through the glyphs like a dial, Asai's [System] instantly kicked in and presented to his eyes only the contacts inscribed within.


  • [Emilita Regenon] 
  • [Victoria Del Lagos]


"Oh, before I forget, since your card is registered to your mana signature now, to add more contacts in the future, just make physical contact with the exchanger to imprint and share your glyphs."

"Good to know." 


[Victoria Del Lagos]


Channelling his mana into the card again, a turbulent static crackled for a while before subsiding and buzzing quietly.


"Hello? Hello? Is this working?"


"Yes, it's working, I can hear you loud and clear. Your Majesty, your sword, Asai de Trichia greets you."

Going through yet again another set of emotions that sent him down memory lane, recalling the battle-junkie princess dressed in plated armour, charging at him with no fear and breaking his ribs... Asai solemnly spoke as his heart began to stir from hearing the tender softness within her voice. "I see... So this is what our grandparents felt when telecommunication was first invented..." 


He wasn't aware of it, but his hand had instinctively held onto Robin's, warming her and preventing her soreness and aching from increasing further. "I-I see... I'm sad that my monopoly over his affection and attention is coming to an end..."



"Good, is Victor there?"

"Your Majesty, Victor Del Lagos greets you."




"Y-your Majesty, the light of humanity, Victor Del Lagos greets you..."

"Good boy."



It broke. No one could see it or feel it, but it definitely broke, and all that were there within that small hut knew it. The prince's pride and dignity took a hit, as his highly glorified nickname, forcefully dubbed onto him due to his templars and knights being incredibly devout and faithful, to the point that the man was literally placed upon a pedestal. Now used in a jest, to tease him, a repeating joke which was usually only ever seen within the letters and reports she would send the man.


"Prince Victor, I'm extremely pleased to be hearing your voice once more, to know that you continue to breathe and live amongst us, I can finally rest easy... However, I do apologise but it seems your presence is needed here in Del Lagos. Make haste and return at once, the dekans have bypassed Thrud's Castle and are now hiding amidst Einhoren's outskirts. What of your military? How many members do you have?"

Being highly optimistic due to hearing her brother's voice sound healthy and without injuries, she was filled with hope that a large portion of the templar order had also managed to survive.

"Your Majesty, It is only I, Istvan Deuce and templar Ian, all others... Didn't make it." With gruesome memories resurfacing, forced to watch his brothers, his loyal templars that had fought through thick and thin with him, eaten alive by the dragonkin who showed only laughter and pity upon them, Victor's fists couldn't help but curl up and crunch with anger.


"Oh... I'm sorry brother. Victor, please, just come home. Daisy needs you..."

"Ah- That's right... I'm not just a prince, or just a templar... I have Daisy, and the baby." The light, the single ray of hope within the darkest of tunnels, kept the man from breaking as his failures continued to pile upon each other without mercy. Half of him wanted to insist on fighting alongside the duke, the man he now owed two lives to, whilst the other half just wanted to enter his fiancé's arms...

Perhaps he could tell what the man was thinking, or maybe he just didn't want to have to worry about him anymore, but Asai tapped the prince's cup of wine with his own, a gesture one usually only enacted within unkempt taverns or with people you considered close. 


"Prince, trust me. Go home and be with loved ones, they need you. As for me, my home is right here." Pulling Robin Sol close, her ass slid across the wooden boards before Asai shifted his arm from her shoulder and onto her waist, causing her inner-fangirl to yelp in joy.


Hearing but not seeing what the man was actually doing, Kozumi, Mizumi and Victoria could only tilt their heads as evidently, the conversation no longer included them.


"So, you're saying just because I'm unable to fly like the saintess does, I'm useless?" Victor grinned, clearly joking as he shot down the weak-wine alongside the man. With only appreciation on his face, relieved that the burden and pressure of making such a choice between the crossroads were no longer upon his shoulders, he glanced over to his remaining templars who were also relieved to know that they'll be finally going home... Albeit, a war-torn home.

Hearing as their little conversation between men was concluded, Victoria chimed back in, forcing the call back on track.


"Duke Asai de Trichia, I've already discussed with Queen Emilita Regenon, henceforth, you are to consider your mission and duty concluded, I thank you for saving the prince Victor Del Lagos, and from now on, I grant you free reign to tackle this hostile kingdom in anyway you see fit. Prince Victor Del Lagos, I order you to return to the kingdom, as your sword is still very much required! There, you will handle the home defence.

Duke, the kingdom of dekans, the damage in which they've inflicted upon the good people of Del Lagos, Par'Talucca, Ignis and Via Marea. I order you to return this debt ten fold! 

Am I clear!?"



""As you command!""



With both the duke and prince accepting their orders without arguing, without conflicting interests, desires for merits or anything of the sort, the templars also saluted as if their queen and lord was there to witness it.


Such a showing of authority, loyalty and hierarchy surprised the dark-elf, as their kingdom was yet to achieve such devout faith. Doing her best to etch everything to memory, Ruby couldn't wait to write her next report, something meant for Emilita's eyes only.















"Wait, where did Hebi go?"


1876: Telephones: The year 1876 was a big one for Alexander Graham Bell. Having come to the U.S. as a teacher for the deaf, he had been trying to figure out a way to transmit speech electronically. Despite little support from his friends, he successfully invented the telephone in March of 1876.

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