Isekai Rohan





Victor Del Lagos almost tilted his head sideways in confusion, being escorted by both dhans and dark-elves, the prince was steadily making his way to Par'Talucca's portal site.

"From all those rumours and reports I've read about you, I figured you'd be instantly marching back in to fight them? The duke of war, no?"


Asai couldn't help but smiling as he wondered as to who exactly started such a grandiose nickname for him, after all, he was but a simple man with a simple desire of acquiring experience points and levels.

"I'll be honest, I am tempted indeed, to just go back in and end this headache of ours once and for all. But... That mana restricting ritual of theirs will basically cripple me."

"I see, so you're going to find a solution beforehand." Fiddling around with Trichia's black and gold leather uniform, a temporary outfit until he could acquire clothing flying his own colours, as his storage rings were lost to the dekans upon capture, the prince was actually quite tempted in investing in Trichia's factories, finding the clothing to be extremely comfortable and mobile. "Duke, once I'm back in Einhoren, I'll search the royal library to see if I can find anything for you. With how big that place is... I'm sure there must be something useful to you. But as advice for you, I recommend speaking to those with long lives, they spend more centuries understanding and learning about magic more so than we do. Us humans, we're more focused on physical aspects, magical weapons, magical armours and the such."


"I see. Thank you, I'll do just that." "Dwarven King Caronia, the dekan's ritual debuff, that prevented me from utilizing my mana for the entirety of my less than pleasant stay in their kingdom, does it ring any bells for you?"

"Pal, is there really a need to address me as such every single time you speak of my name? Just call me Car,"

Within his mindscape, Asai's imagery of the dwarf shifted from that of a proud warrior clad in iron and leather, to that of a old Ford... 

"No thanks... I mean, no offense but car means something else from where I come from."

"Err... Regarding the mana heart blocky thingy majigy... I haven't a clue. We dwarves fiddled with weapons, siege weapons, machinery and technology, not tribal ritual crap that required live sacrifices."



"Lemon? Any clues for me?"

"Partner~♡ I do have one or two, but it'll cost you a pint of cum~"

"Alright, I guess I'll see you tonight? When I'm asleep."

"I'll be waiting! You better pump me full!"


To ensure the man was eager to sate her hunger, Lemon injected what appeared to be a selfie of herself standing in front of a mirror, completely naked with her large bosoms hanging out in all their glory. With her long tongue sticking out, drooling with saliva that dripped onto her smooth healthy skin, dripping and trailing down to her little green bush as her arms deliberately pushed her two lovely mountains together to emphasize her cleavage. Asai's consciousness also caught sight of rainbow coloured dildos that came in human shapes, horse-shapes, dragon-sizes and bondage-rope that came in all soft colours.


Shoving such thoughts of debauchery to the back of his mind, Asai glanced up to see Robin's golden diamonds gazing back at him, who quickly took her chances and landed a quick kiss upon his lips.


Having no clue of the duke's innerworkings, the thoughts and theories that were gearing within his brain, Victor could only dream of his own fiancé one day becoming as powerful and capable as the saintess, who was casually floating behind the man, merely tagging along by wrapping her arms around his neck like a kite.


As for Istvan and Ian, who were dutifully marching behind their lord and prince, they were doing their utmost to keep their eyes away from Robin's thighs, as her skirt wasn't exactly doing its job at concealment when the wearer floated around like so. The dhans and dark-elves who escorted the two men back to Par'Talucca were in fact all women. A natural result of sending all their men to war, leaving their reserves and reinforcements to only female hands. As such, the women were actually actively keeping a close eye on the two men. After all, Asai de Trichia and Robin Sol were two individuals recorded down as personal friends to Her Majesty Emilita Regenon.






[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 98]
[HP: 180 MP:174]
[Title: Monster]

[Summon Meteor]
Summons a single rock meteor upon targetable destination [Mana Cost: 200]


"Hmm... This would be the perfect Fuck you, present to give Armenes huh. However, if I use such a skill in front of the continent, will they continue to befriend me? Or will they be consumed with fear of me?"

Whilst Robin Sol equally had a skill quite similar in destructive capabilities, [Heavenly Relic]. Asai had yet to see what his skill was truly capable of due to its high mana demand. 

"What happens if it's too big? Do we all die out just like the dinosaurs did back on Earth...?"


Although she wasn't privy to his thoughts, Robin had been playing around with his fingers like a fidget toy, stroking and pinching aimlessly as she floated besides him. Such a random act shifted his attention to the rings upon his fingers as one particular accessory stuck out like a sore thumb due to its glamorous design.


[The Queen's Gift]
Level Requirement: 75
Requirements: Vena's Friend
-10% Mana costs upon skill usage
[Overhaul] Appearance change to elven


"Holy crap, with this... I only need to reach 180 MP to cast it."

Although such a revelation was pleasing to remember and take note of, he wondered as to where he would find 6 ladies with mana hearts to fulfil such conditions.


[Fledgling Incubus]
Targets acquired:
Robin Sol, Rosemi de Lumix, Olivia, Kami, Sora Kaka, Martha, Mizumi, Chloe Bedevere, Violet



Surrounded by the trees, the dhans who were scouting ahead returned with only a fraction of their numbers, greatly unnerved as they risked their lives just to alert the others who were quickly forming a circle around both Asai de Trichia and Victor Del Lagos.


Before the remaining scouts could reach their position, powerful harpoons crafted from steel tore through their backs, slamming them into the ground as the light within their eyes instantly faded.

Asai frowned, as even the members who were in [Hide] were precisely killed off. To his side, Victor and his two templars had unsheathed their weapons, being no stranger to combat they were already preparing their hearts.


Placing a hand upon the man's shoulder, snapping him out of his pre-battle prayers.

"It's fine, let me do what I'm best at."

Seeing the greenery ahead rumble and shake, barbarian giants tore through the foliage as they blew upon their bone horns, screaming and roaring their battle chants.


"Defend the prince! Focus your spells on defence and protect him!" Latching onto one of many belts upon Robin's body, the two took flight, darting straight into the fray as their prior frustration and annoyance from having no mana resurfaced. Their target of release of such a build up? The giants.

Taking one last glance behind him, seeing the dozens of barriers emerging and forming a dome around Victor, Asai was satisfied to know he wouldn't have to worry about the man no longer.


[??: Lvl 63]  [??: Lvl 67]  [??: Lvl 73]  [??: Lvl 72]  [??: Lvl 63]  [??: Lvl 67]  [??: Lvl 73]  [??: Lvl 72]  

[??: Lvl 63]  [??: Lvl 66]  [??: Lvl 73]  [??: Lvl 70]  [??: Lvl 69]  [??: Lvl 67]  [??: Lvl 73]  [??: Lvl 75]  

[??: Lvl 63]  [??: Lvl 67]  [??: Lvl 71]  [??: Lvl 72]  [??: Lvl 63]  [??: Lvl 67]  [??: Lvl 71]  [??: Lvl 70]  


"They certainly have the quantity, but not the quality huh." Taking a deep breath, the calm before the storm, his face buzzed with excitement as [Yokai Mask] was once again set upon it.

Robin glanced down smiling at him, knowing full well how bored he must've been from playing royal-babysitter.

"Enjoy~" With just a quick nod of of the head in response, Asai released his hold and dropped directly upon their path as dozens more continued to emerge from the woodlands.


[Phantom Menace] !

[Sealing Square] !


With four shadow clones appearing upon his flanks, quick to enact his intentions, all five beings equally called forth their own individual arenas that dissected the space around them, disallowing all from entering and leaving. Which resulted in the hundreds of giants upon their sabre-tooth tigers crashing into both the invisible red walls and themselves as more and more of their numbers who were all recklessly filled with battle-lust, carried by the speed and momentum their beasts afforded them, continued to dogpile themselves into a pile of chaos and agony.





Death's scythe severed the area five times without mercy, radiant [Divinity] eclipsed by [Chaos] obliterated both giant and beast as [Sealing Square] was perfectly deactivated on time. Resulting in the cluster-fuck shifting into a literal meat grinder as Asai spent further amounts of mana in triggering [Lingering Shadow] that resulted in another 5 repetitions of death.


Whilst he was able to ensure his offensive skills didn't hurt any allies, the trees, stones, grass and wildlife weren't afforded such grace as they two found themselves butchered.



High above, Robin Sol returned from her own scouting mission, having swooped in like a jet, she effortlessly killed hundreds by her lonesome before returning. Seeing as her man was equally finished and unharmed, she swooped in and crashed into his stomach as her arms swung around to embrace him with a vice. 

If he were a lesser man, such speed and mass probably would've snapped his spine...



As both of their hearts were beating and thumping from adrenaline, as serotonin entered their brains, they actually found that empty feeling, that weakening feeling of their hearts from consuming large volumes of mana too quickly to be euphoric. Without a care for the others who were approaching them, seeing as the battle had ended faster than they could imagine, Asai and Robin entertained one and another's lips sweetly, and enthusiastically.

















"I see, the duke was right. The giants are enemies..." Whatever lingering thoughts of appreciation the prince had for the giants, for saving his men from the dekans, were no more.


"D-did you really have to be so destructive?" Coming from a kingdom that was greatly lacking in nature, in healthy green woodlands, Ruby the dark-elf couldn't help but question her thoughts out loud. She had held herself from ordering her mages to bombard the place because she valued the wildlife, but to see such devastation honestly left her quite speechless.

Asai shot a glance over to her as Robin finally relented and allowed him to breathe again.


"What of it? It's my kingdom no?" "If anything, I just have to make another donation to the temple's fountain. Nothing too hard."



Whilst Ruby was more hurt by seeing nature destroyed, Lucied was more understanding of her king's intentions. To obtain a swift and decisive victory, Asai had decided to not withhold himself, thus resulting in zero further injuries to both the warriors and mages. Regardless of her king's battle style, the proximity would've been ruined due to the fighting anyway, she believed.


Just a reminder of the map, Armes is west of the island, Par'Talucca is east of the island. At the bottom of the island, near the middle between the two kingdoms is the bridge that connects Bahran Island to the rest of the continent, which is where the giants came from. As they've already marched their forces into the deadlands, in search of the humans and dhans designated by their fake dragon.

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