It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 157: Interlude

"What happened here? Look at this, it's completely in shambles'' Cytheria asked her fiancee.


The man destined to become the king and the man marrying Cytheria Karmeut is Marco Lan. Born into a high-ranking family next to the throne, he is also regarded as a puppet for the royal family, serving solely as a companion to the future queen.


Marco wasn't able to hear her as he was in a daze, staring at nothingness.


"Useless as always," Cytheria muttered.


'Claude also left quickly. The distress on his face when he saw Adelle Fabien's face was intriguing. In just a few seconds, he grabbed the maid and Adelle Fabien then vanished. He didn't even bother to ask any questions and simply ran off. Not a trace of him nor the two was left. He left the territory in just a fraction of a second.' Cytheria thought as she wandered around.


Cytheria sighed deeply, her frustration mounting as she surveyed the chaotic scene. Broken furniture and shattered glass scattered like the remnants of a forgotten battle. It was clear that Adelle Fabien had left her mark, and it was not a gentle one. Cytheria's mind raced with questions as she cautiously stepped over the debris.


Cytheria wandered her eyes around in search of a person who could answer her questions about the mess, but to her dismay, no one seemed to be in a good condition to speak as everyone was in the same state as Marco. "Shin and Titus are still unconscious. What did these idiots do to aggravate someone like Adelle Fabien? But, I got to say, clean cut, her title as the sword princess was truly deserved."


The room remained eerily silent, with the occasional groan of pain from Marco, who lay wounded on the floor. Cytheria knelt beside him, her eyes filled with disgust. At the same time, she couldn't help but marvel at the sheer power Adelle possessed. The rumors surrounding the sword princess had not exaggerated her abilities. It was no wonder that she had earned such a fearsome reputation.


As Cytheria pondered her next move, a glimmer of determination ignited within her. She knew she couldn't afford to dwell on Adelle's prowess, but rather use the aftermath to her advantage.


Cytheria went ahead, leaving the rest behind. Everyone was ashamed as all of them didn't bother to even dare glance at her eyes. She entered a room that seemed dark and empty. There were huge windows at the back, displaying the outstanding beautiful sight of the pink trees and clear broad sky, yet not enough to reach every crook and cranny of the room. Instead, it was the hanging lights casting a warm, gentle glow, illuminating the rows of books that lined the shelves.


Cytheria took a deep breath, letting the serenity of her sanctuary envelop her. The chaos and uncertainty outside seemed to fade away as she stepped into the dimly lit room. She had always found solace in this space, surrounded by the knowledge and wisdom contained within those pages. It was here that she could retreat from the troubles of the world, seeking answers and finding comfort in the words of others.


The room exuded a sense of tranquility, despite the lingering shadows. As Cytheria moved closer to the bookshelf, her fingertips grazed the spines, as if seeking guidance from the stories that lay dormant within. She knew that within these pages, she might find the key to understanding the events that had unfolded.


Cytheria grabbed a picture out of her pocket and stared at it for a few minutes. "...I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. Phew, it's hard to contain my excitement."


"Being obsessive over something again." In the dimly lit room, a voice emerged from the shadows. Startled, Cytheria turned her head to find a figure standing near the doorway. It was a tall, cloaked figure, their face obscured by the hood.


"Why are you here?" Cytheria repeated, her voice laced with a mix of skepticism and weariness. She had expected solitude in her sanctuary, a space reserved for her thoughts and contemplation.


The figure stepped forward, and a moment of silence hung in the air as if the room held its breath in anticipation of the response.


Finally, the figure spoke, their voice low and filled with a hint of mystery. "A visit... So, he easily figured you out. Was it all worth it?" He said.


Cytheria's eyebrows furrowed as she regarded the stranger. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did. No need to rub it in." Cytheria puffed her cheeks. Then muttered the following. "I got too excited."

"Here." Vermouth threw a piece of rolled paper on Cytheria's lap.


"What's this?" Cytheria picked up the rolled paper, her fingers tracing its edges. Her eyes flickered with curiosity as she looked up at Vermouth, studying his enigmatic expression.


"What kind of favor?" She asked, her voice laced with a mix of skepticism and intrigue. She knew better than anyone who's she dealing with, the piece of paper she was holding very within her palm comes with layers of hidden intentions.


Vermouth's lips slightly curved into a small sly smile. "Trust me, Cytheria," He replied, his voice dripping with calculated charm. "What's inside that paper will unlock possibilities you never thought possible. It will grant you access to knowledge that could reshape the very fabric of our world."


Cytheria's interest was piqued, and a spark of excitement flickered in her eyes. Despite her reservations, the allure of forbidden knowledge and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries were hard to resist.


"Fine," She relented, unfolding the paper and scanning its contents. Symbols and diagrams filled the page, cryptic and mesmerizing. As her eyes traced the intricate lines, a sense of wonder and possibility washed over her.


Suddenly, an ominous presence slithered onto Vermouth's back, causing his entire body to shudder in fear. It felt as if an unseen force sought to drag him down into the depths of eternal darkness. With trepidation, he mustered the courage to slowly turn around, only to be confronted by the twisted smile of Cytheria Karmeut, her eyes gleaming with malevolence.


"But," She added, her gaze piercing Vermouth. "What's the catch? What do you want in return?"


Cytheria's skepticism lingered, but the allure of uncovering hidden knowledge and the tantalizing promise of discovery outweighed her reservations. She leaned back in her chair, contemplating Vermouth's proposition.


Vermouth maintained his stoic expression, refusing to succumb to the oppressive aura exuded by Cytheria. "Very well," He calmly responded, his voice unwavering. "Might as well tone it down."


Vermouth casually steepled his fingers, projecting an aura of his own dominance. As he did so, a palpable shift in the atmosphere occurred, as if his presence commanded respect and authority. Cytheria, taken aback by this unexpected display, could feel her own aura being suppressed in the face of Vermouth's overwhelming power.


"Quite unnecessary, isn't it? Very well," She finally conceded. "I will entertain your favor. But know this, Vermouth. Should your intentions prove deceitful or lead me astray, our alliance ends."


"Understood," Vermouth replied with a nod, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on Cytheria. "Rest assured, my intentions are true and my loyalty is unwavering. Our alliance will remain intact as long as we both honor our agreement." His tone was firm, conveying a resolute determination to uphold his end of the bargain.


With their pact made, Cytheria and Vermouth locked gazes, a shared understanding passing between them. Silent contemplation filled the room as Cytheria watched Vermouth's departure, questioning the wisdom of aligning herself with someone as infamous as him.


Doubts and skepticism wrestled within her, yet an undeniable sense of anticipation stirred deep within her being. It was as if destiny itself had finally recognized her existence, an acknowledgment that brought a subtle smile to her lips. She chose to trust her instincts, embracing the unknown path that lay ahead, for it held the promise of power and the fulfillment of her ambitions.


"So be it," She murmured, her voice carrying a mix of resignation and determination.


Slumping into her seat, she fixed her gaze on the projected screen, where a striking black-haired woman adorned with a katana at her side was displayed. "Scion of Absalom... Mother Fate certainly enjoys toying with me," she mused, a tinge of bitterness seeping into her words. She continued, her tone laced with both defiance and acceptance, "Everything in this world comes with a price, doesn't it?"


"Cytheria! Are you okay!?" Emelie screamed.


Startled by Emelie's sudden outburst, Cytheria quickly regained her composure and turned toward her friend, offering a faint smile to mask her inner turmoil. "Emelie," She said with a warm gentle voice.


"You're such a sweet girl~♥" In a swift motion, Cytheria pulled Emelie into a tight embrace, enveloping her in a comforting hold.


"Cytheria! Stop it! What happened to our place? Why is it destroyed? Who attacked us!?" Emelie exclaimed as she held Cytheria's shoulder, her voice filled with urgency and concern.


"Too loud." Cytheria scratched her ears.

After releasing her grip on Cytheria, Emelie settled herself on the opposite side of the seat. 


"I see. It's not that serious. So, who caused this?" She asked, her voice was calm and composed.


"Shin and Titus fought each other," Cytheria explained, her voice tinged with exasperation.

"Did you not intervene?" Emelie questioned with a hint of surprise in her voice.


"Why would I?" Cytheria replied, cocking her head slightly as she regarded Emelie with curiosity.


"Why would I?" Emelie replied, her frustration evident as she rubbed her temples, trying to ease the growing headache. The situation seemed to weigh heavily on her because of the complexities of the conflict between Shin and Titus leaving her feeling uncertain about the future of the person in front of her.


"Furthermore, I'd rather focus my attention on my unexpected visitor today," Cytheria stated, diverting the conversation.


"Who?" Emelie inquired with curiosity.


"Claude Weiss and his maid," Cytheria responded, carrying a hint of intrigue in her voice. "The quiet woman who usually stands next to the elf princess."


Emelie leaned forward, her interest piqued. "What did he come for?" she asked, eager to uncover the purpose behind Claude Weiss's visit.


As Cytheria snickered, a smug expression playing on her face, she noticed Emelie's puzzled look. Unbeknownst to Emelie, Cytheria's amusement stemmed not from making fun of her but from a completely different reason. However, Emelie, struggling to contain her frustrations, fought against the urge to strangle Cytheria and wipe the smug look off her face. Despite their years of friendship, Emelie found herself increasingly tested by Cytheria's annoying personality, with her patience wearing thin with each passing day.


"He came here to test the waters," Cytheria revealed, her excitement evident in her snickering.


"Am I even having a conversation with a real person right now?" Emelie mused, her tone reflecting a mix of bewilderment and exasperation.


"Come on, don't be so negative," Cytheria responded, dismissing Emelie's comment.


"Now, let's shift our focus. How is our esteemed student body doing?"


"Tch! Can't you react normally for once?" Emelie scoffed, growing frustrated with Cytheria's persistent eccentricity.


"Hehehe~♫" Cytheria grinned, unfazed by Emelie's exasperation, finding amusement in their dynamic.


Emelie's left eyelid twitched at the sight of Cytheria's grin, her annoyance growing more obvious. "Why bother asking when you already know?" She retorted as her voice tinged with frustration.


"Oh my, did he give you a long scolding? No wonder you're so pissed today!" Cytheria remarked, seemingly unfazed by Emelie's reaction.


Emelie responded with a long face along with her annoyance deepening.


"Fret not! I will diligently accept the punishment as a consequence of my actions! Just for you, Emelie!" Cytheria declared, seemingly unperturbed by the situation.


'Like you'll face any,' Emelie thought, seething inwardly at the fact that Cytheria seemed to know about it beforehand, exacerbating her frustration even further.


"That's the privilege that comes with power and authority, my dear Emelie," Cytheria remarked with a hint of condescension. "But it seems he went the extra mile by sending Shin and Ami here just to relay a message. How thoughtful of him."


"He also wanted to remind you to stop bullying the freshmen."


"So bossy~" Cytheria continued, her tone nonchalant as she dismissed Emelie's relayed information.


Emelie sighed in exasperation, frustrated by Cytheria's disregard for the seriousness of the situation.


"Let's go, Emelie," Cytheria declared, her tone resolute. "We will be departing tomorrow for the new area in preparation for the upcoming festival."


Emelie raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "We can't just ignore the injured and the damage caused by Shin and Titus' fight."


Cytheria shrugged. "It's not our responsibility. And besides, it's not like they'll die from a few injuries. They'll recover soon enough."


Emelie shook her head in disappointment. "I can't believe you're so callous."


Cytheria rolled her eyes. "I'm just being realistic, Emelie. We have more important matters to attend to."


Emelie sighed. "Fine. But I'll at least inform the school's medical staff about the injured. And we need to fix the damages as soon as possible."


Cytheria nodded. "As you wish. Now, let's get going. We have a lot to prepare for."


"Duly noted." Emelie's eyes glinted grimly.


Editor : Zenon#4120

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