It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 158: The Savage Craving (1)

As I stepped into Adelle's room, a wave of enchanting scents enveloped my senses, drawing me further into its captivating ambiance. The air was infused with a medley of endearingly vibrant aromas, like the sweet fragrance of freshly bloomed roses mingling with the subtle hint of vanilla.


Unlike my room, Adelle's private sanctuary was a realm of unparalleled comfort and elegance. The contrast between the two spaces was stark as if I had crossed a threshold into another world. Above me, chandeliers adorned the ceiling, showcasing a cascade of shimmering crystals that caught the light and cast a mesmerizing display of twinkling patterns across the room. Their glow illuminated the space, bathing everything in a soft, warm radiance.


Every corner of the room boasted glamorous decor, like pieces of art. Bold patterns adorned the walls with intricate designs.


The colors, too, played their part in creating an atmosphere of sheer splendor. Gold and silver accents glimmered throughout the room, adding an element of regality and refinement. The dynamic between these precious metals created a harmonious dance of sobriety and sophistication.


"Wow... This place... Do they have their own separate buildings? They don't even share a building with the rest? Now, that's a privilege—Hold on! Adelle!"


I struggled to keep my uniform intact, her strength surpassed my own, growing with an unnatural force. Her eyes had transformed into piercing crimson orbs that seemed to bore into the depths of my soul. They held an intensity that sent shivers down my spine, their vibrant red hue a haunting reminder for me.


Her relentless desire for blood had taken hold of her, overpowering any sense of reasoning. In her eyes, I saw a hunger that could not be quelled.  As I struggled to maintain my composure, I couldn't help but feel a sense of both fear and sorrow.


"Clara!" I screamed, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and urgency.


I pulled the curtains closed in a swift motion, their fabric creating a barrier between us and the outside world. The room was engulfed in darkness, the only source of light seeping through the small gaps in the fabric. It was a feeble attempt to shield us from everyone's eyes.


The room fell into an eerie silence as Clara's palm made contact with the cool, polished surface of the marble floor. In that instant, a surge of mana coursed throughout her body. A vibrant red runic pattern erupted from her palm, followed by intricate lines interweaving and intertwining like a mesmerizing tapestry.


With each passing second, the runic patterns expanded and multiplied, spreading like wildfire, and consuming the entire room. The walls, the ceiling, and even the floor itself became encased in a web of enigmatic symbols. Clara's own silhouette emerged from the depths of her being. It materialized slowly, shrouded in a dense darkness that seemed to defy the very laws of light. Gradually, her physical form dissolved, dissolving into the abyss of her own shadow, until all that remained was a flickering silhouette.


Then I heard a soft and barely audible voice, her words tinged with an otherworldly presence. "I'll be outside, Young Master," She murmured, "Call me when you need me."


In the absence of Clara's presence, the room took on a newfound peace, as if time itself had been suspended within its walls.


"Thank you—Ack! S—Slow down. Ugh!" My face contorted in pain.


Adelle, with her predatory instincts in full control, sank her fangs deep into the tender flesh of my right shoulder. A surge of searing pain shot through my body. The sheer force of her assault propelled me backward, crashing against the unyielding floor with a bone-jarring impact, stealing the breath from my lungs.


Adelle drank from me with an unquenchable hunger, her vampire nature overtaking any semblance of restraint within her. The rhythm of her feeding was relentless, her desperation driving her to drain my life force at a feverish pace, faster than I had ever experienced before. My vision blurred, and the edges of my consciousness began to fray.


I became extremely aware of the numbing sensation creeping through my right arm, spreading like an icy tide throughout my chest and jaw. Each passing moment intensified the searing pain, threatening to consume me entirely. It was an intensity that could snuff out a life in an instant. I realized that I had never witnessed Adelle in such a state of ravenous hunger before.


As soon as I locked eyes with Adelle, a wave of fear and anxiety washed over me. In that instant, my instincts kicked into high gear, propelling me into action. Without a second thought, I took off, with Clara and Adelle in my arms.


Adelle had last consumed my blood just a few days ago, so logically, there shouldn't be any immediate concern. However, my memory faltered as I tried to recall the previous incident. Was it just last week? That seemed unlikely, given her exceptional control over her thirst. Furthermore, the image of her, consumed by frustration and rage, slashing through the surroundings with a single swift motion, sent shivers down my spine. The intensity of that moment was utterly terrifying.


Adelle's mana erupted from within her, unleashing destructive forces that ravaged the furniture in her room. The sheer power of the outburst even affected Clara's spell, causing visible cracks to form. At that moment, my eyes widened in disbelief as I witnessed Adelle's stunning jet-black hair transform into a radiant white hue, while a single crimson-dark wing emerged from her right side. The sight left me bewildered, as the wing resembled that of an angel, adorned with delicate feathers, defying the typical portrayal of bat-like wings often associated with vampires in fictional works. The bewilderment was short-lived, abruptly interrupted by a grunt escaping my lips as Adelle's fangs sank deeper into my flesh, sending an agonizing pain surging through my back, akin to the sensation of her nails piercing my skin.


'HHer form! That's why! Tch! My energy is depleting like crazy to just keep up.'


Master Irene had always been cautious regarding Adelle's vampiric curse, understanding that I had essentially become her sole source of sustenance. However, at the time, I regarded it as nothing more than a fanciful tale, incapable of realizing the true extent of its consequences. After all, it was Adelle I'm talking about, someone I held in high regard. Yet, here I am, facing the reality of the curse firsthand.


According to the various myths and legends surrounding vampires, their existence is the result of a curse bestowed upon them by the guardian deities of Gaia. The curse was said to be a punishment for an unspeakable sin committed by the progenitor of all vampires. Throughout numerous versions of these stories, the nature of the sin remains shrouded in mystery, with no one truly knowing the exact transgression that led to their eternal curse.


"I need to keep or—Keuk! R—Release." The quintessence surged and burst through my entire being, attempting to match the overwhelming power emanating from Adelle.


I raked my fingers through her hair. "H—Hey, you'll get f—fat if you keep this up."


After what felt like an eternity, Adelle finally began to exhibit signs of calming down, and moments later, she slowly removed her fangs from my flesh before succumbing to unconsciousness. As time passed, her appearance gradually returned to its normal state. Glancing at the clock, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Seriously... It felt like forever."


In my depleted state, I mustered the last remnants of my strength to carefully carry Adelle to her bed. Thankfully, the bed managed to withstand the earlier outburst of her mana. I stole a quick glance at Adelle, her face displaying a serene expression, while mine, on the other hand, appeared ghostly with ashen skin and diminished muscle mass from my right arm.


Collapsing to the floor, utterly drained, I had exhausted every ounce of energy in the process of moving Adelle. My entire body trembled uncontrollably as if every muscle fiber was pulsating intensely. Helplessly, I gazed at the ceiling, desperately trying to catch my breath, feeling a paralysis spreading throughout my body from below my neck. As time drifted by, my eyelids gradually closed, and my mind and body surrendered to darkness.


"Strange... I feel weightless."






Upon spotting me, Tsuki leaped into my arms without a moment's hesitation, her excitement evident in her eyes. She skillfully climbed her way up to her favorite spot, perched atop my head. Tsuki's blissful expression invited me to tenderly stroke her ears and under her jaw, eliciting a contented purr in response.


"Good to see you too, even though it hasn't been a full day," I remarked with a gentle smile. However, I couldn't help but notice the absence of Diana.


"Where's Diana? I don't see her here to greet me." I inquired out of concern.


"Sleeping in the garden!"




Stepping into the garden, a symphony of delightful fragrances caressed my nose, their intoxicating blend creating an addictive array of floral scents. Towering above every other flower were the black roses, their presence seemingly out of sync with the rest of the blooms. Yet, the enigmatic allure of the black roses evoked a sense of erraticism.


Aside from the striking black roses, the garden was a riot of various plant species, creating a vibrant and chaotic tapestry of colors and shapes. To me, this garden was simply a serene space for meditation or a peaceful retreat. However, for Diana, it held a deeper significance. This garden was more than just a sanctuary for our minds; it embodied her beloved mother, a testament to the love she held for her. Every meticulous detail was crafted to recreate her mother's garden from the cherished memories she held close to her heart.


"Diana!" I called out, waving my hand to get her attention as she rested on the hammock.


Gradually, Diana opened her eyes and looked at me. "Claude?" She said with a hint of surprise in her voice.


"Sorry about earlier," I apologized, feeling a pang of guilt.


"Why are you apologizing?" Diana asked, her arms opening wide in a welcoming gesture.


I joined her in the hammock, settling in as Diana rested her head on my chest. I took a deep breath before speaking. "About Adelle..."


Diana interrupted gently, "It's all right, Claude. I understand that you've chosen to bear the responsibility. And I'm here to support you."


Diana sighed, "Although, the toll on your body is increasingly worrisome. While you may have an abundance of energy stored within, your physical body is becoming more vulnerable. It's at risk of collapsing under the strain of these constant damages. You may not have noticed it yet, but the signs of this overload will eventually manifest, and it worries me."


"I'll do my best to be more careful," I assured Diana, understanding the weight of her concern.


"That's not enough, Claude. We can't keep relying on luck or simply hoping for the best. The risks are too great," Diana responded, her voice filled with a mix of worry and determination. "I know Adelle's condition is a result of your actions, but I blame myself for not finding a way to remove the mark."


I reached out and gently held Diana's hand. "We can't undo what's already been done. Sorry for dragging you into this. It's a selfish decision, but..."


Diana sighed, her gaze troubled. "I understand, but it's frustrating to feel so powerless."


I paused for a moment. "You know, it's strange. Despite the heaviness and numbness in my physical body, there's an odd sense of liberation that accompanies it. It's as if an unknown force is revitalizing me. It's hard to describe, but it's both unsettling and strangely rejuvenating. Perhaps it's just exhaustion playing tricks on me."


Diana contemplated my words, her expression thoughtful. "What about in your astral form? Do you feel any different or unusual sensations?"


Diana's sudden action caught me off guard as she pressed her ears against my chest. Confusion filled my expression as I asked, "What are you doing, Diana?"


"Shh, be quiet. I'm checking for any abnormalities," she replied, her focus evident.


Curiosity piqued, and I remained still, allowing her to listen intently. After a moment, she lifted her head and declared, "Strangely, everything seems normal. Let's go to archives"


Confusion turned into intrigue as Diana mentioned going to the archive. "Archive? When did we have a library?" I asked, genuinely surprised.


Diana beamed with excitement. "Just recently. It's a haven of knowledge."


A mix of surprise and admiration crossed my face. "That's incredible, Diana. Lead the way."


Diana's enthusiasm was infectious as she eagerly pulled both Tsuki and me along. I couldn't help but wonder why she had built a library. What motivated her to gather such a vast array of knowledge? Nevertheless, I followed her with anticipation, eager to explore this new facet of our sanctuary.


Diana's affinity for books and gardening had always been evident, so it came as no surprise that she had built a library. What truly fascinated me, however, was her ability to memorize every book she had ever read, word by word. At first, I found it slightly unsettling, but I soon realized that her exceptional memory was a testament to her incredible intelligence. I considered myself incredibly fortunate to have her as a companion.


As we approached the library, my jaw dropped at the sight before me. The towering structure was filled with an immense collection of books that seemed to stretch into infinity.


"What the f*ck?!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise. "I thought it was going to be a simple room, but you've built a tower! How many floors does it have?"


Diana chuckled, clearly proud of her accomplishment. "It's not finished yet, but currently, it would be around four floors. I have a lot of books. Each one holds a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be discovered."


I gazed up at the towering library, a mixture of awe and excitement bubbling within me. "This is incredible, Diana."


Diana's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I'm glad you think so."


"You probably have the entire collection of books from Avalon," I remarked.


"I wish I did," Diana replied with a tinge of longing. "But nonetheless, we're here for a different matter. Let me take a look."


I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Can't you just summon it into your hand?"


Diana chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Why would I build this in the first place if I could simply summon books at will?"


"For aesthetics, perhaps?" I ventured.


"No, my dear," Diana responded, her eyes sparkling with fervor. "Books are meant to be treasured, not just for their appearance. They are a medium that stores information, entertainment, history, and so much more. They are a revolutionary medium that has transformed how we convey and attain knowledge. That's why I built this—this treasury of knowledge! Life doesn't just hand us what we want; we must reach out and grasp it, just like we do with books!"


Diana's voice exuded extreme enthusiasm as she expressed her heartfelt passion for literature and learning.


Diana's face lit up with a smile. "Books are gateways to knowledge and wisdom. They allow us to explore new ideas, delve into history, and connect with the thoughts and experiences of others."


"I understand. So, why exactly are we here?"


"We're here to find a book about Absalom," Diana explained.


"Absalom? Who is that?" I inquired.


"He is the blood god, the originator of blood magic," Diana responded. "While I don't possess prior knowledge about the vampire species, I am aware of Absalom. He is the only god known to use blood magic, and perhaps he is the forefather of the vampiric species."


I looked puzzled. "But why aren't you sure?"


Diana shrugged. "No one in Avalon has concrete knowledge of his origin or true identity. He seemed to appear out of nowhere. However, other gods have described him as a wanderer with a strong sense of noblesse oblige. There exists only one book written about him, and I wish to show it to you. Just give me a moment."


While we awaited Diana's return, I found myself engrossed in playing with Tsuki's paws. They were both silky soft and slightly rough, a unique texture that held my fascination. Cute animals always had a way of captivating me.


Finally, Diana approached and handed me the eagerly awaited book. I took it from her with care, my curiosity piqued.


As Diana turned the pages, a captivating illustration caught my eye. It depicted a mesmerizing scene—a man seated gracefully on a magnificent throne, his legs crossed with an air of elegance. A mere glance at him would undoubtedly ensnare the hearts of those who beheld him. His jet-black hair resembled Adelle's, his face exuding a divine aura much like Diana's. However, his body appeared frail and thin, reminiscent of my own previous self in the world I came from.


Editor : Zenon#4120

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