It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 76

Chapter 75: Home Letter

“I don’t think it’s good to talk less, and it’s not necessarily bad to be glib. It all depends on personal choice, my honey, the other’s arsenic-frost.”

Jiang Shuangling feels that everyone has different preferences for their lover, just find the one that suits her.

Xue Li thought of the man she saw that day, and asked curiously, “Little Jiang, do you like to talk less?”

Jiang Shuangling shook her head: “I don’t like it.”

Xue Lideng’s eyes widened in surprise, “Then…”

“I don’t like a man with few words, so I like this one. I like him not because he talks less, he has other qualities.”

“What qualities?”

Jiang Shuangling lowered her head and pondered for a while, wondering what she likes about Qi Heng?

Like his face? Like his thin waist and long legs? Like his taciturn? Like him attentive? Like him being sassy? Like the little Hyun-hye he occasionally pops up? …

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

“It’s easy to blush when facing him, and she doesn’t reject him approaching. She always thinks of him. When she thinks of him, well, just like this, she will smile unconsciously.” Jiang Shuangling pointed to herself A sweet smile appeared on his face.

Xue Li seemed to understand, but Jiang Shuangling patted her shoulder.

The next second, Xue Li took out a small notebook, took a pen and started to write a few lines on the paper, “It sounds so sweet, I have to write it down.”

The corner of Jiang Shuangling’s mouth twitched: “Don’t memorize randomly.

It is dangerous to be with these creators, it may be written, it may be drawn.

Who makes art come from life?

After she went back, she also drew a picture of “Xue Li learns to draw” and gave it to her.

“Little Jiang, don’t worry, I didn’t memorize anything, Sister Lizi. I’ll show you when I’m done.”

Jiang Shuangling looked at the sentences written by the other party and found that she could not find her shadow, so she was relieved.

Trust an author’s ability to distill.

Jiang Shuangling looked at her with her chin up: “Xue Li, I’m curious about what kind of man you will choose in the end.”

Xue Li finished the last stroke, “Probably also a little less silent, you don’t need to be too good-looking, do you like to read?”

Jiang Shuangling hurriedly said: “If he also likes to collect comic strips, you two are considered to have similar tastes.”

“It would be great to meet this!

“Little Jiang, doesn’t your husband usually talk less? So how do you get along? Will talking less affect communication?”

“He talks less in front of other people, but it doesn’t mean he talks less in front of me. People always change, especially for the people they like. When two people are together, they will always change. There are all kinds of frictions, and it’s hard to meet someone who is a natural fit, but I think that by slowly getting along with each other, you can always find the most comfortable way to get along.”

“You’re right.”

Before Jiang Shuangling and Xue Li separated, she also left a note with her, “If you have anything to ask me, you can come here and ask my brother to send me a message.”

“Okay, little Jiang, take a good rest, don’t bump back and forth, and try to give birth to a beautiful fat baby as soon as possible.”

“But I really want to see you…”

“Come to my house when you have time to play. There are two children in my house, one is my brother and the other is my son. You haven’t seen it yet.”

“Okay, it’s a deal, I’ll see you in a while.”

“We must meet, and we have to discuss the drawing.”

Jiang Shuangling took the sour plums she bought early in the morning, and went to buy some fresh and beautiful tomatoes, and took her things home by car.

In the car, I still felt like I was tumbling in my stomach, but after eating something sour, I felt more comfortable than when I came here.

Getting off the car, Jiang Shuangling let out a long sigh of relief.

In the future, she will take less cars if she can. Fortunately, the art class is stopped. Before returning to the yard, Jiang Shuangling paused and looked down at the tomatoes she bought. These tomatoes They are not big, their skin is green and red, they are not very good-looking, but they are all very fresh.

It gave her an appetite out of thin air.

Jiang Shuangling washed a tomato by the well first, with some crystal water stains on the fresh and red skin, biting the sweet and sour tomato to go home.

She didn’t like to eat raw tomatoes before, but now she thinks it tastes very good. It would be better if it was a little more sour.

Wang Xueshu was lazily watering the flowers in the yard next door, when she saw Jiang Shuangling saying hello to her, “Are you back?”

Jiang Shuangling distributed some sour plums to her, and said, “Do you want tomatoes?”

Wang Xueshu’s eyes lit up, “Yes.”

So I gave two tomatoes to each other.

“Your house was really lively last night, isn’t Head He happy?”

Wang Xueshu ate a sour plum, and when she heard this, she rolled her eyes immediately, “More than happy, I’m almost a mad dog.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…not really.”

“I woke up this morning with nausea and retching, probably because he was so angry, I’ll make him radish soup tonight.”

Jiang Shuangling: “Sister Xueshu, don’t you get tired of eating radishes by yourself?”

“I’ll take two or three bites.”

“Do you want to change it? Change something?”

“That’s right, I’m actually tired of it. I think this tomato is delicious, so I’ll eat this in the future.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…No matter how delicious it is, you can’t eat it every day.”

“I know it, by the way, where is your Qiheng? How about knowing your reaction?”

Jiang Shuangling: “It’s stupid.”

Wang Xueshu did not hear clearly, “What?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…it’s good, you all know, he doesn’t talk much.”

“It’s better to talk less. Yesterday, when Lao He got nervous, he has already begun to imagine himself as a father-in-law.”

“The child hasn’t been born yet.”

“How about your car to Rongcheng today? I’m sorry yesterday, but I made you vomit in the car.” It made them both embarrassed together.

“It’s also my own reason. I still feel dizzy in the car today, otherwise I wouldn’t buy these sour plums.”

“Then what about you going to the art training class?”

“No.” Jiang Shuangling told her what happened in the training class.

“That surnamed Luo is really a scourge. It’s a shame that the school over there didn’t want her.”

“It’s okay if you don’t go, I think you’ve painted well now. The girls in our art troupe are praising you, and several have come to ask you when you will go next time.”

“You can stay there for seven or eight days, have a taste of being a literary female soldier, and give you a green uniform.”

“No, no, no.” Jiang Shuangling waved her hand. The last time she went to stay for a day, the family was in trouble. She suspected that Qi Heng’s vacation was just to go to the art troupe to arrest her.

“Sister Xueshu, I want to ask Mrs. Song to make tofu later. Would you like to make some tofu?”

“Tofu? Good!” Wang Xueshu learned to cook during this period of time, and now she does not reject cooking, and even with the skills of Head He, she can also get on the table.

He’s skill is not good unless he grows. Under the attack of radish, his cooking skills are advancing by leaps and bounds.

If he can not bother his wife to cook, he will never bother his wife to cook, and when his wife cooks radishes, he will cook green vegetables.

The husband and wife match, work is not tiring.

So much so that Xiao Guo in the cafeteria jokingly said: “He, your daughter-in-law is getting more and more virtuous.”

He only dared to say a lot of truth in front of Qi Heng, because he knew that this guy had a lock on his mouth, and he was definitely not a master who took the initiative to talk about gossip.

If something is known to others, I don’t know how to laugh at him.

Qi Heng is a taciturn and cold-hearted man, so he feels very secure by telling him some little secrets. This man who is too lazy to speak is also too lazy to ridicule you. Head He is very glad that he lives now. next door to home.

“He, congratulations, congratulations.”

“Send you some pickled radishes as a side dish?”

“You didn’t like to eat pickled radishes in our cafeteria before, so I always asked me to add more. Come and give you a jar.”

He swallowed his saliva and waved his hand quickly: “Thanks, I don’t want this anymore,”

Jiang Shuangling and Wang Xueshu went to visit Sister-in-law Song’s house together. Sister-in-law Song was very surprised to see Wang Xueshu. After learning that they were both pregnant, her jaw dropped.

Wang Xueshu was married to Head He and had not conceived a child for all these years.

“Sister Song, you are here, tell us what to pay attention to.”

It’s also not quite complete, I think one point is one point.

Jiang Shuangling took a pen and wrote down the main points.

Wang Xueshu bit a tomato and watched her remember.

For the first time, Mrs. Song “teachs experience” to two people so solemnly, and she can’t help but feel a little like being a teacher. Now she looks at the two people in front of her, one listens carefully, the other has nothing to do with herself Hanging high, you can’t help but hate that iron is not steel.

She looked at Wang Xueshu, just like she saw a little boy who deserted in class, “Would you like to learn like a little Jiang?”

“You are both literate people, Xiao Jiang’s handwriting is beautiful, let me see how you write?”

Wang Xueshu paused while biting the tomatoes: “…”

Everyone wants to look at her broken handwriting.

“Your old man often praises your writing outside.”

Wang Xueshu gritted her teeth and ate all the remaining tomatoes into her mouth, and said sadly: “Really?”

Compliment her writing skills and dancing?

“I won’t write it anymore, Xiao Jiang, let me take it back and let Lao He copy it, Mrs. Song, I want to learn how to make Mapo Tofu with you.” Wang Xueshu has long been jealous Sister-in-law Song’s doubanjiang, when she said she was making tofu today, she was also craving Mapo tofu.

I have a bad appetite when I wake up early in the morning, and now Wang Xueshu wants to eat something with a strong taste, sour and spicy, the heavier the taste, the better.

“You are pregnant with a child, eat less spicy food.”

“I know, I will satisfy my cravings.”

Jiang Shuangling clutched her stomach, “Don’t say it, I want to eat it too.”

She originally only planned to get some tofu to cook fish soup, or to get some shallots mixed with tofu.

But Jiang Shuangling just thought about it, she can’t eat spicy food.

It’s almost the same as cooking for Qi Heng and the children.

Forget it, still don’t do it, just make a fish soup tofu.

Three people made tofu, and each ate a bowl of tofu flower. Sister-in-law Song and Wang Xueshu, the two salty and spicy tofu flower party, despised Jiang Shuangling, a sweet party.

“When you stay here for a long time, eat salty food with us.”

Jiang Shuangling has her own insistence, “No matter what, I like to eat sweet bean curd.”

She left three bowls of sweet bean curd for Qi Heng and the children to eat. The sugar water was added with raisins and peanuts, and the taste of a bowl of bean curd was particularly refreshing.

“The tofu will take a while to form, so let’s rest.”

Wang Xueshu called Jiang Shuangling back to her home, and then she sneaked out something to show her, it was a floral child’s clothes, “Look, this is what I have these days. made.”

“Wow, you have already started to prepare the children’s clothes.” Jiang Shuangling is not in a hurry to do this. It is not cold in winter, but the clothes for babies must be kept warm.

“Yeah, I don’t have a sewing machine at home, I made it by hand.”

I found that the other side’s sewing needles are as good at dancing as she writes.

This small dress can only be called a small dress that can be worn.

Really handicapped.

It’s worse than their Qi Heng’s craftsmanship.

“Do you think it’s not good? I can’t help it. I’m stupid. I’m hesitant to buy a sewing machine.” Wang Xueshu also felt that the clothes she made were not very good, but she also It took her a lot of effort.

People are trying to make clothes for children.

Wang Xueshu frowned and hesitated: “Is sewing machine easy to learn?”

Judging from her own experience, Jiang Shuangling felt: “It’s easy to learn.”

Using a sewing machine to make a set of clothes is much more convenient than Wang Xueshu’s previous manual sewing.

At least the distance between the needles is not uneven.

“Are you really eager to learn? I’m afraid I won’t be able to learn it and end up in a corner with dust, just like your bicycle.”

“They all say that riding a bicycle is easy, but you can’t learn it, little Jiang.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…” Are you trying to hurt each other with me? ? ?

Jiang Shuangling hugged her chest, she raised her eyelids and suggested, “If you can’t learn it, let the head of your family try it.”

“There is a sewing machine at home, as long as one person can make it, it will not fall in the corner and eat ashes.”

After hearing what she said, Wang Xueshu was stunned. She imagined in her mind how Colonel He was stepping on the sewing machine, her eyes were even more sluggish, and she shuddered all over her body.

This picture is really scary.

“Little Jiang, you are very thoughtful, but…this man can also make needles and threads?”

“Why can’t a man take a needle and thread, maybe the head of your family can use needle and thread better than you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask him to sew a quilt.”

Wang Xueshu was silent for a while, then suddenly patted her thigh, “You are right!

The quilt in their house was torn before, and it really wasn’t made by Wang Xueshu. Since it wasn’t her, who else could have made it.

Just at this time, Wang Xueshu immediately went to look through the quilt at home, found a few quilts that had been patched, took a look and found that their quilt was patched very neatly, and the needle and thread were Like coming out of a sewing machine.

“Little Jiang, come and see, my old He seems to be doing well.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

What a virtue!

“I bought it! I decided to buy it! If I don’t know how to use it, I will give it to my family!”

“Just buy it for him!”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

I hope Head He doesn’t blame her.

My daughter-in-law will buy him a sewing machine.

“Battery commander, Xiao Li said that my sister-in-law looked very uncomfortable when she was in the car this morning. Is she ill?”

“Batch commander, you should be more concerned about your sister-in-law, do you want the doctor on duty to come and see?”

“I see.” Qi Heng covered the lunch box in his hand and walked towards the family home with the lunch box in hand.

The family hospital has a military doctor on duty and several health workers in the office every day, and there are little soldiers on duty at the gate. I will ask about it every day.

If you feel unwell, you will immediately call a military doctor or contact the hospital.

Qi Heng was walking on the avenue carrying a lunch box, unfortunately, before entering the family home, he met the head of He, who was also carrying a lunch box.

He had something to do, he didn’t plan to say hello to Qi Heng who was walking in front, but suddenly he saw the lunch box in his hand, and he felt very strange. With long eyes, he is no longer called Lao He.

Qi Heng went home after dinner?

Has his little **** gone on strike?

“Qi Heng! Qi Heng! You wait!

“I heard from my daughter-in-law that you have a little **** too, congratulations.”

Qi Heng held up the brim of his hat and said lightly, “Happy.”

“You… why did you suddenly come home today? Is this lunch box enough for your family? What kind of food do you want?” Lunch box, his nose moved, trying to smell what he was cooking.

But he smelled it, but he only smelled the fragrance of the vegetables in his lunch box.

“Hey, no, what’s in your lunch box?” Head He found something wrong.

“The outside is still stained with dirt, Qi Heng, what exactly are you inside?”

Qi Heng wiped off the little sand and gravel on the outside of the lunch box, “It’s nothing.”

“Let me see, let me see, what did you bring home???”

Qi Heng closed his eyes, and said impatiently, “Look for a fellow to exchange.”

Fellow villagers are nearby villagers.

“What did you change?”

Qi Heng opened the lunch box, which contained yellow loquats and bright red bayberry.

Sweet fruity aroma.

“I’ll give you two.” Qi Heng took the initiative to grab a small handful for Head He to hold.

“Hey, whoever sees it has a share.”

He looked down at the palm of his hand and found two loquats and two bayberry in his palm.

…Two is two.


How dare you give me half!

“Loquat and bayberry

After discovering the large box of fresh bayberry and loquat that Qi Heng brought back, Jiang Shuangling immediately went to wash the fruit, eat the loquat first, and soak the bright red bayberry in salt water.

She peeled a loquat and tasted it in her mouth, and found that the pulp was really sweet and full of fruit flavor.

“Qi Heng, you eat one too, it’s so sweet.”

“You eat.”

“I want you to eat too.” Jiang Shuangling took the initiative to peel one off, put it to his mouth, and urged, “Try it.”

Qi Heng opened his mouth and took a bite, peeled the other one and fed it to her, Jiang Shuangling let out a “huh”, “This one is more delicious.”

Qi Heng chuckled lightly, and chose a few more for her, “You eat these.”

“The fruits you chose are so sweet, Qi Heng, I didn’t expect you to pick fruits.” Jiang Shuangling suddenly found out that her man is also a master of “fruit”.

“Did you pick these up and bring them back?”

Qi Heng nodded.

Jiang Shuangling went to taste the washed bayberry, the bright red flesh was attractive in color, it tasted even more sweet and sour, and it tasted even better with a touch of sugar, she couldn’t help eating a few more indivual.

“Leave some more for the children to eat, such a delicious fruit, if only there were more.”

“When I came back just now, I accidentally ran into Head He, and he took some away.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…It doesn’t matter, let’s be more generous. Sister Xueshu should also like to eat.”

She also seems to have tricked Head He today.

As compensation.

“It was hard for you to go out in the car today?”

“It’s a bit.” Jiang Shuangling bit a sweet and sour bayberry in her mouth, the fragrant juice spread between her lips and tongue, she rubbed her cheeks, “I don’t know what’s going on, I know When I got pregnant, I started getting motion sickness.”

“Feeling sick in the car.”

“If you feel uncomfortable, don’t go for now.”

“Your daughter-in-law can’t go if she wants to.” Jiang Shuangling picked up another bayberry and told him what happened in the art training class.

“It’s just right, I’m raising a baby at home during this time, but it’s a pity that I’m the only one at home during the day…”

“I will accompany you more.”

“No, I can draw for a long time in a day, I don’t need you to accompany me. Besides, I have sister Xueshu next door to accompany me.”

She still has her own career to pursue. She has finished painting at home and is preparing to participate in the painting exhibition. If Xue Li writes new stories in the future, she can also draw new comic strips.

A letter was placed on the tea table.

The surroundings are very quiet, the room still has a little elegant tea fragrance, and the tea in the cup is cold.

The woman with the curly hair spread out a piece of white paper, dipped ink in the porcelain bowl with a brush in her hand, and wrote lines of black handwriting stroke by stroke.

I wrote half a page in ink, but my mood still did not calm down.

The woman looked at the words she had written and couldn’t help shaking her head. At this time, she finally couldn’t write anymore, and turned to look at the letter on the tea table.

This is a letter from my younger son.

She took it home excitedly and carefully placed it on the tea table. She wanted to read it, but didn’t dare to read it. This letter from home was different from the one she received before, which made her a little flustered.

Mother Qi felt that she was most sorry for her youngest son.

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