It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 77

Chapter 76: Brother

Although times have changed, Zhao Yinghua still regrets interfering with her younger son Qi Heng’s marriage five or six years ago, and she impulsively mentioned Qi Heng’s marriage to Yao Pinglang some time ago.

She didn’t want to force her son to marry, but hoped that Xiao Wu could pay attention to her marriage and find a considerate and suitable partner to accompany her for life.

Zhao Yinghua was originally born in a poor peasant family. Her original name was Zhao Xiaocao. She married a hard-working poor boy in the village when she was a teenager. Unlike other men, he didn’t abandon his bad wife after he achieved success.

Zhao Xiaocao is also a self-motivated woman. She took the initiative to participate in literacy classes, literacy and culture, and later changed her name to Zhao Yinghua.

The couple suffered from the loss of being illiterate, so they paid close attention to the education and education of several children. They advocated learning and reading outside the family style, and made friends and helped many cultural masters.

However, the eldest son is dull in aptitude and has no talent in learning, the second son is quite satisfactory, the third son and the fourth son are naughty and sit still, which only makes the couple a headache.

Lao Qi laughed at himself: “The son born by the old man is still the old man.”

While the old Qi and his wife were worried about the naughty third and fourth, who knew that the fifth year after giving birth to their fourth son, they unexpectedly had their youngest son, Qi Heng.

At that time, the environmental conditions at home were countless times better than before, and the couple was no longer the poor and illiterate farmer couple. When Zhao Yinghua conceived a child this time, she thought she was carrying a girl, so she was careful By taking good care of her body and eating more fruits and vegetables, she hopes to give birth to a beautiful, white and tender girl. She also learns from those rich and noble wives who are exquisite, listening to music and reading poems to their children when they are pregnant.

At that time, the old Qi was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and he was looking forward to a well-behaved and caring girl. The four stinky boys in the family had already broken his brain, and the four brothers were also looking forward to his sister, brother, etc., they There are already many Qi family.

“Mom, eat some bird’s nest and take care of your sister.”

“The third and fourth be quiet, don’t scare the little sister in Mom’s stomach.”

…After ten months of painstaking efforts to raise a baby.

Until Zhao Yinghua gave birth to the child.

As she wished, this child is indeed beautiful and tender, but…he is not a girl.

Zhao Yinghua at that time: “!

Lao Qi: “???This is my son???”

Boss: “Sister?”

Second child: “Brother!?”

The third child: “Why is he a younger brother so beautiful?”

The fourth: “Why did the younger sister become the younger brother?!”

The appearance of their Qi family is not bad. The poor boy Qi Yuanliang was also a handsome boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was dressed in a military uniform and had a heroic spirit. Although Zhao Xiaocao was called Xiaocao, he was not married. At that time, it was a flower in the village, but the people were darker, and they spoke with an earthy smell.

Absolutely, he became the best looking one in the whole family.

The four older brothers were surrounded by the cradle bed, and they all hated being a fifth sister.

Lao Qi also felt that his daughter’s dream was broken.

No matter how beautiful the stinky boy looks, he is also a stinky boy who will be hated by dogs in the future. Lao Qi, who has raised four sons, feels that raising a son is a nightmare.

Qi Yuanliang went to find a prestigious old professor to name his younger son. The old professor saw that the child looked like a jade doll and gave him the character “Heng”.

The first two years of Qi Heng’s birth were probably the happiest time for the Qi family. The family was reunited, and the days were peaceful and beautiful. What was even more rare for Old Qi was that his youngest son was talented and intelligent. , I never forget it, I can recite 300 Tang poems by heart at the age of two or three.

Their family finally has a cultural person!

However, the child was very strong and destroyed many toys.

Zhao Yinghua loves her young son very much. This child is also very obedient and sensible.

However, the good times did not last long, the youngest son was still young, but Zhao Yinghua lost her husband and eldest son. Those are the years spent in grief.

In these years, Zhao Yinghua lived in a turbulent life. When she came back to her senses, the obedient and sensible child had become taciturn, neither talking nor laughing.

Zhao Yinghua smiled bitterly in her heart. She once raised four chaotic devil kings, and she was heartbroken for these four stinky boys. It was hard to meet someone who didn’t need to worry about her at all, but I feel that I am far away from this child.

Xiao Wu is handsome, but cold, like snow in winter, beautiful and cold.

Zhao Yinghua wanted to talk to this child more, but she didn’t know what to say. This child is too good. She is proud of the child’s excellence, but she is worried about the child’s temperament.

I am afraid that he will be so cold and will not meet people who know the cold and the hot.

Because she was born from a grass girl in the village, Zhao Yinghua is very envious and likes girls who are raised by intellectuals and scholars. Such girls have knowledge, bearing, cultivation, and romance. She knows many men all like this.

At that time, the Lin family took the initiative to take the initiative, and she agreed. Although her son was close to her, he also obeyed her orders.

… Later, Zhao Yinghua felt that this was a ridiculous thing she did after losing her beloved son.

Parents should not control the marriage of their children.

Being bound by marriage, I just want to linger in the flowers.

Zhao Yinghua also understands that this kind of girl who likes romantic affairs does not despise her son who is excellent in her eyes, but is taciturn and cold.

So Yao Pinglang asked her what kind of partner she wanted to find for her child, and she said she was looking for a pragmatic girl from the countryside to live a solid life.

She was also impulsive because of several things that happened at home. After the impulsion, she regretted it. As a mother, she didn’t want to do this, and she didn’t want to force him. Noisy, as a grandmother, he can always appease him.

I didn’t expect Xiao Wu to be there, so he cut through the mess and ended the marriage.

Last time, she urged him several times before he was willing to go home, but this time, he handled his marriage very quickly, and even the married girl did not let her meet, The child directly took the marriage certificate.

Others came directly and said that they would take Qi Yue away with a tough attitude.

The child Qi Yue also frowned and made trouble. He must go with his father. No matter how reluctant Zhao Yinghua was, he let him take his eldest grandson away.

At the same time, she was also a little sullen.

She was angry that he had just married a girl without telling him about the girl, and worried that he would not get along well with this girl, and that his eldest grandson would be wronged.

Qi Yue and his second aunt said in front of her at first that she would treat the child Yueer as her own son. After she conceived the child, the person has not changed.

Although she didn’t do anything, Qi Yue was a sensitive child, but she noticed those subtle changes and knew that she would make a fuss to find her biological father.

His aunt is still like this, let alone another girl?

Zhao Yinghua sighed, her eldest grandson was gone for two months, she didn’t take the initiative to ask for news from there, she always expected news from there first, who knew but nothing happened, the reply from her son Always a few short words.

Ask him how.

He said yes.

Let him say more.

He said good.

But she knew in her heart that this was the child’s usual temperament.

If you can say one word, you will never say two words.

Zhao Yinghua: “…”

Words are precious.

She picked up the ink-stained brush again, and glanced at the letter on the table. The letter was very thick. When she touched it carefully, there seemed to be several thick pieces of letter paper inside.

The letters that Xiao Wu sent in the past were always thin. It was the first time she received such a thick letter, and she couldn’t help but be a little nervous.

“Mom, what are you doing? Are you still practicing calligraphy?” A tall man at the door pushed open the door and walked in. As soon as he entered the room, he picked up his sleeves and fanned it against his cheeks Fan, it’s really hot these days, and it’s much cooler when you enter the house.

The man lifted his hat, revealing his bright brain door, then poured himself a glass of cold water, raised his head and gulped a few gulps, but turned his head and noticed the envelope on the tea table.

“A letter from the fifth brother?”

“Why don’t you take it apart?”

“I… I’ll take it apart later and practice a few words first.” Zhao Yinghua’s hand with the pen shook, and a drop of ink fell on the white paper.

In recent years, Zhao Yinghua has cultivated herself, but she can’t read much, but she likes to practice calligraphy, and she practices calligraphy for a period of time every day.

“When can you not practice calligraphy? Fifth brother’s home letter is more important, take it apart and see what you wrote?”

“If you don’t dismantle, my son will do it for you.”

Qi Yan was about to open the letter, Zhao Yinghua hurriedly hit it with one hand, “Let’s go, this is for your mother.”

“Then take it apart and see, how is the fifth brother and Qi Yue doing recently? And his newly married younger brother and sister…”

“What’s in this letter? Why is it different from the one sent before?”

“What kind of younger siblings are not younger siblings, don’t be buzzing like mosquitoes here, let me see.”

Zhao Yinghua hurriedly grabbed the letter in her hand, she carefully opened the seal, took out the letter inside, but found that there were several pieces of letter paper inside, the letter paper was folded in half, and the middle package was a photo.


She was stunned.

The photo first fell out, Zhao Yinghua saw several people in the photo at a glance, her fifth and eldest grandson were on it, and there was another young woman and a beautiful little boy.

“Hey Yo!” Qi stretched his head out and looked at him, “My younger brother and sister are so beautiful, who is the child next to me? Could it be her…”

“It’s her brother.” Although she said she didn’t pay attention, Zhao Yinghua still knew something about her little daughter-in-law.

She looked at the girl carefully, and found that the girl is really a bright and moving beauty, with a pair of apricot eyes, like autumn water inside, through a layer of photos, you can see that the real person is a real person A charming woman.

Standing next to the younger son, these two are really…

A great match.

“Look, am I presbyopic? Why do I seem to see your fifth brother smiling?”

Qi Yan scratched his chin, and also felt that the more he looked at the photo, the more terrifying, “Mom, my eyes are not very good.”

He widened his eyes and looked at Qi Heng in the photo, trying to find any clues in the photo, “The corners of his mouth really seem to be… a little upward, like this, he is Are you smiling?”

In the memory of Qi Yan, the second brother, the matter of the fifth brother’s smile has always been blank.

When I grew up, I never saw this kid smile at him.

Zhao Yinghua shook her head in confusion. In recent years, she has never seen her younger son smile.

The mother and son looked at each other.

“Maybe it was when the photo was taken, our fifth brother was talking, Mom, look at me reading eggplant, look, don’t you look like I’m laughing?” Qi Yan read it to his mother A word “eggplant”.

Zhao Yinghua nodded as if she understood.

…But that’s not quite right?

Heng’er’s smile in the photo is not so big.

But the second child is right, maybe when the photo was taken, Xiao Wu was talking and accidentally took this photo.

“Mom, don’t look at the photos, look at the letter written by the fifth brother.”

“Yes, you are right.” Zhao Yinghua smiled back, holding the photo in her hand, looking left and right, and found a blank piece of paper to put on the table , and then put the photo on it.

As soon as she put down the photo on her front foot, a thief next to her touched the photo.

Zhao Yinghua, who is not a man, immediately reached out and took a photo of the thief’s paw, and took the photo to her hand again.

Qi Yan: “…”

Mom, don’t you allow me to look carefully at the photos of my younger siblings and nephew? ?

Zhao Yinghua snorted, this is a photo of her son, daughter-in-law and grandson, and it was sent to her.

She pressed the photo to the back of the letter and began to read the letter.

What happened?

Zhao Yinghua read the letter from beginning to end, her head was stunned, the handwriting on the letter was definitely written by her own son, but what was on the letter? ?

I can’t believe her son can write this thing even if you kill her?

She was dumbfounded with the letter in her hand.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you? What happened??”

“Second brother, come and see, see, can this be written by your fifth brother?”

Qi Yan read the letter and stood there as if she had been knocked out.

“…This is written by my fifth brother?”

“The sun is out in the west?”

Zhao Yinghua helped her forehead and asked in confusion: “Second child, do you think I am dreaming?”

Qi Yan: “Is the old fifth modified child?”

“Even if you have hair growing on the top of your head, I don’t believe in Heng’er being a **** changer. What’s the matter with this letter? I’m going to call Lao Yao tomorrow.”

“Mom, what do you mean? What are you talking about? What do you call my long hair?? Where do I not grow hair???”

“I mean on top of your head.”

“I recently saw an old Chinese doctor…”

Zhao Yinghua “tsk tsk” twice, “Second, I think you don’t bother, it’s good now.”

Qi Yan: “…”

He raised his head and touched his bald forehead, put on his hat again, “Mom, I’m going on a business trip to study recently, Xiaocheng will trouble you to take care of her, her month is getting older…”

Zhao Yinghua raised her eyelids, “Well, let me help you watch, how long?”

“Two months.”

“So long?” Zhao Yinghua frowned, “You have to come back before your daughter-in-law is born.”

“There are still three or four months, I will definitely come back.”

“By the way, Mom, I may pass by Rongcheng on the way, and then I want to go to Fifth Brother’s first to have a look.”

“It’s great!” Zhao Yinghua showed a happy look, “You brother, go and see what happened to our little five! What’s the situation with your fifth siblings??? And Xiaoyue this child.”

“Write back to me as soon as you go to see me.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Wait three or four days…”

“What?! Three or four days to wait??”

“This is the mission from above, the departure time is not something your son can set.”

“All right, Chief of Staff Qi, you need to pack up and prepare to go out. You are not needed here.”

The woman in loose pajamas stood by the cabinet, holding her stomach with her left hand, and said to the man sitting on the bed: “I have prepared something for you, take it with you when you leave, yes It’s for Ah Yue and his younger siblings.”

Qi Yan’s hand paused, “Then I will thank you for them.”

“No thanks, I should.”

Cheng Mingxi’s lips moved, she had a very complicated mind about Qi Yue’s child. When she looked at Qiyue’s child, she felt agitated, especially uncomfortable.

This child Qiyue is just like his father. He is good-looking and intelligent. No one in the family yard praises this child as excellent, and compares other children to him. Cheng Mingxi, who was watching by his own son, listened to these compliments, and his heart was naturally at ease.

The children of her family should be better than others.

Cheng Mingxi is very competitive and has a hard time accepting that she is being compared. She likes to have the upper hand in everything.

Now that she has her own child in her belly, the words she once praised have changed in her ears.

She is afraid that her future children will be compared by Qi Yue.

If these two children are raised together, what if her own son is compared?

Although the child was not born yet, Cheng Mingxi was always thinking about this matter, so he followed the devil, the more he thought about it, the more he got into the horns.

Once I quarreled with Qi Yan:

“Didn’t you say you would treat him as your own son…”

“My son? Look at his face, it’s not your kind. He looks too much like your fifth brother.”

It was originally just a quarrel between them in private, maybe the child noticed it, maybe he overheard a few words, and the child began to make a fuss to go back to his own father.

Qi Heng picked up the child.

After the child left, Cheng Mingxi found that he was not as relieved as he thought, but began to miss the child.

Human feelings are so complicated.

These things are also her thoughts.

Jiang Shuangling started her own life.


It’s pretty idyllic.

Early in the morning, Jiang Shuangling got up and finished watering the vegetable field. She couldn’t help but akimbo and sighed: “Pick chrysanthemums under the east fence, and see Nanshan leisurely.”

As a result, Wang Xueshu, who was nauseous and retching in the morning next to the fence, laughed out loud.

“Xiao Jiang? Should I call you Xiao Jiang? Or should I call you Xiao Tao?”

“I have chrysanthemums in my yard, do you want to dig a few?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…Okay, Sister Xueshu, I’ll dig it later.”

You asked me to dig this.

“I dug it up to make room for you to grow vegetables.”

Wang Xueshu: “…” Then I really thank you.

“Sister Xueshu, have you bought your sewing machine?”

“Not yet, out of stock, I have to wait for next month, no hurry.”

“He is happy to know about this? Do you agree?”

“Yes, he strongly agrees.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…” It’s good to agree, maybe she can see the day when the couple next door stepped on the sewing machine together.

“Did I bring a spatula?”

“Come on, dig, these two plants will give you.”

Jiang Shuangling went to the next door to dig a few chrysanthemums, planted them in her own yard, and went to ask for a crucian carp, which happened to be the water tofu made by a small fist cooking class, she took the fish and Tofu decided to go back and cook fish soup tofu for noon.

She specifically wanted a small fish. She was afraid that she would not be able to finish it alone at noon, but she did not expect an unexpected figure to appear at the door of the yard.

The figure was wearing a straight military uniform with a hat on his head, and under the scorching noon sun, the handsome face of the other party became even more dazzling.

“Qi Heng? Why did you come back?” Jiang Shuangling looked at him in shock. Usually when Qi Heng came back, it was in the evening, almost no time to go home at noon.

Qi Heng nodded, and when the two got closer, Jiang Shuangling could clearly see the sweat on his forehead and his breathing with a little breath.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing, come back for dinner.”

She eats fish and tofu, and he makes rice in fish soup.

“Qi Heng, will you come back at noon in the future?”

“Not sure, come back when I have time.”

Jiang Shuangling originally wanted to say that there is no need to go back and forth like this, but the words came to her lips, but she couldn’t say them.

“Qi Heng, let me show you a painting I drew today. I haven’t finished it yet, so I’ll show you first.”

Jiang Shuangling showed an unfinished oil painting to the other party. The painting happened to be the day when they first met. In the same room, there was a man in a military uniform and a girl with two braids.

This is what she drew with her own memories, and of course, she also did some artistic processing.

“How’s it going?”


Jiang Shuangling asked the other party to sign the painting, Qi Heng took a pen and wrote his name, Jiang Shuangling also wrote his name.

Qi Heng, Jiang Shuangling, draw a heart in the middle.

This painting is rather embarrassing to be seen by children.

Jiang Shuangling subconsciously wanted to hide this painting in the homestay and reset it, and then she immediately reacted, she must finish painting this painting, and finally give it to a man who hides things in a giant club. stand up.

“Shuangling, my second brother will come to Rongcheng in a few days.”

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