It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 347

The young man ran away.

"Fuck, run!!!" The wolf-tailed youth screamed and ran very fast, even pushing the person in front of him to the ground, and then stepped over him and ran forward madly.

He didn't know what he saw, anyway, he didn't see anything.

But since everyone else ran, he had to run too, because there must be danger!

The whole street was in chaos, and the crowd at the entrance of the shopping mall, which was just bustling, dispersed and ran away in groups.

The noise shocked the people in the mall.

Someone went out to check and saw this group of people running away and the screams and miserable situation in the distance, so he ran out almost without thinking.

People were running away frantically at the entrance of the mall. People on the first floor couldn't sit still and looked outside to see what was going on.

So they ran away too.

People on the second floor saw the noise on the first floor and then everyone ran away, so they couldn't help but go to the window to take a look and then ran away too.

Then the third floor, the fourth floor...

More and more people were running away on the street, and some people even pulled down the people in front of them and made them fall to the ground and be trampled by the crowd, and they still squeezed forward.

Others drove their cars without caring about anything, rushing forward, even if there was a group of running pedestrians in front of them, they still rushed forward recklessly, just to run faster.

In a short period of time, people were trampled to death and disabled, people were crushed to death and disabled by driving recklessly, people took the opportunity to run into various stores to buy for free, and people opened other people's doors and broke in roughly...

The meanness of human nature was fully displayed at this moment, even if they didn't see anything, even if they just saw a chain car accident and a group of people running away.

In the emotional state, adrenaline prompted everyone to take actions that best suited their own interests.

The wolf-tailed youth ran out of breath, but the more he ran, the more frightened he became.

Because he found that the fog in the city seemed to be thicker, and more and more people were running away.

So what was in the fog? Why did it make this group of people run away like crazy? Could it be that zombies really came?

The wolf-tailed youth hurriedly glanced back.

However, this glance made him scream in fear and then run faster.

The white fog behind him, which was just at the end of the street, was actually thicker than ten meters behind him!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What is it, what is it?" The wolf-tailed youth shouted loudly and ran more happily.

As for what was in the thick fog, he witnessed it the next moment.

"His bladder, his bladder, it seems like stars are shining..." As if hearing the call of the wolf-tailed youth, the thick white fog almost instantly came from behind him and covered the group of people who were fleeing frantically, and a very familiar Yin music sounded from the thick fog.

The wolf-tailed youth trembled, and as the music sounded, he almost instantly remembered the scene that made him very familiar.

A sharp suona sound suddenly sounded, blowing gusts of cold wind, blowing people's hearts loose, and blowing backs cold.

The suona sound came from far away and quickly chased behind them.

The wolf-tailed youth was full of dead souls, he looked back in panic, but the scene behind him almost made him faint.

The thick white fog filled the air, completely covering the scene in the distance, but the appearance of the nearby high-rise buildings and various vehicles next to them could still be seen clearly.

The sound of suona in this modern metropolis brought a touch of classical charm, but at the same time, it felt that this sound was somewhat out of tune with the surrounding environment.

As the sound of suona got closer, a red team loomed in the white mist, as if approaching everyone.

The wolf-tailed young man felt that his eyes were a little bad.

He actually felt that there seemed to be a red sedan chair in the middle of this red team in the white mist!

"Hua La La..." The sound like flipping a book woke up the wolf-tailed young man.

He looked at the red team that was becoming clearer and clearer in the white mist in front of him.

The paper flowers in the sky were like red leaves falling from the trees, floating all over the sky, and even accompanied by the breeze, they fell among a few pedestrians who had stopped and leaned on the sidewalks on both sides of the road.

A bright red paper petal swayed in the eyes of the wolf-tailed young man.

The red petals of paper petals floated down in front of them, just like the red petals falling from autumn trees, bright red and colorful. But it suddenly chilled his heart.

As the red paper petals fell, the thick white mist in front of him spread to both sides, and then a team that made everyone on the street feel cold appeared in front of everyone.

The sound of suona was sharp and desolate.

The paper clothes, paper shoes, and paper ceremonial guards were as red as blood, as if they were not painted with fuel, but stained with blood.

As the paper ceremonial guards waved back and forth, the mist flowed, and the red paper petals in the sky floated wantonly. The paper man with round red rouge on his cheeks floated out of the white mist silently at a speed that ordinary people could not bear.

The red paper sedan chair was carried by two paper men and floated forward. The whole team had no sound except the sound of suona and the waving of paper petals.

It was as if this team was not walking on the road, but floating on the road.

In fact, it was floating on the road.

The pupils of the wolf-tailed youth dilated, and his mouth opened wide, making a hoarse sound.

His fragile heart was almost shattered by the unimaginable scene in front of him.

Fear, fear, shock, confusion...

All kinds of extreme emotions rushed to his head, making his body weak and collapsing directly to the ground.

As his body collapsed and his sight shifted, he was shocked to find that this team of paper figures was really floating on the road!

The feet of these paper figures were one inch above the ground. Although they raised their feet and could make the same movements as humans, these hard movements and floating footsteps still proved their identity as ghosts.

I have watched many horror movie scenes on the computer, and I have received a lot of mental shock. But any experience, when these extremely terrifying things are presented in front of me, the shock brought by them is still unstoppable.

"Hehehe..." The wolf-tailed youth pointed at the paper figures advancing rapidly in front of him and made a hoarse sound unconsciously. He didn't know what he wanted to say, nor did he know what he was going to say. The shock and fear in his mind had already made him unable to utter a complete sentence.

The shrill screams and panicked cries had already sounded on both sides of the street. Some of the frightened people fled frantically, and some, like the wolf-tailed youth, had their legs so weak that they could not stand.

Even the group of fugitives on the road were also weak all over.

Some people desperately dragged their weak bodies to crawl to the sides of the road, not wanting to be directly destroyed because of blocking the footsteps of this weird thing. But there were still many people who fell directly to the ground, their bodies as soft as noodles, and they could not support their bodies at all. They could only look at the approaching big red sedan in despair and cry helplessly.

The paper sedan that was just at the end of the street was quickly approaching the people in the middle of the road.

The sound of suona was already surrounding the ears of everyone.

Right at this moment.

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