It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 348

The more I saw, the more I saw.

(I don't know much about using guns. If what I wrote is not realistic, please correct me and I will make changes. Don't blame me. After all, I am just a poor dustman. o(╥﹏╥)o)

"Beep, beep, beep..." The siren of the police car suddenly sounded, and this siren almost brought hope to all lives.

At the intersection in the middle of the street, a dozen police cars and even armed police jeeps suddenly appeared and blocked the middle of the road. The bright lights and shrill sirens suddenly gave the desperate and incomparable sense of security at this moment.

"Bang!" The door of the police car opened, and dozens of police officers who looked safe quickly emerged from the police cars and armed police jeeps.

These police officers used the police car as a cover, quickly stood in position behind the police car, and set up their guns.

"Attention, the wedding procession in front, attention, the wedding procession in front. I don't care what you are, anyway, please stop immediately, or disappear immediately, otherwise we will take force against you according to the law! You have seriously endangered the safety of our people! Please leave immediately!"

The police loudspeaker was in the hand of the deputy director of Pu Yu City. He looked nervously at the scarlet paper team that was still approaching in front of him, and his heart was extremely nervous.

If Zhongzhou had not been too strict in the management of firearms and even bullets, and the conditions for the use of firearms were extremely strict, they would have opened fire by now! After all, they were not in danger of their lives, and it was not self-defense. At the same time, they had not confirmed whether the team in front of them was artificially disguised or real ghosts, and they did not give two warnings without confirmation.

The only possible reason is to protect the safety of the people, but now this thing has not hurt the people. The people where this team passed are still fine, and the casualties are all caused by the fierce escape behavior of the people.

It's a bad dish! I didn't feel that these weirdnesses were so oppressive when watching various videos of the weird lord on the Internet? At most, they were a little scary! Why do I feel my legs are weak when standing here now?

And what exactly is this terrifying thing? It feels much more terrifying than the horror scenes in the weird lord's video.

Compared with the weird events and ghosts that happened in various uninhabited places in the video, the team in front of him, which raised a thick white fog in the center of Puyu City and walked on the main road so openly, made him feel more pressure and terror.

Even when he just received the news, he confirmed it three times, and didn't believe that this was actually happening in a modern city!

The white fog became thicker, and the police officers standing behind the police car also felt more stressed. They were extremely nervous watching the paper wedding procession approaching quickly in the surging fog.

The bright red paper petals in the sky were blown away by the wind, and many fell on the police car and the police officers.

The hand holding the gun did not tremble, but as the strange team approached, the heart was extremely nervous.

"Pay attention to the wedding procession in front of you, the last warning! Please turn around and disappear immediately! Otherwise, we will directly use force!" The deputy director shouted again with a loud speaker, his palms were sweating from nervousness, but he still fired a shot into the sky to warn, trying to stop this team that looked like ghosts but did not hurt anyone.

As the deputy director, he now particularly wanted to abolish the strict gun system that he usually advocated.

He even wanted to hold the gun and shoot a round of continuous shooting at the team in front of him. But this was not allowed. Because if he really did that, the subsequent task report would lead to his career never being promoted, or even direct punishment.

However, the wedding procession in the white fog was getting closer, so he finally dared to speak.


At the command, dozens of police officers who had been nervous almost immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

The harsh gunshots rang out on the busy city streets. Dozens of gunshots almost overwhelmed the cries and screams on the streets, and also made some people feel a little relieved.

The bullets pierced through the white fog and penetrated into the wedding procession that was already very close. As the distance got closer, the sound of gunshots became more frequent.

The dense bullets and sparks shot towards the paper man team in front of them, but these bullets were like a stone sinking into the sea, without

There was a little wave.

The wedding procession continued to move forward quickly without any ripples, not only without any pause, but also without any reaction to being shot.

The police officers who had emptied their magazines behind the police car were shocked, but they still stood in place, changing magazines and protecting the people behind them.

The wedding procession of the red paper man was already close at hand.

The white fog was thicker, so thick that the police officers standing behind the police car could hardly see the groups of people behind them.

The bullets were fired again, but they still fell into the sea and had no effect.

The smell of the paper man was already overwhelming, and the leading ceremonial guard had already set off a red dress and came to the opposite side of the intersection.

The next moment, in the desperate eyes of the police officers, the paper man team floated over from the opposite side of the road without any delay.

The deputy director had closed his eyes in despair.

A breeze blew by, and the piercing sound of suona came from the front and back. From the front, he could feel the position behind him.

The deputy director suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw one after another paper figures in front of him hit the police car and his body head-on, and then passed through without any obstacles and floated behind him.

The paper surface of the paper figures was visible in every detail. Even the texture on the paper surface and the rouge on the bright red cheeks rushed into his eyes.

The white mist was filled, and in the tense and fearful mood of the police officers, the entire team passed through their bodies one by one, and then floated towards the crowd behind.

Even the most amazing big red paper sedan in the team passed through the police car, and even passed through the body of the police officer next to him.

"Pah!" A hand stretched out from the window of the paper sedan, and then slapped the deputy director in the face, making a crisp sound, which stunned the deputy director.

"Stupid, why don't you quickly organize people to rescue the injured!" A curse sounded in the big red sedan chair, which stunned the deputy director who was slapped.

No, why did you slap me?

As soon as the thought fell, another thought suddenly came to his mind.

"Ah? Shit! There is someone in this paper sedan chair!!!" The deputy director shouted in horror, covering his slapped cheek.

He turned around abruptly, but found that the paper team that had floated in front of the people suddenly disappeared.

The white mist slowly dissipated, and the harsh suona sound completely disappeared. In a short while, the bright lights brought the whole city back to life.

The police officers and the people who were still frightened looked around, but they could no longer find any trace of the terrifying paper team.

Only the red paper petals scattered on the ground and the screaming people who were injured and killed proved that everything they had just experienced was not false at all.

But it felt false and abnormal!

And Wu Wen had already entered another world at this time.

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