It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 349

The door was opened, and the door was opened.

"Dong Dong Dong..." The knock on the door woke Wu Wen who was sleeping.

He opened his eyes a little confusedly, and what came into view was the horizontal beams under the ancient tile house and the rubble piled on the beams.

The walls around were also made of various bluestone bricks. Although the gaps seemed to be blocked, if you look closely, the sizes of these bluestones are different, and some are not bluestones at all.

But at least the wall was built.

If the tasks in Guzhai Village had not been settled, he would probably still think that he was in that ancient Guzhai Village.

"Dong Dong Dong!" The door was knocked again, followed by a man's voice.

"Old Wang, Old Wang! Open the door, we're going to water the fields today, are you going or not?" The man's shouting sounded outside the door, completely waking up Wu Wen, who was just confused.

Wu Wen sat up suddenly and looked around.

He was on a very old and even smelly bed, which was placed in a poor and shabby tile house with bricks that were not even neatly laid out. There was nothing else in the room except a bed, a cabinet, a table, chairs and benches. If a mouse came, it would have to send an aunt to the owner.

"The mission has begun?" Wu Wen's eyes became heavy and he glanced at his clothes.

His clothes were also made of tattered linen. They were not only scratchy when worn, but also had no ability to block the wind. The only function was to prevent exposure.

Even this body is not his own. He is so skinny, his arms are so thin that only bones remain, his skin is rough and dark, and he looks like an ancient poor peasant.

The house is poor, and there may be some food in the cabinet, but Wu Wen is not hungry now, and his purpose is not to eat.

He just disappeared in the city in a sedan chair, and in the blink of an eye he came here, and even the time has become afternoon.

This is fucking amazing!

Wu Wen looked around and did not find his backpack.

The knocking on the door became more and more intense, making Wu Wen look towards the door.

"Damn, what role-playing game is this?" Wu Wen cursed inwardly, feeling his current thin but strong body, then got off the bed and put on a pair of cloth shoes with holes on the ground.

All his belongings were lost, and his body was no longer his own, so he had no way to move forward with the plot.

"Knock, knock..." The man who was still knocking on the door suddenly stopped because the door had been opened from the inside.

"Oh, I thought you fell asleep. Let's go quickly. It will be our turn soon!" The middle-aged man in front of him breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the middle-aged man with an honest and dull face standing at the door.

This is actually normal. After all, they are almost always hungry, and there are many people who starve to death while sleeping.

Wu Wen's eyes swept across the face of the man in front of him who also looked honest and simple, then nodded, walked out of the door and closed the door.

After walking out of the house, the scene of this place really appeared in front of him.

Withered vines, old trees, crows, small bridges, flowing water and people's homes, these two lines of poetry are really good to describe this place.

The small village is full of old adobe houses. These villages cover a large area, but the number of houses is not large, but they still form the appearance of a village.

There is a big tree in the center of the village. No one knows what kind of tree it is. The branches are messy and the trunk that needs three people to hug is also crooked.

However, it is cool under the shade of the tree.

People come and go in the village. Some people greet Wu Wen when they see him taking over the identity.

In line with the principle of saying less and making fewer mistakes, Wu Wen just nodded to these greetings and did not respond much, but he knew the name of the middle-aged man next to him, or the code name.

"Brother Hun."

Brother Hun was walking in front. Wu Wen followed him along the village one step behind him, listening to his chattering.

"Oh, this year's harvest is probably going to be a disaster again. If the elements are not handed over, our land will be taken away by Zhou Baopi. Oh, if God doesn't rain, what can we do?

How can I live like this!" Hun Ge walked in front, talking and complaining, and from time to time he would find some sour grass from the weeds on both sides to chew to fill his hunger and leave a long taste in his mouth.

The village is not small, and the two people did not walk fast.

It is estimated that Hun Ge called Wu Wen around four o'clock in the afternoon. When the two walked out of the village to the field, the sky had already begun to darken.

A swarm of mosquitoes buzzed overhead, and they could almost gather into a small mosquito tornado, circling over the heads of the two. As for those that flew down directly to suck blood, there were not many, and this group of mosquitoes did not choose the upper body to suck blood, but specifically bit the ankles, which was extremely hateful.

When they arrived at the field, they saw a field of wheat that had turned yellow, but this yellow was not the yellow of the wheat that was about to mature. Instead, the fields were dry and water-deficient, and some even had yellow spots like bald spots. Seeing this, Brother Hun beat his chest and stamped his feet, wishing he could go down and pull out all the wheat from other people's fields and eat it himself.

It was already dark, and the people watering the fields in front had opened the seals in the earthen canals at the end of the fields, but the water had not flowed far yet.

Brother Hun dug a gap in the earthen canal in his own field, and seeing that Wu Wen did not move, he dug a gap in the earthen canal in his field for him.

He dug two shovels of soil in the earthen canal that flowed to his own fields to block the passage, so that the water in the earthen canal could only flow to his two fields. Brother Hun had completed the work of watering the fields, and the rest was to wait.

"Hey, Lao Wang, what's wrong with you today? Why don't you talk? Didn't you like to talk the most in the past? "Hun Ge held the shovel that was almost worn flat and looked at Wu Wen in wonder, then found a place to sit down.

"It's okay, I just feel a little dizzy today." Wu Wen spoke softly, without saying much, but followed Hun Ge to sit down on the ridge of the field, lowered his head and quietly looked at the canal in front of him.

Although there was a well at this time, it was not automatic, so when watering the land, river water was used.

The water in this place is also river water. Standing here and looking to the side, you can vaguely see the small river behind several rows of trees in the distance.

But maybe because it hasn't rained for too long, the water in the small river is not high, so the water in the canal is not fast.

Looking at Wu Wen staring at the canal in front of him, Hun Ge laughed, as if he had discovered Wu Wen's inner thoughts.

"Oh, I don't think you are dizzy, you are clearly scared! Hahaha! Look at the way you stare at the canal, what's the matter, did you really believe what happened to Lao Si's family last time? "

What's the matter? Wu Wen felt like he had found a clue to the start of the mission.

But he certainly couldn't just ask it like that.

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