It’s Colder Today

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Wei Congying came back from the hospital yesterday very late, and he has been asleep until now, but the insurance company called him and woke him up.

It was a bit late to see Shi Yun’s news in the hospital yesterday, thinking that she might be asleep, so he didn’t reply to her.

After being woken up by a call from the insurance company, Wei Congying woke up and called her when it was getting late.

The first call is in progress, if the second call is still not answered, he is going to contact her when he wakes up in the afternoon.

As a result, the second call was connected.

Shi Yun: “Hello.”

Wei Zongying hadn’t gotten up yet, and the air conditioner in the room was turned on cold.

Nineteen degrees.

Half of his face was buried in the quilt, a lock of hair was a little curly, and blue stubble appeared on his chin. Hearing Shi Yun’s voice on the other end of the phone, he turned on the speakerphone and placed it next to his pillow, with his eyes closed. :”Hey.”

The voice sounded a little low, as if he hadn’t had a good rest.

Shi Yun asked him on the phone how things were going.

He said nothing.

I don’t know if it was to comfort her.

Although I was really scared at the time, I was very moved to hear that he took all the mistakes on himself, but I have to bear the responsibility of what I did wrong.

Shi Yun: “How do you calculate the compensation? How much is it? I’ll call you.”

After finishing speaking, the other end of the phone was a bit noisy, and it sounded like the sound made by the movement of the quilt and pillow. He seemed to have turned over. After a burst of noise, his voice was clearer than before: “Last night to Shao Yuan Have you been sent back to school?”

He directly changed the subject.

Shi Yun seriously mentioned the matter of compensation on the other end of the phone, and he also asked her on the other end of the phone if Xiang Shaoyuan was fierce.

There was a posture that Shi Yun didn’t answer him, and he didn’t answer Shi Yun either.

Shi Yun was a little angry, but she was not a character with vitality in this matter. After a few seconds of silence, she finally gave in and answered Wei Congying’s question.

In a very low voice: “Yeah.”

He smiled: “He is that kind of person, except for the girl he likes, he has such a bad face to everyone. There is no need to be angry.”

Shi Yun wasn’t angry because of this incident, and he didn’t even care about it. She sat on the backless chair in the dormitory, with both feet on the fixed crossbar at the leg of the chair: “What about you? Are you so generous and tolerant to every girl?”

After finishing speaking, she heard a clear laughter from the other end of the phone.

Wei Congying sat up from the bed and reached for the remote control of the air conditioner that fell on the floor last night: “It’s not true, I will be generous to those who want to chase.”

They are the kind of people who seem to like to mix ‘straightforward’ and ‘disguise’ together. They never hide their ambiguity with others, but they learn that every lady insists on covering a layer of window paper. They enjoy standing behind the window paper, like a snake that can speak human words, like tempting Adam to pick apples Likewise, the target who lures them punctures the window paper.

Shi Yun’s heart is clear.

She was also prepared to be fooled by him, but Shi Yun also had a bottom line, that is, money must be compensated.

She listened to Wei Congying’s words, there was no shyness or joy in her face or eyes, but she held back the only tone he could hear, which sounded like a little girl’s characteristic thin-skinned: “I don’t want to owe me favors either.” people.”

Wei Congying got up from the bed, picked up the cigarette on the bedside table while talking on the phone with one hand, and walked to the window. As soon as the window was opened, the sweltering heat of July crept in through the thin screens.

The air conditioner in the room was overwhelmed. He shook out a cigarette from the cigarette case with one hand, then lowered his head and bit the longest one, and threw the cigarette case on the bed.

The sound of a lighter sounded.

Then he spoke, and the brief laughter was fleeting: “Do you like me?”

Shi Yun’s ears caught that laughter. She knew that people like Wei Zongying laughed when they heard her words not because they were happy, but because they felt that the strategy was simple and the customs clearance was just around the corner.

Shi Yun: “No, brother who likes takeaways, I’m afraid you may be missing out.”

After speaking, there was a coughing sound from the other end of the phone.

Wei Congying has been smoking for so long, and he almost can’t remember how long he hasn’t been choked by the smoke. Now it’s the same as smoking for the first time, and the choking makes his throat hurt.

After coughing for a long time, he still spoke intermittently: “…Thanks to me cough cough…I’ve been thinking about you…cough…”

The words were mixed with coughing, and Shi Yun felt distressed for his lungs and throat, and as a medical student, he advised him, “Smoking less.”

He sells miserably: “No one misses me anymore, just smoke.”

Shi Yun thought that she still had to find Wei Congying to come out once, and she needed to give Wei Congying the money.

Following the trend: “Then I’ll treat you to dinner, okay?”

But before eating, Shi Yun wanted to visit the takeaway boy who was injured by his driving mistake last night.

Shi Yun and Wei Congying made an appointment to go after noon the next day, Wei Congying advised her not to go, and took care of everything by herself.

But Shi Yun felt that he had to apologize in person.

But when she was ready to be thrown out by someone else’s slippers, the other couple didn’t say anything.

He politely took the fruit basket that Shi Yun bought, and chatted with Shi Yun about the situation of the takeaway brother by the way, without mentioning any compensation during the whole process.

Wei Congying stood at the door somewhat in the way, and did not enter the ward.

Seeing her dignifiedly looking at the films and medical records hanging at the end of the bed, her expression was quite serious. She took the film and walked to the window, facing the window. The high-rise sun leaked into the room, and she wore a slightly see-through dress.

Wei Congying leaned against the door frame and looked at her.

Wei Zongying didn’t hide his eyes on Shi Yun, watching Shi Yun put down the medical records and films and then handed over an envelope stuffed with money.

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and he turned and went outside to answer the call.

The other party politely shirked the money given by Shi Yun, and the husband and wife looked at each other, but they were a little embarrassed, and the accompanying woman was a little embarrassed: “Your boyfriend paid it, and I didn’t apologize when I said it. Last night I beat him indiscriminately, but he didn’t get angry, he paid for the medical expenses, and asked the director to see my husband, and the nutritional expenses for lost work were also paid in excess.”

At that time, she was also impulsive, and the police called her to the hospital saying that her husband had been in a car accident. As soon as she went to see Wei Congying who was sitting at the door and could still smell the smell of alcohol, she thought it was a drunk driving victim, so she hit Wei Congying with a bag and beat him.

The police comrades pulled her away and explained the ins and outs to her.

Although they were polite, the two of them didn’t say no to the envelope given by Shi Yun: “I don’t blame you for this. I heard that you were afraid of driving in the first place. You had no choice but to drive the car that day. We didn’t either.” Don’t worry, don’t feel too guilty.”

Hearing those words, Shi Yun was taken aback.

I thought to myself, no wonder I didn’t throw her out with slippers today.

Shi Yun didn’t stay for long, and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he didn’t see Wei Zongying at the door.

The accompanying woman saw that Wei Congying had gone out to answer the phone, and gestured for the phone, pointing to the door. Shi Yun thanked her and said goodbye.

It was Lin Fang who called him, calling to play cards.

Jiang Xuyang was late again.

It was another excuse that he had already gone out and got stuck on the East Ring Elevated Road.

Just as Wei Congying hung up the phone, Shi Yun just came out of the ward. She looked around, but she didn’t see him. Wei Congying was just about to raise her hand, but after thinking about it, she put it down again, and stood there watching her for a second time before realizing Own.

Seeing that he was deliberately standing in a hidden place, and even stood behind the shelter, Shi Yun walked over and said two words: “boring.”

He came out from behind the cover, and he didn’t seem angry when he heard others say that he was bored. Instead, he told her about their calling to play cards.

It was still at Haiyue Club last time.

Shi Yun didn’t try other drinks this time, and ordered a cup of Jin Junmei like them.

Her first family is Lin Fang, and her next family is Wei Zongying, Xiang Shaoyuan sits opposite her.

It didn’t take long for Shi Yun to figure it out. Xiang Shaoyuan was impatient, and he would start to get anxious as soon as he didn’t win a few rounds. Lin Fang had a better temper and had no obvious negative emotions.

And Lin Fang is more able to take jokes than Xiang Shaoyuan.

I don’t know if Lin Fang heard about it from Wei Zongying, but he knew that Shi Yun and his ex-girlfriend were from the same university.

As if flattering, he said with an exaggerated expression: “You are a talented student.”

It was too exaggerated, which made Shi Yun a little unhappy.

Lin Fang told her: “I really admire people who can read from the bottom of their hearts. I’m not that kind of material. If my dad didn’t say that I would pick up trash after this development trend, I wouldn’t be able to count the waste money. I really plan to graduate from primary school. Stop studying.”

It’s like talking about jokes, Lin Fang is easy to talk, so Shi Yun would joke with him: “Then you are dating and looking for a talented student, okay?”

Lin Fang has his own love model. He is not fixed with a love partner, he has a variety of styles, but one thing is fixed – when he breaks up, he can spend it with luxury goods.

Shi Yun thought of the FENDI shopping bag he was carrying when he saw Wei Congying come to help him break up at his school in May.

The topic of Lin Fang’s ex-girlfriend didn’t last long. When Shi Yun was about to drink tea while the cards were being dealt, he put one hand between her and the teacup.

Wei Congying was also taking time to look at his phone, obviously not concentrating on her chat with Lin Fang, but somehow he noticed that Shi Yun wanted to drink water.

He still covered it with his hand: “The water just added is still hot.”

After speaking, he moved his hand away. Shi Yun saw the tea leaves stretching out in the tea water, and the water vapor wafting from the mouth of the cup.

After a few decks of cards, Shi Yun also learned that Wei Zongying actually has a better relationship with Lin Fang, and the two families are family friends, so the second character of the name is next to the word “wood”.

In Lin Fang’s generation, they are all two characters.

So he didn’t add any other words after it.

He and Wei Zongying went abroad to study after graduating from junior high school. It wasn’t because they worshiped foreigners, but mainly because the pressure of domestic competition was too great. Although the two of them were not stupid, they were not extremely smart either. The best way to develop like this is to go to the most ordinary university, and then continue to spend money on good-looking academic qualifications.

After they finished high school, they applied to domestic universities, and their relative admission scores were lower than the scores of students in the domestic college entrance examination.

Lin Fang looked at the cards in his hand and continued, “Afterwards, we graduated successfully…”

Shi Yun let out an oh, and then threw out the last pair of twos in his hand: “I won.”

Lin Fang looked at the deck of cards in his hand: “I haven’t played yet, my cards are so good, wow, look, there are no small cards or scattered cards.”

It’s useless to have a good card if you don’t have a chance.

Lin Fang threw away the cards: “Stop talking, I have to concentrate on playing cards. What else do you want to know? You can ask Wei Zongying yourself later.”

The staff stood by and dealt out the cards, and Shi Yun dealt out one card: “I didn’t ask you either.”

Due to the deviation in the strength and angle of the staff’s dealing and throwing of the two cards, one of Shi Yun’s cards and one of Wei Zongying’s cards were put together.

Shi Yun took away the card that was close to him. It was a stinking card with no use in front of the village or behind it.

Wei Congying took the other card and was about to turn it over when he saw Shi Yun frowning and disgusted because he got a stinky card, and pushed the card towards her, jokingly asking, “Do you want to change it?”

The author has something to say:

Believe me, they are going to be together soon.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-1112:07:56~2022-05-1120:43:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Seven Witches;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Old Time, Ququ Bobo, Chen Xiao orgasm, Ah Jiu, Wyb0805, 1 solar maintenance;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: the moon at that time, solar maintenance, joyful, Jiayao, don’t worry about your father 10 bottles; Lemon, 44444, Qianqian Xiaozhenxing 5 bottles; Cohnia, 57761750, crab boss’s crab, didida 1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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