It’s Colder Today

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

It’s not that he can’t afford to lose, Shi Yun shook his head.

Lin Fang was also speechless: “No, it’s fair and just.”

Wei Congying nodded after listening, and inserted the card into the stack in his hand.

Then he threw two super-long straights, another bomb, an air bomb, and then a ‘Leaflet Three’ with full taunt value.

Wei Congying won: “You say it’s fair, otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to connect with the straight behind me.”

Xiang Shaoyuan looked at a card that was not played, and thought about it for a long time: “Damn.”

Lin Fang also cursed, but quickly found comfort from Xiang Shaoyuan: “Fortunately, I’m better than you, and I won at least two.”

Unlike Xiang Shaoyuan who is still a red lantern now.

Shi Yun got up halfway to go to the bathroom.

The three of them lost interest in playing cards.

Because of losing all the time, Xiang Shaoyuan, who was poked at the pain point, was originally annoyed because he didn’t win the cards. He picked up his phone and checked that it was four o’clock: “Damn it, where is Jiang Xuyang?”

Lin Fang neatly arranged the cards in his hand to reduce the work for the staff, reached out to pick up the tea cup next to him and took a sip of tea: “He seems to be in love recently.”

Everyone at the table was aroused with curiosity.

Wei Zong should have picked up the cigarette. After the staff took the cards away, they thoughtfully placed the ashtray up.

Lin Fang didn’t keep it secret: “It seems to be an employee from the opposite side of their company.”

However, it was Xiang Shaoyuan who lost in the end: “Why is it so easy to fall in love?”

Lin Fang glanced at him: “You haven’t made any progress yet?”

Xiang Shaoyuan was a little afraid of being laughed at by them, but he wanted someone to give him advice: “About a meal, the two of us can discuss for more than an hour about what to eat, and then miss the meal.”

Lin Fang made a suggestion: “A woman actually has a preferred answer in her heart. You give her the right to choose and ask her directly.”

Xiang Shaoyuan: “She chooses phobia.”

Lin Fang made another move: “Then you make the decision.”

Xiang Shaoyuan: “I did it, and then I was bad-mouthed by her little sister last time, saying that I didn’t care about her feelings at all.”

Lin Fang was at a loss: “You can’t ask directly, and you can’t decide, so you can ask A Zong.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Yun just came out of the toilet in the private room. He looked at Shi Yun, then took the cigarette from his mouth, pointed the end at the ashtray, and flicked his index finger: “You can ask them, but don’t ask her what she wants to eat.”

Xiang Shaoyuan waited for the second half of his sentence, Wei Cong should not be as good as Lin Fang, he kept a secret, watched Shi Yun slowly walking over, he leaned on the back of the chair, and stepped on the horizontal bar between the legs of the coffee table next to him superior.

Seeing Shi Yun sit down, Wei Congying cast his eyes on Shi Yun brightly: “Guess what I’ll take you to eat later in the evening?”

Shi Yun was taken aback, looked at the cards that had been put away, and realized that they were not playing anymore, picked up Jin Junmei, who was cold on the coffee table, and took a sip: “Japanese food?”

Wei Congying stood up, knocking the smoke ring out just now with his body, and put out the half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray: “You guessed it, let’s go.”

Hearing him say let’s go, Shi Yun asked him in a low voice: “Stop fighting?”

Wei Cong pushed the chair away with his legs, and walked out without raising his legs, but first went to help Shi Yun get the bag she put on the sofa.

He walked beside her, and first reached out to push the box door: “No more calls.”

Shi Yun let out an oh, and walked out of the box sideways.

Stepping on the red soft carpet, when they walked out of the private room, the opposite elevator also opened, Jiang Xuyang bumped into them face to face, he looked at Wei Zongying who was going out, and then looked at the direction of the private room: “It’s over? “

Wei Congying ignored him, and took Shi Yun down the elevator that had just come up.

There was only the sound of the elevator running in the elevator, and Wei Congying watched her still standing in the corner. She is wearing a white shirt skirt today, her hair is tied into a low ponytail with a silk scarf, her ears are pearl earrings, and the necklace around her neck is a thin silver chain. Her whole body is very simple.

Wei Congying leaned in the corner on the other side, looking at her half of her calves exposed outside the hem of the skirt, her pink elbows outside her short sleeves, and her small cheeks were illuminated into a golden layer by the elevator lights.

Shi Yun looked at the number of the descending elevator, and suddenly a person approached beside him, and asked her in a low voice, “Aren’t the socks not mandarin ducks today?”

When Jiang Xuyang walked into the box, he bumped into Shao Yuan, and he said something that made him puzzled: “I’m going to try.”

Seeing that he had disappeared, Jiang Xuyang asked Lin Fang, the only one left in the box, “What did he try?”

Lin Fang told him all the ins and outs of the incident. After hearing this, Jiang Xuyang turned back on the spot: “Then I’m going to have dinner with others.”

Seeing them leaving one by one, Lin Fang laughed. He smoked a little anxiously for the last two puffs. After he extinguished the cigarette, he was about to leave, but the staff was already waiting for him at the door.

A standard professional smile, holding the bill in his hand: “Mr. Lin, pay the bill here.”

At the end of the co-authorship, he has no one to eat, nor does he have to pay for winning cards?

It’s still the same Japanese restaurant that didn’t succeed last time. The decoration style of the store is very Japanese, no different from the Japanese food stores that can be seen everywhere.

The waiter’s kneeling service is somewhat unacceptable, but the attitude is very good.

After ordering some store recommendations, the waiter left with the menu. It is very similar to the old Japanese buildings seen in TV dramas. Tatami mats and wooden sliding doors form small private rooms.

After sitting cross-legged for a while, Shi Yun still felt his legs were sore, so he sat on his side and straightened his legs.

The food was not served quickly.

He drank too much Jin Junmei while playing cards, but now Shi Yun didn’t drink the barley tea he had brewed.

Wei Zongying’s mobile phone was placed on the table, and there was a push sound of news from time to time, but he just looked down and didn’t play with the phone.

Looking at Shi Yun on the opposite side, his lower body was relaxed because of cross-legged, and he followed his legs to look at the pair of white socks on her feet.

The girl seems to be clean, and the white socks have not turned yellow and hard.

Shi Yun noticed his gaze, and her feet seemed to become some kind of private part in an instant, and she sat upright at the dining table again. He hid his legs and feet on the table, took the barley tea that had been neglected beside him, took a sip and put it down again.

The soundproof sliding door clearly transmits the sound from the next room.

Before sitting upright for a long time, Wei Cong should see that her expression is not very good, her legs are prone to soreness when she bends her legs, and she is uncomfortable even sitting cross-legged or kneeling. He patted the side of his cushion: “Straighten it.”

Shi Yun felt a little twisted in his sight, bent his legs at a comfortable angle, and stretched them forward.

In the next second, something covered her feet, and she saw that it was a soft and thin cushion.

She casually picked up a topic, and broke the slightly awkward quiet atmosphere: “What was your high school like? Is it the same as in American dramas and TV shows? Every now and then, will the school girl’s social software really attract the attention of the whole school?”

The topic attracted Wei Zongying’s attention.

“It’s not that exaggerated.” Wei Congying followed her topic, “But it’s true that the main starting captains of the cheerleaders and the school’s various sports teams are a bit of a celebrity. What about domestic?”

Shi Yun thought for a while: “The man of the hour is probably the winner of various competitions and the top ten in the bulletin board grade.”

Wei Congying thought that at her age, she was about to enter the second year of graduate school. It should be because of her good grades, so she skipped a grade, and asked, “For example, you?”

Shi Yun was not self-effacing: “It’s quite popular.”

Wei Congying: “So popular, what kind of boyfriend did you find at that time?”

Shi Yun: “Curious?”

He is a gentleman, but his words are ambiguous: “Better than me, I will work harder.”

Shi Yun asked back, “How would you be without you?”

The waiter outside knocked on the sliding door of the box, and the knock interrupted the conversation between the two people in the box. The waiter brought up the dishes on the tray one by one and introduced the names of the dishes one by one.

The ingredients are all fresh, and the shrimp and fish melt in your mouth.

Because he needed to drive, only Shi Yun himself drank a little soju.

Japanese-style shochu is easier to drink than she imagined.

Spicy throat.

Although not drunk, people are slightly dizzy while maintaining normal cognition.

Wei Congying took the wine glass, smelled it and returned it to Shi Yun: “Drink less.”

A small pot.

When I first entered the mouth, I was not used to drinking it, but in the end, there was not a drop of wine left.

Before the meal was almost finished, Wei Congying left. Shi Yun got up to pay the bill in a daze, but at the front desk, he saw Wei Congying who had just paid. He crumpled up the receipt and was about to throw it away. When he entered the trash can next to the front desk, he saw Shi Yun walking over.

The waiter was carrying a huge sashimi platter, passing by and avoiding her: “Be careful.”

Shi Yun stood by the side without moving, watching the waiter walk away with the tray carefully. When he turned his head and looked at the front desk of the cashier and checkout, Wei Cong should have already walked beside her.

Wei Congying saw her slightly flushed cheeks, and his eyes were a little blurred because of the alcohol.

Before he could speak, the hand hanging by his side was pulled by the wrist.

Wei Cong should see her pull up his two hands, she looked down at his palm, and found that there was nothing in the palm, then raised her head suddenly, with a slightly angry expression, and stared at him: “Where is □□?”

“I lost it.” Wei Zongying threw it into the trash can at the front desk, and asked her, “Have you eaten yet?”

Wei Congying took her to the box, and after returning to the box, it was the first time he saw someone angry because of saving money. She said that she had agreed on the phone that she should treat her, and asked him to give it to him.

He also turned out the pockets of his trousers: “Look, it’s really lost.”

“Wei Congying.”

“Huh?” Wei Cong should hear the sound and look at the man with a serious expression.

For a moment, it seemed that the person in front of him lost his alcohol.

Shi Yun: “Do you spend so much money chasing girls?”

Wei Congying asked back, “Aren’t you happy?”

Shi Yun didn’t answer.

Are you moved?

Shi Yun didn’t have many such emotions. Perhaps the biggest difference between her and those “Shan Ruzods” was that she just liked Wei Congying’s face that resembled someone else.

The love that should have been moved has now turned into guilt.

They left the grocery store.

The hot summer keeps the heat wave during the day until night, it is already the summer vacation in July, and there are many students in the shopping mall. The night breeze was completely blocked by the towering buildings in front of it, and the air conditioners in the shopping mall were separated by plastic curtains.

The sweltering summer night made Shi Yun even more uncomfortable after drinking some wine.

The newly built musical fountain in the fountain square in front of the shopping mall can attract many people to take pictures and check in. Wei Zong should see that her expression is not very good, and he looks around and sees a milk tea shop: “I’ll buy you a cup of watermelon juice.”

Wei Congying walked through the crowd, and her figure disappeared into Shi Yun’s sight. She was standing in a not-so-good view of the fountain show, and the background music of the fountain show was ‘Beethoven’s5Secrets’.

Every time I listen to the melody, it makes people feel that closing their eyes is the brilliance of life and the vitality of spring.

Shi Yun stood there for a while, then walked towards the direction Wei Cong should leave.

At the entrance of the milk tea shop in line, Shi Yun recognized him at a glance. He has a tall figure, and the ordinary short-sleeved overalls are also eye-catching on him.

He doesn’t seem to like standing very close to other people. When someone gets closer, he moves away.

Shi Yun didn’t approach him, his background was a milk tea shop with exceptionally bright light, facing the light and focusing his eyes on him, the background became blurred.

That figure overlapped with the one in his memory, until he turned around, his facial features were also very similar.

The wine in her body was intertwined with her sorrow and joy, and she looked at Wei Congying.

He bought a cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, but he crumpled up the receipt and threw it away.

Wei Congying walked over with the drink in his hand, he saw Shi Yun’s eyes, and also saw the surging emotions in her eyes.

That emotion is infinitely close to love.

There was a lot of ice in the freshly squeezed watermelon juice, and before handing the cup to her, Wei Congying deliberately pressed her cheek against her cheek: “Is it ice?”

Shi Yun raised his hand to take the watermelon juice, and poked the straw in: “Childish.”

The two walked slowly towards the parking place, the musical fountain behind them revived, and the background music also played, it was still ‘Beethoven’s5Secrets’.

Wei Congying heard the sound of the fountain show and looked back. When he turned his head, he almost bumped into someone passing by. He sideways avoided the person, but his arm touched Shi Yun on the other side.

She thought he was busy and looked up at him.

Wei Congying said it was all right, but when he saw Shi Yun’s eyes again, he saw her slightly drunken look, and thought of the first time he saw her, she also had that kind of gaze that can be defined as “affectionate” look at him.

He was actually a little curious that Shi Yun liked him.

As the car slowly approached, Wei Congying thought of the topic that was interrupted in the Japanese grocery store: “You haven’t said yet, what kind of person is your ex-boyfriend?”

There was some pulp left in the freshly squeezed juice, Shi Yun looked at him, and answered the wrong question: “Wei Zongying.”

Wei Cong responded, “What’s wrong?”

Shi Yun: “They said that if a man and a woman have eaten together several times and still haven’t been together, it means that they are out of action.”

After listening, Wei Congying thought about the number of times they had dinner together. He didn’t speak immediately, and thought for a while whether now is the best time to pierce this layer of window paper.

While thinking, he saw the love in Shi Yun’s eyes.

Very firm and undisguised, Wei Congying was slightly taken aback.

A few seconds later, he smiled: “Then let’s try?”

The author has something to say:

See, I said soon together. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-1120:43:54~2022-05-1217:47:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: It’s Yu, not Yu! , Ajiu, solar maintenance, old times 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of dety; 9 bottles of wind; 6 bottles of tuiioo; 2 bottles of half my heartbeat; 1 bottle of 57761750, old white rabbit, YVONNE, Nai Zhuchen, serial really hurt my heart;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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