It’s Colder Today

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

When Wei Congying woke up, he still had a sense of being “out of it”. He has no memory of coming to the hospital by himself, not even the memory before the crash.

Consciousness gradually gathered, Wei Zongying found that he could not feel the existence of hands and feet, and a bad thought came to his mind.

If he is going to die, he won’t amputate, right?

Lifting his head with great effort, he saw his legs being hoisted up, and the stone in his heart slowly fell down.

The painkiller was still working, and he closed his eyes again, the pain in his head made him very uncomfortable.

Surrounded by an unfamiliar environment, he could smell the unpleasant smell of disinfectant from the tip of his nose, and the white sheet covered his chin.

He looked around, but there was no one. Only the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

After a while, Lin Fang came out of the bathroom with a white face towel.

Looking at each other, he was startled.

Even a little excited: “Wow, are you awake?”

Lin Fang threw the towel on the chair casually, and then leaned over: “Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Wei Congying was also a little confused, why did he come?

Have you returned to the capital?

But thinking that he was injured like this, he must still be in the suburbs of Beijing. The only possibility is that he rushed over from the capital.

How much is still moved in my heart.

He shook his head.

In order to hear his voice clearly, Lin Fang moved closer to him: “Then do you have a dry mouth? The doctor said that you cannot drink or eat within 24 hours. If your mouth is dry, I will use a cotton swab to dip you in some water.” Paint your lips?”

“Just one.” Wei Zong breathed in response to the screen master, “Your mouth smells like green tea, it’s so bad.”

“Damn it.” Lin Fang thought it was something, took a step back and stood up, “This is the toothpaste in the supermarket in the **** hospital.”

Wei Zong responded, and his mind gradually became clear.

He kind of recalled the scene when he crashed the car. At that time, Huang Mao was approaching, and he didn’t have time to slow down. After being hit by Huang Mao, he fell off.

The car behind couldn’t dodge, and then ran over his left arm and leg, and finally the car was still on top of him.

He was a little worried, and he lifted the quilt with his right hand, and saw that the arm was still there, as long as there were no missing arms or legs, everything else was trivial.

Lin Fang was a little annoyed when he saw his little action: “You also know that you may lose your limbs, right? Do you know how dangerous it is?”

“So?” Wei Zongying asked back, of course he knew how dangerous it was.

But there are always people who know the danger and still do it. He doesn’t like others to call it ‘death’.

There are always people who want to prove to God the unyielding soul and passion of human beings, just like the Olympic torch is ignited, to prove the limits of human beings to the gods of the ten directions and the gods of the West.

Of course, he also understands that God doesn’t care about human beings.

Participating in a certain extreme sport by yourself may not be able to speed up the process of human history, or have any impact on human civilization.

Talking about finding courage and challenging the limit. It’s just words from the mouths of people who haven’t died.

Putting aside the literati, Wei Cong should think that the most fundamental reason why he likes racing is just because of the happiness that racing brings him.

It’s as simple as that, nothing supernatural or soul chasing, nothing.

But if you ask all extreme sports enthusiasts, you will get another answer, that is, the changes this sport has brought to you.

Or brave, or fearless, or persistent…

Sachiko Abe uses paper-cut performance art to obtain peace, and he also likes the joyful feeling that racing brings to him.

“You’re **** stupid.” After Lin Fang tucked his quilt up, he looked at the hanging salt water. The big bag of salt water was only replaced half an hour ago.

Before Wei Congying could refute him with “You are **** stupid”, the cell phone in Lin Fang’s pocket rang.

After looking at the call note, Lin Fang didn’t answer the call immediately, but told Wei Zongying that he would answer the call and be right back.

Lin Fang’s phone call ended quickly, and Wei Zongying didn’t ask who he was calling.

It may be a certain girlfriend, and this girlfriend can be preceded by many tenses, such as past tense, future tense, and ongoing tense.

Or maybe Lin Fang’s father.

Anyway, there are always people who care about Lin Fang, not like him.

Lying on a hospital bed in the outskirts of Beijing right now, except for Jiang Xuyang, few people would know that he was injured like this.

The girlfriend who hasn’t replied to his message for several days probably doesn’t know.

Wei Congying didn’t ask Lin Fang about Shi Yun. In the previous phone call, she said that the two of them would have a good chat after he finished the game. Wei Congying had already equated this sentence with breaking up.

Lin Fang and Zhang Guangwei have been with him for the past few days, Jiang Xuyang originally wanted to come but Wei Zongying persuaded him to go back.

At this time, be careful to keep a low profile, otherwise Wei Zongying will go back to this matter, and it is estimated that they will also be imprisoned, and personal freedom will be restricted at that time, and it will not be worthwhile.

Wei Congying also learned from Zhang Guangwei that Cheng Ge hurried back to his hometown on the afternoon of the day he crashed, saying that something happened at home.

But Zhang Guangwei felt that it was not easy: “Could it be an excuse? Should I go back and pack my things and go directly to Mu Kai?”

Wei Congying listened to Zhang Guangwei’s conjecture, but didn’t make a sound. He was able to eat these days.

The food in the hospital is horribly bland, and he eats all kinds of bone soup every day.

He drank so much that he was about to throw up.

Lin Fang and Zhang Guangwei stayed with him during the day and at night, and each was more verbose than the other.

At least the two of them could still rest their mouths for twelve hours, but Wei Zongying’s ears were tortured all day long, and finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he stuffed an apple into the mouth of each of them.

Wei Congying: “I have already injured my legs and arms. I don’t want to transfer from the orthopedics department to the ENT department. Can you say a few words less?”

Wei Zongying’s transfer procedure was very successful.

He didn’t ask which hospital he was going to transfer to, but when he arrived, he found out that it was the hospital where Shi Yun was intern.

The day he returned to the capital happened to catch up with the change of sky in the capital. The rainy season suddenly ushered in after several sunny days in a row.

This Qingming rainy season came very early.

The dead leaves of the camphor tree are hung down by the wind and rain, and the branches will sprout new buds after the rainy season.

Wei Congying can’t move his left side, and it’s not convenient to play with his mobile phone with the drip on his right hand. A television program is like a menu at a bad restaurant, with nothing to choose from.

He watched the boring TV series, and finally comforted himself, it would be better to watch TV series than to stare blankly at the ceiling.

But the exasperating plot design in the TV series told him that he might as well look at the ceiling. In the end, he simply looked at the infusion tube next to him, and he found that there were only forty drops in one minute.

After confirming twice, the data obtained are close. It seems that the data of forty drops is very authentic.

Only then did he realize that he was really bored.

Lin Fang said that he didn’t know where he went when he went out, and when he was thinking about him, Wei Congying heard Lin Fang’s voice: “This way.”

It’s like a tour guide showing the way.

Wei Congying looked towards the door, he was not the only one.

A figure showed a little behind Lin Fang, but Wei Congying knew who that person was just by that little bit.

She didn’t wear a white coat, but plain clothes. She glanced at the people on the hospital bed, but said nothing.

The ward was occupied by silence for a moment, Lin Fang looked at Shi Yun and then glanced at Wei Congying who was on the hospital bed, and now retreated with insight.

Shi Yun walked to the end of the hospital bed and looked at the person lying there. His face was slightly bruised, and his left arm and leg were wrapped in plaster and gauze.

She found the film from under the mattress. The light outside the window was not good, so she looked at the light in the ward.

It is clear at a glance.

After putting down the film, she picked up the medical records at the end of the bed.

Wei Congying lay on the bed, saw her serious appearance, looked away, and looked at the ceiling.

The body hurts, and the scar starts to itch, which is very uncomfortable.

But he wanted to laugh, and a little bit to cry.

When her eyes moved to Shi Yun again, she put all the medical records and films back in place. It was Wei Zongying who spoke first: “What did Doctor Shi say?”

There was a hint of a smile in his voice.

Shi Yun walked over, looked condescendingly at the person on the bed, raised his hand, touched the bruise on his face with his fingertips, and poked hard.

The exquisite facial features were immediately infected with pain: “Hiss—pain.”

“It deserves it.” Shi Yun stopped.

“We haven’t seen each other for so long, do you want to be cruel when we meet?” Wei Congying wanted to raise his hand, but found that she was standing on his left, and he couldn’t raise his left hand. He didn’t care that his right hand was hanging water, so he raised his hand to signal Shi Yun to hold his hand , “I really don’t miss me at all.”

Shi Yun didn’t answer, looking at his raised hand. She withdrew her finger against Wei Zongying’s cheek, and gently grabbed the first knuckle of his right hand: “Lie down properly.”

Wei Congying lay down and looked at her.

Looking into Shi Yun’s beautiful eyes, he saw the love in those eyes that he hadn’t seen for a long time, and the love was filled with fear and distress.

Wei Congying held her hand a little tighter: “I’m still alive, right?”

Shi Yun didn’t answer, she was in a complicated mood. But he seems to be a natural optimist who is not afraid of death, he can joke: “From this angle, you look exactly the same as when the girl looked at you.”

When Shi Yun raised his hand to hit him, he laughed too.

He was not angry when he heard her scold “rogue”.

Shi Yun had something she was busy with. Originally, Wei Congying thought she was busy with things in the hospital. He knew that she was actually going to visit her friends on the third floor because one day when she came over it happened to be lunch time.

Wei Congying asked her if she wanted to eat something together, and she said that she had eaten with her friends.

Hearing Shi Yun talk about friends, Wei Congying suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to know any of Shi Yun’s friends, neither her roommate nor her childhood friend.

I haven’t heard her say which friend she had a good time with.

So Wei Congying was a little curious about her friend on the third floor, and asked casually, “What’s wrong with your friend?”

Shi Yun was peeling an apple for him at the time, sitting next to the trash can with his back facing him, lowering his head and carefully peeling the apple: “It’s congenital, you won’t understand even if you tell me.”

This sentence did not dispel Wei Cong’s curiosity about the person on the third floor, because every time Shi Yun came to the inpatient department for a break, he would definitely go to see that person first.

Zhuohui seems to be like the weather in the capital.

A few days ago, I saw that his condition had improved a lot, but as the sunny day before the rainy season ended, he also looked like a gray sky without light.

He was not able to wake up very much at first, when Shi Yun was holding a bouquet of golden rhododendrons to the door of the ward, the doctor happened to come out from inside, she did not approach with the flowers in her arms, and could only see Zhuo’s mother covering her face after a few words Crashed look.

It was fine when I left yesterday. I don’t know why the hydrangea has withered a lot overnight.

She replaced the hydrangea in the vase, stood by the bed and looked at the person whose body was full of pipes.

Zhuo’s mother took her son’s hand and kept crying. Before Shi Yun left, Zhuo Hui woke up, his mouth moved under the oxygen mask, calling for his mother.

His weak voice was softer than the moaning of mosquitoes, and tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. He said he didn’t want to die.

Zhuo’s mother wiped her tears and told him choked with sobs: “I won’t die, I won’t die…”

Shi Yun didn’t know when she had left the ward. She suddenly thought of how she felt when she received the bad news a few years ago, and she also thought of the picture of herself sitting on the side of the road watching her mother and car fall into flames.

The helplessness at the end of her life made her tremble all over.

Jiang Xuyang was finally free these days. When he arrived at the hospital, he saw the plaster cast on Wei Zongying’s leg that had not been removed, and raised his hand to tap on it.

People are very hurt: “How long will you last as a mummy?”

“The steel bars have been broken for a hundred days, and it feels like they won’t be able to be removed in three months.” Wei Congying saw him knocking on the plaster, without any weight in his hand, and reminded him, “Be careful with your hands.”

When Jiang Xuyang came, he did not come empty-handed, he and Lin Fang brought in barbecue and beer. The two lifted the board of the table at the end of the bed that Wei Zong should receive, without any fear of being punished by heaven.

Lin Fang set up the barbecue and beer, and scanned the ward: “Where’s Shi Yun?”

“Third floor.” Wei Congying has been eating hospital food for the past few days, and the hospital food is mainly light. Now watching the barbecue, saliva is already secreting. Are you going to make it up?”

The two of them stayed for a long time, and they didn’t leave until Shi Yun came to the ward. When they met at the door of the ward, Jiang Xuyang greeted her, but Shi Yun didn’t respond.

It looks wrong.

Lin Fang also noticed it, tugged at Jiang Xuyang’s sleeve, and told him in a low voice: “We won’t interfere with the affairs of the young lovers, let’s go.”

The windows of the ward are open for ventilation, and the smell of barbecue is a bit strong.

Wei Congying thought she was only coming to see him today, but this time she came a long time later than before.

Seeing that she was a little out of control, Wei Zongying called her.

She didn’t respond, she just walked over and closed the window that was almost ventilated.

The lights in the room printed her figure on the window, and it was dark outside the window. The lamps printed on the glass pretend to be the moon and stars in the night sky.

Shi Yun stood in front of the window, the window was closed, and her back was still facing him: “Wei Zongying.”

The tone of calling his name was soft and weak.

Wei Congying noticed something strange: “What’s wrong?”

“Can you give up racing?” she asked.

The tone is clear and cold.

Wei Congying looked at her back, but he didn’t expect the same question, and his answer remained the same: “No.”

After he finished answering, there was no other sound in the ward.

With her back still facing the person on the hospital bed, Wei Congying heard the sound of deep breathing, and then she turned around, as if nothing had happened.

She raised her hand to pin the hair on the side of her face behind her ears, and her expression returned to her normal look. Originally Wei Zongying wanted to say something, but when he saw Shi Yun’s changed appearance, he was instantly dumbfounded.

At that moment, she seemed to be the most perfect Scheherazade in his mind.

Yes, he doesn’t want those people who always want him to change, he just likes Shi Yun, who only needs to love him.

From that day on, Shi Yun began to take care of Wei Congying. She also seems to have forgotten to talk about it when she originally agreed to meet in March.

She was busy with her own affairs, and spent the rest of the time with him in the hospital, taking care of him, and the signal of breaking up had completely disappeared.

When he said that he was not used to the hospital food, she went out for a trip, and brought back a nutritious meal when he came back.

Much better than the ones in the hospital.

She also took over the job of feeding.

Even Lin Fang praised her, and she didn’t know when she became the standard of a model girlfriend.

Lin Fang came to see him the next day. It happened that Shi Yun was too tired from work and fell asleep lying on the bed. Lin Fang lowered his voice, a little old-fashioned: “She’s a pretty girl, take care of her.”

Shi Yun sleeps on that small folding bed every day, going to bed later than him and waking up earlier than him. She conscientiously followed all the doctor’s orders and took care of Wei Congying carefully.

When she had nothing to do during the day, she would sit beside her and put the computer on the bedside table to write articles.

Wei Congying stopped watching TV, and lay on the bed watching Shi Yun working hard.

The sound of keyboard tapping was crisp, and she looked serious and focused.

He is a troublemaker, Shi Yun wrote a few lines and felt a hand on his back.

His right hand was not hanging the water, so he used his right hand to toss Shi Yun. Caressing her spine, patted her back with the palm: “Straighten your back, be careful of hunchback.”

Shi Yun was stuck at the beginning, stuck in the bottleneck period, he shot himself: “Since when did you become a father and boyfriend?”

Wei Congying saw that she hadn’t withdrawn her hand after sitting upright: “I’m not.”

Shi Yun, my typing hand stopped, and I squinted.

In Shi Yun’s sight, he smiled: “I’m a practical man, a capable boyfriend.”

Listening to the words practical and capable, Shi Yun felt that he had distorted the meaning by 200%.

Calling him a hooligan, he did not admit it this time, and used Lu Xun’s white arm to quote scriptures.

Focusing on her studies, Wei Zongying didn’t bother her anymore, she wrote the article quietly, Wei Zongying just looked at her without saying a word.

She tied her hair casually, and the hair on her body suddenly had a natural intimacy because of the hairstyle and the casual dress of the knitted sweater.

Wei Congying suddenly missed her embrace a little bit, and at this moment he also wanted to be like Shi Yun who wanted him to hug him every time afterwards, he wanted to be hugged by her for a while.

His hand started to move again, and his fingers poked Shi Yun’s arm. The person who wrote the paper didn’t look at him, and his typing hands didn’t stop: “What’s wrong?”


Although he said so, Shi Yun didn’t believe it. With her fingertips resting on the keyboard, the cursor was still blinking behind the last word.

After getting along these few days, Wei Zongying also knew that her internship was not going well. But she didn’t confide in him, she just vaguely knew that she had a knot in her heart.

Shi Yun didn’t want to say more, but asked him instead: “Does your family know that you are like this?”

At least during the period since Shi Yun came here, the people who called him every day were either those friends or Zhang Guangwei, and no one else.

Even if they didn’t know that he was hospitalized, the family didn’t even care about him on a daily basis.

Wei Congying didn’t hide it from her: “I blocked them all.”

He didn’t want to get calls from those people at all.

Wei Cong should be able to feel that Shi Yun is actually very tired. Internship in the hospital and writing articles, being scolded during the internship, and rejected for the article, these things have consumed most of her energy.

One day she had just finished taking a shower in the bathroom of the ward when she received a call from the emergency department.

A bus carrying forty people overturned nearby.

All the people in the hospital who could be summoned back were summoned, and Shi Yun rushed to the emergency room immediately. However, what greeted her was a wounded patient whose chest was pierced by the metal fixing bracket of the seat, wearing metal steel bars that seemed to grow out of the flesh. She beat several residents, but she almost screwed up.

The instructor scolded her when she learned about it, and told her that she might as well stop being a doctor if she continued to do this.

Shi Yun didn’t know what to say other than to apologize, she almost caused a medical accident at that time. He clapped his hands limply and looked at the patient in front of him, but the scene of his previous car accident was playing in his mind.

The next day, she secretly went to the intensive care unit to see the patient. Unfortunately, that afternoon, Shi Yun faced the death of a patient for the first time as a doctor.

A senior sister came to comfort her and told her to get used to this feeling.

Wei Congying was already asleep when she returned to the ward, and her computer was still on the bedside table, and the screen was off.

After pressing the button casually, the screen lit up, and it was the returned article that she had revised.

Wei Congying recovered well under Shi Yun’s care, and the rest needed to go home to recuperate, and then go to the hospital for regular physical examinations.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Wei Congying sat by the bedside, looking at Shi Yun who helped him pack his things, he couldn’t help much. Shi Yun suggested that he’d better find a nurse, after all, she can’t stay by his side 24 hours a day.

She said that the nurse had to be professional, the one who could help take care of him for scientific rehabilitation, so the job of selecting the nurse was handed over to Shi Yun.

The weather in the capital started to get hotter day by day, Wei Zongying gave Shi Yun his car keys, making it easier for her to come and spend the night after commuting and going to the laboratory.

Shi Yun shied away at first, but after his attitude became tough, Shi Yun still took the car keys.

The nurse was in charge of Wei Zongying’s three meals a day, and sometimes Wei Zongying would remind the nurse to make an extra serving and put it in the refrigerator so that Shi Yun could eat it when he came back at night.

The nurses are good, but their mouths are broken.

Like Lin Fang, he is a talkative person. He likes to chat and always asks Wei Congying some privacy-related questions.

Shi Yun set up a memo on the phone, which recorded the date when Wei Cong should return to the hospital for reexamination.

She was going to the clinic that day, so she asked the nurse to take Wei Congying to the hospital.

After the eighth week of reexamination, the doctor said that Wei Congying was recovering well. After Shi Yun finished her work, she found the nurse and Wei Congying waiting for her in the small garden behind the inpatient department.

Wei Congying didn’t look very well.

Shi Yun asked him what’s wrong, but he didn’t say anything. I asked the nurse again, thinking that there was something wrong with his body.

As a result, the nurse told him that he ran into a neighbor in a building when he took the elevator downstairs today.

What the neighbor said made Wei Congying unhappy.

The aunt expressed deep regret for a handsome young man who was disabled. When Wei Congying told her that he was just in a car accident, Auntie didn’t say anything.

The nurses couldn’t drive, so they took an online car-hailing service to the hospital. The nurse moved the wheelchair down the steps, and he walked to the car on crutches.

At the gate of the community, I ran into the aunt in the elevator again. The aunt saw Wei Congying who was on crutches. Her explanation in the elevator just now seemed to be just a decoration, and the aunt said over there again: “Hey, he is a lame.”

Listening to the nurse’s report, Shi Yun smiled unconscionably.

The face of the person in the wheelchair became even darker: “Go home.”

The capital has already entered the middle of May, and the weather of more than 20 degrees, the temperature and the warm wind make people feel very comfortable.

Seeing that the weather is fine today, she asked Wei Cong if he should go to bask in the sun.

Wei Congying doesn’t like going out very much, he doesn’t like sitting in a wheelchair, and he doesn’t like being looked at by others.

Especially last time when he went for a review in a wheelchair, he met an aunt who asked questions in the elevator.

Shi Yun stood on the balcony, opened the window of the balcony, and felt the wind on the eleventh floor: “Aren’t you going? The weather is really nice.”

He refuses.

Shi Yun closed the screen window: “Then I will go by myself.”

“It’s rare for you to rest, why can’t you sit on the sofa and accompany me?” Wei Congying patted the empty sofa seat next to him.

On the sofa was Shi Yun’s anthology of poems that Shi Yun had taken but hadn’t finished reading. She walked over, didn’t sit down, but took away those books, and then put them back on the bookshelf.

“I want to go down for a walk.” After Shi Yun put the book away, he still didn’t go to the sofa.

In the end, Wei Congying still refused to go downstairs.

The camphor tree grew new leaves, and when Shi Yun passed by the green belt, he saw the four-leaf clover inside.

He stopped, bent down and looked at it for a while, reached out and fiddled with it, and saw several four-leaf clover.

She took them all off.

I picked a lot, and I was sweating from the heat.

She stayed downstairs for more than half an hour, and returned with a large handful of clover.

Wei Congying was no longer on the sofa, and he didn’t know how he moved back into the bedroom.

The nurse was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Shi Yun opened the bedroom door and saw the person lying on the bed, and showed him the four-leaf clover in his hand as if offering a treasure.

“Sent you off, Clover, lucky.”

Wei Congying leaned on the head of the bed, raised his hand to pick up a four-leaf clover from Shi Yun’s hand, pinched the stem with his fingers, crushed it with his fingertips, and the leaves of the four-leaf clover turned.

He chuckled: “Did you find a lot of four-leaf clover in that clump when you were picking it?”

Shi Yun nodded.

Wei Congying casually threw the four-leaf clover on the bedside table, but he didn’t notice that there was an ashtray over there, and the four-leaf clover had already been thrown into it: “Silly, this is Tian Ziping, all Tian Zipings have four leaves .You can see thin veins and V-shaped lines on each leaf of the lucky four-leaf clover.”

“Really?” Shi Yun looked at the fake four-leaf clover in the ashtray for a long time.

Wei Zongying was a little puzzled by his concentrated and dazed expression.

Wei Congying realized that it was more or less her intention, and when he was about to explain, she saw that she threw all the Tian Ziping in her palm into the trash can: “I made a mistake.”

Everything is wrong.

The author has something to say:

Okay, now it’s broken

Tomorrow is the plot of the breakup.

Then I will give you a little spoiler, the two people got back together very quickly after breaking up this time.

Waiting for the second time to be together is the time to fall in love with each other completely, and breaking up at that time is the second half of the introduction and reuniting in the Isle of Man three years later.

Boo boo. Happy Children’s Day, and there will be another update at seven o’clock in the evening. I will try my best to let the parting party get over it as quickly as possible.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-3100:29:15~2022-05-3110:28:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 lovely Lele;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: xxxxlu 18 bottles; Yoyo Luming 12 bottles; YVONNE 11 bottles; 88578448 bottles; 44444, nicole 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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